Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 355 No, you came at the right time

The Burning Bug's special food supplement is modified from the Vulcan Moth's favorite food provided by Adek.

Just like the tastes of humans in a certain area are mostly similar, the tastes of burning bugs and Vulcan moths are the same, and they like spicy food.

Strictly speaking, spicy food is painful. Xia Chen didn't know whether the newly born burning bug could withstand it, so he restrained himself for the first meal and didn't go to the extreme level.

However, looking at the burning insect's unfinished expression, he felt that he had underestimated the elf's physical fitness.

Next time I’ll just use Gulton’s favorite secret spicy seasoning.

Xia Chen thought so.

After the Burning Bug had eaten its fill, it fell back to sleep. Xia Chen did not disturb it, leaving a wild Incense Ape that originally lived on the island but has now completely returned to take care of it. He then left the fire ecological park.

It was the end of November, and the outside temperature was already in the single digits. Xia Chen, who had just come out of the hot ecological park, was frozen to death.

Fortunately, the considerate and meticulous Gardevoir delivered energy and heat in a timely manner, and Xia Chen felt much more comfortable.

The main buildings on Yuanling Island have basically been completed. Except for the largest gymnasium, the completion and decoration will not be completed until at least March or April next year.

However, Xia Chen's lake view villa has entered the final finishing stage in the past two days.

At this moment, the elves are adding their favorite decorative details to their respective rooms.

The new home is close to the east coast of Yuanling Island, surrounded by mountains and lakes, with beautiful scenery. In addition to the wetland where the electric fireflies and sweet fireflies live, there is also a beautiful place that is loved by Sakura and the skirt girls. Flower field.

After living here for more than a month, under the management of diplomat Sai Fuhao and deputy envoy Duolongqi, they seemed to have formed a deep friendship with the local elves.

Xia Chen often takes the elves to picnic and play in the flower fields, and Miss Skirt and the Sakura children also come to Xia Chen's new home from time to time.

As long as they live a prosperous life, most wild elves don't have any bad intentions.

The biggest "bully" on the island, the heterochromatic Circle Bear, also surrendered after getting rid of her heart knot. Now, she will lead a group of Circle Bear boys to parade around the island, like what [Loop Bear Security Team] generally.

The concept of "harmony between humans and elves" originally formulated by Xia Chen is truly realized here.

Of course, it is unknown what the island will look like after it is opened to the outside world.


To the south of the new home is a fruit forest, which can not only provide more food for the nearby elves, but also serve to separate the villa from the public areas of the island.

When Xia Chen passed by, he saw Krisjia working with her elves.

"Ah, how come Lord Huoyan does this kind of work himself?"

The art of language, which sounds caring, but turns out to be quite eccentric upon closer inspection, is a communication method unique to Xia Chen and Chris Jia.

Strictly speaking, Xia Chen is a defensive counterattacker, and Krisjia's little mouth is very powerful.

The beautiful girl who looked innocent and ignorant of the world raised her head and said in a pretentious and respectful manner: "To return to the master, I am doing some work to keep the fruit trees warm. Some of the trees are native to my hometown, the Fengyuan area with a hot climate. As valuable as the master is, if you are not careful, you may not be able to survive this winter."

After getting to know each other, this girl's verbal aggression is so strong.

Xia Chen was not in the mood to play the cosplay game between the master and the maid with her. He smiled slightly and shook his head. After saying hello to the sinister girl and her elves, he continued to move forward.

Passing through the fruit trees that are still leafy in winter, a house that is not grand, but is more unique and exquisite comes into view.

On the east side is the endless blue lake, which is the habitat of Menas and the aquatic elves that may be conquered in the future.

To the north is a hill that is so low that it cannot even be called a mountain. It can be regarded as the back garden of the Xia Chen family elves. Therefore, Luton has been here for a long time, guarding the northern border.

To the west is the flower field where Miss Skirt and the Sakuras live, as well as the Electric Firefly Wetland. The security team is patrolling to ensure safety.

Xia Chen's new home is not too big, at least much smaller than Mikri's Liuli Manor. There is not much artificially trimmed lawns and gardening outside, so the plants can grow as they like.

There are not many rooms in the residential building. Apart from myself and the elves, there are only a dozen or so rooms reserved for future new elves and guests.

In addition, as an excellent trainer, the indispensable supporting facilities include a training hall no smaller than a residential building and a standard battle venue.

In short, Xia Chen is very satisfied with his new home. The video he posted in Bogaman’s circle of friends has also been liked by many friends, who are clamoring to come to eat and drink in the future.

Xia Chen just went ahead and had a party. The date was set for December 1st a few days later. The invitees were all close friends. Except for those who really had something to do and couldn't make it, everyone else happily accepted.


Since it is a gathering at a new home, it is natural to prepare well.

The world of elves is a little different. There may only be a dozen people invited, but if you include the elves, there are nearly a hundred mouths.

Xia Chen definitely couldn't prepare this amount of food by himself. Fortunately, there were many chefs on the island. With the help of them and the elves, there shouldn't be any problems.

But that will be a few days later, so there is no need to rush now.

At this time, in the house, new friends Miss Skirt and Sakura were sitting or standing, scattered everywhere.

They are not just here to play, but also shoulder an important task - purifying the air.

The principle is similar to the legendary elf Shemi who looks like a grass hedgehog, but his ability is not that strong.

But it is more than enough to purify the air in a house.

The decoration of the living room is simple, without any Donghuang style or Galar style. It emphasizes minimalism, but the elves' rooms are different.

Xia Chen has been shopping around for the past two days. The styles are so different that it can be called a chaotic dance of demons.

But the elves live there by themselves, so I can only say that they like it.

Xia Chen's own room is in the middle of the second floor. Its style is consistent with the minimalism of the living room, leaving plenty of room for the future hostess to play.

The room is very big, and the balcony on Yunze Lake alone is enough for an elf battle.

From the balcony, you can also see the rooms of the two elves Senbu and Gardevoir next door.

After being told that they would be ruthlessly kicked out of Xia Chen's room, they settled for the next best thing and chose a place separated by a wall from Xia Chen, where they wanted to be accompanied.

They say they live in different rooms, but in fact, for the two of them, they can attack at night anytime they want.

Just as Xia Chen was basking in the sunset on the balcony, enjoying the lake breeze, and sleeping in with his eyes squinted, two pieces of silk stretched out from the window sill of the left room and hooked a cute elf over.

Xianbu walked gracefully on the pink flesh pads and lay down comfortably on the lazy sofa where Xia Chen was lying.


"Bu Yi~ (Good evening, how are you getting along with your new friends~)"

The new friend is of course the burning insect, although Senbu and the other elves are very curious about this new partner.

But during the period after birth, it would be better for him to spend more time alone with Xia Chen.

"It's okay, it's fine. It's just that she feels a little weird when she sleeps."

Weird or not, Xia Chen had long been used to it, so he just mentioned it.

Perhaps she felt bored, so Xia Chen picked her up and held her high, regardless of Xianbu's pretentious struggle.

Xiaoxianbu bared her fangs and claws, but it was just a pretense to scare people. The short tail raised behind her revealed that she was in a very happy mood at this time.

After playing childishly for a while, Xia Chen put her on his chest and lay on her stomach, and then asked: "What about you, how do you feel about your new home?"

Xianbu snored comfortably like a kitten, with his little paws pressing restlessly on his chest, while replying: "Buer. (It's great, the scenery and climate are great, well, the best thing is that there are... You are)"

Xia Chen smiled slightly, "That would be great."

Winter nights always come earlier. Against the backdrop of the vast Yunze Lake, the red sunset seems to be right in front of you.

The red-gold sunset slants on the lake, and the sparkling scene reminds people of fishing boats singing at night, which is really moving.

The soothing lake breeze, the gentle sunset, the lovely fairy cloth. Everything is so wonderful.


Suddenly, there was a soft knock on the door behind him. Xia Chen turned his head, but it was Gardevoir who was helping Xia Chen pack his things in the room, coming over with a plate of fruit.

Feeling the peaceful and warm atmosphere on the balcony, her crimson eyes showed a little bit of disappointment.

"Sanai. (I'm sorry, I came at the wrong time.)"

Xia Chen's response was as gentle as the evening breeze, "How could that be? You came at just the right time."


The ultimate space, an unknown place.

The Burning Bug's consciousness awakened again. To be precise, it was after the real world fell asleep that it came here under the guidance of light.

"I feel like I'm still awake even after I'm asleep, but something feels weird."

Although there are no new Internet concepts such as "capital vampires", "work slaves", and "roll kings", after instinctive thinking, Burning Bug still feels that there is something wrong with this state.

Guang was silent for a while and replied: "You can treat this as a dream, or it's the same if you sleep here. Anyway, you can't just stare at them all day long." ]

This makes some sense, but not that much, because light does not solve the essential problem of burning insects spinning around 24 hours a day.

But the path he chose must be completed even if he cried. The Burning Insect pursed his lips, stopped talking, and began to shine for this world wrapped in darkness.

There is no rule of rising in the east and setting in the west. Something like the sun suddenly appears in the dark sky and shines on the earth.

Poisonous Baby, who was awakened by the dazzling sunlight, opened his eyes wide and spun around in circles again.

It was just about to fly back and tell the tribe, but suddenly thought of what happened yesterday, and it couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Looking up at the sun transformed by the burning insects, Poison Baby murmured like a prayer: "poi (Father Sun, please don't disappear suddenly, otherwise they will never believe my words again)"

Although the burning bug was hanging high in the sky, she didn't know what magical power the "light" had exerted to make the scene thousands of miles away and the sound as clear as before her eyes. She naturally heard the words of this poisonous baby. .

The burning bug murmured to himself: "So it was regarded as a liar yesterday?"

[The creatures in the darkness are indeed so sensitive and fragile, but the more so, the more faith we can gain in the future. ]

"Light" teaches tirelessly like a teacher.

The burning bug nodded thoughtfully, then lowered his head and looked at the ground, waiting for the return of Poison Baby.

About ten minutes later, another sound came from under the cave, and the sound was a little louder than before.

They are coming.

Soon, a group of about twenty or thirty poisonous babes and two or three four-jawed needle dragons came out and looked at the sky in disbelief.

The dry ground gradually regained vitality and vitality amidst the noise.

"poi! (So what you said is true!)"

"poi! (The light is really back!)"

"poi! (I have to go back quickly to tell them the good news!)"

"poi! (Is this sunshine? It's so comfortable!)"



With the appearance of this small group of poisonous babes and four-jawed needle dragons, the Burning Bug could clearly feel a small stream of strange energy pouring into its body one after another, and then integrated into it and became a part of its body.

"Is this the power of faith?"

[Not really, it can only be said to be some kind of positive energy. Faith is not that simple to form. ]

Guang said: [Take your time, we still have a long way to go. ]

The Burning Worm responded and suddenly asked: "Does the dark matter you mentioned also gain faith through darkness?"

[He is much simpler. As long as the creatures in this world have negative emotions, they will provide them with power, and eventually drag the entire world into nothingness. The Great God of Glory is affected by it. Don’t worry too much, these things are temporarily away from us. Still far away. ]


There was so much information in this paragraph that Burning Bug seemed to understand it. The only thing that was clear was the sentence "far away from us." She no longer worried about the sky and continued to observe the ground.

This time the Poison Babe and the Four-jawed Needle Dragon came faster. It is estimated that no one believed that the Poison Babe discovered the light at first. Now more and more elves have confirmed that they all swarmed in. come out.

It’s unknown how many poisonous babies lived in the cave below. The narrow passage was surging for nearly an hour before calmness returned.

The originally dry ground has turned into a purple ocean, so densely packed that it can make patients with trypophobia shut down on the spot.

There are also a few white-gold poisonous babes scattered among them, which should be a relatively rare color.

Ignoring the glare of the sun, they looked up longingly in the direction of the burning insects. Hope and happiness filled every corner of the earth.

I don’t know if it’s because the power of faith is going crazy +1, or because it’s infected by the atmosphere of the elves below, or because it’s some kind of spontaneous sense of accomplishment. At this moment, the Burning Bug is extremely happy.

Just tirelessly watching the Poison Babes singing and dancing in celebration below, time passed by in a hurry, and suddenly there was a warmth around them.

Burning Bug knew that she had returned to the real world.


October 30th, a rare sunny day.

Xia Chen spent several days decorating both the hard and soft furnishings of his new home, and finally finished everything and officially moved in.

The housewarming party was not held, but the party held the day after tomorrow reluctantly took on this responsibility.

Today he just invited a few people from Zai Zhijiang to have a small gathering at his new home.

There were not many people, just the assistant Yan Shu, the migrant worker Krisja, Jiang Qian, mother and son, and their elves.

Everyone is acquaintances, and the atmosphere is harmonious.

Xia Chen, a stay-at-home dad, finally brought his new baby, Burning Bug, to meet these friends, lest he be too afraid to come out when there are more people the day after tomorrow.

But obviously, the Burning Bug is not the kind of person who is afraid of life.

Xia Chen didn't know that she had seen thousands of elves in the world of ultimate space these days and listened to millions of words. She just thought that she was born to be unafraid of life.

Speaking of which, this little guy is growing quite fast. In less than a week, it has grown to 70 centimeters, like a plant with a catalyst.

Jiang Han, who was almost ten years old, stood with her. At a glance, he didn't look much older than a burning insect, which was a bit strange.

As for his strength, Xia Chen had not tested it. He was only a week old, so it would be too crazy to start training now.

There will be two important competitions next year - the World Gym Master Competition and the Donghuang Conference. The former will be in the first half of the year and the latter in the second half of the year.

Judging from the age of the Burning Bug, he probably won't be able to catch up, so there is no need to worry, just grow up happily.

After having enough wine and food, Xia Chen, Jiang Qian and the others were chatting in the living room, and the elves were also socializing inside and outside the house.

Not long after he was born, the newest companion, the Burning Insect, has the faint intention of becoming the elf at the center of the conversation.

The guys headed by Duo Longqi and Sai Fuhao greeted her, but their main purpose was to find out about her "secrets". This was already the practice of the Xia Chen family every time a new partner joined the team.

But they didn't just ask questions, they also brought some sincerity - a belated birth gift, or a meeting gift.


Duolongqi, the most outgoing one, was the first to take out his gift, a fiery red gem with green hints.

The gem exudes green not because it is green, but because this fire-attributed energy gem contains insect-type energy.

This is a fire insect dual-attribute top-level energy gem specially made by Duolongqi for the burning insects. It is not too precious, but it is very practical for the newly born burning insects.

"Qi~ (Hey, this is my meeting gift for you~)"

Duolongqi circled around the burning bug, which reminded the latter of the poisonous babies that appeared in groups in that world, just as stupid.

This week she spent most of her time alone with Xia Chen. She hadn't seen Duolongqi and the others very often, so she didn't have much enthusiasm for him like Aiwujiwu.

It is not afraid of life or death, but the Burning Bug has a rather cautious temperament - it has always been this way since it accepted the task assigned to it by "Light".

That evil and treacherous sight, the terrifying sight that made Zhong shudder when he thought about it, was always buried in the deepest part of her heart and could not be removed.

This brought changes to the Burning Worm that she didn't even notice, and she was cautious even close friends like Duolongqi didn't dare to trust in the first place.

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