Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 214 The Truth of the Labyrinth World (Including Simulator Content)

(The plot of the simulated world connects to Chapter 166)

But it is said that Kirulian and her partner Pikachu came to the Quicksand Cave together in order to prevent the phenomenon of [Star Stop] from happening, and planned to capture the forest lizard who stole [Gear of Time].

And because they are the protagonists, they separated from the main force as a matter of course, and rushed to the scene of the forest lizard's crime first.

But this forest lizard is so powerful that even Yaknom is no match for him, so how can Kirulian and Pikachu stop it.

After several fights, the two elves undoubtedly fell into the hands of the forest lizard.

[Seeing that the gear of time is about to be stolen by the forest lizard, at a critical moment, Yaknom sealed the entire crystal lake with crystals, preventing the forest lizard from getting the gear of time. 】

[Subsequently, the Night Demon appeared in time and rescued you and your partner Pikachu, and then left to track down the forest lizard. 】

【You and your friends returned to the Fat Keding Guild. Not long after, the Night Demon also came here. It didn't catch the forest lizard. 】

[Afterwards, the Night Demon said that he was an elf from the future world, and explained that in the future world, after the gear was stolen by the forest lizard, the whole world became chaotic because of the "stop of the stars". Everyone listened to his words, and they planned a plan with him to capture the forest lizard. 】

[A few days later, the night demon successfully captured the forest lizard. Everyone in the Fat Keding Guild held a ceremony to bid farewell to the Night Demon in the square. At this time, the time and space door to the future world is opened. 】

[Several ecstasy eyes of the night demon pushed the forest lizard tied by a rope into the gate of time and space. At this time, the night demon wanted to hug and bid farewell to you and your partner Pikachu. 】

[Just as you and Pikachu stepped forward, the night demon suddenly grabbed you and dragged you into the gate of time and space. Before all the elves had time to react, you went through a time tunnel and came to the future world. 】

【Your eyes are plunged into darkness.】


Hiss. It turns out that this night elf is the villain!

This pure plot without any fighting plot made Kirulian suddenly realize.

It seems that he and all the elves in the guild, and even Yaknom, were deceived by the Night Demon.

So, the forest lizard who was wronged by the night demon is the real hero who wants to save the world?

With doubts, Kirulian continued the simulation.

【You, Pikachu, and the forest lizard wake up in a dark dungeon.】

[Ecstasy Eye of Night Demon Spirit's men entered the prison, blindfolded you, and brought you to the execution ground, preparing to execute you. 】

[At the moment when the rope was snatched by the soul-hunting eye, the forest lizard used the lighting jade, and the instant burst of light from the lighting jade caused the soul-hunting eye and the night demon to enter a state of blindness for a short time. 】

【At the same time, the forest lizard resorted to digging holes and led you and Pikachu into the ground, thus taking the opportunity to escape. 】

[After escaping from birth, you are surprised to find that this world is just as described by the Night Demon, time has stagnated and the seasons will not change, and the whole world has fallen into darkness. But you're curious why the Stop of the Stars still happens if the Gears of Time aren't stolen. 】

[The forest lizard left without explaining, he was going to find Rabi. After thinking about it, you and Pikachu decided to catch up with him, uncover the truth of the future world, and find a way to go back to the past. 】

【So, you and Pikachu chased into a maze.】


After entering the maze, it is time for Kirulian's favorite part of upgrading and fighting monsters.

Maybe it's because the card bug in the previous level was too long to swipe candies, so Kirulian directly turned into the sword god of Shilipo.

Just two words, random killing!

All the way to the bottom of the maze like cutting melons and vegetables, Kirulian was surprised to find that the forest lizard was controlled by a flower rock monster.

Undoubtedly, the Flower Rock Monster is the biggest boss of this dungeon dungeon.

Of course, the strength of an elf that can control forest lizards should not be underestimated. Fortunately, it has to be distracted from dealing with forest lizards, which gave Kirulian and Pikachu a chance.

After a fierce fight, Kirulian passed the level in this dungeon with one life.

Saved the forest lizard, and then entered a literary drama.

【You and Pikachu rescued the forest lizard. After communicating, the forest lizard told you the truth about the star stop happening in the future world.】

[In a certain period of time in the future world, the cessation of the stars occurs, and the collapse of the Tower of Time controlled by Dialga begins. 】

【Dialga is a legendary elf who can master time, and it maintains the normal operation of the Tower of Time. But when the tower of time began to collapse, the time of this world fell into chaos. Eventually, the entire planet came to a standstill, and that's how it is now. 】

[And once the time collapses, Diyaluka also loses his mind, and his consciousness is gradually swallowed by darkness. Now, it has become a completely different existence, the dark Diyaluka! 】

[Dark Diya Luka has only one meaning for existence, and that is to let his current consciousness dominate his body. Therefore, it wants to prevent all historical changes, to maintain the state of the star of this world at one time, and to maintain the state dominated by its own dark consciousness. 】

[There is only one way to change the stop of the stars, and that is to collect all five gears of time and place them in a specific position of the tower of time, so that the collapse of the tower of time and the stop of the stars can be prevented. 】

【Thus, Dark Diya Luka sent the assassin Night Demon to assassinate the forest lizard who wanted to collect the gears of time and save the world. 】


The reversal of the plot did not quite surprise Kirulian.

Then, the main line of missions in my own world gradually became clear.

That is to collect the gears of time together with the forest lizard and change the future of [Star Stop].

And next, Kirulian will go to find Rabi with the forest lizard, and send them back to the world before the stop of the stars.

[After a while, you met Rabbi. She guides you through the high forest platform to a time corridor at the end of the maze, through which you will go back to the past. 】

[However, at this moment, the Dark Diya Luka led the Night Demon and the Ecstasy Eyes to find this place. It wants to prevent you from going back to the past and changing history. 】

[Just as you were about to be attacked by Dark Diya Luka and his subordinates, you reminded Rabbi that you can use short-distance time travel to travel to the corridor of time. 】

[The moment the Soul Eye army started to attack, Shi Rabi immediately started time travel. Although Dark Diya Luka reacted immediately and was about to use the Roar of Dark Time to interrupt your time travel, but before the move was released, you had already come to the corridor of time. 】

[The Roar of Dark Time destroyed the time corridor, but before that, you, Pikachu, and the forest lizard entered it in time, completed time travel, and returned to the past world. Only Rabbi was left alone to deal with Dark Dialga and his men. 】

Kirulian's eyes fell into darkness, and the screen turned, and when she opened her eyes again, she found that she had left that dark future world and returned to the timeline at the beginning of the story.

Undoubtedly, the next step is naturally the journey of collecting the gears of time.


After telling the partners of the guild the truth of the world, the partners headed by President Fat Keding expressed their trust and support for them.

With the help of my friends and the Lizard of the Forest, the process of collecting the five Gears of Time went smoothly.

From collecting the first one to collecting all five, Kirulian only used three simulations, that is, one month.

After collecting the Gears of Time, the story will come to an end.

Kirulian wants to enter a place called [Fantasy Land] with Pikachu and the forest lizard, where the Tower of Time is located.

As we all know, there will always be evil villains on the way to save the world.

Just when Kirulian and his party arrived in the fantasy land and were about to board the rainbow stone boat to the Tower of Time, the Night Demon appeared without any surprise.

This night demon is very powerful, and the most intuitive manifestation is that Kirulian has been stuck for another month in this level.

After the fourth simulated challenge, Kirulian and the other three elves finally teamed up and barely defeated the Night Demon.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

[The night demon still wants to make a final resistance, but as a last resort, the forest lizard decides to sacrifice himself and forcefully bring the night demon back to the future world. 】

[Before leaving, the forest lizard told you a cruel fact. Once history changes, it means that all elves in the future world will disappear. 】

[Dark Diya Luka, Night Demon, Forest Lizard, and of course, you from the future world! 】

I. From the future world?

Kirulian was stunned. Didn't he appear in the current timeline when the simulation world started? How could he come from the future world?

And in the last few minutes before the forest lizard disappeared, he told the truth that Kirulian appeared in this world and lost his memory at the very beginning.


[Before you lost your memory, you and the forest lizard were a pair of partners, working together to prevent the cessation of the stars. Because you have the ability to call time and space, it is a serious problem for Dark Diya Luka. 】

[In a certain action to prevent the stop of the stars, you were unfortunately defeated by the dark Diya Luka, and the rabbi arrived in time to save you and sent you back to the past before the tower of time collapsed, that is, you Wake up to the sandy beach. 】

【Next, everything you have experienced in this world】

Kirulian gradually understood everything, no wonder she lost her memory, and no wonder the Night Demon would capture her to the future world and plan to execute herself

Just because I have [Call of Time and Space], the ability to threaten Dark Diya Luka.

After telling Kirulian these things, the forest lizard disappeared from this world.

He didn't die, but returned to that future world where time had collapsed and the sun was dark.

However, as long as Kirulian puts the five gears of time in a specific position to change the future, the forest lizard will disappear into the long river of history together with that world.

Of course, including myself

Kirulian was suddenly in a trance.

Although it is a simulated world similar to a game, she has been in this world for a year, and she must have some feelings for this world and her partners.

But according to the progress of the world, the future of this world will not have its own existence.

The fact that this was supposed to happen made Kirulian feel a little sad.


【Although you felt sad about this incident, you quickly accepted the reality and decided to complete your mission. 】

Kirulian: "."

I am still in the mood, the simulator started to urge to continue the process, will it read the air!

Helpless, Kirulian forcibly accepted the reality and continued her journey.

[You and Pikachu came to the Tower of Time on the rainbow stone boat located in the ancient ruins at the highest point of the fantasy land. And when you reached the top and were about to put the five gears of time into the top of the tower of time, the Dark Emperor Yaluka appeared.]

Here comes the ultimate boss of this simulation world, it is finally here!

Kirulian's mood at the moment was both excited and apprehensive.

The excitement is that as long as you defeat Dialga, you will be able to clear the first simulation world. According to the nature of the system, this will definitely be an extremely huge reward.

Not to mention apprehension, this is Dark Emperor Yaluka!

Although in this world, the gap between ordinary elves and legendary elves is not so big, and in this year's "leveling", he has already become Shanaido with a level of 75.

But the name of Dialga, the legendary elf, was too loud, and Kirulian had a hunch that this would be the most powerful enemy she encountered in this world.

Fortunately, the system wasn't too devoid of conscience, and when the battle was about to start, Rabi even rushed over.

Kirulian's confidence instantly increased.

Isn't it the legendary elves?

Who didn't!

And I have three elves on my side, so I have the advantage!

So Kirulian rushed up with rabbi and Pikachu confidently.

Then, typed gg

This time, the number of checkpoints was much higher, five times, nearly two months!


Back to the present, October 25th.

After summarizing the previous five failures, Kirulian did her homework and ushered in the sixth challenge to Dark Dialga.

Based on previous experience, Kirulian changed his tactics this time, first using hypnotism to hit Dark Dialga.

Immediately, he took the opportunity to let rabbi use the moves of body seed and poison to delay, and Pikachu over there was not idle, and sent an electromagnetic wave to the dark Dialga.

He took the opportunity to meditate and strengthen himself, and prepared to give Dialga a big one later.

This tactic worked very well. Under the influence of multiple negative states, Dark Diya Luka's state became worse and worse, and he was about to fall.

But Kirulian knew that before it fell, it would launch a terrifying cannon light cannon to fight back. The first two times, she fell here, and she couldn't dodge it no matter what.

So this time, she decided not to evade, but to gather the power of the three elves to suppress the roar of time head-on, and completely defeat the Dark Emperor Yaluka!

"Shrabbi, the magic shines! Pikachu, thunder!"

While directing the two partners, Kirulian also accumulated all the remaining energy in her body, preparing to release the power of the moon.

On the other side of her, Dark Diya Luka roared like the previous five times, and let out the last roar.


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