Pokémon Super Breeder

Chapter 136. Return to the Dragon's Hometown and Talk to Grandma Long

"Doubles against each other?"

"That's right, it's a doubles match."

"If it's a battle, of course it's acceptable."

When Xiaozhi heard that there was a battle, he accepted it directly.

"That's really great, we are the world's number one doubles trainer."

"That's right, how about it, let's fight together!"

Cheng Cheng couldn't help but feel a little headache looking at these two children. The two of them probably haven't reached the age to become trainers. Although I don't know where they got the Pokémon, it's impossible for the Pokémon to be the number one in the world.

Cheng Cheng suddenly realized that he didn't want to spend any more time with them.

"Hu Di, please."


Hu Di crossed two spoons and used hypnotism on the two and their Pokémon. Soon the opponent fell down.

"Cheng Cheng, what are you doing? Aren't you going to fight?"

"No need, I defeated them by myself. Hu Di's hypnosis can't be avoided, so there is no value in fighting. Let's go quickly, otherwise we will miss the alliance meeting.

"Oh well!"

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi agreed with what Cheng Cheng said.

A few people bypassed the twins and continued towards Dragon's Village, full of such boring people along the way.

"Wow, look quickly, after crossing this hill, we will soon arrive at the Dragon's Land."

Alice was very excited when she saw Dragon's Land from afar.

"Are we going to be there soon?"

"Yes, Xiaozhi, we are going to the Dragon's Land soon."

"Let's go quickly!"

After speaking, Muzi ran to the village of dragons.

"Really, like a child."

"Muzi, I remember you were similar to Alice when you came back last time."

"No way! Don't talk nonsense."


Muzi left Cheng Cheng and walked towards Longzhi Township.

Cheng Cheng shook his head and followed behind.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at Dragon's Village, Cheng Cheng was here for the second time.

"Look, we have arrived in the Dragon's Land."

"Wow, this is the land of dragons! It looks great!"

"Yeah, the smell of dragons is everywhere here."

Indeed, the land of dragons full of dragon Pokémon is really amazing.


At this time, a girl ran over on the small slope next to her.

"It's calamus. I haven't seen calamus for a long time."

"Alice, long time no see, have you returned from your trip?"


"By the way, these are my friends traveling with me."

At this time, Changpu also saw Cheng Cheng and the others.

"Hello, my name is Chang Pu, please give me your advice."


"By the way, Alice, you must have met a lot of Pokémon during your travels. Tell me about it, okay?"

"Of course."

At this time, there was a sound from the nearby grass, and then two double-headed dragons came out. Two double-headed dragons came to Changpu's side, and Changpu touched their heads.

"These two children are Pokémon I raised here, and they were born on the same day."

"Wow, it's really great. They are all very good, and you have taken good care of them. It seems that you are working very hard, Acorus!"

"No la."

"By the way, I'm going to go to the big mother-in-law first, and then go to your house to play."

"Okay, you must tell me about the trip when the time comes."

After saying goodbye to the calamus, everyone came to the grandma.

"Grandmother, I'm back."

"It's Alice, you're back."

"These two are your companions Xiaozhi and Tiantong, right?"

"Yes! Grandmother."

"Grandma Long, we want to see you."

At this time, Cheng Cheng and Muzi also came over to say hello to Grandma Long.

"Muzi, Cheng Cheng, are you here too?"

"How about it, did you get the Ssangyong badge?"

"Muzi, have you already played Double Dragon Gym?"

Alice was very surprised, she didn't expect Mu Zi to challenge the Double Dragon Gym.

"Yes, but I failed the challenge."

"Alice, are you going to challenge Double Dragon Gym?"

"Of course, I want to challenge Mr. Xiaka, and I want Mr. Xiaka to agree with me."

"Okay, then you have to work hard."

"Well, I'll try."


Suddenly Yaya jumped into the arms of Grandma Long.

"Oh, it's Yaya, you've grown a lot too."

Grandma Long looked at Yaya and found that Yaya was well cultivated and had grown a lot.

"Alice, it seems you have taken good care of Fang."

"No la!"

Alice touched her head, feeling embarrassed.

"By the way, Alice, do you have any other dragon companions? Let's take a look with my mother-in-law."

"Okay, grandma. But let's go out and have a look."


Everyone came outside.

"Come out! Quick Dragon."

Alice took out Kuailong.

"It's Kuailong. It looks very good. It is very good in all aspects, and it is also very strong in strength."

At this time, Kuailong suddenly saw the double-axe fighting dragon who was resting aside, and the double-axe fighting dragon also saw Kuailong, and the two started fighting.

"Wait a minute, don't fight!"

At this time, Grandma Long moved directly and quickly to the middle of the two Pokémon, and then avoided the punch from Kuailong.

Kuailong also dodged, but accidentally lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Okay, okay, good, good! Be quiet."

Soon, Grandma Long appeased the Double Ax Fighting Dragon, and then came to Kuailong again.

"Okay, be good, be good, don't fight, be a good boy. You have such a powerful force, you must have experienced a lot of pain, right? Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Soon Granny Long calmed down the two Pokémon.

"Wow, that's amazing! Grandma, Kuailong calmed down immediately."

"Okay, I've asked Kuailong to take care of you now, and it's all right now."

"Yes, thank you, grandma. Come back, Kuailong."

Alice put Kuailong away.

Cheng Cheng was also surprised by the strength of the old lady, so he checked the information of the old lady.

Character: Grandma Long

Age: 72

Combat power: 2230

Special Ability: Dragon Heart

Rating: S

It seems that Grandma Long is indeed very powerful. With this combat power coupled with her special dragon ability, she is definitely a dragon master.

"Okay, Alice, take your friends around."

"Okay. Xiaozhi, let's go to the calamus pasture together!"


Alice left here with Xiaozhi and Tiantong, while Cheng Chengmuzi stayed behind.

"Cheng Cheng, what's the matter with you two?"

"Grandma Long, I want to ask you something.

"Okay, come into the house with me!"

Cheng Cheng and Mu Zi followed Grandma Long back to the house.

"You want to ask about the Shuanglong Mountain Range?"

"Yes, I believe that Grandma Long also knows something about the Shuanglong Mountain Range!"

"Indeed, I've also heard from Xia Ka about what happened in the Shuanglong Mountain Range. When that thing came out, I also felt a very evil energy."

"Grandma Long, in fact, what happened in the Shuanglong Mountain Range not only happened in the Hezhong area, but also in the Kanto area and Fengyuan area. I believe it may also happen in the Sinnoh area."

"Well, this thing is very mysterious, and I'm not sure what it is. But judging from the messages sent to me by Pokémon, they are indeed very dangerous things."

"Grandma Dragon, I feel that the arrival of this thing will cause chaos in the Pokémon world. This time it is no longer a region, and may affect the entire world."

"You are right to be worried. But you don't have to worry too much. After all, what happens is governed by the league, as well as the champions and the four kings. They will solve the problem."

"Forget it, it didn't happen anyway, so I shouldn't think about it so much."

"That's right, think about it, everything is unknown, maybe what you are worried about won't happen."

"Grandma, there is one more thing I want to ask you."

"Say it!"

"I want to know something about Reshiram and Zekrom."

"I also know some stories about Reshiram and Zekrom, I can tell you."

"No, I don't want the story of Reshiram and Zekrom as we usually call it, I want the events before the story of Reshiram and Zekrom that we get around, that is, I want to know How did the Hezhong place come about?"

"Is there another story before that?"

Muzi was a little puzzled, but pleasantly surprised. She also wanted to know some stories about Zekrom and Reshiram.

Grandma Long stared at Cheng Cheng, and Cheng Cheng always felt that she had seen through his heart.

"I don't know much, but I do have some relevant records here. Let me show it to you!"

"thank you!"

Grandma Long stood up and went back to the inner room. Not long after, Grandma Long took out a book, which looked very old.

On the back of the book are images of Reshiram and Zekrom, while on the front is Kyurem, known as the strongest land dragon Pokémon. It seems that these things are indeed related to Kyurem.

Cheng Cheng opened the book and began to read it.

"Can you understand the text?"

Grandma Long looked at Cheng Cheng with a smile.

Cheng Cheng smiled awkwardly. These texts are not the ones used today, and they are also somewhat different from the texts in the ruins. But who asked Cheng Cheng to translate again?

Cheng Cheng used the system to translate and began to read. Grandma Long was a little surprised to see that Cheng Cheng was actually reading carefully.

An hour later, Cheng Cheng finished reading the content, and he also learned something.

"Okay, thank you, Grandma Long, I learned a lot."

Cheng Cheng handed the book to Grandma Long.

"It's good to help you. Well, the time is almost up, so I won't keep you."

"Okay, thank you, Grandma Long, we will come to see you later."


Cheng Cheng and Mu Zi left Grandma Long's house.

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