Chapter 594: The female tyrant’s shock.

In the video, Sun Wukong is seen beating the head of a white-fronted tiger into powder with just one stick.

"He is very strong and the magic weapon is very powerful. I wonder if he can break my defense?"

Is Hou Qing really in the imperial mausoleum at this moment?

You can go and take a look at night.

Just when the female emperor was watching the video and thinking wildly, suddenly, she noticed a lychee tree by the window.

The tree was full of fruits. Fruits.

These fruits are as red as agate, delicate, plump and translucent, and look very tempting.

The female slayer couldn't help but reach out and pick one.

She looked at the crystal clear lychees, and couldn't help but reveal a sad expression on her face. :

"Unfortunately, since becoming a zombie, no matter what I eat except blood, it is as tasteless and dry as chewing wax, making it difficult to swallow. Don’t know when it will take until I can taste food again?"

She peeled off the lychee and put the pulp into her mouth.


Suddenly, the female demon's eyes widened, and she felt a thunder explode in her head.

Her expression looked particularly shocked and incredible.

She actually felt the sweetness of the lychee. , the fragrance of pulp.

How is this possible?

Have I lost my sense of taste for any food except blood?

How can I feel the taste of lychees?

Am I hallucinating?

If it is a hallucination, I really want this hallucination It can last longer.

The female slave slowly chewed the lychee in her mouth, even biting the lychee core. Although the lychee core was a bit bitter, she could feel the bitter taste, which was a kind of enjoyment for the female slave..

It turns out that this is sweet.

It turns out that this is bitter! It’s such a strange yet familiar taste.

The female boss couldn’t bear to swallow the lychee. She chewed it slowly, savoring the sweet and bitter taste.

Unfortunately, No matter how she slowed down her chewing, after a while, the lychee was still completely chewed into juice, soaked in her throat, and disappeared into her stomach.

After savoring the aftertaste in her mouth, the female slave felt that the taste was so clear, This made her wonder, was this really an illusion?

She quickly picked another lychee and put it in her mouth.

It was still a familiar sweet and delicious taste, which made her taste buds almost burst.

It turned out that this was not an illusion, I really tasted it. The smell of lychees!

The female slave was so moved that she wanted to cry.

At the same time, countless questions arose in her mind.

What on earth is going on?

Has my sense of taste recovered?

Or is this lychee tree different?

The female slave suddenly lost her eyesight. Staring at the lychee tree in the yard, she saw two rounds of blue-white flames lighting up in her eyes.

All the illusory restrictions disappeared under the light of the flames and returned to their original appearance.!

The female demon grew up, and suddenly felt the sound of her jaw falling to the ground and breaking.

Under the gaze of her corpse fire golden eyes, she saw that the lychee tree turned out to be hundreds of millions of meters tall, peerless. Standing proudly in the Hongmeng space.

The mysterious light bursting out from its whole body is dazzling, illuminating the heavens. The extremely pure chaotic aura is like a nebula, lingering around the lychee tree. The inscriptions of the avenue are dim and disillusioned, faintly visible.

In the lychee tree There is also a ball of purple-gold soil at the huge root of the tree.

The purple-gold soil is so huge that it is even more vast than the ancient continent.

Could this, this lychee tree, have innate spiritual roots?

But I have seen innate spiritual roots before. The laurel tree simply doesn't have the style and charm of this lychee tree!

And that piece of purple-gold soil, is it the innate breath soil?

But the innate breath soil, isn't it a colorful color?

It's impossible, it's the spiritual root of chaos , Chaos Breathing Soil, right?

But how could there be Chaos Spiritual Roots and Chaos Breathing Soil in the prehistoric world?

Even if there were, it should be in the saint's dojo, not this inn?

For a time, countless questions filled the female slave's mind In her mind, she couldn't help but feel like she was about to faint.

The female demon also discovered something.

Under the observation of her corpse fire golden eyes, the fruits on the lychee tree were bigger than the planet one by one.

But why did I just Eat it in one bite?

With doubts, the female demon stretched out her hand to pick a fruit that was bigger than the stars.

However, as soon as her hand entered the Hongmeng space, she was strangled by the countless laws surrounding the lychee tree.

The physical body of a zombie is originally as indestructible as a diamond, and the female demon is the ancestor of zombies, and her physical body is even more powerful, even compared to the body of a great witch, it is even worse.

However, the female slave found that her arms, which were as hard as gold, were like tofu, bruised by various laws, and the bones were visible.

If she hadn't pulled her arm back in time when she realized the situation was bad, her arm might have turned into powder.

The female demon looked at her shattered arms and her brows furrowed even deeper.

What exactly is going on?

Why was it that I could pick the fruit just now, but after seeing through the lychee tree, I couldn't even get close to the fruit?

She saw a chair next to her and couldn't help but sit on the chair quickly.

To avoid actually fainting.

But because she was too shocked, when she sat on the chair, she failed to control the Eternal Corpse Flame in her body, and her body suddenly emitted a light of fire.

The female demon felt her aura leaking out, and her face suddenly changed with anxiety, and she turned pale with shock.

After she was infected by the Zombie Beast and became the ancestor of zombies, she awakened an extremely powerful magical power.

Her whole body can emit endless eternal corpse flames, which can burn the universe and scorch the soul.

After she first became a zombie, she was unable to control the Eternal Corpse Flame freely. Wherever she passed, the ground instantly became red, the earth cracked, lakes dried up, and all living things disappeared.

This caused a lot of trouble.

For this reason, she was exiled outside Kyushu by her father, Huangdi, and was not allowed to return to Kyushu.

After so many years of practice, she could finally control this eternal corpse flame, otherwise, she would not have returned to Kyushu.

However, because she was too excited just now, she accidentally leaked a trace of the aura of Eternal Corpse Flame. Although it was only a trace, because it was not under her control, its power was enough to destroy the inn.

The female slave felt extremely regretful, knowing that there were others at the inn.

Shouldn't I really enter Kyushu?

She quickly gathered her breath, and then looked around nervously to see if she could save the damage she had caused.

Suddenly, she blinked in confusion.

She noticed that there were no traces of the chair being burned by the eternal corpse flames.

This is impossible, I just felt the aura of Eternal Corpse Flame leaking from my body.

Also, how come all the items in this room are intact?

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