Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 323: King level, take it!

The king-level Gyarados, who punched Duolongqi, kicked Duolong Mecia, and withstood a hundred thousand volts, actually suffered a loss in a head-on confrontation with Menas?

This unreal scene left the audience speechless.

Of course, the limitations of will-o'-the-wisps and reflective walls have reduced Gyarados's output by nearly half, and the water attribute's resistance to climbing waterfalls has been slightly reduced by half, but Gyarados is a genuine king-level elf after all!

Besides, what is the output power of your gym-level elves?

Do I, the king-level elf, have no face?

"Freeze-drying. Can Menas actually learn this move?"

After a long moment of silence, Adam in the stands muttered these words.

Freeze-drying is an ice-based move that few elves can master. Its most special feature is that it can double the resistance of ice-based moves against water-based elves into double restraint.

In other words, water flies like Water Land, Water Dragon, and Gyarados are not restrained by ice-based moves, but they are restrained four times by freeze-drying!

This is the key to Menas being able to cause such high damage to Gyarados——

Gyarados had been trained to resist electric-type moves, which was better, but it was impossible to train for the freeze-drying move alone.

Qianli curled his lips and said, "You have never seen Xia Chen's game at first glance. Not only is it freeze-drying, his minas can also dance like a butterfly, spray water, and shoot meteors."

"And don't you think the output of Gyarados is a bit too low?"

Adam nodded. As both top trainers, he still had this judgment.

He asked curiously: "Is there any explanation for this?"

Qianli said with a solemn expression: "After my observations along the way, I feel that this Menas is no longer a simple water elf."

Upon being reminded, an idea flashed through Adam's mind, and he guessed in surprise: "You mean water dragon? Yes, only water dragon can explain the ridiculously low damage of this waterfall."

Qianli shrugged, "Who knows? There are too many secrets about him and his elves."

Adam was silent, staring at the unusually beautiful Menas again. His gaze changed from simply admiring the appearance to respecting the strength.

"Within five years, he will definitely become a champion!"

Adam said so firmly.


On the battlefield, the wind stopped and the rain stopped.

A fierce battle was going on in the water vapor and ice mist that had not completely dissipated.

"Gyarados, hold on!"

Mi Keli did not lose confidence because of a failed attack. If he couldn't hit the waterfall, he would use a move that would make him hit!

Hold on, a general physical attack move. The effect is that when you are in an abnormal state, the damage caused is doubled!

Gyarados, who is in the abnormal state of [Burn], can not only trigger this effect, but also be able to temporarily get rid of the physical attack restrictions of Burn on himself when using this move.

This is the highest damage he can do at the moment!


Gyarados mobilizes all the energy in his body to concentrate on his tail, which is where he is accustomed to attack.

The tail like an iron whip is not only the most convenient for exerting force, but also minimizes damage when the fight fails.

The unpretentious bright white light shines on the thick tail of the Gyarados, and when it twitches, it exudes a terrifying aura that makes people feel horrified.

The body twisted, and its tail suddenly exerted force. Gyarados's rough movements caused huge waves. Then, the screaming wind approached, and the powerful "strengthening tail" whipped Menas.


As if he was following his words, a transparent barrier lit up in front of Menas, firmly withstanding Gyarados's counterattack.

Compared to Duolongqi's previous defense, Menas' movements were more leisurely and leisurely. Obviously, it was not too difficult for him to take on this hard hold.

There is both the help of the reflective wall and the blessing of Menas' stronger energy intensity.

Even if Gyarados exerts so much force that the beard on its head stands on end, the barrier in front of Menas is as impenetrable as a steel defense line.

There is no doubt that this protection prevented Gyarados from holding on!

However, protection can only be used once in a short period of time, and hard support is not the case.

Just as the energy barrier dissipated, Mikri shouted loudly: "Do it again, hold on!"

This problem cannot be solved by the onslaught of Gyarados on the battlefield. If there is, then do it twice!

"Into the water!"

Gyarados was in full force, and Xia Chen did not dare to let Menus confront him head-on.

It's really annoying to hold on to this move. Not only can it completely offset the influence of Duolongqi's will-o'-the-wisp, but the general-type moves can also take down all elves except the ghost, steel and rock types.

Without these two conditions, Menas would not be able to hold on as hard as he did climbing the waterfall just now.

In the final analysis, Menas's hard power is actually not that great.


The waves splashed, and Menas slipped under the water.

Gyarados naturally refused to let go, dragging its tail with concentrated energy into the water to pursue it.

For him, prolonging the battle is actually a good thing. In terms of protracted war, the energy reserves of the king-level elves are completely worthy of Menas.

It is best to completely delay the duration of the reflective wall. By then, even protection will not be able to withstand the strong support of Gyarados.

As the two dragon-shaped elves escaped into the water, the audience looked up again at the big screen above the gym - where the screen had switched to the two elves chasing each other underwater.

Even Duolongqi can catch up, and Gyarados is undoubtedly faster than Menus.

Under the blue water, the two dragons were already neck and neck, but catching up didn't mean they could hit them. Gyarados swung its tail several times and tried to attack, but found that it was impossible to do so.

Gein's tail is the driver of Gyarados's swimming posture. Once it launches an attack, it will inevitably slow down its speed. As soon as it slows down, Menus jumps forward a certain distance.

The two elves were almost swimming to the edge of the field, but Gyarados still couldn't find a suitable opportunity to strike.

Mikri, who looked up at the big screen and watched the battle closely, pondered slightly, and then commanded: "Gyarados, use your head to hold on!"

Although the change in the position of force does bring risks, it can also improve the current dilemma of not being able to beat Menas.

Wealth is gained through danger, and the most that can happen is a freeze-drying wound on the face, which Gyarados can definitely bear.

King-level elves have sensitive five senses. Even though they were underwater, Gyarados still heard the trainer's command.

While adjusting the position where the energy was concentrated, he rushed toward the Menas phase in front.

Soon, he changed the force method from [Iron Tail] to [Rocket Headbutt].

The tail swung suddenly, and the head of the Gyarados with milky white light waves suddenly launched like a missile with its body.

Xia Chen did not observe the battle situation through the screen. He closed his eyes, carefully comprehending the information shared with Menus, and judged the position of Gyarados based on the fluctuation frequency of the water behind him.

Just when the frequency reached its peak, he suddenly shouted: "Look back, hypnotism!"

The speed of sound transmission is 340m/s, and the speed of the brain receiving information and reacting is measured in milliseconds, but none of this will become an obstacle between Xia Chen and Menas.

Just when Mikri and Gyarados were stunned, Menas had already turned around smoothly in the water, and a strange energy light wave shot out from his rose-red eyes.

The distance between Gyarados and Menus was almost zero. At this moment, Gyarados was sprinting with all his strength, his eyes wide open, and naturally he was unable to prevent this extremely insidious hypnotic technique.

Gyarados, who was full of energy just a second ago, immediately fell into a drowsy state of sleep. Driven by inertia, he bumped into Menus' body as he wished, but the touch was completely weak.

Without the strengthening blessing of energy, this collision obviously cannot cause any harm to Menas.


The opponent falls into a deep sleep, so what Menas needs to do is very simple.

"Meenas, Butterfly Dance!"

In order to save time, Menas did not even surface, but danced brilliantly next to the sleeping Gyarados.

This scene was quite strange. The frightened audience was afraid that while Menus was dancing, Gyarados suddenly woke up and jumped up to bite him.

But considering the astonishing speed of information transmission between Xia Chen and Menas, Xia Chen would probably be able to remind him to run away as soon as Gyarados opened his eyes, right?

The good news is that once the dance is over, Gyarados does not wake up.

The bad news is that Gyarados woke up halfway through the second release of Menas's Butterfly Dance.

The improvement in status resistance of the strength gap is reflected in all aspects, the [Burn] status is the same, and the [Sleep] status is also the same.

The quality of sleep that lasted less than five seconds was really poor, so Gyarados was quite upset when he woke up.

Even before Mikri gave the order, he gathered up the energy again and bit it angrily.

Menas was not surprised at all, nor did he mean to dodge. He just continued to dance. Obviously, he did not fail to react, but chose to be greedy.

One level of Butterfly Dance is not enough for him to compete with the powerful Gyarados, and two levels are not enough either, but at least it will be much more comfortable.

This opportunity cannot be missed. If you miss this time point, the price you pay will only be even more painful if you think about Die Wu next time.

Energy lingered on the sharp fangs of Gyarados, but the concentration this time was much lower than the previous two times.

It's not because he just woke up and can't exert his strength, but because the [sleep] state just now healed the burns. Gyarados, who has no abnormal condition on his body at this moment, naturally cannot trigger the [hard support] double damage condition.

But even so, even if it was used as a normal move, the strong support still caused extremely high damage to Menas under the attack strength of the King-level Gyarados.


The painful scream contains the power of anger, and the second stage of the butterfly dance is also completed in this high-pitched sound.

At this moment, Menas' special attack, special defense and speed have all come close to reaching the level of a king!

This also means that from now on, if Gyarados is hit by freeze-drying, the pain and damage he will suffer will not just be the same.


It is inconvenient to perform many moves underwater. Menas was the first to come out of the water, followed closely by Gyarados.

Immediately, two command sounds were transmitted to the battlefield one after another.

"Meenas, freeze dry!"

"Gyarados, spray flames to block it!"

This is the first time Mikri actively directs moves to neutralize his opponent after Gyarados appeared.

Neither Duolongqi's hundred thousand volts and latent spirit surprise attacks nor Duolong Mexia's dragon claws could do this, which is enough to show his fear of this freeze-drying method.

The awe-inspiring cold air condensed into a ray of energy shrouded in ice mist and shot toward Gyarados, who quickly spit out a mouthful of blazing flames to block it in front of him.

Ice and fire exchanged, and extreme flames and extreme cold exploded violently in the air. The red flames tightly wrapped the beam containing strange icy energy, trying to melt it.

However, in response to the wise saying "Since ancient times, the wave has lost to the left", the energy of the cold ice light is even better. With the continuous oppression of the freeze-drying beam, this song of ice and fire finally ends with Menas' victory. end.

Bit Attack, Gyarados is no longer a match for Menus!

Freeze-drying was shot on Gyarados's face without any bias——

Both elves' moves come from their mouths, so it's natural for the loser to get shot in the face.

Immediately, the latter's ferocious face showed an expression of pain, and a wailing sound also sounded on the water field.

Even though the power has been reduced by nearly half by the jet flames, the output of Menas after the double butterfly dance cannot be underestimated.

Mi Keli frowned slightly. Diewu's improvement to Menas was higher than he thought. Passive defense was not the answer. Fortunately, Diewu did not improve physical defense and took the initiative to attack.

"Gyarados, Iron Tail!"

Gyarados's execution ability is very strong. Even if he is wearing a pain mask, he turns pain into motivation, roaring and swinging his heavy tail made of condensed steel energy to hit hard.

"Dragon Tail, resist!"

The "cooling time" to defend has not yet ended, and the distance of Gyarados is too close to avoid. Xia Chen can only choose to actively use the dragon's tail to resist, trying to avoid damage to the body's torso.


Amidst the hunting wind of the whip tail twitching, the two tails intersected, and the deep and thick steel energy merged with the domineering and strong dragon energy. The latter collapsed thousands of miles, and the speed of collapse was even faster than the speed at which the flames were extinguished just now.

Obviously, the gap in physical attack strength between the two sides is even greater.


Xia Chen was not surprised by this. He was a little regretful that due to the strength gap between the two sides, the dragon tail could not bounce Gyarados back into the elf ball.

Otherwise, when he comes back on the field and Gyarados threatens, Menus' [Victorious] trait will be triggered, and his special attack will be greatly improved again, then Menas will be able to go head-to-head with Gyarados.

Unfortunately not.

"Go on, Iron Tail!"

While Xia Chen was fantasizing, Mikri launched another attack. Iron Tail followed Iron Tail, which made Menas unable to breathe.

He could only block it with his dragon tail in embarrassment, or dodge with the increased speed of Die Wu to reduce the damage as much as possible.

Time passed minute by minute with Gyarados's continuous attack and Menus' passive defense.

After a set of [Lightning Five Continuous Whips], even with the resistance of the reflective wall and the defense of the scales, Menas's gorgeous big tail was already covered with traces of whipping, almost bloody.

However, when he tried his best to defend, Menas did not gain nothing. At some point, a blue water flow full of vitality appeared next to his slender body.

But it was a water ring that he took the time to condense.

A steady stream of weak life energy is injected into the body, and the scars on Menas's tail and body are slowly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Facing the violent attack of Gyarados like a tidal wave, Menas did his best in this minute.

And even the waves have a calm moment, let alone Gyarados.

Continuous Iron Tail attacks cause Gyarados' energy and physical strength to decrease extremely quickly.

Finally, he froze, and another iron tail underwent obvious movement deformation. After being twisted by Menus, it slapped hard on the water surface, and the splashing waves almost touched the big screen above the venue.

"Freeze drying!"

The superpower Xia Chen's ability to seize opportunities is top-notch, he shouted loudly.

Xing Sui's heart moved, and before Xia Chen finished speaking, the ice-blue extremely cold energy condensed in Menas's mouth again.

The continuous dodging made the energy in his body extremely abundant at this moment. The next moment, a beam of light as thick as a water cannon broke through the splashing water and shot straight towards the Gyarados twisting on the water in a strange posture.

The slightest hint of cold air caused the water waves in the path of the beam to freeze into ice, and a gorgeous bouquet of ice flowers bloomed in the center of the field.

At the end of the ice beam was Gyarados with a strange posture and a somewhat dull expression.



At the critical moment, Mikri's roar awakened Gyarados. This sound he heard countless times during training and competition made Gyarados react subconsciously.

The energy barrier condensed, and the harsh friction sound indicated the success of the defense. Gyarados narrowly avoided this disaster.

"Die Wu!"

When the attack failed, Xia Chen turned to strengthening without hesitation, as decisively as if he had rehearsed this scene countless times in his mind.

Menas quickly retracted the freeze-dried energy beam, and wrapped in the water ring, he danced as beautifully as a butterfly.

"Rush over and stop him!"

At this moment, Mi Keli was completely unaware that he had completely fallen into Xia Chen's battle rhythm and followed his command closely.

Gyarados had no choice, so he quickly put away the energy barrier, and then rushed over half flying and half swimming.

Menas's dance stopped abruptly the moment Gyarados got up, and then...

Freeze drying!

Winter is coming again, the biting cold air fills from Menus' mouth, and the ice beam spits out again. This time there are no flames, no water waves, no obstacles in front of it, only the stunned expression of Gyarados.

"look up!"

Mikri's reaction was still quick, and he shouted out the only solution in an instant without thinking.

As we all know, the faster a vehicle is, the longer the braking distance required when braking.

So are the elves.

In order to stop Menas' butterfly dance, Gyarados almost increased its speed to its fastest speed. When Mikri's voice came out, the distance between him and the ice beam had been shortened to less than half a meter in the two-way rush.

Even if Gyarados slams on the brakes and turns the steering wheel, it can't perform the legendary and amazing "dragon head up" operation.

"Car accidents" inevitably happen.

The extreme cold eroded into the bones through the fragile face without the protection of scales, and the ultimate enjoyment of four times the restraint made Gyarados let out a tragic wail.

As if they were immersed in the scene, the audience in the stands shuddered unconsciously.

It hurts, it hurts so much!


This miserable wail was just the beginning of the pain.

In battle, strength is the most important factor, but momentum is sometimes more critical than strength.

As if he wanted to vent all the anger in his heart when he was being chased just now, Menas launched continuous attacks after the first freeze-drying.

If the ice energy required for freeze-drying is not enough, it will be replaced with 100,000 volts. The flow of energy in his body never stops for a moment.

Even if Gyarados fought back angrily, he had no intention of stopping his attack.

The battle has entered the final stage. Both sides are fighting for that one breath. If they stop now, they will lose everything!

There is really no connection between the endgame and elegance, and the role of tactics in this situation is minimal.

Mikri, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, understands this truth better. He commanded Gyarados, whose body was already covered with frostbite and scorch wounds, to launch a final crazy offensive.

Xia Chen quietly sensed that the energy in Menas' body had been almost exhausted, gritted his teeth and said: "Menas, the last meteor group!"

His physical strength and energy have reached their limit. This is the last ripple of Menas's normal game.

As if having a telepathic connection, on the other end, Mikri also narrowed his eyes slightly and said loudly: "Gyarados, bloom gracefully for the last time!"

The dividing line between anger and elegance was lost at this moment, and the two slender bodies were entangled together in an unsightly manner, trying their best to bite each other's last will.

The audience in the stands were also shocked by this most bloody and primitive scene. They held their breath and did not dare to blink even once.

Because the two panting and shaky elves seemed like they might fall down at any time, deciding the final winner.

A dazzling orange-red light group rose into the sky and bloomed brightly, as if it was the final conclusion to this shocking battle.


Continuous meteors fell on the water, ice flowers, and Gyarados. The entire water place was hazy with water vapor and shrouded in ice fog.

The audience could only vaguely see it through the mist. One tall figure suddenly fell down, causing splashes of water, while the other one was still standing, motionless.

Is there a winner?

Who will be the one that falls?


After a while, the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, and the answer to the mystery was revealed.

A blue dragon-shaped elf turned its belly and lay on its back on the water, no longer making any sound.

And standing proudly on the water is Menas!

Won! Xia Chen won!

Gym-level Menas defeated the king-level Gyarados!

At this moment, the audience was excited and cheering loudly, as if this was not Mikri's home stadium, Liuli Gym, but more like the final stage of the Eighth Masters Tournament.

There is no doubt that this was a fantastic game.

From the beginning to the end, there was almost nothing to fault about the performance of the six elves on both sides.

Wait, there seems to be an elf with no sense of existence?

Mikri, is there still a Menas that has not lost its fighting ability?

They looked towards the other side of the field and saw Mikri smiling and applauding, "You and your Menas are so elegant that they are jealous. I will no longer let my Menas come out to show their embarrassment. , admit defeat.”

One side surrendered, and the referee immediately blew the whistle to end the game.

At this point, the game ended, and the audience burst into applause.

And just when the applause just started, the figure standing on the water suddenly fell down, causing waves several meters high.

Everyone was stunned.

At this moment, they suddenly understood that Menas had already fallen to pieces from the last bite of the Gyarados.

He refused to fall just because he was Xia Chen's last elf.

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