Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 356 Gather, Xia Chen’s friends meeting!

Duolongqi has never been a dragon who is afraid of hot faces and cold buttocks. If he has a favorite person, he will probably be respectfully called "Boiling Dragon".

So when he saw the Burning Bug who was not very enthusiastic, he didn't care too much and just thought that the Burning Bug was shy.

After forcing the energy gem into the Burning Worm, Duolongqi smiled and circled around the Burning Worm, trying to make her happy and relieve her nervousness and shyness.

The self-righteous approach did not open up Burning Bug's heart, and she still looked at Duolongqi's performance with no expression.

Fortunately, the attentive Gardevoir discovered the Burning Bug's mood in time and stopped Duolongqi, thus ending what was not a farce.

With Duolongqi's lessons learned, the other elves gradually lost their interest in inquiring about secrets.

Without this special bond, although they didn't say it, deep down in their hearts, there was a slight estrangement from this new partner.

Xia Chen, who was distracted, saw it and didn't say anything, just kept it in his heart silently.

Burning Bug is still young at this time, so he probably doesn't know much about the ways of the world, and doesn't understand what it means to "come out and hang out, relying on power". It will be better when he grows up a little bit.

This matter is left undisclosed for the time being.

The next day, it was still a sunny day, and the temperature returned to nearly 20 degrees, which was comfortable and pleasant.

The weather in Zhijiang is so unpredictable.

There is only one day left before the party begins, and the invited guests gradually arrive at Yuanling Island.

The first person to land on the island was Mingyi, whom she hadn't seen for a long time. Also coming with her was Nimo, a senior who Xia Chen took good care of when traveling in the Padia region.

Due to the geographical location and climate, the holidays at Orange Academy are very strange. They are not Donghuang's winter and summer vacations. This is the beginning of the longest holiday at the end of the year.

But even if there is no vacation, with the open style of study of that famous college, sneaking to Donghuang for a few days is not a problem.


"That guy Clavel still wants to come over and hang out, but it's a pity that there are a lot of things during the holiday week."

The president of the student union calls the current principal by his first name and calls him "this guy". To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a different kind of [father is kind and son is filial].

Nimo still looked youthful and energetic. She had just visited Xia Chen's new home, and when she saw the brand new battle field, she immediately wanted to fight.

Xia Chen rejected this fighting maniac unceremoniously.

I haven’t seen my childhood sweetheart for almost half a year. What’s the point of meeting you again after a long absence and not reminiscing about old friendships and fighting against you?

Nimo curled her lips and stopped talking.

Mingyi smiled as she watched Qingmei arguing with her best friend.

Since Xia Chen left Padiya, she has been on a gym challenge journey and has now collected all eight badges.

After returning from this vacation, I will be able to participate in the alliance conference held in Table City next March.

After half a year of sleeping in the open air, this girl's skin is still fair, and she looks a little thinner.

I don't know if it's the contrast of his waistline or some growth. He seems to have grown up a little bit, and he is almost the opposite of a certain current Unova champion.

Ming Yi's strength has also grown. At that time, only Monarch Snake and Flaming Ace barely reached the elite level when they were separated. Now, except for the quasi-god Frozen Spinosaurus that has not yet evolved into its third form, all of them have elite levels. strength.

There is definitely a big gap compared to Xia Chen, but even in the Orange Academy where elites gather, such a leap can be called a rapid growth rate.

Nimo said that at the same age, she shouldn't be able to beat Mingyi.

As for whether this was modesty or sincerity, Xia Chen didn't know.

Speaking of which, Xia Chen from Padiya also invited Paipa, who had a wonderful experience with him, and Qishu, the gym leader of Nianguang City.

Unfortunately, the former could not be contacted, and the latter was too far away to come, so Xia Chen had no choice but to give up.

However, he plans to go to Padiya early next year to resolve the matter of Duolongqi's evolution. If he is free then, he can visit Miss Qishu, who is not sure whether she is a caged bird or not.


Before taking Nemo and Mingyi around the new home, a new guest arrived on the island——

The Queen of Super Powers, the new champion of Hezhong, and Xia Chen's mentor, Miss Cattleya is here.

This guy came directly from the lake next to the villa with a sword. He was full of immortal energy, but the "sword" he wielded was a super-evolved Metagross.

"Why do you need to super evolve? I didn't remember that the super evolved Metagross is faster?"

Xia Chen came out to greet him and asked by the way.

In fact, Xia Chen remembered wrongly. The speed of the super Metagross was indeed much faster than the normal form, but Cattleya was not for this reason.

"I heard that you passed out due to super evolution on the battlefield a few days ago. It's so embarrassing. Metagross and I didn't feel much mental or physical strength after super evolution."

She said this in a confused manner, not sure if she was mocking or encouraging, but Xia Chen felt that with Cattleya's bad character, the former was more likely.

He couldn't help but retort: ​​"That's because Gardevoir and Senbu were super evolved at the same time in one game, at the same time, do you understand?"

Cattleya released her Super Hu Di and Super Eluredo from the elf ball, and Xia Chen fell silent.

Welcoming Cattleya into the house who was angry with her when she came over, she directly asked Xia Chen to take her to her room to rest.

Xia Chen knew that with this guy's mental strength even more terrifying than her elf, he wasn't really tired, but he just had no intention of communicating with Ming Yinimo.

Cattleya has never had the concept of polite social interaction, and she doesn't like to waste time on such useless things.

If you are an ordinary person, even if you are a champion, you will inevitably be disturbed by this aspect to some extent, but Cattleya is completely different, and the alien is a bit cute.

Nemo, who was very interested in this famous super champion, was rejected before even starting a conversation, which was inevitably a bit frustrating.

But the girl was naturally cheerful and enthusiastic, and she forgot about it after running wildly in the flower field where a large number of girls in skirts and cherry blossoms lived.

After settling down Nemo and Cattleya, Xia Chen finally had some space alone with his childhood sweetheart.

They strolled by the clear stream that ran through the island, chatting endlessly.

From the anecdotes from his childhood that Xia Chen had almost no memory of, to this year's travel experience, to his thoughts about the future, the unfamiliarity caused by not seeing each other for a long time was gradually replaced by a familiar atmosphere.


"In just a few years, you have become an excellent trainer and researcher, and you have also realized your dream of opening a gym. If Uncle Xia and the others are still here, you will definitely be very happy."

Mingyi suddenly mentioned Xia Chen's parents who had been missing for several years in the Alola region.

This was the first time since the two got together. In the past, she would carefully avoid this sensitive topic that might make Xia Chen feel depressed.

Maybe it's because Xia Chen has grown up now, or maybe it's because of other reasons that she brings up old things again.

In fact, Xia Chen himself didn't mind. The main reason was that as a time traveler, he didn't have a deep relationship with his parents who only existed in his memory.

But no matter what, it was his concern in this world. He nodded and replied: "Next year or the year after, I want to go to Alola. I think they are still alive."

Although the search team concluded that the disappearance was cleaner than evaporation, Xia Chen had more prophetic knowledge than them that did not belong to this world - the ultimate hole.

That is the mysterious passage that connects this world to the ultimate space. In the game, there are a large number of elves named [Ultimate Alien Beasts] living there.

After all, there are human beings in the big cities, and maybe it’s not necessarily that their parents are still alive in that world.

Ming Yi didn't know this, she just thought it was Xia Chen who hadn't stopped thinking about it, and echoed to comfort her: "Well, it must be like this."

Walking back to the lakeside villa along the stream, I happened to see the good friends Mikoli and Dawu landing on the island under the leadership of Chris Jia.

The Fengyuan area was relatively close, so they naturally came earlier.

After they met, hugged and exchanged greetings, Mikri said: "Teacher Adam said he won't interfere with you young people's gathering. In fact, he has an appointment with the beautiful woman. That guy Qianli has to deal with some things and won't come here until tomorrow."

Xia Chen smiled and nodded, "I understand. By the way, how are you and Naqi doing?"

After Lubi and Xiaoyao, Mi Keli and Naqi went to Fengyuan, Xia Chen found that his heart for gossip became more and more serious, and there was a faint tendency to become a Yuelao.

Mi Keli did not disappoint Xia Chen and smiled slightly, "The wedding will be held next spring. Please be sure to attend. It would be even better if you can be the best man."

Xia Chen curled his lips, "It's enough for me to eat dog food. I'd better let Dawu be the best man and so on."

Dawu, who was admiring the beautiful Yunze Lake rocks in the courtyard, heard that he was mentioned by cue, and said "Ah" and looked up in confusion.

Xia Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "Dawu-san won't be dependent on stones for the rest of his life, right?"

"of course not!"

Dawu's decisive voice made Xia Chen raise his eyebrows in surprise. Is this stone cancer finally clearing up?

But I saw this blue-haired handsome boy saying firmly: "There are also beautiful steel elves!"

Xia Chen: "."


This is of course a joke. Although Daigo likes stone and steel elves very much, he is still a normal human with xp.

The noble son of the Dewen Group is quite charming when he is not digging rocks, so President Zifuqi does not have to worry about his future heir.

After settling the two of them in the guest room, Xia Chen no longer took them to hang out at home——

These guys all come alone or in pairs. If they come as a pair, they just go around once, so he doesn't have to do anything today.

In fact, Xia Chen still has a lot to prepare today for tomorrow's party.

As expected, in the afternoon, Dr. Ohmu, Xiaogang and Qinglv from Kanto, Ma Xiu, Karuni and Gherkin Korni from Carlos, Adek and Daye from Hezhong, and Long from Shangjing The three wild fathers and daughters successively formed groups to land on the island.

The finale is a hot woman.

At this point, the party hasn't officially started yet, but people have already arrived.

As a result, a grand party with a total number of people and elves that could reach three digits started early.

Although the common link between these guests is Xia Chen, they are basically the elite of the elf world, and they have heard of each other even though they don't know each other.

The older ones are either the king of the hall or the champion, and the younger ones also have prominent family backgrounds, Korni, the third generation of the hall, Dawu, the young master of the Dewen Group, and Nemo, the second lady of the mobile phone company Rotom.

The most important thing is that they have one thing in common - they are excellent or extremely potential trainers.

Therefore, this gathering has the meaning of "there are great scholars talking and laughing, but no idle people coming and going".

Because they all have intersections with Xia Chen, even people who don't know each other can start a conversation through the common topic of exposing Xia Chen's dirty information.

The atmosphere during the dinner, which was quite similar to the buffet, was harmonious.

If someone tells a wonderful Xia Chen joke, it will cause everyone to laugh in unison, and the living room will be filled with happy air.

Xia Chen, who was at the center of the topic, was slicing Beijing roast duck in the kitchen with a black face. Hearing these outrageous words, he suddenly had the urge to poison the chicken soup.

After having had enough wine and food, these guys' post-meal digestive activity was predictably an elf battle.

Although there was only one battlefield in Xia Chen's home, they didn't mind and started the arena match with the simplest and most direct format.

In order to be more interesting, the game is still a doubles match between two teams.

Of course, to be fair, the bug combination of Sirona and Cattleya was banned.


Xia Chen was originally ready to serve melon seeds drinks, eat melons and watch the show with Gardevoir in his arms, but Cattleya, who was pulled in by Sirona, pulled him into the game again.

He was then faced with the dilemma of who to pick as a doubles teammate.

On the left is Mingyi who doesn't hide her expectant emotions, on the right is Sirona who has no expression on her face, and secretly there is someone who glances at her inexplicably from time to time.

Xia Chen finally chose Cattleya, who put him in trouble.

That guy was originally sullen and laughing at the joke, but was dragged down by Xia Chen with the high-sounding excuse of "master and apprentice teaming up", so he had no choice but to agree to form a team.

However, his and Cattleya's combination is not the strongest on paper. There are still very competitive combinations such as Sirona and Karuni, Adek plus Daye, and Tatsuno and Mikri.

Due to the short time and large number of people, each team is only allowed to bring four elves.

Xia Chen and Cattleya looked at each other with cold faces, and they did not seem to be a harmonious pair.

In entertainment games, there is no need to think about combinations and zone defense. Having fun is the most important thing.

Seeing that Duolongqi and Nianmeilong were the most willing to play in the team, Xia Chen was ready to take them on the field.

Cattleya casually picked out the cool-faced Eluredo among the elves, and Mengmeng Eclipse, who was huddled in the corner, not knowing whether he was awake or asleep.

The night is short, and everyone quickly chose their own elves.

As for the position of the first-generation champion, the hosts Xia Chen and Cattleya were pushed up by everyone like fire.

Xia Chen immediately changed the rules righteously, "For the sake of fairness, the final winner will be the pair that defends the most matches!"

In this way, the disadvantage of the first appearance is turned into an advantage - after all, no matter how strong you are, there will be no one behind you, and the number of rounds you defend will naturally not be as good as those in front.

As soon as the rules were revised, Daye immediately became angry, "If the last combination won't win the championship, is this still called an arena competition?"

This was very reasonable, but Xia Chen chose to ignore it.

There was no choice but to overthrow these two evil dragons. Daye and Adek fired the first shot without hesitation.

In the past, there was the old hatred between Adek and Cattleya, and now there is the new hatred between Xia Chen and Daye. Taking into account the old hatred and the old hatred together, this battle is really interesting.

Daye and Adek are really serious. They are the double ace combination of Vulcan Moth and Flame Monkey.

In comparison, Xia Chen's Elule Duo and Nian Meilong looked a lot weaker.

Although Xia Chen's Xi Cui Nian Mei Long had the following feat of defeating Long Ye's ace, it only happened under the good foundation laid by Duo Long Qi and the constraints of many information gaps.

Now that Nian Meilong has been thoroughly studied, and there are no restrictions such as double walls, a gym-level elf squeezed into the three elves. It feels a bit like the earth dragon brother accidentally wandered into a group of biting land sharks.


"I said, you might as well get Gardevoir or Fairy Eevee."

Before the official fight with her opponent, Cattleya used telepathy to complain about Xia Chen's choice.

Not to be outdone, Xia Chen retorted: "Where are your Metagross and Hu Di?"

Cattleya snorted rather arrogantly, "Aren't my Elle Duo and Meng Meng Eclipse champion-level elves?"

Xia Chen had no words to refute that he was not as strong as others, so he had to use actual actions to prove that I, Nian Meilong, was no weaker than a dragon!

half a minute later

"Help! Help me use wide-area defense. When I finish the retreat of Meilong, I will kill them all!"

"Exchange venues, exchange venues, please!"

"[Look at me] Can I use it? Oh no. Send it!"

Cattleya chuckled, "I still like your unruly look just now."

Super Elledor finally stood up, and despite the heavy bombardment of the somewhat lagging Nian Meilong and his two opponents' fire elves, he managed to kill the Flame Monkey under his horse, and was quickly killed by the Vulcan Moth. Put it away.

The subsequent game became a show for Vulcan Moth.

Although Adek has retired for almost a year, his strength has not diminished at all.

The Burning Insect lying on the ground watching the game on the sidelines looked at the powerful Vulcan Moth mother, with eyes full of longing and yearning.

When will I be as strong as her?

[Soon, if everything goes well, within three years. ]

The sound of light is elusive, and this is the first time it appears in this world.

The Burning Bug was startled, but she hid her expression very well and did not show anything strange. She just felt more longing for the future in her heart.

On the battlefield, Xia Chen and Cattleya were defeated and withdrew from the group competition.

It was inevitable that he would be laughed at in good faith by the mean-spirited Daye and Adek across from him, but Xia Chen himself was not angry.

He originally thought that Cattleya would be extremely angry, but it turned out that this blond beauty, who looked innocent on the outside but had a lot of emotions on the inside, had a smile on her lips, and he didn't know what was wrong with her.

There are benefits to being eliminated early. After sending Nian Meilong and Duolongqi to the elf center not far away, Xia Chen watched the next game on the battlefield with peace of mind.

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