Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 368 The first intimate contact with Sirona (45k per day, first update 5k)

There is no doubt that magical candy is something with very high upper and lower limits.

If used by a newborn elf, the benefits of natural growth would probably be huge in just a few days, but if used by a legendary elf like Guluton, it would be worth dozens or even hundreds of years of effort.

Frankly speaking, leaving it to the other juniors in the team would be a waste of resources——

Among them, those with the highest energy intensity have not yet reached the king level, and with their extremely fast growth rate, their natural growth in one or two months can be worth the benefits of a magical candy.

And more importantly, there are almost ten elves in the team, and there are only two candies.

Although he didn't understand the principle of "worry not about scarcity but about inequality", Gu Lerton also felt that it was inappropriate to handle it this way.

After thinking about it, he still didn't have any great ideas, so Leton decided to go back with the candy to ask for Xia Chen's opinion.

Having made up his mind, Luton immediately got up and flew to the bottom of Area Zero.

Because his strength was not only restored, but also greatly enhanced, Luton returned faster. In less than ten minutes, a red meteor landed in the backyard of the research institute.

After sniffing the air and sensing Xia Chen's specific location, Luton walked straight to the battlefield in the backyard.

From a distance, Gu Lerton heard the newly evolved Doron Baruto yelling something like "I'm going to fight ten" without thinking about life and death. It seemed that he was going to challenge the seniors and juniors in the team in turn.

The one who came on stage now was Sai Fuhao, who usually had a good rapport with Doronbaruto.

Therefore, Luton ignored the battle, which was no more than a baby fight in its eyes, and walked to Xia Chen, who was looking at the two elves on the field with a smile.

After coughing lightly, he asked: "Ahem, did you find anything different?"

There are some things that are boring to say out loud and would only be satisfying if discovered passively. Therefore, Luton was waiting for Xia Chen to accidentally discover his changes.

It couldn't wait to see Xia Chen's shocked expression.

However, Xia Chen thought Gulerton was asking about the two elves playing in the team's training match on the field, and seriously commented: "It's quite different. The improvement span of Doron Baruto after evolving is too great. His own strength On the one hand, it’s basically too bad to play three against one.”

Therefore, Luton was speechless and continued to remind: "I'm talking about me, my changes!"

Xia Chen turned his head and took a closer look at the proud and upright red lizard, and nodded with understanding in the latter's expectant eyes.

"It seems that your energy is much better. Have you recovered from all the injuries you suffered in yesterday's battle?"

Gu Luton froze, his temperament instantly collapsed, and he looked at Xia Chen speechlessly——

This guy usually likes to use the power of waveguides, why can't he detect it at such a critical moment?

To be honest, this is really no wonder Xia Chen.

Although the power of waveguide is easy to use, because it is so easy to use, sometimes he is forced to perceive some things that embarrass him.

Therefore, except at certain times, Xia Chen usually would not use the power of the waveguide to shine back and forth on his own elves.

Seeing Gulton's disappointed eyes at this moment, he belatedly released the power of the waveguide to detect.

It doesn't matter if it's an accident, it's a big deal. Therefore, the intensity of Luton's energy made Xia Chen swear.

"Damn it, are you so strong?!"

The shock was late but arrived. Looking at Xia Chen's expression, Luden felt as comfortable as drinking a large glass of ice-cold mango juice on a hot summer day.

"Oh, it's nothing."

He said with false modesty.

Xia Chen: "."

Okay, I'll let you finish it all by yourself.


Xia Chen's shouting naturally attracted the attention of other elves, and even Doron Baruto, who was fighting fiercely on the field, heard it.

This guy thought Xia Chen was talking about him, and his small mung bean eyes narrowed with joy.

Then he paid the price for being distracted during the battle. Sai Fuhao's very insidious shadow ball was caught off guard and hit Doron Baruto's proud face.

However, no elves were paying attention to the battle at this moment. They all gathered around Gulton, either marveling or discussing enthusiastically. It was very lively.

Doronbaruto and Sai Fuhao naturally lost interest in continuing the battle. They looked at each other and then ran over to join in the fun.

Before they even got close to Gulton, just by feeling the terrifying aura it actively exuded, they both understood what was going on——

Isn’t this Rayquaza?

It's not about the appearance, but the intensity of the energy fluctuations.

Because he had never met the two big guys Xerneas and Yveltar with Xia Chen, the strongest elf Doronbaruto had ever seen was Rayquaza, so he naturally set him as a benchmark.

When he woke up, Guluton's strength suddenly surged to a level similar to that of Rayquaza?

How could I have such a dream?

"So, is this your original strength?"

Xia Chen's question awakened the shocked Doronbaruto.

Yes, in the past, Guluton was seriously injured and bullied by dogs. Now it is possible that he has just returned to his original strength.

But Gu Ledun shook his head and replied: "I have recovered, but I was not that strong before."

Xia Chen nodded slightly. This answer was in line with his prediction. Therefore, Luton was after all a fantasy creature created by Talebagos. Even though it was a proud work of painstaking efforts, it was still a little less interesting than the Dragon that controls the sky.

But the more this happened, the more Xia Chen became curious about what happened to Gu Ledun.


"It's the effect of this thing."

So Luton very frankly took out the remaining two magical candies.

"This is something I got by chance. It is very beneficial to the increase of energy intensity. However, an elf can only eat two. I have already eaten it."

Xia Chen took what Gu Ledun handed to him, which looked like an ordinary candy. He stared at it for a while and felt that it seemed a bit familiar.

Coupled with Gulton's sudden surge in strength, he had a vague suspicion in his mind, "Could this thing be a magical candy?"

Therefore, Luton's eyes were slightly surprised. Xia Chen actually knew?

Considering the relationship between the system and Xia Chen, Luton felt relieved again. It nodded and replied: "Yes, I got four by chance, and now I still have two that I don't know how to distribute."

It just so happened that all the elves were here, so Luton decided to be honest. Although not all elves would be able to get it, it was still better than hiding it.

Xia Chen fell silent after understanding the situation. He had more things to consider than Gu Ledun, and he understood the difficulties more clearly.

The sage said that it is not a matter of scarcity but of inequality. This is also true when placed in a group of elves who also possess wisdom.

If it is not handled properly and a gap arises in the originally harmonious group, then the gain outweighs the loss.

So in response to this situation, Xia Chen came up with two solutions.

The first one, of course, is to delay on the grounds that "the best results cannot be achieved if used now", and we will talk about it later.

The second option?

"How about using it to py with legendary elves in the future? No legendary elves can refuse the magic of this thing. It's up to you to decide how to deal with it. We are now conducting a public vote!"

Xia Chen said so.

The elves looked at each other, as if they didn't expect Xia Chen to be able to do such a trick, but if they think about it carefully, they will find that this proposal is not bad.

The only difficulty is how to convince a stranger, the legendary elf, that the magical candy is really that magical.

It shouldn't be difficult to do so given Luton's personal experience.

Ever since, in a show of hands vote, the elves unanimously approved the second plan.

In addition to this idea looking more interesting, the more important reason is that the arrogant elves feel that they do not need it.

Who hasn’t died yet?


The most important matter was successfully resolved, and the elves dispersed.

The battle continued with the battle that had just been suspended, with training training and fun playing, highlighting a free and loose atmosphere.

Xia Chen also went to the laboratory to continue studying Taijing. Before leaving, he didn't forget to tell Leden, one of the only two successful people in the Taijing experiment.

There are successful examples here, and Xia Chen must study them carefully.

The days spent immersed in Research Zero passed quickly.

In addition to eating and sleeping and other physiologically necessary activities, Xia Chen's daily routine these days is to ponder the research journal, study Taijing fragments, study Guluton, and then meditate.

When Xia Chen was notified by Olin AI that someone from the outside world was looking for him, more than a month had passed before he knew it.

"You were a savage in Area Zero, right? You didn't shave your beard, and you didn't cut your hair."

Even if it was Sirona, she couldn't help but complain on the other end of the video call.

Xia Chen looked at the image in the upper right corner of the screen that he had not managed for more than a month and now looked like a savage in Shennongjia. He scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

Seeing that Xia Chen was still smiling, Sirona became even more angry. "There has been no contact for more than a month. Can you please consider the feelings of the people outside who care about you?"

Xia Chen was still arrogant, "I remember telling you that I wanted to go to Padia."

The blonde beauty asked coldly: "Did you say you were going to Area Zero?"

Xia Chen smiled coquettishly. He didn't dare to say this. After all, his idea at the time was to cause trouble for Milton. Whether he should say it or not, the risk was not small.

"I happen to be on vacation, so I'll see you tomorrow."

After leaving these words that were more like a declaration than a negotiation, Sirona hung up the phone.

It seemed that she was very dissatisfied with Xia Chen's lack of contact during this period.

Xia Chen turned to look at Olin AI waiting outside the door and asked, "You heard it too, does she have permission to come in?"

Orin nodded, "Yes."

This subtle answer made Xia Chen smile and replied: "Thank you."

Orin AI shrugged, "You're welcome, as long as you don't reveal the truth about Area Zero, at least not now."

Xia Chen asked a question that had troubled him for a long time, "So, why did you tell me everything then?"


Olin AI left Xia Chen with a cold back.


The next day, Xia Chen woke up early in order to welcome the important guests who were about to visit.

After asking Gardevoir to help him cut his hair, shave his beard, and groom himself, the savage instantly evolved into a handsome young man.

Later, he and Gulton went to the upper level of Area Zero to get some game, and then came back to process the ingredients. When everything was ready, Sirona had already arrived at the research institute accompanied by the guards at the gate of Area Zero.

Xia Chen, who had learned the news in advance, of course stood at the door to greet him personally.

"Welcome the leaders to come and inspect. Oh, bite the land shark, you are getting stronger again!"

As the saying goes, you can't hit someone with a smiling face. Ever since Xia Chen saw Sirona, the smile on his face has never stopped, emphasizing his sincerity.

Seeing this familiar face, Sirona, who had kept a cold face all the way, finally did not tense up, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Noticing this detail, Xia Chen's smile became even brighter. Having understood Sirona's character, he knew that this level had been successfully won!

When guests come to visit, Olin AI, as the manager of the institute, must receive them.

With an outsider like Sirona present, Olin AI was not at all cold and ruthless like when he was alone with Xia Chen. His tone, expression, and body movements were all the same as ordinary humans in every aspect.

This is also the reason why things have not come to light after so long.

The only thing that made Sirona confused was that when it was time to have lunch, Olin AI did not come with her, but chose to leave.

Xia Chen knew the reason very well, but Sirona was quite puzzled.

Olin smiled and explained: "At this time, I won't disturb you young couple."

These direct words made Sirona blush a little, and naturally she no longer delved into the reasons for Olin's departure.

Xia Chen was amazed that this artificial intelligence could seize the weaknesses of human nature and divert attention through precise verbal attacks. Isn't its IQ too high?

However, Xia Chen didn't know whether this kind of words was an assist for him. After all, Sirona was not the kind of little girl who was in love.

He covered it up and explained: "Actually, she couldn't get used to my cooking, so she didn't tell her directly because of my face."

Sirona smiled slightly, "It seems that your cooking skills are not good enough to conquer everyone."

Xia Chen secretly complained in his heart, I don't know if he can conquer everyone, but this guy definitely can't conquer -

How can a robot with precision circuits inside its body conquer the world?


After having enough wine and food, Xia Chen took Sirona out for a walk to eat.

Of course it's not a walk on the ground floor. There is nothing here except Tai Jing and Jing Guang Hua. It's only because of a serious mental illness that I took a girl to walk here.

They went to the upper level of Area Zero where the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant.

Because of the extremely fast means of transportation called Leton, the winding journey of thousands of kilometers from the bottom to the upper level can be traversed in just a moment.

Feeling the unusual speed, the sensitive Sirona immediately asked in surprise after getting out of the car: "Is its injury completely healed?"

Xia Chen smiled and nodded, "It's not just that, but it's even better."

Naturally, Sirona would not feel any jealousy. Instead, she said, "That's good. Then you don't have to worry if Milerton wants to trouble you again."

The magnanimity of a champion is never to be jealous of the talented and capable, but to be brave enough to reach the top.

While joking, Xia Chen and Sirona released the other elves to relax together.

As they walked, the elves consciously dispersed one by one, leaving the two of them some space to be alone.

Occasionally, someone would be half-tugged and half-tugged away by two silk threads without realizing it.

Soon, only the pair of wall figures were left strolling casually in the beautiful wilderness.

"So, what are you doing in Area Zero during this time? Are you studying paradox species?"

Sirona asked.

"Not exactly, the more important thing is to study a very magical phenomenon, which was first discovered by Dr. Olin and Dr. Futu, called Taijinghua."

Tai Jinghua was not one of Dr. Olin's so-called "secrets", so Xia Chen told the truth.

"If this research can be improved, this will be a mechanism as influential as super evolution!"

Xia Chen's tone was like a child showing off a new toy, but the content of his words completely shocked Sirona.

No less than super evolution!

What is this concept?

You know, since its launch last year, super evolution has been the hottest trend in the world. There are countless people engaged in research and business in this direction, no less than super evolution?

Doesn’t this sound too exaggerated?

If it hadn't been Xia Chen who said this, Sirona would have thought that person was crazy.

Xia Chen originally wanted to show Gu Lerton on the spot, but unfortunately the guy wasn't around, so he had to give up.

"Anyway, this is probably a special mechanism that can change the attributes of elves in a short period of time and improve their strength. The current progress is stuck on the research of similar super stones. By the way, Tai Jing Stone is all over the bottom layer of Area Zero. That kind of stone.”

He gave a general introduction.

After more than a month of research, Xia Chen completely obtained the structural information of Taijing Stone and Taijing fragments. Technology has developed rapidly in the past ten years, and many information could not be obtained at that time.

Sirona couldn't help but said: "There are so many, wouldn't it be possible to promote them to the whole people after researching them?"

Xia Chen smiled and nodded. This is why he said that the influence of Tai Jinghua will not be lower than that of super evolution. It has an advantage that the latter cannot match - popularity.

Taijing ores are found all over the mountains and plains, and there are a lot of Taijing fragments in reserve. The possibility of its popularization is much greater than the current scarce production of super stones and key stones.

Sirona sighed: "I thought those were crystal flowers."

Xia Chen responded: "There are indeed a lot of crystal flowers on the bottom."

Wait, Crystal Light Flower? !

The casual conversation made Xia Chen suddenly have an idea in his mind. Crystal Light Flower is an elf with dual attributes of rock and poison, and its body contains a huge amount of potent toxins.

The Crystal Light Flower, the Tai Jing Stone and the Tai Jing Fragments grow almost side by side. Could it be that the toxins from the Crystal Light Flower seeped into it?

Xia Chen has never found this direction in his research diary. In any case, it is a direction worth exploring!

Xia Chen, who had been tortured by this research for more than a month, was so excited that he hugged Sirona who was beside him and gave the hint, "Thanks for the reminder!"

Sirona's whole body froze after being "surprised". Her beautiful eyes, as misty as autumn water, looked at the face of the young man she had known for two years but had never been so close to her before. She felt a little dazed for a moment.

The young man's breath, which was slightly heavy due to excitement, blew on Sirona's beautiful face. The blonde beauty pursed her lips tightly and felt that her heartbeat had never been so fast.

Even the Eighth Masters Tournament where he won the title of God was not even one-tenth of what he was at this moment.

She wanted to push away, but her hands were inexplicably weak.

He had to exhale like a blue breath and whispered word by word: "Xia Chen, let go"

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