Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 197: Give Them A Little Immortal Cloth Shock (6.2k, 4/10)

Chapter 197: Give them a Little Immortal Cloth Shock (6.2k, 410)

Although it has wings, like a legendary elf similar in color to it, the Pincer Mantis cannot fly.

But stronger than the legendary elf, the Giant Pincer Mantis can glide in the air for a long distance by virtue of its strong jumping ability and the thin wings behind it.

Thus, on the battlefield, the flightless Giant Pincer Mantis, like a red meteor, drew an amazing arc in the air and fell towards Menus.

Looking at this astonishingly fast track, Xia Chen couldn't help frowning.

This route, this speed, whether it is a long-range guided high-power move like water cannon, or a range move like surfing, it is difficult to hit the Giant Pincer Mantis.

Now the problem came to Xia Chen. If this elite giant pincer mantis was allowed to get close, Menus would definitely feel extremely uncomfortable.

Although the leading gopher's direct drill failed to defeat Menus just now, that doesn't mean its power is low.

After all, Menus' physical defense is still weak. With his current state, it may not be a big problem to eat this bullet punch.

However, it is difficult for Menus to withstand the subsequent pursuit of the Giant Pincer Mantis.

Want to change elves?

Xia Chen was caught in a dilemma.

It's not that he feels sorry for Die Wu who just finished strengthening, but mainly because if he changes the elf, it must be the fairy Eevee who controls the magic flame.

This was considered to be the best fight against the Giant Pincer Mantis among the remaining elves in Xia Chen's team.

But the rainy day will take a while to end, and the fire-type moves can only deal half of the damage. Now that the fairy cloth is replaced, the threat to the giant pincer mantis is not big enough.

After weighing the pros and cons, Xia Chen decided to take advantage of the bonuses of Rainy Day and Die Wu, and let Menus use the last bit of heat.

"Meinas, use your own body as the center to use the tidal wave!"

The tidal vortex is the same as the flame vortex of the fire system, both are moves that can trap the opponent in water and fire, continuously causing damage and restraint.

Xia Chen's idea is very simple, since it is difficult to lock the Giant Pincer Mantis with his moves, he should set up a grand banquet and let the opponent fall into the trap.

Yang Zengyan is at a disadvantage now, and the giant pincer mantis has almost no means of powerful long-range attacks, so even if he knows that there are many dangers in the tidal vortex, Xia Chen believes that the giant pincer mantis will come in.


Driven by the bullet fist, the red meteor floated down behind Menus along the established trajectory.

The red steel pliers glowing with silvery white luster burst out suddenly, and the fine scales on Menus' body made a harsh friction sound again.

This seemingly ordinary punch actually caused a slight deformation visible to the naked eye on the part of the steel tongs in contact with Menus' body!


The powerful punch made Menus frown, and he groaned in pain. Enduring the pain in his body, he firmly released the tidal wave.

A steady stream of water spewed out from Menus' mouth, forming streams of water under his exquisite control.

The constantly rotating turbulent water flows in a counterclockwise direction, engulfing Menus' body and the surrounding things.

Naturally, it also included the giant pincer mantis that just landed behind Menus.

The tidal vortex has already formed, but Yang Zengyan is fearless, he shouted loudly: "The giant pincer mantis, jump up again, and slash!"


The silver wings flapped, the toes touched the ground, and the giant pincer mantis leaped high again.

The red metal giant pliers glowed with light, but this time it didn't represent the metallic luster of the steel-type moves, but the pale green of the bug-type moves.

Continuous Slash, an insect-type physical move, is also a representative of low-power, short, flat and fast moves.

But it has a feature, if you use this move consecutively against the same opponent, the power of the move will be doubled.

The red steel tongs of the giant pincer mantis opened, like a beast opening its bloody mouth.

Raising the pliers with his hands, the sharp dagger-like teeth of the jaws scraped against Menus' body, causing the latter to let out another cry of pain due to the huge damage.

At the same time, the tide vortex that wrapped the giant pincer mantis in the middle finally caused the first wave of damage.


As the tidal vortex continues to shrink, the turbulent water flow continues to wash away the surface of the giant pincer mantis' body, and the energy of the water system continuously erodes the metal body of the giant pincer mantis.

With the double strengthening of Rainy Sky and Die Wu, the power of the tide whirlpool is not low at all.

If it weren't for the giant pincer mantis already possessing elite-level strength, with its little durability, it would probably be difficult to continue fighting in good condition after completely eating the damage from the tide vortex.

But there is no if in the battle, Xia Chen understands that before the Giant Pincer Mantis falls into the tide vortex, its next combo that doubles the damage will definitely kill Menus.

Looking up at the dark clouds gradually drifting above Menus' head, Xia Chen quietly put two elf balls in his hands.

Yang Zengyan also understood this truth. He pursed his lips tightly and said excitedly: "The giant pincer mantis, continue to chop!"

It is advisable to use the remaining courage to chase the poor bandits.

Now, in Yang Zengyan's eyes, Menus has come to an end.

What the giant pincer mantis has to do is to use the last slash to clear all obstacles in the way for his teammates.

The rotation speed of the tidal vortex is getting faster and faster, and the energy of the water system is also continuously eroding the steel body.

But the giant pincer mantis raised his fists without realizing it, and the light green light on the steel pincers was shining brightly, as if it was issuing the final ultimatum for Menus.

The steel tongs were raised, opened, and swung down.

The proficient action of the giant pincer mantis has been repeated tens of thousands of times in training and battles, and it has almost formed muscle memory.

Within milliseconds, the opened steel tongs slammed into Menus' body.

However, what reverberated in the arena was not the familiar sound of friction between steel and scales, but a crisp sound.


The strange hand feeling made the giant pincer mantis look blankly, but saw that Menus in front of him turned into a red light and returned to the poke ball, dodging the deadly combo that was just a hair's breadth away.

At the critical moment, Xia Chen saved Menus, who was already in a dying state, by changing the field.


Maybe it was infected by Xia Chen, Yang Zengyan felt that his reaction in the battle today was extremely fast.

After realizing that his opponent had already run away, he immediately commanded calmly: "The giant pincer mantis, just dance with the sword!"

At this time, his heart has gradually relaxed.

It doesn't make any difference to Menus if he falls down and loses his fighting ability, or is replaced, as long as he is not on the field.

What's more, Menus was still in such a bad state before returning to the poke ball.

So Xia Chen's change of game seemed to save Menus to the limit, but it was not a loss for Yang Zengyan.

However, the giant pincer mantis has only suffered a little damage from the tidal wave after playing. In this state, whether it is against Shangxianbu or Kirulian, he has the confidence to suppress or even defeat his opponent.

The opponent's strategy has changed, and he certainly cannot remain the same.

Now the goal of the giant pincer mantis is to strengthen the sword dance, and then push the team!

The giant pincer mantis did not fly out of the range of the tide vortex, but directly danced a majestic sword dance in the water.

The reason why he didn't fly out first, but directly danced the sword in the tide vortex.

One is to save time.

The second is that although the tide maelstrom did a lot of damage to the giant pincer mantis, it also became his umbrella, protecting the giant pincer mantis from attacks from the outside world.

For example, the magic flame that the fairy Eevee is likely to hold.

Just as the giant pincer mantis began to dance, Xia Chen flashed a white light at halftime, replacing Menus' back row elf.

As everyone expected, the elf who appeared on the scene was the fairy Eevee.

Looking at the giant pincer mantis dancing with swords in the tide vortex, Xia Chen commanded calmly: "Xianbu, meditate!"

The fiercely rotating water flow is like a shield that isolates the inside and outside, not to mention magical flames, even if a high-speed star breaks through the water flow and hits the giant pincer mantis, the damage will be greatly reduced.

Coupled with the fact that there is still a little time left in the rainy day, the most profitable way for Xia Chen now is undoubtedly to meditate.

You strengthen? Then I will strengthen it too!

Xianbu, who had just appeared on the stage, closed her eyes and focused her attention. The superpowers in her body flowed rapidly, nourishing her two abilities of special attack and special defense.

In this way, the two elves formed a situation of "middle door confrontation".


Although the two spirits were strengthened together, Yang Zengyan did nothing wrong.

The attack power enhanced by Sword Dance can be used perfectly, but the special defense enhanced by meditation is of no help in this battle.

In terms of strengthening efficiency, the Giant Pincer Mantis is twice as fast as the Fairy Eevee, so what should he worry about?

Yang Zengyan squinted at the vortex that was still going on.

In the torrent, the figure stopped dancing. He knew that the strengthening of the sword dance of the Giant Pincer Mantis had been completed!

Then it's next.

Yang Zengyan shouted loudly: "Bullet punch!"

Unknowingly, the rainy day ended, the dark clouds dissipated, and the sun shone on the battlefield again.


Just like the sun piercing through the night, in the turbulent water, the red meteor rushed out suddenly, and the splashing water sparkled in the sun.

And the more dazzling luster is the silvery white light on the fists of the Giant Pincer Mantis.

[Technical Master] Enhancement of characteristics, super large attack bonus of sword dance, plus the restraint of steel system against fairy system.

It is conceivable that this bullet punch, which is not too powerful in itself, will cause high damage when it hits Xianbu.

No one present would be surprised if there were instant kills.

Driven by the energy of the Bullet Fist, the entire body of the Giant Pincer Mantis is like a bullet, and with an unstoppable momentum, it goes straight to Xianbu's position.

At this time, Xianbu, who appeared last, was able to complete the strengthening of meditation.

She opened her light blue round pupils, her eyes were still as calm as lake water, as if everything was in her expectation.

Suddenly, the silk satin around Xianbu's neck stretched out.


Like wildly growing vines and indescribable dexterous tentacles, the silk rushed towards the figure of the giant pincer mantis.

Yang Zengyan was not surprised by Xianbu's method, he shouted loudly: "Giant pincer mantis, dodge downward!"

For a student in the cultivation department, Yang Zengyan is very familiar with Xianbu.

Even in class, the teacher gave them a lot of materials about Xianbu, including many videos of Xianbu's battles.

Therefore, Yang Zengyan had expected the four delicate silks and satins of Xianbu.

The giant claw mantis in the bullet fist state is surprisingly fast, and it is naturally not difficult to avoid ordinary silk and satin.

With its wings folded, the giant pincer mantis immediately dodged past the fairy cloth silk, then fell from the low sky and landed on the ice that hadn't melted before.

Although the ice surface is very slippery, it has no effect on the giant pincer mantis.

Because its way of moving has never been to run, and when it lands on the ground, it is just a transit point for bouncing.

The sharp white toes of the giant pincer mantis tapped the ice surface, and then exerted strength to prepare to bounce.

Cracks appeared on the ice surface, and the huge force actually poked a small and deep ice hole in it.

Under the reaction of such a large force, the body of the giant pincer mantis naturally jumped high.

Without the obstruction of the silk and satin, the giant pincer mantis was about to enter the gliding state again, rushing towards the fairy Eevee who had no defense means.

But at this moment, an imperceptible sly smile flashed across the corner of Xianbu's mouth, he opened his mouth slightly, and a purple-red flame spit out from it.

The fire fights the wind.

Driven by the wind, the flames in the air rose suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a fiercely burning fiery dragon, roaring and rushing towards the giant pincer mantis in mid-air.

It's the magic flame!

Yang Zengyan immediately shouted loudly: "Giant pincer mantis, get out of here!"

Of course, the giant pincer mantis heard the trainer's command, and also wanted to dodge the fire dragon, which could be called its own nemesis.

But the flame trap that Xianbu carefully locked and released at the right time is so easy to evade.


From a psychological point of view, the giant pincer mantis was in a relaxed state just after dodging the silk and satin, and the reaction time to the magic flame was more or less delayed.

From the perspective of physical condition, the Giant Pincer Mantis had just completed a fall and jump movement, so it was difficult to adjust the dodge movement for a while.

The two phases are superimposed, and the final result is that the giant pincer mantis heard the trainer's command and saw the arrival of the magic flame, but it just couldn't avoid it.

At this time, Yang Zengyan suddenly realized that the silk and satin just now was just a cover to attract the attention of himself and the giant pincer mantis.

The real ultimate move was hidden behind by the fairy Eevee, it was this magical flame that made the giant pincer mantis inescapable!

The pupils of the giant pincer mantis shrank suddenly, and the eyes of the roaring purple fire dragon grew bigger and bigger.

It subconsciously raised its hands and folded them in front of its chest, but it couldn't resist the long-simmering magic flame at all.

The fire wave eroded, and the red steel tongs that first came into contact with the flame became more red, and even produced an orange-red color like smelting molten iron.

Then, the fire dragon roared and swallowed the figure of the Giant Pincer Mantis.

Although the basic damage of the magic flame is far inferior to moves such as water cannon and thunder, for the giant pincer mantis with worm and steel attribute, it is higher than those two moves together.

The output of Xianbu is terrifyingly high, not to mention the blessing of meditation enhancement, coupled with the four times restraint of fire moves, this magical flame will almost burn the giant pincer mantis to ashes.

The audience under the stage held their breath and stared nervously at the figure in the flames.

Can the giant pincer mantis withstand it?



in the sight of the audience.

That vigorous figure resolutely rushed out of the fire rain!

The entire body of the giant pincer mantis is burning with terrifying purple flames, and it looks like an evil spirit returning from purgatory.

It looked at the fairy cloth coldly, the silver light on the pair of tongs lit up in the flames, its figure flashed again, turned into a burning meteorite, and rushed towards the fairy cloth.

The giant pincer mantis withstood it!

Moreover, he has to fight back!

Unknowingly, more and more people in the auditorium were attracted, but the audience was completely silent.

Their gazes followed the changes in the figures of the giant pincer mantis and fairy Eevee, for fear of missing even a wonderful moment.

At the end of the trajectory of the flame meteor, Xianbu's expression was finally serious.

He obviously suffered a little damage from the tidal wave before, but he didn't fall down after eating a magic flame.

Sure enough, the gap in hard power is still a bit big.

The distance between the two was already shortened by the sprint just now, coupled with the bullet punch, the speed of the Giant Pincer Mantis was extremely fast.

In a flash of thought, the figure of the giant pincer mantis rushed to Xianbu's eyes.

There is no way but to fight hard.

Xianbu thought helplessly, the energy in her body flowed again, and in an instant, white light shone on her body.

It was a flash of light.

The time is too short, all the moves that Xianbu has mastered, even the high-speed stars, cannot be used under this situation.

The only thing that can be used is the flash of lightning, which is released as fast as the bullet punch.

Xianbu didn't know if this flash of lightning could take away the giant pincer mantis.

Especially under his own [Fairy Skin] characteristic, this flash of lightning turned into a Fairy type that was resisted by the opponent.

The Giant Pincer Mantis may only have a trace of blood left, and it may still be able to eat this flash of lightning.

But right now, I can only gamble.

Because Xianbu is not sure whether he can still receive this bullet punch.


If there is any most exciting moment in the battle.

It must have been a physical confrontation between two spirit sparks colliding with the earth.

There are no brilliant moves, no pre-reading and anti-pre-reading, no bells and whistles.

There are, but the most primitive, and the most able to arouse the collision between muscles of the bestiality in everyone's heart.

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone, the giant pincer mantis burning with purple flames met the figure of Xianbu who turned into light, and then collided suddenly.

There was not much noise, and after a slight muffled sound, the two elves were pushed to the ground at the same time by the reaction force.

There was silence on and off the battlefield, both trainers and spectators held their breath, nervously watching the tall and short figures passing by, waiting for the result of this confrontation.

A second passed.

The two elves stood quietly, like two statues.

Two seconds passed.

The figures of the two elves swayed slightly, as if they couldn't hold on.

third second.

The knight in scarlet armor who charged fearlessly fell down.

After eating the tidal vortex, the magic flame, and the flash of lightning in succession, the giant pincer mantis finally lost its ability to fight.

The fierce battle lasted for nearly ten minutes, and both sides replaced an elf who was in a state of dying in the wind, and the first drop of blood was finally born.

Xianbu's flash of lightning still became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel, helping Xia Chen win first!

After a helpless sigh, Yang Zengyan retracted the giant pincer mantis.

He murmured to the poke ball: "Thank you for your hard work, you have performed well enough, and then leave it to other partners."

This is not just a word of consolation, the Giant Pincer Mantis has one elf, and it cripples both of the opponent's elves.

If you put it in normal times, you can already establish a huge advantage for your side.

It's a pity that due to his own command error at the beginning, the leading gopher was almost free.

However, although he appears to be behind on the surface, in fact it is just the opposite.

Whether it is Menus or Xianbu, they are almost in a state of falling when touched.

And Xianbu and Lalu Lasi have no way to deal with Boss Kedora at all.


Yang Zengyan threw the last elf ball and said in a deep voice, "I'll leave it to you, Boss Kedora!"


While Yang Zengyan was exchanging elves, Xia Chen was also thinking about one thing.

Do you want to replace Xianbu?

Because no matter whether the opponent is replaced by the last Boscodora who did not appear on the stage, or the leading gopher, Xianbu has no moves to fight.

This is not really completely gone.

Fighting, ground, and water, the moves of these three attributes can only dig holes and splash sand.

Needless to say, the latter is a change-type move, and the former is a physical move.

It's more or less arrogant to use it in front of two elves who can make earthquakes.

What's more, the large ice surface covering the venue still hasn't melted.

So it seems to be a better choice to switch to Menus at this time.

Thinking so, Xia Chen took out the fairy ball of fairy cloth and prepared to take her back.


Xian Bu's panting but firm voice suddenly reached his ears, Xia Chen looked over, but saw Xian Bu was turning his head and shaking his head slightly towards him.

Do you want to continue fighting?

Xia Chen froze for a moment, puzzled by Xianbu's behavior.

She thinks she has the power to fight against those two elves?

It should be like this

Xia Chen nodded slightly, and took back the poke ball.

If Xianbu is confident, then let her fight.

After all, she has never let herself down, and she needs to give her a little more confidence.

"Then, Ibrahimovic, I leave it to you!"



A white light flashed, and a two-meter-tall, gray-white steel monster as majestic as a hill appeared on the battle field.


As soon as Boss Kedora came on the stage, he roared a high-pitched roar to demonstrate.

It stared at the little one in front of it with extremely oppressive eyes, as if it was about to raise its foot and crush the fairy cloth at any moment.

Without letting Boss Kedora waste any more time playing handsome, he commanded in a deep voice: "Boss Kedora, hit hard!"

Heavy Charge is one of the best moves of his Boscodora.

This move is a physical move of the steel attribute, and its characteristic is that the power of the move depends on the weight difference between the two.

The heavier you are than your opponent, the more damage you can cause.

Given the weight difference between Boss Kedora and Xianbu, not to mention that Xianbu is already a cripple, even if she didn't get the previous bullet punch, it would be difficult for her to receive this heavy impact.

Xia Chen's fairy cloth is very special to Yang Zengyan, so he didn't choose to throw an invisible rock first to give Xianbu room to play, and he didn't choose the long-range but easy-to-dodge move of sharp stone attack.

Instead, it directly used the most stable heavy impact.

This is the highest respect for the opponent.


With another loud roar, Boss Kedora rushed towards Xianbu with heavy steps.

Every time it raised its legs and stepped on the ground, it was like a small earthquake, and even the audience off the court could feel the dull vibration.

As the speed gradually increased, Boss Kedora, like a savage and bulky armored vehicle with full impact, rushed towards the thin and panting Xianbu.

Facing this terrifying scene, Xianbu did not dodge or evade, gathering energy as if he wanted to fight back on the spot.

Is she crazy?

The audience in the audience were all shocked by the choice of Xia Chen and Xianbu.

What moves can she use to reverse the situation at this time?

The power of the moon? Magic sparkle? Loud noise?

Boss Kedora, who is twice as resistant to fairies, is not afraid at all!

It can be said that Xianbu has no moves that can beat Boss Kedora at all!

But in the next second, the scene that happened on the battlefield completely made the audience doubt their lives.


The long-lost Riwan, please ask for a ticket!

Then the 1w word of the fenda boss is still 3k, and there are 5k left

Try to finish it in the next few days!

Finally push the book, "Elf World: The First Trainer" by Mengmeng

Sister Mengmeng is also an old author of elves

This is her work on returning to elf farming

The introduction is as follows:

Thousands of years ago, the world of elves was still in the age of Warcraft.

Kingdoms are fighting each other, and humans and monsters are constantly fighting for survival.

Su Wen came across, working hard to improve his strength, looking for like-minded companions to establish an elf alliance, and becoming the first trainer.

He wants to create a world where humans and elves live in harmony and become the first ray of light in the darkness of elves.

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