Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 164: Super Armored Rhino

Seven days after Eminem refined the Rejuvenation Potion, in the special training ground of the Dead Leaf Gym...

"Electric Shock Monster, use Thunder Fist]!"

Under the command of Xiao Dao, the electric monster leaped and punched A Duan's horn...

It's not that the Electric Shock Warcraft has to hammer the "key parts", but Ah Duan took the initiative to use his horn to meet him!

On Ah Duan's horn, a dark yellow phantom was still faintly spinning, and it was the ground-based skill that went straight to the drill]...

Eminem has long discovered that Xiao Dao's electric shock beasts should already be around level 60 - after all, Xiao Dao looks a few years older than Eminem, and he is also a student of the master of the Jin Pavilion, and he is probably also a professional trainer.

The "Electric Warcraft" race is worth 540 points. Under the superiority of the level, it will compete with Ah Duan. In terms of combat power, the Electric Warcraft has the absolute upper hand.

As for the effective combat power... Because "Electric Warcraft" and "Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus" both tend to attack, so if the "special attack" and "special defense" of the two sides are ignored, the gap will be narrowed a lot.

Although the gap is still not small, in terms of attributes, "Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus" is almost immune to the electric power that "Electric Warcraft" is good at.

Even if there is such a difference in combat power, Xiao Dao's Lightning Fist of Electric Shock Warcraft, when hitting Ah Duan, will only make Ah Duan feel a little numb in terms of the damage of electricity power, which at most affects his flexibility a little.

Of course, the direct power attack in Thunder Fist] is not immune to the ground system - unless it is a "ghost + ground" such as the "mud giant"...

The reason why "Electric Warcraft" is so hard to use Thunder and Lightning Fist] on the ground is because it is the most proficient in this trick, and in addition to attacks with additional electricity attributes, its own Thunder Fist] is also using electricity power, Stimulate your own muscles and improve your punching power, which is not immune to the ground system;

On the other hand, Xiao Dao was not trying to win, but was helping Eminem to train Ah Duan, in order to make him digest the Tyrannosaurus armor as soon as possible and evolve!

Part of the "wasted" electrical power actually stimulates the fit between his body and his armor.

The straight drill] collided with the thunderbolt fist], and did not bounce off immediately, but stalemate for a while...

Then suddenly there was a crisp sound, and the electric beast jumped backwards, only to see the single horn on the iron armored tyrannosaurus head dissipated after the ground system energy dissipated, and the body of the horn was cracking!

Broken again?

Just as Eminem was considering whether to add another pair of "repairing unicorns" potion, I saw the whole body of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus flickering, and then the outline swelled higher... mainly because it also became "stronger" by a large circle. .

The original "one-horn" part was split at this time, and it became the nose and the forehead, each with a horn.

One of the horns on the forehead looks about the same length and thickness as before, and the nose, or the horn in the middle of the face, is much thicker and more straight than before!

After the light dissipated, the figure of "Super Armored Rhinoceros" was revealed. The whole body seemed to be constructed of rocks, full of strength and crushing.

The iron armored tyrannosaurus before evolution had an average height of 1.9 meters, and A Duan was the most developed among them, with a height of two meters and one or two. After evolving into a super armored rhinoceros, his height increased by half a meter, and his posture There have been changes, and overall it is more "strong"!

Standing in front of Eminem at this time, he had the demeanor of a "giant beast".

"It's done! Your iron armored tyrannosaurus... No, the super armored rhinoceros has been cultivated very well, and the evolution is faster than previously expected." Xiao Dao said at this time, while withdrawing the electric shock beast.

Although the racial value of "Electric Shock Warcraft" is higher than that of "Super Armored Rhinoceros", Xiao Dao's Electric Shock Warcraft is more than 10 levels higher than Ah Duan, but... the attribute restraint is too serious!

Originally, relying on the advantage of combat effectiveness, he could still fight a dozen times, but now that Ah Duan has evolved, he is afraid that he will suffer a loss if he fights again - Xiao Dao is not going to give Ah Duan a chance to "revenge".

In this real world, the property restraint between Pokémon is far more important than in the game...

In the game, Pokémon's own attributes do not limit the attack skills that can be learned at all, and whether it can restrain the opponent, mainly depends on whether the attributes of its own attack skills restrain the opponent's own attributes.

After all, in the game, as long as the skills that can be learned theoretically are just a few operations.

However, in this world, skills need to be mastered little by little. After mastering them, whether they can be used proficiently, or even fully digested, such as arm fingers, needs to be accumulated. Therefore, most Pokémon master their own skills. Even better, the proficiency of cross-attribute skills will be worse after all.

Like Xiao Dao's "Electric Shock Monster", if you have to say it, it will also have a steel-type iron tail], but it is not only the issue of the power bonus of this type, but more importantly, its mastery of the iron tail is far from itself. Not as Thunder Fist]!

The meaning of using skilled skills is completely different from skills that can only trigger effects.

Among the professional trainers, those who tend to be more competitive tend to pay more attention to the "strike face". For example, Am's Nido is a typical Pokémon on the field - they will learn a bunch of attacking skills with different attributes.

If it is purely field combat, the trainer is more likely to use Pokémon to expand the attack surface, rather than letting a Pokémon learn multi-attribute skills...

"Duan-Duan!" Ah Duan beat his chest excitedly at this time.

Well, Eminem can also understand, after all, the short arms of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus can't be beat on the chest.

"Duan!" Ah Duan yelled at the little guide, as if he wanted to call out the electric shock beasts that had been fighting over the past few days, and have another fight.

However, the little guide just smiled slightly, pretending not to understand.

Eminem also greeted Ah Duan back at this time: "Okay! Don't be shy as soon as you evolve... After two days of familiarity, I will take you to play the gym badge, there is time for you to fight!"

"Duan--" After Ah Duan evolved, he seemed to be more aggressive.

Guide:  …

It was only then that he remembered~www.readwn.com~ Eminem was going to challenge the gym.

"Are you... going to challenge the fifth badge?" the little guide asked with some uncertainty.

"That's right, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." The corner of Xiao Dao's mouth twitched.

Xiao Dao's trump card is the "Electric Beast" that is over level 60, and... he is the eight-star trainer of the Dead Leaf Gym!

Generally speaking, he is stronger than the trainer with the eight badges, so he will release a little water during the assessment, such as "three to six".

After all, the general standard of eight badges is only one or two ace cards that reach the elite level and other full-race levels...

Xiao Dao estimates that if he wants to play by himself, if he does not prepare in advance and only uses three Pokémon, there is a possibility that he will be worn by a super armored rhinoceros by Eminem.

Replaced it with a five-star gym trainer... tsk tsk.

At first, Eminem didn't expect that it only took seven and a half days to make Ah Duan evolve, and even the owner of the Jin Pavilion expected it to be "within half a month".

But in the past two days, Eminem has a vague feeling!

After the evolution, the race value of the Super Armored Rhino has increased from 485 points to 535 points, and the increase of 50 points has evenly increased in five aspects other than "speed", which are very evenly 10 points each.

More importantly, the originally tasteless hard head [characteristic] has transformed into a hard rock] - now the "hard" is not only the head, but the "rock armor" of the whole body, and the effect is no longer to offset the backlash damage of the move , but... to restrain one's own attribute damage and weaken it by a quarter!

For example, the original grass and water elements, the restraint of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, theoretically quadrupled the calculation power, but now only needs three times the calculation, which greatly improves its battlefield practicability.

What surprised Eminem even more was that the effect of Shirabi's "blessing" also appeared at this time...

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