I broke my promise.

I didn't want to talk about it at first, but I asked for two days off in a row. It seems unreasonable not to talk about it.

Probably, my house became a foreclosure due to relatives' debts.

dear uncle.

He's quite able to work. In the past ten years, he has been playing the kind of Amway-like, p2p platform, virtual currency, and he has stepped on it all over the place.

Of course, it is the outlet for being Karma leeks.

Lost the three suites in Suzhou and still owed several million.

The thing about using my house loan should be virtual currency. My dad didn't know that he had lost so much before, and he didn't know much about the law, so my brother must have helped.

Then the virtual currency market in the past two years, everyone understands

If the money is not paid, the collateral, which is my house, will be confiscated.

I'm fine, at worst, I'll go back to my hometown to farm.

But my parents are very uncomfortable, after all, the house is their painstaking effort for most of their lives.

Now they are trying to find a way, and I can't help much. All I can do is comfort them and the emotions of grandparents.

Don't worry that I lost the book because of this incident, after all, I think about making money even more when I have no money.

I haven't had time to code at home for the past two days, so I will go back tomorrow and update it.

just sauce

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