Pokémon Super Breeder

Chapter 177. Adventure House of Horror, move on

Everyone walked towards the living room, communicating while walking.

"Mr. Cole is really a nice guy."

nice guy? Maybe!

"How could someone say this is the House of Terror?"

"No, we mustn't be careless yet."

At this time, Citron seemed to have discovered something.

"Although no one has noticed much, but there are really a few weird doubts here?"

"What time?"

Xiaozhi was very puzzled.

"It seems that Mr. Cole lives alone in this room, but who prepared those fluffy towels and a lot of dishes? What's more, he prepared the same number of towels and dishes as us, as if he knew us It looks like it’s coming here. It’s really weird.”

"is that so?"

"That's it."

Citron seemed very confident.

Cheng Cheng didn't expect Xitron to discover this. It seems that he does have the keen sense of a scientist.

"Please come here."

At this time a voice suddenly appeared behind them, it was Mr. Cole's voice.

"Come here, I have prepared tea for everyone."

"Mr. Cole, why is this house called the House of Horror?" Serena asked.

"Actually, there is a heavy reason."

"Actually, this house was originally a home I set up for lost people."

"It was the night of a cold rainy night."

Mr. Cole began to recall the story.

"Excuse me, is anyone home?"

"I was very scared and walked into the house without lights and looked around, and then found no one. Then I went into the kitchen, and I used a lighter to illuminate the surroundings. Suddenly, I found a man squatting in the corner of the kitchen. I want to tell that man, About getting lost, I hope he will allow me to stay one night and try to approach him. Unexpectedly.

"Don't come here. I don't mean you."

"It's not about me, otherwise who else is here?"

Then I asked him like this, and then.

"Can't you see? There are many faceless men behind you."

"Ah!" Citron screamed.

"How's it going?" asked Mr. Cole.

"Well, it's just a little scary."

Xiaozhi and the others felt a little scary when they heard this story.

"What happened?" Yurika asked.

"Yourika, don't you feel scared?"

"No, I think this story is very interesting."

"Is that so? Actually, I will tell horror stories. I want to enjoy everyone's reactions. I'm really sorry. Because I tell horror stories to visitors every time, this place is called horror without knowing it. home."

"So this is ah."

Everyone also understands why this place is called the House of Terror. But Cheng Cheng heard something else.

At this time, suddenly a gust of wind blew in, and the chandelier above his head began to shake.

"Wow! Yay!"

Everyone felt a very scary atmosphere.

"I didn't do this." Mr. Cole was also very puzzled.

At this time, the picture frame also started to move.

"It's a ghost!"


Yurika became very excited.

Cheng Cheng felt a lot of breath coming over. It's getting more and more interesting.

"Cheng Cheng."

Mu Zi looked at Cheng Cheng. Kan Muzi also found something interesting.

Things started to vibrate for the next four weeks, and it didn't take long before it stopped. Then everyone found that the rain outside had also stopped.

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly found that his shadow became very strange, like a grimace.

"Ah! What's going on here? My shadow."

"I suddenly felt a chill in my body."

Cheng Cheng noticed a relatively familiar aura on Xiaozhi's body, and he already understood what was playing tricks.

At this time, the surrounding things began to move again, and the piano next to it also made a sound.

"Wow, is there a ghost?"

Citron was terrified.

Cheng Cheng looked at him and almost laughed.

"Cheng Cheng, this should be made by Pokémon, right?"

"Who else but them?"

"Okay, everyone, come out, otherwise I won't be polite."

Cheng Cheng locked their positions with superpowers, and the Pokémon also showed their original appearance after they found themselves locked by Cheng Cheng.

A total of three Pokémon appeared, namely Ghost, Ghost Stone and Gengar. Another ghost family.

"Is it a Pokémon?"

At this time, everyone also understood that what happened just now was done by three ghost Pokémon.

"Haha, what do you think of Geng Gui's hospitality?" Mr. Cole suddenly laughed.


"Yeah, Geng Gui and they always scare the guests as entertainment. They are my best friends."

"Oh, this kind of thing should have been told to us sooner."

"No, in this way, their meticulous hospitality will be wasted. After all, this place is called the House of Horror."

"Oh, really, I was scared to death. Nothing terrible will happen now, will it?"

"Of course. Today's entertainment is over."

"That was really great, everyone breathed a sigh of relief."

"Unfortunately, it's not a ghost. Right, Yurika."

At this time, everyone suddenly found that Yurika had disappeared.

"It was clearly still here just now."

Cheng Cheng scanned quickly with his superpower, and found Yurika's aura.

"Is this also a prank?"

"Geng Gui Geng Gui~"

"Geng Gui said it didn't do it."

"Will she run into the living room?"

Xiaozhi went to the living room to search, however.


Everyone ran over and found that Xiaozhi was gone.

When everyone was looking in the living room, Sarina also disappeared.

Cheng Cheng and Muzi ran over and found that only Xitron was left. At the same time Mr. Cole came over.

"Mr. Cole, Serena fell under the floor."

"Under the floor? Ah, my head hurts. I remembered that there should be a way to reach the underfloor near here."

Soon Mr. Cole found a way, and then Mr. Cole's head hurt again.

"I really seem to have forgotten something."

"Mr. Cole, just wait here, I'll go down and look for it."

"Muzi, you stay here with Mr. Cole, and I'll go down too."


Cheng Cheng and Xitron went underground. When they came below, it was pitch black all around.

"Xanadu, flash."

After lighting up, Cheng Cheng found a door with many charms stuck on it.

"Why are there some charms pasted here?"

"Citron, is that your voice?"

"elder brother."

"Xiaozhi, are you in there?"

"We're all in there."

"Cheng Cheng, we have to open the door."

"Leave it to me. Xanadu, the shadow ball."

Xanadu opened the door directly with the shadow ball, and found Xiaozhi and the others.


At this time, Pikachu found a notebook on a table, which seemed to be very old. Everyone took the notebook, and then went back to it.

"Mr. Cole."

"Oh, are you all right?"

"Yes, we accidentally fell down and were locked in a room. There were many spells pasted on the door of the room, and we found a notebook inside."

"Please read the contents of the notebook."

"Okay. We always have horrible things when we come to this house, so I asked Dad to make a basement that no one can get into."

"It's the basement just now."

"In order to be able to escape to the basement immediately if something terrible happens anywhere in the house, I also asked my father to make a cool passageway."

"It means the trap."

Citron continued reading.

"Even so, a lot of horrible things happened. Dad had to find a psychic to exorcise the demons at home, and later he gave us a lot of exorcism spells."

"It's those things pasted on the door."

But this still can't calm everything down, so we decided to move. Say goodbye to this home today.

Xiaozhi picked up a photo.

"Is this person the owner of the notebook? I think he looks like Mr. Cole."

At this time Mr. Cole saw this photo, and he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, I was right about that. Oh, I forgot the existence of that basement, and the thing full of exorcism spells. So that's it, it turns out that those are all pranks by Gengar, Ghost Stone and Ghost ?”

The three Pokémon smiled and nodded.

"At that time, you all just wanted to play a prank on me. But my family got the wrong idea and left this house. It turns out that the answer is so simple. I'm really sorry."

The three Pokémon were very happy to know that Mr. Cole recalled the previous events.

"There's a date written on the back of the photo."

"Well, let me take a look. This is a picture from 200 years ago!"

Xiaozhi discovered that this photo has been over 200 years old, so doesn't this mean that Mr. Cole is over 200 years old?

"Hahaha, I remembered everything."

These few hahahas by Mr. Cole seem even weirder than what happened just now.

"It turned out that I was already dead."


Everyone was very surprised, they didn't expect things to turn out like this.

At this time, everyone found that the surrounding scenery had all changed, and turned into the original forest. Everyone found that all this was just an illusion.

It is said to be an illusion, but it should actually be an illusion created by Geng Gui and the others. I have to say that ghost-type Pokémon are indeed the most mysterious Pokémon. They have many unknown powers. It seems that I can get in touch with them more in the future.

Although everything is gone, Cheng Cheng believes that the experience of the house of horrors should not just disappear. Presumably people who come here in the future will still be able to encounter this matter. From another point of view, this is very likely to be the illusion created by the three Pokémon Gengar, Ghost Stone and Ghost to commemorate Mr. Cole.

In this way, everyone left this forest, and then headed towards the next city to prepare for departure.

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