Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 258: Guandu Cup

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Conan really wanted to take Eminem to talk alone. After all, it is more direct to communicate directly. During the previous call, Conan still had a lot of questions that he did not say.

But when Eminem took the initiative to mention "take you to the toilet", Conan couldn't use this excuse anymore, so he just kept staring.

"Conan, your relationship with Eminem is still so good!" Xiaolan said with emotion.

Conan: …

The group sat down for dinner first, and Conan also eagerly waited for the opportunity, and secretly observed the "suspicious little girl".

Of course, because Eminem said she was her younger sister, Conan did not suspect that she had anything to do with the "Dark Organization".

It's just that Conan found out that this guy sneered at himself when no one was looking at the two of us, or looked at a guinea pig, and every time Xiaolan and Sonoko noticed, they pretended to wince, as if It was like he was staring at him, causing him to be criticized by Xiaolan several times and teased by Yuanzi several times!

During the meal, everyone also talked about the recent arrangements...

"By the way, Xiaoxia, you and Eminem, before the rookie competition, are you going to train in Hualan City and then challenge Hualan Gym?" Yuanzi asked proactively.

"That's right! I need to prepare more, and then challenge the three sisters!" Xiaoxia said with great fighting spirit.

Of course, she ignored the fact that "challenging the eighth badge does not require the owner to take action"...

Eminem said: "Most of the time, but I have to leave twice..."

Seeing Yuanzi looking at him suspiciously, Eminem explained, "Coffin... It's my variety monster. Don't you want to participate in the high school basketball game? I'm going to Rainbow City the day after tomorrow."

"Rainbow City? I remember that you participated in... Isn't it a school team in Deadleaf City?" Sonoko also remembered at this moment.

Of course, the qualifiers in the Deadleaf City competition area were completed in the Deadleaf City. What's the matter with Rainbow City?

And Conan had already looked at him enviously at this time, as if... guessing what Eminem was going to do.

"No, the day after tomorrow, I'll go to Rainbow City to watch the final of the Guandu Cup of Football..."

The Guandu Cup Football Basketball Tournament, which is the professional football basketball competition held by the Quartz League and oriented towards the Guandu area, will be the final "Rainbow Team vs Golden Team" the day after tomorrow!

This is also the "group activity" that Lizi informed Eminem, to watch the professional competition first, to encourage everyone.

"Xiao Lan, shall we also drop by to have a look? Maybe your boyfriend will also visit quietly..." Yuanzi said deliberately at this time.

"How is that possible? Xinyidu said that he is not in Guandu now." Xiaolan was stunned when she heard the words, and then immediately retorted.

"Huh? Wasn't it a boyfriend this time?" Sonoko immediately seized the loophole.

"Dang, of course not! It's because I know you're saying this on purpose..." Xiao Lan explained in a hurry.

As for the matter of "molesting Xiaolan", Yuanzi, who was already familiar with it, didn't hold on to a single point, but continued: "But that's not necessarily true! Although an arrogant detective said so, but said Maybe it’s in the Kanto area to be fooling around with some other woman! Maybe the day after tomorrow, I’ll be sitting in the audience for the Kanto Cup final, hugging from left to right!”

"Left, left hug, right hug... Sonoko, you're talking nonsense again!" Xiaolan first imagined, but immediately realized that Sonoko was just "mocking" herself.

Conan complained about the "really eight women" in his heart, and... he was also looking forward to the final of the Guandu Cup!

After all, Conan, or Shinichi, was originally a basketball fan, and may even become a professional basketball player in the future—as for the detective... For Shinichi, whatever career he does will not delay the case, after all, the case will be his own. Come to the door, you can work part-time!

In the original work, Eminem remembered that Kudo Shinichi had received an invitation from a professional player, but he was declined by Shinichi at that time. Later... that player seemed to have a lot of roles, and he didn't know if there was any "here".

Therefore, "Conan" is of course also eager to see the finals...

After teasing Xiaolan, Sonoko deliberately asked Conan: "Little devil, do you think it is possible for your new brother to go to the finals? Shall we go catch a rape?"

"What are you kidding! Sonoko, don't tell the child this!" Xiao Lan quickly stopped her.

After hesitating for a while, Conan said, "Go... go and see!"

"Look, look, even the kid thinks this way! No... It should be said that all men think this way." Sonoko said immediately.

However, Conan responded quickly, and immediately changed his words: "I mean...Sister Xiaolan, we can go to the scene and take some photos, so that the new brother will be envious!"

Of course, when Xiao Lan heard this, she could take some photos, and when she called later, tell Xinyi about the scene?

Although the game is broadcast, but going to the scene is always different!

Thinking of this, Xiaolan also began to be tempted...

Eminem broke into a cold sweat—this final... should be fine, right?

By the way, Yumi should still be in Rainbow City, so it's better to inform her to pay more attention!

Seeing Xiaolan agree to come down, Yuanzi also followed, but Xiaoxia was very ambitious this time, and was going to continue to train hard and was not going to be distracted. It seemed that she was serious.

Conan knew that he could actually watch the final of the Guandu Football Cup in person, and he was in a good mood for a while, and it was even more pleasing to watch Eminem.

But at this moment, there was a sudden cold behind him—I noticed that someone was watching me secretly!

He pretended not to care and picked up the spoon to play. From the reflection, Conan saw that it was a guy wearing a green peaked cap.

looking at yourself? No...should just be by the way.

Conan also felt that the guy UU Reading www.uukanshu.com looked very lame in tracking and monitoring, and also saw that it should not be targeting himself, but observing Eminem or Xiaoxia sitting opposite!

In addition to his suspicion of "Xiao Ai", Conan looked left and right at this time. After seeing the self-service ice cream machine, he said brightly, "Ah! It's ice cream! People want to eat that!"

"Huh? But it's already so late, and I'm going to bed later..." Xiao Lan was a little unhappy when she saw this.

"Sister Xiaolan, can I just eat a little bit? Brother Eminem, come and help me beat the egg cones!" Conan changed his reason this time.

Seeing this, Xiaolan had to agree, but while thanking Eminem, she told him to fight less.

And just when Eminem got up, Xiao Ai also stood up and followed without a word.

Xiaoxia and the others didn't have any doubts, they just thought it was because the child was afraid of not being able to talk, and... also wanted to eat ice cream!

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