"Hey! Where are you a primary school student? Are you courting?" Eminem couldn't help roaring at the hornless rhino.

When the hornless rhino heard the words, he panicked and looked around.

Eminem's "animal senses" can not only read the voice of the heart, but even the more sublime consciousness...

The big man who was originally staring at it finally calmed down a little after it stopped provoking, then turned his head with a "not as knowledgeable as a fool" expression, and walked back to his "throne" slowly.

It was only then that Eminem realized that the big man was a female iron armored rhinoceros, and this hornless rhinoceros...

"You rest! Your horns have fallen off!" Eminem decisively stopped its hesitating momentum as if it was about to provoke again.

Sure enough, it stagnated for a while, and then... "the opposite eye" got up, as if looking at its own "horn", and immediately showed a terrified expression.

Between iron-clad rhinos, if they want to mate, they need to grind their horns together.

"It doesn't matter, it will grow back!" Eminem comforted after patting its head.

Speaking of which, Eminem took out a few bottles of potions from his backpack, and then blended them on the spot...

The horn of the iron-clad rhino can indeed regenerate, but if it is allowed to grow freely, it may not grow well in a year or two.

"Amu, Amu, are you all right there?" Xiaoxia's urgent voice came.

From the beginning, she didn't know what Eminem was doing.

"It's okay, I'm dispensing medicine for the injured iron armored rhino." Eminem comforted.

I saw that Eminem applied the prepared medicine, one kind of paste to the fracture of the unicorn, and the other liquid, soaked in the bandage, and wrapped it around the broken horn.

"In this way, it only takes half a month to grow, and the newly grown horns will not be very brittle!" Eminem said after tying it up.

The hornless rhino smacked the top of Eminem with a fractured mouth to show friendship.

Then he looked at the big man who went back to sleep, it seemed that he was already planning for half a month...

At this time, Eminem put his backhand on the head of the hornless rhinoceros, clearly conveying his thoughts, and at the same time he said, "People are not interested in you, why don't you go with me?"

The hornless rhino, who had originally expressed friendliness to Eminem, immediately turned his head to the side.

Eminem was not in a hurry, and said from a different angle: "Look, your current method can't attract people's attention at all... Why don't you go on a trip with me, how long you can see and hear, and then you can evolve, maybe It's done! And when I'm not on the road with me, I will also set the storage point here."

The reason why there are so many iron-clad rhinos with "ribbons", that is, trainers, is that the pasture provides foster care of iron-clad rhinos.

Each trainer can carry six Pokémon with them, but only these six are in the Poké Ball. More than six Pokémon sent back to the Research Institute or the Breeding House are in a stocking state.

In the Ironclad Rhino Ranch, there are so many of the same clan, which is also good for the growth of Pokémon. Naturally, most trainers usually choose to foster here.

"If you stay here, everyone will have the skills you know. Why don't you go on a trip with me. After you have evolved and learned new skills, come back... Wouldn't it be more attractive to others?" Eminem guided.

"Language" is just Eminem's habit. In fact, he is using "animal senses" to communicate at a deeper level. Most Pokémon cannot directly understand language. What they understand is the emotions in language.

At this time, what Eminem had instilled in the hornless rhino's mind was a majestic iron-armored tyrannosaurus rex. After returning to the pasture, he walked squarely and gained everyone's worship!

The hornless rhino's eyes brightened immediately...

"Horn! Horned horn!" The hornless rhino looked at Eminem seriously and confirmed to him—you really want to train against Pokémon, right?

Obviously it also knows that most of its kin are trained on mounts, but it prefers to fight.

"Of course, it's just a part-time job before evolution." Eminem said, took out the Poke Ball, and bumped the switch on the head of the armored rhino in front of him.

The latter was incorporated into the Poké Ball, and after a while, the Poké Ball flashed a light and sound effect that successfully subdued it.

At this time, the big man who was lying on the Grinding Rock seemed to realize something, opened his eyes and glanced here, and then turned his head specially.

"Eh? What are you doing? Has the subjugation succeeded?"

Xiaoxia on the other side of the Pokédex video call was already dumbfounded at this time - why is the iron armored rhinoceros over there even more violent, but Eminem murmured and succeeded in subduing it?

"Well, so I happen to have six Pokémon." Eminem looked at the Poké Ball that had just captured the Iron Armored Rhino, and then released it again.

"Horn, horn!" The hornless rhino yelled again at the big man on the rock.

The other party opened his eyes slightly, glanced at him with a dead fish eye, and then turned his head to sleep in a different direction...

"Horn!" The hornless rhino seemed to say: I will teach you how to be a "cow" next time I come back.

Pokémon's concept of "mate selection" is different from that of humans, and Eminem doesn't have to understand it. Maybe... Hornless rhinos like this?

"Let's go to the central lake first... By the way, I should give you a name... How about no horns?" Eminem said, turning over from the side, but he was knocked away by no horns.


After a lot of tossing, Eminem finally came up with the name "A Duan" and successfully rode on the armored rhinoceros.

Obviously I don't understand human language very well~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But I am very concerned about names...

Riding the armored rhino, all the way to the central lake, Eminem also felt the speed of the ride.

In the riding Pokémon, the iron armored rhino has excellent speed and endurance, only the start is slower, and the biggest problem is controllability!

Usually, the armored rhinos trained as mounts are mostly docile and stable in character, but they still have the "defects" of the armored rhinos - they are easy to take on!

So when riding an iron armored rhino, you must pay attention to speed control.

It's fine in the city, because the speed limit is already there, and in a busy place, the armored rhino will not run too fast.

Mainly in the flat field...

Once the iron-clad rhinos are kept at too high running speed for a long time, they will naturally "go up", even if there is a stone in front of them, they have to knock them away.

As a result, the rider is vulnerable to injury.

This point was emphasized in the theoretical assessment of the riding license of the iron armored rhinoceros.

However, for Eminem, this is not difficult. As long as he uses his "animal senses" to communicate his mind with Ah Duan, he will naturally be able to calm down his "superior".

On the way, Eminem didn't know why, but Xiaoxia cut off the connection - but there were a lot of people on her side, so she didn't need to worry about safety.

As a result, as soon as Eminem arrived at the lake, he saw Xiaoxia, who was a little embarrassed even in protective gear, and finally tamed the iron armored rhinoceros she had chosen... just saw her pick up the Poké Ball!

Seeing Eminem riding a broken-horned rhinoceros, Xiaoxia felt a little embarrassed.

Apparently she didn't want to lose to Eminem, so she was anxious to tame the armored rhinoceros. If Eminem were a little later, she would see Xiaoxia who was waiting for her...

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