Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 344 Groudon: Coming across the ocean to see you

Baby bear? Her child?

In front of him, Xia Chen suddenly realized the weak baby bear in Gardevoir's arms and the crazy-looking circle bear.

It turns out that from beginning to end, what this heterochromatic circle bear was guarding was not a treasure, but her child who seemed to be seriously ill.

At this moment, because his most precious child fell into the hands of Gardevoir, Circle Bear also went completely crazy.

When Xia Chen saw this, he quickly shouted: "Don't get excited, we don't mean any harm, we will try to treat it!"

However, verbal dissuasion had no effect. At this moment, the circle bear obviously couldn't listen to anything.

Helpless, Xia Chen could only persuade him physically.

He winked at Gu Ledun, who quickly rushed out with understanding and delivered an ordinary sonic punch. The circle bear fell down with a muffled sound without any pain, and the physical anesthesia effect was immediate.

Xia Chen made a phone call to notify Kris Jia, who was waiting outside the woods, to find a doctor, and walked over to check on the baby bear's condition.

"Gardevoir, is Baby Bear sick?"

Xia Chen asked Gardevoir.

As a part-time doctor in the team, Gardevoir knows some elf medicine. Although he is not a professional, he is much better than a layman like Xia Chen.

Gardevoir replied worriedly: "Sanai. (Its vital signs are extremely weak, and its body is constantly losing energy as if it can't lock it in. I don't know the reason, but what is certain is that this is not caused by injuries in the battle." disease)"

Xia Chen frowned deeper.

Although elves are extraordinary creatures with magical powers, it does not mean that they will not get sick like ordinary creatures.

On the contrary, there are many strange diseases unique to elves, and this baby bear is probably suffering from one of them.

Xia Chen refused to give up and said, "Isn't it useless to heal with life energy?"

Gardevoir and Senbu were blessed by Xerneas and had the ability to control some life energy.

Nianniobao's elf eggs and Deoxys's crystal core were both awakened by this magical energy.

Gardevoir explained: "Sanai——(It's not about whether it can be cured or not. The essence of the problem is that this body cannot retain energy. Previously, it relied entirely on the powerful energy leaked here.)"

Xia Chen nodded thoughtfully.


Two months ago, Guluton noticed something carrying Groudon's aura on Yuanling Island.

Now it seems that Circle Bear also discovered the existence of this thing, and then placed her child here to prevent anyone and elves from getting close to it.

Out of distrust of humans, or maybe she felt that human medicine could not save the baby bear, but would instead be greedy and take away the treasure that the baby needed to die, so she kept this matter deep in her heart.

The front and back were connected in series. Xia Chen looked at the unconscious Circle Bear lying on the ground, his eyes full of understanding and respect.

I don’t know how long she has endured such days alone. She is really a great mother.

Although he thought so, Xia Chen did not revive the strange-colored circle bear.

Her distrust of human beings cannot be easily reversed for a while, and being awake now will only increase trouble.

Throwing the elf ball to summon the fairy cloth, Xia Chen asked them to use life energy to treat the baby bear first, while waiting for the doctor to arrive.

Although Gardevoir said that life energy could not cure the strange disease, the effect of recuperating the baby bear's long-suffering body was still good.

The green energy full of vitality circulated, and the baby bear's face, which was distorted in pain, visibly relaxed a lot.

Not long after, there was a noise in the trees behind him. Xia Chen looked back and saw that it was Chris Jia who came over with the elf doctor stationed on the island.

After a simple diagnosis using the tools he had with him, the doctor came to a conclusion.

"The symptoms are very obvious. This baby bear suffers from congenital empty body syndrome, a disease unique to elves. Simply put, the patient's body is congenitally missing an important tissue, whose function is to store energy in the body. , without that organization, the elf’s body is like a jar full of loopholes, can you understand what I say?”

Xia Chen nodded heavily.

The energy the doctor talks about is not the same as the definition of energy among the three major elements of nature [energy, information, matter]. It is what the elves need to use when releasing their moves, and it is also the key to maintaining the life of the elves.

Such an important thing was congenitally damaged. It is a miracle that this baby bear can survive to this day.

Krisja asked the key: "Doctor, with the current medical level of mankind, can this disease be cured?"

The doctor sighed, "Because the body structure and life mechanism are fundamentally different, human elf medicine develops slowly. Therefore, feeding children good food and constantly instilling energy to maintain them is indeed one way, but the elf will bear a considerable amount of pain." Big pain, of course, the decision is yours.”

Xia Chen silently glanced at the circle bear still lying on the ground and thought that the decision was hers.


In the end, Xia Chen did not let the circle bear mother and her son live in the wilderness, but brought them back to the temporary elf center together with the things in the cave.

Speaking of which, there was nothing unusual about what was inside. It was just a huge crimson carapace, which must have been something shed by Groudon.

But after all, it is something from the legendary elves, and the pure ground energy contained in it is quite abundant.

If used as a resource, it can definitely make a ground elf's strength increase by leaps and bounds.

Xia Chen doesn't have a ground elf, and even if he did, he wouldn't do this. This is the last straw for the baby bear and its mother. He is not that evil.

After placing the baby bear in the ward, Xia Chen rescued the heterochromatic circle bear in a compartment separated from it by glass.

The circle bear who had just woken up was in a dazed state as she was thinking about something. Soon, it could be seen from the sudden change in her face that she remembered what happened before she fell into coma.

Before the bear in the circle went on a rampage, Xia Chen attacked first.

"Look, it sleeps so comfortably. I think it's best if we don't disturb it."

Circle Bear followed Xia Chen's hand, and next door, the baby bear was lying peacefully on the hospital bed.

On the ground nearby, a huge red carapace was radiating a steady stream of energy weakly but constantly to the surroundings.

Circle Bear is a smart bear. She understood Xia Chen's intention and her breathing returned to calmness within a few breaths.

Then, she looked at Xia Chen with a complicated expression and asked: "Kuma? (Why do you want to help me?)"

Xia Chen curled his lips and said, "I'm full and have nothing to do. Otherwise, would I still have thoughts about you?"

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you can benefit yourself; if you are prosperous, you can help the world.

If Xia Chen himself was struggling to survive every day, he probably wouldn't have the intention or ability to do so.

But now, he still wants to help a bunch of elves around him within his ability.

Circle Bear was not a white-eyed wolf after all, so he thanked him angrily.

Xia Chen said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you about Baby Bear's situation first."

As he spoke, he told the mother the doctor's diagnosis and suggestions.

".This is probably the case, so the decision is yours."

There was no expression of surprise or sadness on Circle Bear's face. She had been guarding the baby bear for so long, and she had more or less expected this result.

And sadness. Maybe all her sadness has already been eliminated in the process of companionship.

The circle bear just stared at the baby bear on the white hospital bed, and suddenly said: "Kuma? (Can I go and see it?)"

Xia Chen nodded and said, "Of course, it's up to you."

This usually mighty and domineering bear walked extremely slowly today.

After pushing open the glass door with a slight trembling, she walked gently to the bedside, with a trace of sadness finally showing in her eyes.

The lap bear stuck out its tongue and licked the baby bear, combing its hair which was actually very neat.

Maybe he felt something. A trace of relief appeared on the painful face of the baby bear, and the tightly held paws of the little bear relaxed slightly.

Gardevoir in the cubicle turned his head away and couldn't bear to look. Xia Chen also looked at this scene in silence for a long time.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly walked out, finding the Cangyan Blade Ghost who was practicing his moves outside.


"Can your elixir cure diseases and save elves?"

The Cangyan Blade Ghost put away the sharp sword wrapped in jagged bones and fire, and said seriously: "Kalu——(It depends on what kind of disease it is.)"

In that world, alchemists and doctors were from the same origin, and many elixirs were originally used for treatment.

Cangyan Blade Ghost has inherited all the elixir recipes from Yao Chen, so it is not impossible to deal with some difficult and complicated diseases in the elven world.

Walking into the ward with Cangyan Blade Ghost, Circle Bear had already regained his composure.

Seeing Xia Chen coming in, she said firmly: "Kuma! (I will not give up my child!)"

It seemed that just when Xia Chen went out, she had already made a decision secretly.

Xia Chen nodded and pulled the Blue Flame Blade Ghost over, "If you don't give up, let him try. He is a very clever doctor."

In order to gain the trust of the patient's family, Xia Chen introduced Cangyan Blade Ghost like this.

The aloof and cold image of Cangyan Blade Guigui, who said nothing much, seemed quite intimidating, so Circle Bear quickly stepped aside to give him some space.

Instead of looking, hearing and asking like an old Chinese doctor, Cangyan Blade Ghost stood beside the hospital bed and closed his eyes, thinking that he might be using his mental power to detect.

After a while, he opened his eyes, with an unclear expression on his face.

After remaining in a daze for a while, the Cangyan Blade Ghost nodded and said, "Kalu. (You can try it.)"

Although the meaning of the words was not so sure, Circle Bear and Xia Chen still showed expressions of relief.

The former seems to be grasping at the last straw, while the latter feels that the master behind the Blue Flame Blade Ghost will most likely be able to find a solution.

The Cangyan Blade Ghost was in a daze just now, but wasn't he the one communicating with the old man?

One person and one bear had their own thoughts, but the Blue Flame Blade Ghost had already turned around and left the ward.

At the end, he left the last words.

"Kalu——(Give me a moment.)"

In the next few days, Cangyan Blade Ghost seemed to disappear and stayed at home. Even meals were delivered by Xia Chen alone.

As for Baby Bear, there is no need to worry too much for the time being. He has survived the past few years, moved to a better environment, and has life energy regulation, so there is no reason for the situation to get worse.

On the other side, because the heterochromatic circle bear is no longer a monster, the construction of gymnasiums, residences, elf centers, farms, and fruit groves, and all aspects of the island is completely unimpeded.


About a week passed in the peaceful days. As the circle bear was waiting anxiously, the Cangyan Blade Ghost finally reappeared, but the healing elixir did not come out at the same time.

"There is also a key material missing. The material needs to be pure and rich enough energy, preferably from the same source as the energy that Baby Bear has been absorbing in the past few years."

The Cangyan Blade Ghost said this.

Xia Chen thought thoughtfully, the original owner of the carapace was Groudon, so the last required material must also come from Groudon?

Although the guy woke up, he didn't know where he went to sleep. Where to find him?

"Can't it just be the thing in the ward?"

Xia Chen tried to ask.

Cangyan Blade Ghost shook his head, "No, the active energy in it is too low."

Xia Chen frowned, didn't that mean he wanted to pull a ready-made piece from Groudon?

This difficulty is not as simple as beating up Milton.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know where Groudon is.

The situation was frozen.

In the end, Xia Chen could only sigh and said to the sad-looking Circle Bear, "Sorry, we tried our best."

The circle bear stood up without saying a word, walked to the hospital bed, picked up the unconscious baby bear in his hands, and then prepared to leave.

Before she left the room, Xia Chen stopped her and said, "Wait, you should take this thing with you."

He pointed at Groudon's carapace, "If that makes you feel better."

The circle bear shook his head and replied: "Kuma——(Forget it, I don't want it to spend the last period of its life in pain.)"

Looking at the completely frustrated Circle Bear, Xia Chen was also a little silent.

For the first time, he felt his own powerlessness, his powerlessness against death.

Even though he has gone very far on the road as a trainer and is completely successful in his career, he cannot reverse the loss of a life.

What if such a disease appeared in my own elf?

Xia Chen didn't dare to think about it further, but just because he didn't want to, it didn't mean that such a thing wouldn't happen.

That night, he lay on the bed in his temporary residence on Yuanling Island and couldn't sleep. The weak images of the elves kept turning over in his mind.

I don't know how long it took before I fell asleep.


"According to your request, we have added a room next to your house suitable for the growth of fire elves. Please see if this plan needs to be adjusted. Uh, Mr. Xia, are you listening?"

A middle-aged man in a suit waved several times to wake Xia Chen out of his dazed state.

Xia Chen suddenly came to his senses and apologized: "Sorry, I didn't sleep well last night."

Since he mastered superpowers, he hasn't been in such a bad mental state for a long time.

Sure enough, no matter how tough your mental strength is, you can't stop the erosion from within.

Krisja on the side advised: "Why don't you go catch up on some sleep, I'll just come over here."

Xia Chen shook his head and refused: "Forget it, I can't sleep now, Mr. Zhou, please continue."

The wealthy Party A has spoken, and the designer in charge of residential construction naturally complied.

The three of them were chatting about the living area prepared for the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and the unborn Burning Insect, when suddenly, Xia Chen's cell phone Rotom rang.

"Loto's calling! Lotto's calling!"

Xia Chen glanced at an unfamiliar number from Zhijiang. Without thinking much, he pressed the call.

However, the news from the other end of the phone shocked him.

"Mr. Xia Chen? I am the person in charge of the Donghuang Alliance's River Branch. Please come to Cangnan Port quickly. We have discovered an elf suspected of being Groudon!"

Groudon? Appeared near Zhijiang in Donghuang area?

what's the situation?

Did you talk about it by yourself?

Astonished as he was, Xia Chen agreed to the request without hesitation and immediately went out and got on Guledun.

Krisjia also summoned the Great King Swallow and flew to the east immediately after.

At the same time, Cangnan Port.

Dozens of cargo ships were moored in the offshore area near the pier. It was not a bustling scene of busy entry and exit, but a slightly panicked noise.

As soon as Groudon's appearance was detected, alliance officials stopped all ships sailing nearby and docked nearby, then disembarked and took refuge.

For fear of causing panic among the masses, the alliance did not disclose the specific reasons, but various unusual signs still made all the fishermen and crew members unconsciously nervous.

The unknown is the scariest thing. The alliance didn't even say the reason for the announcement. In fact, it has already revealed a lot of information.


At the far end of the ocean, a crimson sky-high beast walked straight towards the Zhijiang River with a constant and determined pace. Every step it took could set off huge waves.

Several helicopters hovered high in the airspace above the giant beast, and colleagues who maintained an absolutely safe distance monitored Groudon's every move.

In the direction of the mainland, a red meteor streaked across quickly, coming at a high speed. It was Xia Chen and Gu Ledun who came immediately after receiving the news.

The two met about ten nautical miles away from Cangnan Port in Zhijiang City.

"Hey, friend, it's you. What a coincidence, we meet again!"

Xia Chen sounded surprised and pretended to meet by chance.

Groudon paused when he heard the familiar voice. He looked up and saw Gulton and Xia Chen on its back.

"It's you, my friend, why are you here?"

Its voice was booming, and it seemed a little tired.

If it had really been heading towards Donghuang since it disappeared, walking in the sea for a month would be a bit tiring indeed.

Groudon didn't know that they had actually reunited after their last separation - at that time Xia Chen rode on Rayquaza's head and beat it and Kyogre violently.

Compared to the hundred-meter-long Super Rayquaza, Xia Chen's figure was so small that even Groudon didn't notice him.

So Groudon didn't know that Xia Chen had actually betrayed their friendship a long time ago.

At this moment, it was happy to be reunited with its friends.

Xia Chen, who felt Groudon's joy, felt a little guilty for being a fool, but he had his own position, and he had no choice but to deceive this senseless person.

Just like this moment, in order to prevent Groudon from causing trouble in Zhijiang, he was going to start cheating again.

"Actually, I came here specifically to apologize to you."

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