After a day of big purchases yesterday, we will have a good training today.

Warm up first, which is to run laps. After running, I stopped.

Hideshi let Scyther and Beedrill take a break, and then seeing that they are almost ready, they took out the Ability Placer, put the Substitute TM bought yesterday in it, and then pressed the holder on the head of Beedrill .

Press the switch, a rush of electric current ignited, and Beedrill could not move. This is not the first time, it is already very experienced.

Beedrill learned quickly, without spending a lot of time like last time.

Scyther is watching curiously, and he will do the same later.

After the first Ability is over, change to Substitute TM.

It took fifteen minutes to learn Protect Ability.

The better Aptitude is, the shorter the time it takes to learn Ability, so Beedrill now learns Ability very fast.

Let Beedrill go aside to practice the two abilities you just learned.

Next, it’s Scyther’s turn. He watched with some curiosity when Hideshi pressed the holder on his head and put the Brick Break TM in it.

Turn on the switch, The current rushed into Scyther’s brain. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but it was better after a while.

It took about 40 minutes, then Sword Dance Ability, which took half an hour, and finally Hidden Power, which took half an hour.

Hideshi didn’t let Scyther continue learning after learning the three abilities. Three abilities are enough now.

Take off the retainer and say to Scyther: “Scyther, how do you feel, have you learned it?”

Scyther raised his double knives to show that he had learned, Hideshi said: “Since So, just show me your learning results.”

Scyther nodded, Hideshi took out the humanoid target and set it aside to watch it.

Scyther wiped the two sickles at each other, set his posture, stared at his feet, and his wings vibrated rapidly.

I rushed to the human-shaped target, and the scythe was about to hit the human-shaped target. When it was about to hit the human-shaped target, he hit the human-shaped target hard with the force of the belt.

There was a violent muffled sound from the humanoid target, and Hideshi clapped his applause and said: “Yes, once Scyther learns the proficiency and formidable power, it is so high, very good.”

Scyther Showing a sorry smile, then Hideshi said: “Show Hidden Power to me.

Scyther recalls the energy movement process of Hidden Power very much with Vital Spirit, and then feels something in his mouth Converge, and finally couldn’t help but spray it out.”

Hideshi saw a pillar of flame ejected from Scyther’s mouth.

“This is…Fire Element”

“Great, Scyther, good luck.”

The happy Hideshi let Scyther show the last Sword Dance Ability.

There is nothing to surprise him this time. It is quite satisfactory and can only be used once.

Brick Break Ability is because it is very similar to Slash Ability. Once you learn Brick Break Ability, your proficiency goes up crazy.

As soon as you learn, you will reach the level of proficiency. I believe that it will not be long before you can achieve proficiency. Let Scyther take a break and let Beedrill come over.

Let it show the learned Protect and Substitute Ability.

Hideshi said: “Scyther uses the newly learned Brick Break to attack Beedrill, and Beedrill you use Protect to resist Scyther’s Brick Break.

Two Pokémon nodded, stretch a distance.

Scyther responded to the needle nodded, and Beedrill responded.

Then Scyther rushed towards Beedrill and waved his sickle. The white light rose sharply. When Scyther approached, Beedrill was gathering energy. When the sickle was close at hand, a semi-circular green Barrier appeared in front of Beedrill.

Scyther’s Brick Break was completely ineffective. Hideshi witnessed the whole process beside him, although the formidable power of Brick Break Ability was completely It is eliminated.

But it is not completely worry-free. In theory, Protect can block all attacks, but this is only a theory. The real situation is that if the formidable power of Ability is large enough, it exceeds Protect Ability. If you can’t bear the limit, it’s still unstoppable.

Now Beedrill has just learned Protect Ability, and the release speed needs to be improved.

Looking at the time, it’s time for lunch. , I went home to eat.

At the dinner table, Beedrill and Scyther have another Pokéblock.

Take out Pokéblock and prepare two for each of them. One piece, Beedrill can afford Bug Type Pokéblock, and Scyther eats Bug Type and Flying Type Pokéblock.

After eating the newly purchased Pokéblock, Hideshi asked, “Beedrill, Scyther, how does it taste? “

Beedrill (Scyther) replied: “It’s delicious…”

Scyther echoes it nodded.

Hideshi: “It’s delicious, just keep eating.” “

In the afternoon, the small forest

started training again. Seeing Beedrill’s hard training, Hideshi’s hard work is in sight.

Now Beedrill has reached the level of proficiency in all abilities except for the two abilities just learned.

There are several abilities whose proficiency is very close to the extreme, but It’s not a good one.

In contrast, Scyther, although it has improved very fast, but the gap with Beedrill has not narrowed, but it has drawn further and further.

Scyther It’s been hard enough, but without Beedrill’s hard work, Beedrill is desperate, and Scyther can’t do that.

It has never been able to achieve the same level as Beedrill, but Scyther has recently felt that training It’s harder than ever.

Learning Slash in advance is proof of its hard work, but this is not enough. Hideshi has plans to force it.

Beedrill is now Train Twineedle, which is the smallest formidable power among all its abilities, but it likes this ability.

It likes to use Twineedle to constantly pierce the feeling.

English Kan As it moves, I suddenly feel a little awkward. It is said that the Twineedle Ability Beedrill is already very proficient, but he still feels not smooth enough. It feels like it should be shorter.

Suddenly shouted: “Beedrill, stop. . “Beedrill stopped immediately. Turned his head and looked towards Hideshi.

Walking to Beedrill’s side and saying to Beedrill: “Use Twineedle again, and do it again in slow motion. “

Beedrill did all the very obedient movements very slowly, lifting up Poison Sting slightly, pulling his arm back a bit, and then using his entire body to drive Poison Sting out.

After Beedrill did it again, Hideshi didn’t call to stop, Beedrill continued to do it in slow motion, watching Beedrill doing it.

Hideshi finally thought about it and shouted: “Stop”

Beedrill stopped, Hideshi started to play with Beedrill’s Twineedle, turning its Twineedle into a cross shape.

Said to Beedrill: “Beedrill, your body lean forward a bit. “

Beedrill leans forward slightly as required by Hideshi.

“Beedrill uses Twineedle Ability in this position. “

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