Pokemon's Character Master

Chapter 92: Who can compete with the salted fish?


Appeared in the field of vision!

That's a Dudu!

Two slender but very powerful legs stepped on the ground and rode away!

Beep, beep, beep!

come on, come on, come on!

When Dudu crossed the red ribbon at the finish line with his two proud heads held high, he was very proud and raised his head on the field and made an excited sound, as if he was accepting all the cheers around him.

At the same time, it also discovered a few elves that were very, very, very backward. Oh, isn’t this Ivysaur? Why, it couldn’t run after just a few steps?

When Dudu came to Ivysaur with almost contemptuous eyes, he looked proud, as if a victorious general had returned and saw the defeated soldiers.

Ivysaur turned its head and saw Dudu's sullen expression. Of course she knew what it meant, but she rolled her eyes.

Ivysaur: Between the two of you...which one crosses the line first?

Suddenly, the triumphant Dudu seemed to have pressed the pause button. The two heads stopped moving and suddenly looked at each other. They both saw the meaning in the other's eyes...

Zuotou: I crossed the line first!

Right head: I was clearly the first to cross the line!

Zuotou: It’s me! you are lying!

Right head: Look at the trick, you bastard!

Zuotou: I’m afraid you won’t succeed!

Just when the audience saw Dudu's two heads pecking each other, a Poké Ball was thrown over.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

What's going on? Gao Mao looked a little confused, why did Dudu start a fight with himself.

Yang Yu knew something about such an elf: They are probably quarreling.

What's so noisy about this? Gao Mao was still puzzled.

They should be fighting over who can cross the line first. Who knows, Dudu is such an elf after all... Murong Wentao shrugged. He wished that Dudu could fight with him longer. Anyway, he was already Countdown...

Yang Yu had fewer thoughts about catching a Dudu in the future, no matter how fast it was, but sometimes like now, pecking himself, isn't this just idle time?

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, the elves behind you, the second batch will be ready to go in 5 minutes!

One after another, other elves came to the finish line, and their respective trainers used elf balls to collect them, preparing to make way for the second batch of competition teams.

Um, Ivysaur, you should come back quickly too!

Murong Wentao felt his scalp numb when he saw the fire dinosaur in the second group.


The command gun sounded, and the second batch of elves also rushed forward.

The most eye-catching one is the menacing fire dinosaur with its tail burning with flames.

It was okay when we first lined up, but once we started running, the flames in the tail became bigger and bigger. Not only that, but the tail swayed from side to side, making the elves next to them tremble with fear, especially the grass. Some elves from the Department...


Jump again!

Keep jumping!

Before the fire dinosaur ran to the lead, the surrounding elves felt that they were not running, but...skipping?

Although it's a bit thicker than a rope, I'm not kidding you about that ball of fire on the tail!

The fire dinosaur easily reached the front of the team.

Well done, Fire Dinosaur!

Needless to say, this sharp and proud voice belongs to Ouyang Qian.

Yang Yu, the four of them plus Murong Wentao looked at each other in confusion as they watched the fire dinosaur retreat...

Is this a self-inflicted cheater?

River around the city.

The scene of the water elf competition.

Since the river surrounding the city is very long, the departure time of each batch of water elves is 10 minutes. That is to say, 10 minutes after the first batch of water elves sets off, the second batch will set off from the starting point.

At the same time, in order to avoid the duplication of some elves, that is, the appearance of multiple horn goldfish and black waves in the same batch, the same elves will be in different starting batches.

Of course, some accidents cannot be avoided.

Yang Yu didn't expect that in the fifth batch, besides his Salted Fish King, he would also encounter a Salted Fish King.

However, that Salted Fish King...

Yang Yu’s Salted Fish King: Why are you so fat, little brother?

The Salted Fish King from a passerby: Who are you? Are you inflated?

Yang Yu, hahahahaha, I'm about to die, hahahaha... Gao Mao was already on the verge of crying with laughter.

At the starting line, a salted fish king occupying at least four or five runways was staring at a shivering salted fish king on the far side track...

This is the first time Yang Yu's salted fish king has seen his own kind in a long time since he was captured, but this one... seems to be a bit awkward.

Yang Yuqiang suppressed a smile, lowered his head and touched his nose, and said to the passerby who was crying beside him, Brother, is this your Salted Fish King?

Yeah... this one is so big, is it yours? Passerby A's voice was trembling.

This Carp King...oh my god, has he become a spirit?

Oh my God, this is such a big carp king, this is the first time I've ever seen him!

Is this really Magikarp? Damn it!


Most of the students participating in the competition have never seen the same elf with such a big difference in body size. Even the instructor's Abo monster, the size difference between each other is not too big, at least not as it appears in the competition venue at this time. Same as the two Magikarp above...

Maybe this smaller Magikarp hasn't grown to the size of an adult Magikarp, but for this extra-large one, if you want to take the high-speed rail, you have to buy at least half a ticket, right?

Having said that, when taking the high-speed rail, can't you just stay in the Poké Ball? Why do you have to go out and buy a half ticket? Isn't this a waste of money?

Too far, too far away...

There is no harm without contrast.

Especially Yang Yu, the salted fish king, kept looking at this little salted fish king, just like an adult looking at a little kid...

I remember. Is this the same Magikarp who defeated the instructor and went to Sharp Snake Camp to strengthen military training?

That's right. It's this size. I feel like there's no other Magikarp, just this one!

Does anyone still remember that on the first day of military training, one of the instructor's monsters was knocked unconscious by Magikarp? I couldn't believe it if I beat him to death before. At that time, I was still thinking, what kind of Magikarp is it? Do it... oh my god! Now I believe it!

For a time, the freshmen around him were talking a lot, and their eyes looking at Yang Yu were filled with a certain amount of awe.

How did you feed this Carp King?

To be able to keep Magikarp so fat, his family must have very good conditions. No wonder the first elf dared to raise an elf like Magikarp, which evolves completely one day at a time, and is quite difficult to evolve!

The fifth batch, the fifth batch is ready! Get to your positions!


The instructor gave the order and the gunfire sounded again.

Set off!

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