Cao Zhengchun and Yuhuatian’s self-confidence, Su Mu appreciated.

But he knows that the world is not that simple, so he still has to be more cautious.

Therefore, Su Mu reminded again: “Self-confidence is a good thing, but you must not be arrogant, you must know that Wu Desi has existed for two hundred years, and this minions are all over the world, so you must not be careless.” ”


Cao Zhengchun and Yuhuatian felt cold in their hearts, and bowed down to lead the way.

And looking at the reaction of the two, Su Mu still nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Su Mu remembered something and instructed:

“Okay, go and deal with those moles, those guys don’t need it, but pay attention to proportion, it’s not good to expand me, and if you help, you don’t need to worry anymore.”

After getting the exact order, Cao Zhengchun and Yuhuatian naturally went down to do things.

This means that the Xu family and the Wan family will have to deal with it.

As soon as they came out of the courtyard, Cao Zhengchun and Yuhuatian saw Xiao Ting walking towards them.

The other party greeted very politely: “Two fathers-in-law, are you busy again?” ”

Cao Zhengchunpi stared at Xiao Ting with a smile, and said in a gloomy tone: “Commander Xiao, the Lord has an order, and the title can be commensurate with the position, or the name, but the father-in-law is not.” ”

Hearing this, Xiao Ting did not react much, but looked at Cao Zhengchun and Yuhuatian, and said with a smile: “The Lord is too hearty, your identity… Discerning people can see it, especially Lord Cao, it’s hard to know it! ”

Of course, Cao Zhengchun did not eat this set, but said coldly: “Hmph, Commander Xiao, it’s really sharp-toothed, don’t think that if you come before us, you can act recklessly.” ”

The smile on Xiao Ting’s face narrowed, and said lightly: “I am only responsible for the safety of the Lord, and I am not interested in participating in your struggle, so you love to fight, but don’t count me, although I am only in name, but since I am a commander, then your hands should not be stretched too long, this is advice.” ”

“Hmph, let’s see!”

Cao Zhengchun snorted coldly and turned to leave.

As for Yuhuatian, he followed without hurry.

However, when he left, he took a deep look at Xiao Ting, but still did not speak.

“Alas, the two eunuchs are coming, it’s a lot of trouble!” As for Xiao Ting’s distant figure looking at the two of them, he shook his head helplessly.

Xiao Ting came to the study where Su Mu was and bowed: “Lord, I have something to report!” ”

“Sit down!”

Su Mu waved his hand and motioned for Xiao Ting to sit down.

After sitting down, Xiao Ting quickly reported the relevant situation.

“Lord, Yuwen Feng has come to report again, a large number of elites of Wu Desi have infiltrated Xuanzhou under the leadership of deputy envoy Yan Tong, and the other party has also contacted the bandits in an attempt to make some trouble in the bandits.”

Hearing this, Su Mu’s expression became a little more serious.

Because this bandit cannot be underestimated.

Especially in ancient times, it was a problem within a problem, and if someone did something, it would only be more troublesome.

Therefore, after learning that Wu Desi actually had such thoughts, Su Mu knew that this matter must not be careless, so he first asked Xuanzhou’s bandit problem.

“Yes, how many bandits are there here in Xuanzhou?”

Xiao Ting had already sorted out the relevant information, and while making a report, he presented it.

“According to Jinyiwei’s investigation in the past few days, there are not many bandits in various parts of Xuanzhou, and the more famous ones are the three major bandits, the bandits entrenched in Lianhua Mountain, and the Heifeng Village active in the area of Zhangxian, and the rest is a group of horse bandits, the stronghold is relatively secret, and the other party’s range of activities is in the area from the grassland to Dongyuan City.”

Hearing this, Su Mu frowned and pondered: “Oh? ”

Then, Su Mu, who had been silent for a moment, only then spoke: “The 20,000 iron horses of the Beifu Army have returned, and ordered the Beifu Army to dispatch to suppress the bandits and destroy these horse bandits, as for the remaining two bandits, let the West Factory and the East Factory deal with it.” ”

The 20,000 iron horsemen of the Beifu Army have been stationed in Dongyuan City, so let the cavalry of the Beifu Army deal with these horse bandits, how powerful can a group of horse bandits be?

In the face of 20,000 elite heavy armored iron horses, what can they do?

Su Mu thought that the 20,000 iron cavalry of the Beifu Army was enough to deal with it, not to mention that there were 10,000 Beifu troops in Dongyuan City, so three thousand cavalry was enough to deal with these horse bandits.

But in order to be cautious, five thousand cavalry were dispatched.

Following that, Su Mu asked again: “Yes, Lotus Mountain is near Liaoyang City, right?” ”

Xiao Ting nodded: “Yes.” ”

After learning the situation, Su Mu thought seriously for a while, and then made arrangements.

“In this way, let the East Factory be in charge of the bandits in Lotus Mountain, and the Heifeng Village in Zhang County will let the West Factory be in charge, and let Yuhuatian be personally responsible, and by the way, block the Wu Desi spies who infiltrated Xuanzhou.”

Xiao Ting knew what Su Mu meant, and replied, “Okay, I’ll inform them.” ”

However, Su Mu followed and instructed: “By the way, we have to wait until they deal with the Xu family and the Wan family, and then let them act, so that they can also fight less.” ”

“Lord, you are clear about this.” Hearing this, Xiao Ting was not surprised, but just smiled.

Su Mu doesn’t mind that Cao Zhengchun fights with Yuhuatian, anyway, these are harmless, so they can also increase competitiveness.

That’s a good thing.

But fight back to fight, just break the big thing.

Fortunately, these people are loyal, so there is no need to worry too much, but from time to time knocking, it is still necessary.

“There is no problem with dou, I don’t mind, but the stability between the three cannot be a problem, Jinyiwei and Xichang supervise each other, and no one can be above the other.”

After speaking, Su Mu deliberately paused.

Then, he added, “Yuwen Feng’s strength is not enough, and he can’t hold the scene, so that’s why I let you be the commander of this Jinyiwei.” ”

In this regard, Xiao Ting slapped the horse’s ass a little, he didn’t mind doing it.

“I know the Lord’s painstaking efforts, but I still hope that someone can take over as soon as possible, I am still suitable for the work of defense, now these really give me a headache, even if I just look at it simply, but it has exhausted me.”

Of course, the reason for the horse fart is still the problem of work.

To be honest, Xiao Ting felt that he was really unbearable.

Even if Jinyiwei has enough manpower now, there are some things that have to be handled by him, the commander, so this busyness is inevitable.

Su Mu didn’t know what Xiao Ting meant, but the problem was that he wasn’t very satisfied either.

After all, when it comes to busyness, who is the busiest?

It’s yourself!

Alas, when will this Wen Chen military general have it?

I really hope that there will be a military general as soon as possible, and at that time, whether it is government affairs or wars, I don’t need to do it myself, just do the final check.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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