Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 560 Golden Celebi, [Super Time and Space Summoning] (Part 1)

Mark's expression attracted the attention of the nearby elves.

"Mark, Mark, what happened to Celebi? Do you think it can win?"


Jirachi and Green Caterpillar, who had a close connection with Mark, were the first to notice Mark's expression and asked questions one after another.

Mark promised Celebi to fight the evil villain alone, and the many elves did not stop him.

Because they know that this evil villain can train and grow Celebi.

However, no elf thought that Celebi could really defeat Bikley of the Rainbow R organization.

Although Celebi has made rapid progress in training recently, there is a clear gap between him and Bickley. This gap cannot be caught up in a short time.

Mark nodded slightly: "Maybe we can win."

As he thought and analyzed, Mark felt more and more that the voice Celebi heard in his mind came from himself.

One of the reasons is Celebi's learning speed.

In the beginning, Celebi's flickering only appeared every few dozen minutes, and could not even be controlled by Celebi. However, after just a few days, Celebi's flickering could be done as he pleased, even in battle. application.

The second reason is that during the flashing process of Celebi, the memory between the flashing gaps will be forgotten.

If Mark's prediction is correct, this should be a protection mechanism used to prevent time paradoxes...

"Mark, can Celebi really win? Jirachi feels that Celebi won't be able to hold on for long..."

"Miyo Miyo~!"


Following Mark's answer, not only Jirachi and the Green Caterpillar, but also other elves came over and expressed their opinions.

Mark pinched his chin lightly: "It should be possible, but it may not be able to think of a way to win just by relying on Celebi himself. I'm thinking whether to let it figure it out on its own, or whether I should remind it."

"Then tell it, wasn't it Mark who trained us all along?"



"Master Hupa was also trained by Mark, jiejiejiejiejie..."

Mark shook his head helplessly, but suddenly figured out something.

"That's right, I'm overthinking it. As you said, there is no difference between relying on it to understand by itself and relying on my reminder to understand, so..."

Mark paused for a moment, looked at Celebi who was knocked away and fell against the wall again and said: "Celebi, do you still remember the voice in your mind, the voice that begged you?"


Celebi was stunned for a moment, then flashed in a hurry, avoiding the pursuit of the other two Celebi.

Celebi stopped fighting back and kept some distance away, dodging while answering.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

Of course it remembers that voice, it can hear that voice all the time now, and the flashing technique it is using now is also used through that voice.

Mark said: "You once asked me what the voice in your head was, but I never gave an answer. In fact, that voice should come from yourself."


boom! !

Celebi was stunned for a moment, and then he was hit hard and smashed into the floor, with smoke and dust everywhere.

Upon seeing this, Jirachi immediately opened the starlight shield and flew over, intending to help Celebi with the treatment, but found that Celebi had already stood up in the smoke.

As a burst of green light appeared on his body, Celebi had healed his injuries.

Mark said: "That sound was made by yourself. To be precise, it was made by you in the past or future. That sound was made by you who made a request to yourself."


Celebi's face was confused, and he dodged attacks in a panic. It didn't understand Mark's words very well.

Mark continued: "So, if you want to defeat him now, use the voice in your head to ask you in the past or future for help... No, it's not possible now with your strength. Don't ask the past. You, just ask your future self to help.”

Asking future me for help?

Celebi was confused. How could he ask his future self for help?

Was that voice in its head really made by itself?

Celebi, who was thinking, obviously moved half a beat slower, and was continuously beaten by the other two Celebi.

But this process only takes a few seconds.

The movements of the other two Celebi slowed down unconsciously.

It wasn't that Celebi adapted to the attack, or thought through Mark's words, but that Bickley slowed down the attack frequency of the two Celebi to avoid injuring Mark's Celebi.

The current battle rhythm is just right. If he injures Mark's Celebi, it would be bad for Mark to send out elves such as Jirachi, Mew, and Mewtwo.

The top priority was to let his body rest as much as possible.

As long as he persists for three more minutes, he can use Celebi controlled by the dark ball again to slow down the flow of time, and then he can escape in the slowed down time.

As for those messy conversations between Mark and Celebi.

It seems that Mark is developing new moves for Celebi and trying to summon Celebi from the future.

To be honest, Bickley admired Mark's imagination.

Under the training of Mark in the OTZ404 parallel time and space, Celebi will definitely become very strong in the future.

By that time, there is a high probability that the future Celebi will defeat him easily.


First of all, Celebi hasn't learned the summoning technique yet.

Secondly, even if Celebi learns the summoning technique and summons Celebi from the future, he will not be able to break through the time barrier in front of him in a short period of time.

After all, there were nearly thirty Celebi controlled by dark balls around him.

Not only that, there were twenty other Celebi in the Poké Ball capsule on his waist.

Yes, he had a total of forty-seven Celebis.

Boss Flaming of the Rainbow R organization just thought that he accidentally killed three Mi Yang, but in fact, in some unrecorded parallel time and space, the Mi Yang who died tragically in his hands was almost a hundred years younger.

Bickley was confident he could survive the three minutes.

No, it's not three minutes now.

As long as he lasts about 2 minutes and 30 seconds, his body will be able to withstand the load of slowing down time.

Bickley narrowed his eyes, and several phantom elves near Mark were jumping up and down in celebration.

"Can Celebi summon his future self? Then Jirachi can rest assured. After being trained in actual combat, the future Celebi will definitely be very powerful!"


"Miyo, Miyo?"

Amidst the cheerful voices of the elves, Mark touched the heads of the little guys, shook his head slightly and said: "Celebi will indeed summon his future self, but it may not be the same as you think..."

1 minute and 50 seconds.

Feeling his body's continuous recovery, a faint smile appeared on Bickley's lips.

His body recovered well, and he seemed to have discovered a weakness of Mark, which was that Mark was somewhat arrogant and self-righteous.

If he were to switch positions with Mark, he would definitely pursue him fiercely and not give himself any chance.

However, why did Mark tell Jirachi that Celebi’s summons to his future self was different from what he imagined?

Never had any doubts.

1 minute and 30 seconds, only the last minute and a half left, it can escape... (End of this chapter)

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