
Get Bai Mo’s command and call out, Charmander did not hesitate in his eyes, jumped and Bounced into the air, and launched one after another Ember at the Beedrill group .

After this period of training, Charmander has become more adept at mastering Ember, and the quasi-group hit the first few Beedrills following Treecko.

With a scream, several Beedrills immediately fell to the ground.

At this time, Treecko finally got a chance to breathe, immediately turned around, and leaped slightly.

next moment, a dazzling green light suddenly appeared all over its body, and its eyes became extremely firm, struggling to launch a wave of green seed light toward the air!

The Beedrill group who didn’t respond because Bai Mo suddenly commanded Charmander to intervene, they were a little flustered. Seeing the seed light wave moved towards their own direction, the instincts were all moved towards flying upwards.

But the Bullet Seed at this time is extremely fast. Although the Beedrill group tried to instigate their wings to avoid, none of them escaped this wave of attacks.

“bang bang…”

At this time, all the Beedrills suddenly lost their combat capability, their wings could no longer maintain their flying, and they moved towards the Ground and fell away. .

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo’s interest became even stronger.

“I will have Iron Tail and Bullet Seed. Although it is in the state of Overgrow, the formidable power is really not as strong as Normal. This is Treecko Interesting.”

” Touch…” While Bai Mo was thinking about it, Treecko turned over handsomely and landed steadily on the ground, but the next moment changed to a half-kneeling posture.

The green rays of light on his body gradually dissipated. It seemed that he was exhausted, and Treecko lay weakly on the Ground.

Seeing this, Bai Mo immediately ran to Treecko, hugged him in his arms, looked around all around, and found that there was another group of Beedrill moved towards himself and flew in the direction behind him.

“I don’t know how this little fellow provokes them!”

Looking at Treecko in his arms and chuckled, Bai Mo immediately took out the Poké Ball and took Charmander back. , And then holding Treecko quickly turned and moved towards a part of the forest, where he knew there was a hidden cave!

Chapter 0022 top grade Treecko

“Just touch…”

A hidden and quiet within cave, Treecko moved his eyelids and slowly opened his eyes After noticing the unfamiliar surroundings, it immediately jumped vigilantly.

“Are you awake, Treecko, is it better?”

At this time, a voice rang in Treecko’s ear, looking for the reputation, what it saw was a cooking on the side With and so on young.

“Just touch, exactly?” Treecko looked at the teenager not far away suspiciously and vigilantly.

Hearing Treecko’s words, the corner of the boy’s mouth ticked, lightly said with a smile, “Yes, I saved you. This is a safe place.”

“Introduction to myself Now, my name is Bai Mo, hello.”

When I heard Bai Mo’s words, the alertness in Treecko’s eyes dissipated a lot, but there was a hint of gratitude.

“Just touch! Just touch! Just touch!”

“You’re welcome.” Hearing Treecko thanking himself, Bai Mo waved his hand relaxedly, and then asked, “Instead of If you want to thank you, why don’t you give me a chance and let us fight one-on-one!?”

“If I win, how about you travel with me?”

After that, Bai Mo stood up with a glint in his eyes. Before Treecko was in a coma, he used his special ability to watch it. Treecko’s head was staring at blue rays of light, just like Charmander and Gardevoir. .

I found out that this Treecko had a top grade Aptitude. Bai Mo was very excited. After traveling for so long, he rarely saw a Pokémon with a high grade Aptitude. This is really a surprise. .

With this Aptitude, as long as you cultivate well in the future, you can become an Elite Pokemon, it’s just a matter of time!

Thinking of this, Bai Mo began to think of Treecko.

Hearing Bai Mo’s words and seeing that he was challenged, a fighting intent appeared in Treecko’s eyes, and he immediately clicked nodded, and shouted with fighting spirit:


But at the next moment, a very discordant voice suddenly sounded in the within cave:

“gu lu ~”

I heard my stomach sound Treecko scratched the back of his head and lowered his head somewhat sorry.

“Come to eat with us, and then duel, Treecko.” With a soft smile, Bai Mo took out a portion of the cooked food and placed it in front of Treecko.

“Just touch~” Treecko took the food, sniffed it, and ordered nodded with satisfaction, without pretense, and started to eat big mouthfuls.

In the open space in front of the cave, Bai Mo and Treecko stood opposite each other, their eyes were full of fighting intents.

Take out a Poké Ball pinned to the waist and throw it at the midair. Charmander appeared in the field while the rays of light flickered and sent a Roar full of fighting intents to Treecko.


“Charmander, preemptive, use Ember.” Seeing that both Pokémon were ready, Bai Mo immediately issued an order.

In the field, Charmander stared at Treecko tightly. Hearing Bai Mo’s command, he immediately moved towards Treecko in the direction of use Ember.


Seeing Ember flying towards him, a trace of disdain flashed in Treecko’s eyes, not at all, and he dodged, which is also the direction moved towards Charmander. Use a Unique Ability.

In the next instant, a burst of green light quickly moved towards Ember and hit it.

“Boom…” The two rays of light alternated, exploding a cloud of gray in the air.

“Bullet Seed! Very powerful power!” Seeing this scene, Bai Mo couldn’t help but wonder in his heart, facing the Fire Element Unique Ability of Fire Element Pokémon, and the Grass Type Unique Ability of Treecko use of Grass Type. Naturally it will be suppressed.

In this case, Treecko not only did not dodge, but directly used Bullet Seed to take over Ember, which is enough to see its outstanding Aptitude.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo clicked the corner of his mouth, “It’s really not a loss for Treecko of top grade Aptitude, I have this amazing strength on my own!”

In my heart, I sigh Treecko’s outstanding achievements, But Bai Mo didn’t feel surprised either. Charmander won soon, and the training time is not very long.

But this top grade Treecko already uses steel Iron Tail Bar. Obviously, it is a Pokémon that exercises itself frequently, and it is not of the same level as Charmander.

Current Charmander is the primary rank is about to reach the level of intermediate rank, but Treecko definitely has the strength of intermediate rank, even with the Attribute advantage, it is normal to be suppressed.

However, the battle has just begun. Bai Mo’s eyes flashed lightly and shouted, “Charmander, use Leer!”

In the field, Charmander’s dark eyes were filled with red rays. Looking in the direction of light, moved towards Treecko, Treecko saw the red light in Charmander’s eyes, a trace of fear suddenly appeared in his heart, and his left leg instinctively took a small step backward.

Bai Mo, who keenly observed all this, moved towards Charmander and shouted, “Now, Charmander, use sharp claw!”


Because of fear, Treecko was hit by sharp claw, and his body moved towards the back and flew for a long distance.

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