After all, people don’t just stand there and let you shoot, and looking at such an armored riding gear coming towards you, can you not be afraid in your heart?

It was like a steel behemoth, the arrows were bounced off, the knives and spears were useless, and there was no way to inflict the slightest damage on the enemy.

On the contrary, this steel behemoth was like a flood beast, pushing all the way, without evading, and whoever dared to stop it was stepped on under the horse and turned into meat mud.

No one can stop it, really no one can stop it!

Wu Chongxun had tried to overestimate the power of this armored cavalry, but the power of the hoplites was really terrifying, and the enemy’s main general had a clear goal, that is, to go towards the two wings.

And these two wings ….

The combat strength of the border army is not weak, but you have to see whether it is the elite of the border army.

Obviously, although the border troops dispatched by Jizhou and Youzhou add up to 100,000 troops, I am afraid that there are only 20,000 combatable soldiers among them.

The remaining 80,000 people can only fight with the wind, once the wind is headwind?

Sure enough, Wu Chongxun had already seen that the phalanx of those two wings had long been in chaos, and they were directly scattered by the heavy cavalry of the traitors, and a large number of defeated troops had already appeared.

In fact, there is no need for the enemy to do anything, there are already signs of stepping on people on his side.

Once the rout appears, it is a group of troops, and it cannot be stopped at all.

Wu Chongxun saw this defeated soldier fleeing in all directions, and he scolded his mother in his heart.

I know that your border army has pulled its combat strength.

But you can’t pull it like that, right?

“General Wu, what should I do now?”

Liu Zhi and Gongsun Lang both gathered around and asked what Wu Chongxun should do.

At this time, Liu Zhi and Gongsun Lang found that they could not command at all, and the only thing they could hold was their respective elite troops of about 10,000.

As for the defeated soldiers who are fleeing in all directions, don’t think about being able to command the movement again, or imagine how to keep these defeated troops from coming to their side.

Damn, there are not so many people this time, how to explain when I go back?

The battle has just begun, and the losses are so great, now it is really over.

Liu Zhi and Gongsun Lang both had a mission, that is, they must not lose too many troops.

But this has just been clashed, there have already been serious casualties, and the key is that there have been mass casualties in the soldiers and horses on their side, what should I do about this?

Even if he can hold the 10,000 or so elites in his hand, this casualty situation is still a large number!

Besides, can these people still be used?

As far as these routs are concerned, there has been a big rout, and it will only continue to occur in the future.

Moreover, Youzhou and Jizhou are next to Xuanzhou, if this Su Mu comes to commit an offense in the future, can these people count on it?

Hehe, don’t think about it.

Liu Zhi and Gongsun Lang are not people who do not know soldiers, they naturally have a number in their hearts, knowing that these tens of thousands of people have no hope, even if they survive a lot?

A frightened deserter can no longer have combat power.

Even if there is, as long as you face this terrible hoplite cavalry again, there will only be this kind of rout again.

“Can’t let them come, if they come, it will definitely cause chaos in our army, so they can only kill!”

Wu Chongxun knew that the losses in this battle were too great, but if he allowed these defeated soldiers to rush over, it would only make the casualties greater, so he had to be ruthless.

Liu Zhi and Gongsun Lang were silent one after another when they heard this, obviously not wanting to kill each other.

After all, these defeated troops are all border troops in Jizhou and Youzhou, even if they are not valued by the rookie department, but this number is quite a lot, adding up to 80,000 people.

Although these 80,000 soldiers had suffered heavy casualties because of the enemy’s charge and the reason for the rout, it was obvious that there were still 60,000 or 70,000 people.

It’s just that for Liu Zhi and Gongsun Lang, Wu Chongxun’s approach is the most reasonable and the best practice at the moment.

Because they knew this, the two sighed: “There is no way, I have to do this.” ”

Of course, those who do this kind of thing naturally cannot let the 20,000 people of the two do it.


Meanwhile, the city towers.

Huang Rong watched Su Mu rush out with the three thousand Xuanjia army like this, and then everywhere he went, flesh and blood were flying, fragmented, and stumped limbs all over the place, and he suddenly vomited.

Although the distance is a little far, her eyesight is not bad, naturally she can see it, so she vomited directly.

On the other hand, Invite Yue and Mercy Xing, but their faces were expressionless.

Among them, Mercy Xing instead muttered, “How can there be such a terrible cavalry? The enemy army of 100,000 people actually can’t stop it? ”

She was already very optimistic about the Xuanjia Army, but after the people really made a move, she found that the people were even more fierce, and they were really fierce.

“In fact, there is no preparation over there, and there are too many recruits, and at least 80,000 of those 100,000 are recruits, so they will be scattered by one rush.”

Although Yueyue didn’t know the soldiers, she gave an explanation after a simple thought.

“Sister, do you still understand this?”

And when Mercy Xing heard her sister say this, she instead looked at Yueyue with a shocked face, and subconsciously said.

Invitation Moon: “…”


I still can’t get it?

She raised her eyebrows and glanced at Mercy Xing, and the meaning revealed in her eyes was exactly that.

“Uh… Sister, I was just shocked. Mercy Xing obviously understood the meaning of inviting the moon, so he quickly spoke.

“I know.”

Yueyue waved her hand, indicating that she knew.

Then, she spoke again: “In fact, it can be so smooth, or because the other party does not pay attention, the counterinsurgency army has its own ghosts, and there are actually 80,000 rookie recruits in the 150,000 army, but there are only 70,000 soldiers, but for various reasons, they cannot be rescued in time.” ”

After a pause, Zhaoyue added: “In short, Su Mu is lucky this time. ”

“Sister, does this mean winning?” Mercy Xing didn’t care about the words behind the invitation moon, but instead thought about whether this meant winning?

Hearing this, Zhaoyue shook his head and said lightly: “Of course not, the imperial court will send reinforcements, and some are that after suffering a loss, the enemy already knows that Su Mu’s side is not simple.” ”

When he said this, Zhaoyue paused for a while, and then followed: “With such a cavalry, can it be an ordinary person?” Obviously, this is no longer an ordinary traitor, and it must be paid more attention. ”

“In other words, the next tough battle is the next one.” After Huang Rong vomited for a while, she finally felt a lot more comfortable, and she blurted out directly after hearing this.

To put it bluntly, the next thing is the key, not that a battle can determine the victory or defeat.

“Actually, I don’t think it’s what the enemy thinks now, but what Su Mu thinks.” Yueyue was noncommittal about this, but had other ideas.

Saying that, she ignored the strange gazes of Mercy Xing and Huang Rong, but guessed to herself.

“This guy is ambitious, and he has already let Yuwen Feng sneak into Jizhou and Youzhou with a large number of Jinyiwei before, so what he has to do next is not to defend, but to attack!”

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