In this world stage where Pokémon is the protagonist, various topics about Pokémon attract people’s attention most.

Among them, the survey published after the approval of the Professor like Professor is definitely the first choice for everyone’s attention. After all, he is likely to help you better train, conquer, and find the trace of Pokémon.

Professor Birch is well-known because he often publishes articles on Pokémon Characteristic Trait in the wild.

After all, this is good for Trainer to distinguish the environment when he finds Pokémon and when traveling.

Although Bai Mo is only a researcher, as the youngest researcher, coupled with that handsome appearance, although he has been famous for a short time, he has a high reputation.

So when Bai Mo and Professor Birch appeared at the Airport, they immediately caused a sensation!

“Professor Birch! He is in Kanto Region!”

“And Bai Mo researcher!”

“Bai Mo researcher is so handsome! “

“Professor Birch, do you know about the distribution of Eevee!?”

“Bai Mo Researcher, do you know what Implicit Characteristic Pidgey has!?”

“Bai Mo researcher, do you have a girlfriend!?”

Hearing various questions around, Bai Mo seemed quite calm and calm. This is no longer his first Met once.

Most ordinary information is known to civilians, but there are also a lot of special news that only circulates among the wealthy or the upper ranks of Alliance, which leads to these civilians being very enthusiastic about these researchers and Professors. I just want to know one or two secret messages.

However, when enthusiastic returns to enthusiastic, people are still very orderly and will not blindly hinder them.

This is also the protection that Alliance gives to Professors and the like. Special rules are made. After all, Professor is not Celebrity!

Bai Mo and Oda Juan didn’t answer any questions, they went straight to the door, and they got into a car!

“Oak, long time no see!” As soon as I got on the bus, Oda Juan moved towards Oda Juan who was sitting in the co-pilot and said hello!

“Yes, Oda Maki, it has been two years since the last Professor meeting!” Professor Oak smiled nodded, and then looked towards Bai Mo who was curiously looking at him.

“Bai Mo Researcher, I am glad to meet you, I am Oak!” Professor Oak introduced himself first!

“Hello Professor Oak, I am Bai Mo!” Not too excited as I imagined, Bai Mo nodded with a smile.

“The Bai Mo researcher is really young and promising!” Professor Oak said very easily.

“Fortunately, I grew up looking at your research report in Professor Oak!” Bai Mo smiled slightly, and what he said was the truth.

“That’s really my honor!” Oak haha ​​smiled and asked suddenly, “Then I wonder if the Bai Mo researcher is interested in coming to my laboratory!?”

“Don’t even think about it !!!” Hearing Oak’s words, Oda Maki directly exploded.

He and Bai Mo have known each other for a year. He has no son. Bai Mo is also lonely. When the two get together, they often feel like father and son.

Oda Juan also takes Bai Mo very seriously, but he will not allow Oak to give people to kidnapped.

Fortunately, Bai Mo also respects Help’s many Odawakis. When he heard Professor Oak’s words, he smiled and shook his head: “Professor Oak shows my love!”

“I’m very good at Odawaki Laboratory, and I will be a Trainer soon!”

“This is really a shame!” Professor Oak immediately pretended to be sad.

“Cut…” rolled the eyes, Bai Mo knew that this guy was definitely teasing Oda Juan.

Beside Bai Mo, Xiao Tian Juan was very satisfied with his answer, but still curiously asked, “Xiao Mo, now I have brought you here, can you tell me what to do and so on!?”

This question, Oda Juan has wanted to ask for a long time.

hearing this, Bai Mo naturally wouldn’t say that he just wanted to see the original character’s silly answer. Fortunately, he had already figured out a suitable reason, and immediately said, “I found out through data comparison. The Implicit Characteristic of Charizard and Blastoise!”

“Our laboratory does not have these two Pokemons. I will come to Professor Oak to research and study and see if it is correct. By the way, see if I can find Implicit Characteristic of Venusaur. If there are the first two, the latter must be there!”

“What!?” Hearing the plain words of Bai Mo, Professor Oak and Odajuan were surprised. All the Pokémon of Yusanjia They are all Alliance breeds, and they are also some of the Pokemons that have been cultivated and studied the most deeply.

Bai Mo unexpectedly discovered Implicit Characteristic that they didn’t know.

At this time, Professor Oak’s eyes are really hot. If Bai Mo’s research is not problematic, then he is really a rare talent.

It is necessary to make friends with such talents.

And Oda Juan didn’t think so much. He was just curious about Bai Mo’s discovery, so he immediately asked, “What are the two characteristic traits you found!?”

Chapter 0013 Implicit Characteristic!

Seeing Oda curling up to ask, Bai Mo didn’t mean to appetite him. He touched his chin and told his so-called discovery.

“Charizard, I found through data comparison that the formidable power of its Fire Element Ability under the sun has improved a lot, but it is also easier to defeat!”

“I I think this Characteristic Trait should change Charizard’s special attack when it’s in the sun, but as a price, it will lose energy over time!”

“For Blastoise, I found him when it rained , It seems that you can slowly recover your strength over time!”

“This is what I summarized, and I plan to come to Professor Oak to confirm it personally!”

“And finally Venusaur, I’m curious if it has, and if so, what kind of Implicit Characteristic!”

I heard Bai Mo’s explanation that the two Professors are also people who have been researching for many years. Some special data is still very sensitive.

Looking down and thinking for a while, the eyes of the two people lit up together. They felt that Bai Mo’s discovery was no problem. The next thing that needs to be studied is the specific value.

“Let’s go!” Professor Oak immediately moved towards the assistant who was driving beside him and said, he can’t wait to cooperate with Bai Mo to research and verify the previous conclusion!

After half an hour, Bai Mo’s car drove into a small country town with pretty good scenery.

If no one said, no one would believe that Professor Oak, a famous professor in the world, lives here and does research.

The car stopped at the entrance of a laboratory. Under the leadership of Professor Oak, Bai Mo and Oda Juan followed into the laboratory!

Bai Mo knows that all researchers are lunatics, of course, he is not himself.

But this time may be because I was too curious about the results. Oda Juan and Oak teamed up to pull him in the Laboratory for data recording and analysis.

This situation has been maintained for five days before Bai Mo is relieved. After relief, he has an idea in his mind. Later, he will do research and so on. You must stay away from these dangerous guys!

In five days, under Bai Mo’s deliberate guidance, the three finally reached a conclusion.

Charizard has an Implicit Characteristic. The effect of Characteristic Trait is that in Sunny Day and Big Drought weather, Charmander and his evolutionary special attack will increase by 1.5 times, but every minute, Charizard will decrease at that time. Nearly one-eighth of the physical strength.

This Characteristic Trait was named supreme strength of yang by Bai Mo!

This Characteristic Trait is also reflected in Charmander and Charmeleon!

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