Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 447 Teacher Mark starts class again (Part 2)

Xie Mi said: "Then what do I want to give you? By the way, I have many food preparation methods, I can teach you!"

Mark shook his head helplessly: "We don't need your rotten food preparation methods. In fact, the ignored ability you just showed can be regarded as reward.

In addition, the way you can enter my dream world to practice can also be counted as a reward.

In addition, there is your almighty purifying power, which can also be counted as reward. "

Xie Mi thought: "But I don't understand these powers myself, so I shouldn't be able to teach you..."

Mark shook his head: "You don't need to teach us, as long as you show those powers and let us feel them."

Xie Mi said in surprise: "Is this okay?"

Mark nodded: "Well, but before that, there is one thing we need to solve first."

"Solve what?"

Mark said: "Your thinking is wrong."

"Misconception? I don't understand..."

Mark said: "I have been listening to the conversation you had with Jirachi just now. You are a timid and kind-hearted little guy. Although you sometimes do some naughty things, you have a bottom line and are not like Guys like Jirachi, Victini, and Mew often do dangerous things."

Following Mark's words, Jirachi immediately quibbled loudly, and then was caught in Mark's hands and rubbed.

Victini nodded repeatedly, showed a happy expression, and even waved a scissor hand towards Mark.

Among the several phantom elves Mark knew, Victini was the most optimistic and cheerful, and had the lowest IQ. When Mark said it was naughty, Victini thought Mark was praising it.

As for Mew, who is not here, if she hears Mark say that, Mew will definitely take revenge on Mark immediately.

Without thinking much, Mark looked at Semi in front of him and said: "Although you took away Yeib's life fruit, you only took away the few that were placed on the ground. The same is true for Jirachi's wishing snacks, except for That bag of potato chips Jirachi gave you behind him, you only eat the crumbs that fall on the ground, or eat the crumbs in the garbage..."

Following Mark's words, Xie Mi looked a little embarrassed and his face turned red with embarrassment.

Mark gently touched Xie Mi's head: "You are very kind and don't like to steal. Because you are worried that the plants will hurt, you will never eat the fresh branches and leaves of the plants. You will not even take the initiative to pick the plants." Fruit, since you came to this world, you have spent most of your time eating rotten things.

In your mind, these things are correct and kind things, but I want to tell you that what you are doing is wrong. "

Xie Mi looked confused: "Isn't this wrong?"

Mark nodded: "First of all, your original intention of eating rotten food is different from that of scavengers and scavenger elves. Those scavengers and scavenger elves have no choice but to rely on scavenging to survive, and you do it because you are kind. , you can’t bear to harm plants and animals, but your kindness is just self-righteous kindness..."

Mark said and looked at Jirachi next to him: "Jirachi, can you wish for a microscope? An ordinary microscope will do, not a good one."

Jirachi clasped his hands together, and with a burst of silver starlight, a microscope fell from the sky.

Mark worked quickly and found some soil nearby, then sifted out a small amount of the soil, put it on the clip and looked at it through a microscope.

Mark explained while debugging the operation: "Although the dream world of cultivation is not reality, it is not very different from reality in terms of details. The same is true for microorganisms. Come and take a look, Xie Mi."

Xie Mi approached the microscope in confusion, and saw many white and transparent bugs appearing in the microscope, with a confused expression.

Mark took the clip off from the microscope: "Semy, what you just saw are the microorganisms living in the soil. You think you won't harm anything by eating rotten things, but what you eat, It actually contains a lot of tiny microorganisms.”

Following Mark's words, Semi's body continued to tremble.

Mark's explanation made the little guy Xie Mi feel as if his world was collapsing. He couldn't even remember how much dirt, dead branches and leaves he had eaten over the years. So how many tiny little things had he eaten? Insects!

Mark said: "In addition to this, there is also the fact that you never pick the fruits of the trees. You are worried that if you pick the fruits of the trees, the trees will hurt. Do you think this is good for the trees, is that right?"

Semi nodded slightly.

Mark said: "Wrong, the reason why trees produce delicious and juicy fruits is, on the one hand, to allow these fruits to moisten the land, and on the other hand, to attract animals to pick them, so that their seeds can travel to farther places. It thrives there.

In contrast, if you chew up some rotten fruits and eat them together with the kernels, you will kill the future of the plants, and the seeds of those plants will no longer have the possibility to germinate. "

As Mark spoke, he picked up a pen and paper to draw, making it easier for Semi to understand.

Xie Mi had a good IQ and quickly understood Mark's words, and his body began to tremble further.

Mark said: "After listening to these words of mine, do you now think that you have done something wrong in the past?"

Semi nodded.

Mark touched Xie Mi’s head again: “I just want to tell you that what you do does not mean that you are kind, but it does not mean that you did something wrong. The fruits of plants and those microorganisms are all just part of the natural cycle of the forest. There is actually no distinction between good and evil in this.

In fact, you don't have to live so hard. For example, if you want to eat the fruits of trees, you can just pick them and eat them. There is no need to wait for them to fall and rot.

What you lack is mainly a lack of knowledge. Although you are a grass-based fantasy elf, your understanding of forests and nature is obviously insufficient.

In this way, since I am practicing in the dream world, I will take this opportunity to briefly explain it to you..."

Mark said, calling Jirachi and Victini over to sit down, and also called Mewtwo, Green Caterpillar and other elves over. Since we want to explain the forest and nature, we should explain it to all the elves together. .

In this way, Mark in the dream world of cultivation continued to explain for more than ten days.

From the origin of life in this world, the proliferation of species and the evolution of forests, to the emergence of the chaotic elves tens of thousands of years ago, elves came to this world.

Food chain, ecosphere, material cycle, climate evolution, the will and context of the forest...

Mark told the elves what a forest is and what nature is in both macro and micro aspects.

Unfortunately, starting from the next day, whether it was Jirachi in the form of the forest guardian or the grass-based fantasy elf Seamy, the two elves kept dozing off as long as Mark started teaching.

As for the other elves, Victini and Little Zapdo were drowsy from the first day of class. The other elves performed better, but they didn't last long.

After going on for more than ten days, only Chaomeng listened to the end with interest and continued to discuss with Mark... (End of this chapter)

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