Chapter 57: The Great Killing of Xiao Ting!.

Wu Chongxun knew very well in his heart that the current emperor was still happy because of his own father. But if he is rude, his own father will not be able to keep himself.

Even if the martial artist is loyal, but…

Thinking of the martial artist’s arrangement, Wu Chongxun himself did not dare to say that he was absolutely loyal. Loyalty is faithfulness, but why not have your own little calculation?

Besides, the emperor is over sixty years old. That’s a big problem!

Who is the successor?

That is another sensitive issue.

And the martial artist’s side… Obviously, the game needs to be maintained.

Therefore, in the Luoyang Twelve Guards Forbidden Army, the martial artists will always mix sand in order to get more chips.

But if he loses this time, it will be a very big blow to the martial artists, so Wu Chongxun must ensure that the 50,000 central army cannot lose too much.

Otherwise, it’s really a pill.

“Now this situation must not be messed up, so you two should understand what I mean, right?”

Wu Chongxun gave the order and responded calmly, while not forgetting to talk with Liu Zhi and Gongsun Lang.

You must know that these two people have 20,000 elite border troops, and if these people can put in, then they will be more confident.

If the enemy’s three thousand cavalry can be eliminated, this is undoubtedly good news.

Those three thousand cavalry are not ordinary cavalry, they are armored cavalry, and the cost of raising such a cavalry is enormous. With the financial resources of Xuanzhou, can this be supported?

Although I don’t know how Su Mu’s thief did it, these three thousand people should be the limit, as long as they can be eliminated… No, even partially, it’s a good thing.

“General Wu, you are the boss, we naturally obey orders.”

Liu Zhi, Gongsun Lang is not stupid, after glancing at each other, he said in unison.

Although both of them received a secret order to preserve their strength, if Su Mu eliminated the counterinsurgency army of the imperial court, then the pressure on Jizhou and Youzhou would be great.

Therefore, no matter what, let Su Mu’s steps stop here, it doesn’t matter if the other party occupies Xuanzhou, but he must not let the other party stick his claws into Jizhou and Youzhou.

This was the consensus of An Yuntian and Gongsun Qi, and neither of them wanted Su Mu to look at Youzhou and Jizhou. But obviously, if the other party wants to go south, this Jizhou and Youzhou cannot be bypassed, so it is difficult to do. On the one hand, he didn’t want to consume his strength too much, and on the other hand, he wanted to stop Su Mu from going south.

Originally, I thought that dealing with an anti-thief should not be a problem. But now this anti-thief is very unusual, a little overdone. Even the armor riding gear has been made out, try to ask if this can be an ordinary anti-thief?

“Wu Desi made a mistake this time, there is no intelligence at all, we don’t know the enemy at all, we didn’t expect the enemy to have such a cavalry.”

Wu Chongxun glanced at the two and knew that the two knew that they cooperated, but he immediately thought that the matter was very serious because Wu Desi’s intelligence was wrong.

Or the complete absence of intelligence delivery, which is undoubtedly a big problem.

“General Wu, we can’t judge the matter of Wu Desi, but this time our army made a mistake in spying on the military situation, did the scout have no long eyes?”

Liu Zhi thinks that Wu Desi’s side can’t be managed, who knows what’s going on? But the scout went wrong, but it was real.

“Isn’t your border army responsible for this?”

However, the adjutant general next to Wu Chongxun was dissatisfied, thinking that this matter was the responsibility of the border army, but this scout was useless, so what was this?

“What do you mean?”

When Gongsun Lang heard this, he was immediately angry.

“Okay, stop arguing.”

Wu Chongxun didn’t have the energy to care about this now, but asked these people to shut up. What’s the noise?

The current enemy of the great enemy, what is there to quarrel?

But between a few people talking, the Xuanjia Army had already killed.

Although the left and right Wuwei are one of the twelve guards forbidden army in Luoyang, they are extremely well-equipped and well-trained, but they are still mantis against these three thousand Xuanjia troops.

You must know that this is a three-thousand-armored riding suit, and the people and horses are all wearing armor, and they are really armed to the teeth.

Moreover, once the heavily armored cavalry rushes up, what pawn can block it in terms of impact power? What can’t be stopped, really can’t be stopped.

Even if the crossbowmen in the rear have been shooting continuously, for the heavily armored Xuanjia army, there is no lethality at all.

At this moment, the 50,000 or so Wuwei Forbidden Army could be regarded as knowing the pain of the army over there just now.

In the end, it was a three-thousand-year-old heavy horse, and this really didn’t mean that you could stop it if you wanted to.

Even if they formed a thick human wall, raised a large shield, and stabbed with a spear, they still had no effect. Moreover, there is also a Xiao Ting.

As soon as the Heavenly Sword comes out, who can stop it?

For a time, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the scene was extremely tragic.

As the Xuanjia army rushed to kill, the lives of the soldiers were constantly harvested, such as knives, guns and other weapons, and it was impossible to inflict any damage on these heavily armored cavalrymen.

As for the crossbowmen in the rear, they had already been disposed of by Xiao Ting first.

To be honest, in these three thousand Xuanjia troops are all wearing heavy armor, all black heavy armor, even Su Mu himself is covered with heavy armor, so in this group of heavy cavalry who are all wearing armor, white hair and white clothes like Xiao Ting… Ahem, that’s undoubtedly very eye-catching.

“This cultivation is… Grandmaster Realm? ”

To say that Wu Chongxun still has eyesight, the first time he saw Xiao Ting, he found that the other party was not an ordinary person, and this cultivation was at least a martial arts powerhouse in the Grandmaster Realm.

How can it be?

The other party still has a master of the Grandmaster Realm to help? Damn, what kind of anti-thief is this?

Wu Desi, you misled me!

I thought that Wu Desi was out and the intelligence work would be in place, but who would have thought that there would be no news at all, plus miscalculated the strength of the rebels….

This wave, it is necessary to retreat.

At this moment, Wu Chongxun was no longer thinking about elimination, but how to preserve his strength. Around 950, Wuwei must not have an accident.

While Wu Chongxun was pondering how to preserve his strength and retreat, Su Mu had already discovered the other party, and he said something to Xiong Xiaoting.

“Xiao Ting, did you find out?”

Xiao Ting, who was holding the Heavenly Sword Great Killing Special Kill, naturally stopped when he heard this, and then asked a little puzzled: “What?” ”

“Enemy boss!”

Su Mu said speechlessly.

Of course, he didn’t forget to glance at Xiao Ting, who was killing up, and thought that you opened and closed my mouth to let me not be too top, why are you yourself on top?

Hearing this, Xiao Ting was stunned for a moment, then understood, and asked, “Are you asking me to kill the other party?” ”

“Can I give it a try?”

Su Mu didn’t force it, but just thought about whether he could take advantage of his unpreparedness and kill the other party?

“Lord, this is not easy to do, there is a powerful character in the enemy army, it should protect him.”

Xiao Ting frowned, carefully sensed it, and then said with some embarrassment.

“Grand Master?”

Su Mu was stunned for a moment, and then asked.

“Yes, I am confident of killing the other side, but it will take time, Wan…..”

Xiao Ting is not incapable of killing, but his biggest task is to protect Su Mu, so it is absolutely impossible to stay away.

“Okay, that’s it.”

Since Xiao Ting said so, Su Mu did not force it.

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