Chapter 571: Big teeth will fall out of laughter.

Guanyin suppressed the doubts in her heart and asked:

"Who is her adoptive father and where does he live? Li

Shimin said:

"I live in the east of the city. If Master Guanyin wants to visit, I can personally lead the way for Master Guanyin."

He really hoped that little Sizi could worship Guanyin as his teacher, so he seemed very positive.

After all, he would have a chance to live forever.

Seeing Li Er say the word"see you", Guanyin suddenly became unhappy.

Except for Tathagata, Who else, besides the ancient great masters Bodhi Patriarch, could afford her to pay her respects?

This Li Er was too bad at talking!

However, Guanyin didn’t want to argue with Li Er over such a trivial matter. She gently said He nodded and said:

"Then please, Your Majesty, lead the way."

Li Er didn't say much. He ordered Changsun Wuji, Xu Maogong and others to stay and continue to preside over the water and land ceremony. Then he immediately took Guanyin and Hui'an Walker to an inn in the east of the city.

Xiao Sizi Empress Changsun followed behind her.

After Li Er and Guanyin left, Chen Xuanzang continued to explain Buddhism to everyone.

"Little Sizi, Guanyin is a bodhisattva who saves the suffering, is compassionate and a deity in the sky. There have been legends about her for tens of thousands of years. She wants to accept you as her direct disciple. Why don't you want to?"Empress Changsun asked Xiao Sizi in a low voice.

Xiao Sizi replied while driving:

"I had a feeling she had bad thoughts about me. And I didn't feel any rescuing or compassionate feelings from her. I only felt a heart that would do whatever it takes to achieve the goal, and her cold eyes."

Queen Changsun smiled helplessly and said:

"This is really childish nonsense. How can you feel it in people's hearts?"

Xiao Sizi:"I can feel it."

The conversation between the two naturally did not escape Guanyin's ears.

She sneered secretly: No matter how sensitive your senses are, you can never escape from my hands.

The time went back to a few minutes ago.

A woman in white and a woman in green The woman was walking in Chang'an City, watching the Water and Land Dharma Ceremony with the lively crowd.

Both women looked like flowers in the moonlight, like fish and geese. The woman in white looked holy, noble, gentle and elegant.

The woman in green looked pretty, lively and smart. sly

"I don’t know what the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was thinking. These monks were all sanctimonious on the outside, but they were evil men who stole men and women, raped and robbed them. He actually found such people to conduct water and land rituals. He was afraid that he was a fool."

The woman in green clothes looked at the monk in the distance and complained to the woman in white clothes with an unhappy look on her face.

Listening to her unceremonious derogatory words about the monk, it was obvious that she had a grudge against the monk.

The woman in white clothes said softly:

"Xiao Qing can't knock down a boatload of people with one stick. Among the monks, there are still some eminent monks who really devote themselves to hard work and help the world."

The woman in green clothes said disapprovingly:

"Maybe, but I haven't encountered it anyway. Look at that Taoist Cihang, he looked like he was holy, he was helping people in distress, but in the end he shamelessly snatched his sister's willow branch magic weapon. And that Fahai, he kills monsters whenever he sees them, regardless of whether they are good or evil.……"

Just when the woman in green was complaining, there was a sudden commotion from the crowd.

It's the king of Tang Dynasty who has arrived.

Immediately afterwards, the woman in green and the woman in white saw two monks, an old man and a young man, blocking the way of King Tang.

Then, the identity of Laitou Monk was exposed by a little girl.

Transform into the true form of Avalokitesvara.

Seeing Guanyin, the green-clothed woman's eyes suddenly ignited with raging anger.

Even the gentle and elegant woman in white has a scowl on her face

"I didn’t expect it to be her! The woman in Tsing Yi gritted her teeth and said,"She has the nerve to cheat with her sister's spiritual treasure." She thought for a while and said to the woman in white:

"Sister, taking advantage of the fact that there are so many people here and Prince Tang is here, why don’t we go out and expose her robbing sister’s magic weapon in public, so that the world can see her true face. Don't let her continue to cheat and pretend to be compassionate."

The face of the woman in white changed for a while, she was moved, but also a little hesitant.

In the end, she shook her head and said:

"We should not be impulsive and act quickly. We are no match for her now. If we go out rashly, we will only ask for trouble."

"Can……"The woman in green clothes still needs to persuade.

At this time, they found that everyone around them was kneeling down in front of Guanyin, and they were still praying for Guanyin's blessing.

Naturally they will not kneel down to Guanyin.

The woman in white quickly took the hand of the woman in green and ran away, hiding in a small alley to avoid being discovered by Guanyin.

"Ding ring ring ring."

When the two of them were running past an inn, the breeze brought by them suddenly caused a gust of wind chimes to ring. The sound of the bells was sweet and melodious.

The two of them suddenly stopped running.

They first looked at the hanging on the door curtain. The wind chimes looked at each other again, with a look of surprise on each other's faces.

"It’s strange, why do I feel empty and calm when I hear the sound of wind chimes, as if I am about to enter an epiphany?"The woman in green clothes said.

The woman in white clothes nodded:

"I feel the same way. It seems that this wind chime is extraordinary."

The woman in green's eyes lit up, and she whispered:

"This might be a treasure. How about we secretly take it off and take it away?"

The woman in white gave the woman in green a look:

"You just complained about Guanyin robbing us of our magic weapons. How come you are stealing other people's things in the blink of an eye? How different is your behavior from Guanyin?"

The woman in Tsing Yi argued:

"The difference is huge. Since this wind chime is hung here casually, it means that the owner of this wind chime does not know its value. After we take it away, can't we just leave him some more silver? I'm afraid his big teeth will fall off laughing."

The woman in white shook her head and said:

"Even if you want to buy it, you should first talk to the owner of the wind chime and get their approval before doing so."

"Well, IGo in and ask the owner how to buy this wind chime."

With that said, the woman in Tsing Yi immediately opened the door curtain first and walked into the inn.

The woman in white also walked in.

The environment of the inn made the two of them secretly nod their heads in praise. This was the first time they saw such a clean and unique inn.

Tsing Yi The woman didn't care about the uniqueness of the inn at the moment. She couldn't wait to come to the bar, ready to buy wind chimes from the boss. When she came to the bar, the woman in Tsing Yi was about to look at her mouth, when she suddenly saw the young man who was reading a book behind the table, and her expression suddenly changed. She was stunned.

Her body was frozen as if her acupuncture points had been tapped. Her chin was slightly open, her eyes were staring at the young man without blinking, her face was full of shock, excitement, and disbelief. , and there was a surprise.

At this time, the woman in white also looked away from the environment in the inn and looked at the bar.

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