Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 168 Before Parting

Xia Chen looked at her with a smile, "Okay, I was the one who chose to come to Carlos, or even to the Forest of Illusions, and who would have known that Yveltal would chase us because of this thing, so don't blame yourself too much, on the contrary It must have been difficult for you to fight it alone for ten minutes because I haven't been able to help you?"

Xian Bu shook his head, saying that it was nothing.

But in fact, in those ten minutes, every time I endured the severe pain that my body was about to be torn apart to release moves and dodge attacks, it was 10,000 times stronger than bone-biting heart.

Fortunately, everything is over, and Xianbu feels that enduring such pain is not a bad thing at all.

To paraphrase what Xia Chen often said, what doesn't knock you down will make you stronger.

After those ten minutes of hellish torment and pain, in terms of willpower and endurance, Xianbu felt that he should have no opponent.

Xia Chen knew that the process would definitely not be as simple as Ibrahimovic's understatement, he rubbed Xianbu's head distressedly, and said softly: "Let's leave this matter open, but there is one thing, if you still find antlers in the future You must tell me about this kind of thing.”

"Bu Yi!" Xian Bu nodded heavily.


Now that Xianbu has awakened, Xia Chen has no reason to stay in the Forest of Illusion any longer.

Early the next morning, Xia Chen and Kaluni set off for Baike City on the two flying elves they had just caught in the morning.

The return journey was uneventful, and Yveltal was not seen coming out to act as a demon.

Speaking of which, since the drone was destroyed last night, no one has seen Yveltal except Xia Chen.

The champion and the Four Heavenly Kings who rushed over searched for a whole night in the Phantom Forest, but there was no result. Maybe they flew to the wider Albilly Mountains.

Naturally, it is impossible for the alliance to get to the bottom of it. After all, it is Yveltal who has shown great destructive power. Even if he finds it, so what, is it possible to subdue it?

So after confirming that it disappeared within the main range of human activities, the alliance announced the end of this incident.

But people in Carlos in the future may have to be prepared to face the god of death at any time.

After Xia Chen learned about this matter, he no longer cared about it, because he had already decided to return to Donghuang.

According to the original plan, after spending four months visiting the eastern part of the Carlos region, the remaining four months will be spent visiting the western part of the coast.

But the existence of Yveltal still dissuaded Xia Chen's plan.

A gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, because he doesn't know the attitude of this first-level god towards him, Xia Chen feels that he can't be offended, can he still hide?

Moreover, although this journey has only lasted for more than four months, too many things have happened, and I am already exhausted physically and mentally.

Having experienced too many exciting things, Xia Chen wanted to take a break.

But just like the famous line, you never know what the next piece of chocolate in your life will taste like.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, Xia Chen's wish for peace was broken again.


"Is there a possibility that Yveltal was woken up by Xia Chen. He deliberately issued an early warning to arouse public opinion. Yveltal's initial target was not Yingxue City, but Xia Chen. Using a series of methods, Xia Chen has turned himself into a tragic hero."

The lingering heat of the incident has not dissipated, but an outrageous conspiracy theory has quietly spread on the Internet.

There are not many people who believe in this conspiracy theory, and the number is probably similar to the number of people who believe in the Flying Spaghetti Cult or the Flat Earth Theory.

And just like the supporters of the flat earth theory, every normal person's doubts about this conspiracy theory can be responded by them with a set of outrageous but self-consistent reasons.

For example, regarding the drone that appeared unintentionally, they interpreted it as an accomplice arranged by Xia Chen in advance.

Moreover, the unknown way to obtain information mentioned in Xia Chen's warning was precisely because Yveltal was woken up by him.

As for why Xia Chen warned in the morning and Yveltal woke up in the afternoon, they could say that this was Xia Chen's plan in advance.

In short, this incident happened in the psychedelic forest, and no outsiders knew about it. It was weird and inexplicably spread such a conspiracy theory.

In a certain hotel room in Baike City, Caluni had an angry expression on her face.

"It's too much! How can they slander you like this!"

Kaluni, who accompanied Xia Chen all the way, was the person who knew the incident best besides Xia Chen herself.

I also know how much Xia Chen and Xianbu paid and sacrificed in exchange for the peace of Yingxue City and even Carlos.

She said in a deep voice: "They must not have thought that I was also a witness to this incident. I want to hold a press conference to clarify!"

Xia Chen himself was not as excited as Kaluni. He was playing a small game of mind control with Kirulian on the bed, and he replied casually: "Don't be so excited, don't you think this is a bit unusual?"

Xia Chen's calmness infected Kaluni, and she gradually calmed down the anger in her heart, thinking about this slightly weird thing.

As a well-known public figure, she is quite aware of the temperament of the people who eat melons. In the current public opinion environment where Xia Chen is almost regarded as a saint of Carlos, such outrageous conspiracy theories can be spread. No one believed it.

But who could have this motive?


Xia Chen also thought about this issue after this incident happened, but no one seemed to have a special motive.

Because where is the advantage of doing so? Disgusting yourself?

Other than that, it seems impossible to conceive of the ill effects it can cause.

After all, this kind of conspiracy theory, people who can believe it will never have a high IQ, and it is absolutely impossible to spread it on a large scale.

But no matter what, it is really not happy to be wronged or even maliciously speculated about doing good deeds.

Wait, why does this sound so familiar?

Xia Chen was stunned suddenly, it seemed that it sounded very similar to someone's life experience.

It's Fradari!

Xia Chen remembered the motive of Fradari's blackening in the game.

According to the self-report in his diary, when he was young, he also traveled with his elves in the Kalos area, reaching out to the suffering people everywhere.

However, those who were helped asked Fradari for more alms instead.

Faced with such people, Fradali began to feel that such stupid people could no longer continue to erode the Kalos area, so he came up with the idea of ​​using the ultimate weapon called "God's Tool" by his ancestors to clean up the Kalos area.

Did he want to assimilate himself through this method and plant a seed of hatred in his heart?

Although his own idea is somewhat "conspiracy theory", Xia Chen still thinks that Fradali is the most likely behind-the-scenes driving force.

The way to verify this conjecture is also very simple, just see if the guy has any follow-up actions.

"Xia Chen, do you need me to help you clarify?"

Kaluni's inquiry interrupted Xia Chen's thinking.

He shook his head, "Forget it, there's no need, no one will change their mind because of this. The masses will only believe what they want to believe. What's more, there are still people who deliberately guide them."

Xia Chen had seen too many such things in his previous life when he entertained to death.

As the famous saying goes, the masses have no real hunger for truth, and they will turn a deaf ear to evidence that does not suit their taste.

After all the parties said so, Karuni had no choice but to give up.


After resting with the elves in Baike City for two days, Xia Chen bid farewell to Caluni and started the farewell tour before leaving Carlos.

In the short term, I probably won't go back to Carlos again, but in this place where too many things have happened, there are always some people who need to say goodbye.

Geng Gui from the abandoned hotel, Ma Xiu from Xiangxun City, and Kerni from Mingshui Town.

A week later, he was back in Miare, where the trip started.

Xia Chen did not forget his part-time job during this trip, and he deliberately "resigned" to Dr. Brattano during this trip.

Inside the Bratano Institute.

Xia Chen said apologetically, "Sorry, doctor, I can't continue traveling in Carlos due to personal reasons, so I'm afraid I can't continue with the matter you entrusted."

But the doctor obviously doesn't care about this anymore, he said excitedly: "It's not important anymore, have you been in contact with those two?"

"Those two" refer to Xerneas and Yveltal, of course.

Sure enough, no scholar could resist the temptation of the legendary elves.

Xia Chen replied: "Yes, it was the mess Xerneas cleaned up in the end, so the theory you put forward at the beginning should be correct, when the breath of life is too strong, the god of death will come out to balance. "

Talking about this, Bratano didn't feel sleepy anymore. He excitedly talked with Xia Chen about the aura, abilities and other messy things from the appearance of the two elves.

If it weren't for the interruption from outsiders, I'm afraid that the doctor, who is very talkative, would drag Xia Chen to talk at night by candlelight.

And the disturbing outsider was none other than Fradali who "coincidentally" came to visit.


Seeing that the other party was also at the Bratano Research Institute, Xia Chen and Bratano, who were like mirrors in their hearts, both showed surprise.

Only the ignorant Bratano foolishly introduced each other, and then the three chatted about the Carlos Trinity.

Although he is the leader of the biggest villain in the Kalos area in the future, it cannot be denied that Fradari is first and foremost a very good elf scholar.

The three of them chatted all afternoon, and before evening, Bratano, who was still full of thoughts, bid farewell to the two of them.

Walking in the garden of the research institute with Fradali, Xia Chen always felt that this guy was about to start acting.

As expected, on the path in the garden, Fradali said, "Don't take those rumors on the Internet to heart."

His tone was soothing, and his loving look seemed to have nothing to do with this matter.

As soon as these words came out, Xia Chen understood that it must be Fradali who spread the rumors.

Xia Chen sneered in his heart, and sighed pretending to be sad, "I can understand the initial doubts. After all, I don't have direct evidence, but the matter is over, and there are still people who say such things, I. Sigh."

The bait has been set, waiting for the big fish to take the bait.

As expected, as soon as Fradali's aura was opened, he immediately turned on the life mentor mode, "Most people in the world are ignorant, and I also experienced this when I visited Carlos when I was young."

Fradali pulled Xia Chen to sit on the grass in the garden and shared his life experience.

Xia Chen nodded to the side very cooperatively. He knew that after so much preparation, the big one is coming.

Finally, Fradali's tone gradually changed from calm to high, "Although I have experienced all this, I have never wavered in my vision of making the world a better place. If one path doesn't work, I choose to try another path."

He turned his head to look at Xia Chen, stretched out his hand, his eyes were full of love for this world, "So, please don't be disappointed in this world, people like us were born to save her."

md, it's on fire!

With an excited expression on his face, Xia Chen held out his hand.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, Fradali smiled. He patted Xia Chen on the shoulder with emotion in his eyes, and then passed a storage ball.

"Take it, it's just an endorsement from a like-minded partner."

Xia Chen also laughed. After acting for so long, the salary finally arrived.

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