"Yes! I understand, thank you, Yosuke." Aoki nodded and said to Yosuke.

Yosuke said: "On Honglian Island, you and I are the only ones of our generation who have some talent as trainers, so Aoki, I hope you can persevere."

"Don't worry, I will do it." Aoki nodded.

Then Yosuke began to taste the food on the table again.

Of course, Yosuke also began to think about it. This time he got 150 million alliance coins in exchange for the crystal rock snake.

In addition to the more than 20 million alliance coins in Yosuke's bank card, the total is 170 million alliance coins.

This amount of alliance coins is completely enough for Yosuke to train the elves such as Speedy Frog to the level of quasi-king or even king.

Of course, resources alone are not enough. Corresponding training and appropriate amount of battles are necessary.

However, with enough resources, the fast swimming frogs and their daily training can be appropriately increased.

For a moment, various data flashed through Yosuke's eyes.

This is Yosuke using his brain to further calculate the amount of training for elves such as the fast swimming frog.

After finishing the dinner quickly, Yosuke and Aoki walked out of the hall and sat down next to a rockery in the yard.

"Yosuke, when my mosquito-repellent tadpole was training recently, although the power of the water-based skills increased a lot, the battery life was somewhat insufficient. What should I do?" Aoki sat on a chair and asked Yosuke.

"The water gun skill is not powerful enough? Let me take a look at the tadpoles." Yosuke said to Aoki.

"Okay, come out, mosquito-repellent tadpole." Aoki said and released the mosquito-repellent tadpole.


A normal-sized mosquito tadpole appeared in front of Yosuke.

Yosuke looked at the mosquito-repellent tadpoles, and they looked similar to when he saw them before, but the color of their bodies was a little dull.

Yosuke reached out and touched the tadpole's head.


The mosquito-repellent tadpole cried out comfortably.

Yosuke took a look, and after comparing the data in his brain, he immediately knew the reason, and said directly: "Aoki, your mosquito tadpoles are very good, but it is because they have recently entered the development period and their strength has increased rapidly, but the food contains The energy is not enough for mosquito-repellent tadpoles to absorb.”

"Then what should I do?" Aoki asked.

"If you have the conditions, you can prepare a mysterious water droplet for the mosquito-repellent tadpoles and let them absorb it after their training every day. If there are no conditions, add some water barnyard grass to the daily food of the mosquito-repellent tadpoles." Yosuke said .

"So that's it, okay, I understand." Aoki nodded after hearing this.

"By the way, if possible, I suggest you prepare some non-melting ice for the mosquito-repellent tadpoles. After the mosquito-repellent tadpoles absorb the non-melting ice, not only will the power of the ice skills increase, but the temperature of the water skills will also decrease." Yosuke said to Said Aoki.

"It turns out that non-melting ice still has this effect." Aoki nodded and said.

"This is what I discovered when I was training fast-swimming frogs before," Yosuke said.

"Why are you here!"

Just when Yosuke was instructing Aoki on some techniques for cultivating mosquito-repellent tadpoles, Tetsuya's voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Tetsuya, Yosuke is teaching me how to cultivate mosquito-repellent tadpoles." Aoki said.

"So that's it. Indeed, Yosuke's fast-swimming frog is indeed the strongest one I have ever seen at the same level." Tetsuya nodded.

"Yosuke, the alliance currency Yosuke has been transferred to your alliance bank card, 150 million alliance coins, no more, no less." Tetsuya said to Yosuke again.

Tetsuya also knows Yosuke's alliance bank card number. Now every other month Yosuke will mail the energy cubes Tetsuya needs to Tetsuya, and Tetsuya will also transfer the alliance coins.

"So fast?!" Yosuke looked at Tetsuya and said.

"Yes, you can check over there. I have a computer at home." Zheye said.

"Okay." Yangjie stood up directly after hearing this.

Although he believed that Tetsuya would not lie to him, after all, it was 150 million alliance coins, and Yosuke still had to see Qingyan receive the money before he would feel relieved.

Tetsuya took Yosuke directly to the place where the computer was placed.

After arriving, Yosuke directly inserted his ID card into the computer to log in his information.

Soon, Yosuke saw the bank card amount displayed with 171,584,000 alliance coins.

After actually seeing the balance of his bank card, Yosuke was still a little excited.

"How's it going? Have you received the payment?" Tetsuya said to Yosuke.

"Yes, it has arrived." Yosuke took back the bank card and nodded in response.

"Yosuke, this way you will not lack resources to cultivate elves. I wonder if I am qualified to be your opponent when we meet next time!!!" Tetsuya said looking at Yosuke.

"Tetsuya, don't belittle yourself. With the resources of the Sasaki family and your talent as a trainer, I believe you will surprise me next time we meet." Yosuke said to Tetsuya.

"Well, maybe." Tetsuya said.

"Tetsuya, how about we have a battle after I come back from my trip to the Fangyuan area?" Yosuke said to Tetsuya.

"Okay, Yosuke, it's settled. After you come back from the Fangyuan area, we will have a good six-on-six game." Tetsuya said to Yosuke.

"Okay." Yosuke nodded.

Afterwards, Yosuke, Tetsuya, and Aoki separated and returned to Tetsuya to prepare a room for himself to rest.

Early the next morning, when Yosuke got up, he found that the servants of the Sasaki family were already making arrangements.

The entire building was decorated, even the aisles were covered in pink balloons.

Seeing this, Yosuke was a little confused. Could it be that the Sasaki family had captured Kojiro? !

Otherwise, there shouldn’t have been such a grand preparation.

Walking to the hall downstairs, Yosuke saw Tetsuya and Aoki.

Just when he was about to walk over, Yosuke saw several big security guards in black clothes directly holding up a young boy and walking out.

"Let me go quickly, I don't want to get engaged, I will die!!!"

The young man kept struggling but to no avail.

Yosuke looked at the boy's young appearance. Although he was a little immature, he could still tell that he was Sasaki Kojiro, the eldest son of the Sasaki family.

"Kojiro, shut up. This is not the time for you to be willful. No matter what, this engagement banquet must go on."

A middle-aged man behind several bodyguards said to the struggling Kojiro. The middle-aged man was Kojiro's father and the head of the Sasaki family.

"Dad, please, I don't want to get engaged, I will die. Mom, please help me." Kojiro said directly to the middle-aged man who spoke before.

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