Miss, all the food we can collect within our control is here.

In Fuxing Inn, a group of people looked at the few food in front of them with serious expressions.

Three days have passed since the Baofu Sect sank.

There is no day or night on the island at this time, but the people on the island still have ways to judge the passage of time.

At night, the island is pitch black, and unless it is illuminated by fire, nothing can be seen.

During the day, some faint light will fall on the dome. Although it is still not visible clearly, it is not invisible.

In the darkness, the desires of people's hearts are amplified a lot, and all methods are empty, bringing everyone to the same state.

Practicing qi is a mortal, building foundations is a mortal, souls and supernatural powers are all mortals, and all living beings are equal.

The chaos in the psychic city started after the Taoist fragments appeared, but now it has stabilized. There are still a lot of struggles and killings, but everyone has formed a team.

Currently, Psychic City is divided into three parties.

One side is a disciple of Baofu Sect who came down from the mountain.

They came to deal with the foreigners' incident, but just in time the Taoist fragments arrived. After being beaten violently, they still united together and separated themselves into one party.

When the external pressure is strong enough, of course our own people have no time to fight among themselves.

This side occupies the terrain of the City Lord's Mansion and is easy to defend but difficult to attack. When they fled to the City Lord's Mansion, the outsiders did not continue to attack, but quickly split into different forces, and then merged and united, finally forming two The strongest camp.

One controlled Fuxing Inn, and the other controlled the city gate.

The location of Fuxing Inn is equivalent to the center of the city, which can radiate to a larger area, and those who control the city gate control the main entrance and exit.

Only the people from the City Lord's Mansion huddled aside.

But now, no matter which force it is, they have to face a difficult problem in front of them.


After fighting for several days, they finally realized they were hungry.

Many people have been away from the world for too long, and now they suddenly become mortals, and they don't even react for a while.

The boss of the Fuxing Inn camp is an ugly-looking woman. The left side of her face is black and blue, and the right side of her face has a scarlet birthmark.

There was a gaping hole between the lip and nose, and two buck teeth protruded.

It can be said that this majestic face makes people dare not look directly at it.

But she couldn't hold it back because of her immense strength. With two axes in her hands, she chopped off heads. In just a few days, she earned the title of Ghost Faced Axe King.

Let's all share the food. Don't be hungry. Eat, drink and rest. Let's go out of the city to grab food. Waiting here will only lead to death.

The Ghostfaced Ax King's voice is surprisingly sweet. It's hard to imagine that such an ugly and tough woman's voice is like an oriole on a branch, singing like a deer.

The people who followed her were extremely lucky. It was very dark, and if you didn't look at her face, she had a pretty good figure.

Coupled with her sweet voice, she is a beautiful woman.

After receiving the instructions from the Ax King, everyone cooked all the food and ate it together. According to the instructions, only the people on duty were left, and everyone else went to rest.

After everyone left, Ax King's personal maid quietly walked up behind her.

Unlike Ax King's ugliness, the maid Lu Luo has a sweet appearance and an extraordinary temperament.

When the two of them stood together, it was clear that the Axe looked more like the maid.

That's not right. A wealthy family wouldn't want a maid with this kind of appearance. At most, she would be a nursing home.

“Miss, I went to all the shops selling rice, noodles and meat in the city, and all the food was wiped out.

This food was collected from the kitchens of several inns in the city.

It seems that some smart people have stored food in advance. However, it is impossible for such a large amount of food to disappear out of thin air. It should be placed in the storage ring. If so, the situation will be much more serious.

Practitioners are not fools. They always prepare emergency supplies, including food and medicine.

But they didn't expect that they would encounter such a special situation.

And the person who collects grain will not think of it.

The reason why he stocked up on food was probably because he realized that some changes would happen. If the stockpile was useful, there would be no need to stock up on food, and everyone would be able to be self-sufficient.

If he realizes that the storage ring may be useless but still puts food into the storage ring, it means that he simply wants to cause damage.

If you don’t eat it yourself, others won’t be able to eat it either.

Or maybe he had his own secret base and moved the food.

The Ax King couldn't help frowning and thinking, and after a moment, he said resolutely: If we don't go to Baofu Sect, the person who collects food will definitely not go to Baofu Sect. He should choose to survive in the wild, and the food he hoards will also be in the wild. .

Even if there is no food in the wild, we can still find food on our own.

After thinking about it for a while, Ax made the decision to go out to the jungle.

Naturally, Luluo had no objection and went down to make preparations.

At this time, Zhang Chi didn't know that someone had an idea for him. Instead of looking for a hard fight, they came to pinch him, a soft persimmon.

In the past few days, Zhang Chi has also hunted several times and fully realized the joy of licking the bag.

Chen Runyu was different. He went out for a walk every day and picked up a bunch of debris when he came back.

Zhang Chi was already numb.

This is probably why magical powers cannot match the number of days.

No matter how carefully Zhang Chi searched, there was no technical problem, but he was no match for Ou Huang.

Even if he goes out to rob, it is not as good as Ou Huang just picking it up.

Is it true that stupid people have stupid blessings?

Zhang Chi was guarding the main road alone. Thinking of what he had experienced in the past few days, he still couldn't help but complain quietly.

Gu Youyou said bluntly: Maybe good people are rewarded?

Tch! Good people get rewarded is the funniest joke I've ever heard.

Zhang Chi only believes that fools are blessed.

I'm just too smart, so I have bad luck, you know!

Seeing this, Gu Youyou couldn't help but laugh: You are anxious, you are jealous.

Gu Youyou is a self-taught person and has become a devil who knows how to complain.

Zhang Chi was speechless for a while, and could only say harshly: She is the junior sister who admires me the most, how can I be jealous of her?

She has better luck, which is also good for our team. I'm not bitter, really.

There is a little bit of heart in this statement, but not much.

Zhang Chi is really not jealous of Chen Runyu. He is one of his own and has nothing to be jealous of.

It doesn't matter if she's lucky, it's best if she doesn't run into any danger.

With Zi Mian here, it shouldn't be a big problem.

When Zhang Chi thought this way, Chen Runyu really encountered a crisis.

She was happily picking up pieces in the forest, with Zi Mian following her, seemingly following, but actually protecting.

But in the woods, there was a group of people hiding in ambush.

is her!

Gu Pingtao's eyes lit up and he recognized Chen Runyu at a glance.

Chen Runyu also stood beside Long Yan back then. Although she was inconspicuous, Gu Pingtao still remembered her.

It's not that enemies don't get together, brothers, the time for revenge has come!

First update

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