President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 207: Wanqing clinic moving

After seeing Mu Zhili thinking for a while, she finally raised her head and shook her head solemnly. Mu Zixi's heart immediately sank to the bottom, and there was no trace.

Why on earth, why doesn't she like Qiu Wanqing?

"No. I liked him from the first sight, not others." Mu Zhili replied solemnly, without a smile on her face, but with a serious face, as if she was saying that she was not casually speaking That said, she said after serious consideration, so the credibility is very high.

Looking at Mu Zhili with a serious face, Mu Zixi looked like she couldn't laugh or cry. The child already liked Cheng Haotian. She couldn't change anything. Now, time can only change slowly.

Maybe one day, the child doesn't like Cheng Haotian, so she can be with Qiu Wanqing again.

Now, I'm afraid I can't be with Qiu Wanqing.

And this can be regarded as relieved of Mu Zixi's troubles. She could not find a suitable reason to reject Qiu Wanqing. Now she is fine. There is a good reason for her to postpone the date of love with Qiu Wanqing, which is also a very good excuse.

She wanted to adjust herself well, and then sort out her feelings. She didn't plan to step into the next love in such a hurry. A fruitless love has just ended, and it is not possible to enter the next one so quickly.

This is responsible to her and also to Qiu Wanqing. Between them, it will take some time.

So, she could also consider what Mu Zhili said tonight, and then give her and Qiu Wanqing some time. The three of them would think about it, and then decide what to do next.

Next time, she won't let herself fail again, and she can't endure another failure in emotional matters. Therefore, she must be more cautious. Until, she can no longer hesitate.

Mu Zixi thought, her next relationship must end in marriage.

After Qiu Wanqing went to City A, he went straight to his medical clinic.

In fact, most outsiders only think that Qiu Wanqing is a doctor, or a famous doctor in a big hospital, but no one knows, not even Cheng Haotian, Qiu Wanqing opened a medical clinic by himself, and the scale is quite large. It is also a good medical institution in the local area.

When Qiu Wanqing was working as Cheng Haotian’s personal doctor, he started to prepare his medical clinic. He gave his medical clinic a nice name, called Wanqing Clinic. Then he gave Cheng Haotian a good name. Outside of seeing a doctor, I just go to my own clinic.

Fortunately, Cheng Haotian’s salary was extremely high, and he didn’t spend much of his time. At that time, most of his visits to Cheng Haotian’s home were to see a doctor for Mu Zixi, so he had a lot of time. Go to my own business. That is, his Wanqing Clinic, which later became a large clinic with more than 100 employees.

After he rescued Mu Zixi, he gave the clinic to a dean he invited to manage, but he would only go over and check it occasionally and didn't make much movement.

At that time, Qiu Wanqing did a doctor's position in a famous hospital in C city for Mu Zixi. However, his registration fee and consultation fee were quite high, but because he diagnosed very well, the patients were still willing Hang his number and let him go to the doctor.

Because of this, his reputation in that hospital is quite high, and that hospital even raised his salary three times within a year. However, working for someone is always not making money by opening a shop! If Qiu Wanqing hadn't been for Mu Zixi, he wouldn't have gone to work in that hospital.

After Qiu Wanqing entered the hospital, he went straight to the dean's room, where the dean was reading a book of medical skills.

"President Wang, long time no see." Qiu Wanqing stepped forward and greeted him, scared that Dean Wang's glasses almost fell off.

When the boss is here, the subordinates must of course be nervous and afraid. Even people like Dean Wang must be afraid of the highest manager!

Dean Wang didn't know what the wind brought Qiu Wanqing today. You know, he only saw Qiu Wanqing once in ten and a half months. Therefore, Qiu Wanqing's number of visits is quite small!

Every time he comes, Dean Wang has to prepare in advance, because Qiu Wanqing needs to see the financial affairs of the clinic, and he has to prepare those statements in advance to avoid any loopholes. It would be difficult to explain to Qiu Wanqing.

"Mr. Qiu, why are you here?" Dean Wang hurriedly got up and immediately gave up his seat to Qiu Wanqing: "Sit down!"

The boss is still standing there, how dare your subordinates sit peacefully! Dean Wang is not an ignorant person, otherwise Qiu Wanqing would not choose him as the dean. Therefore, Dean Wang is very active, at least knowing more about basic politeness.

When he saw Qiu Wanqing still standing, he hurriedly gave up his position. Of course, Qiu Wanqing is the biggest here, and Qiu Wanqing should sit in the best and highest position. And he was just working for Qiu Wanqing.

"It's okay, sit down! I'll just sit there." Qiu Wanqing didn't mind anything, pulled out a chair for the guests, and sat down as if nothing had happened. Seeing that Qiu Wanqing was so casual, Dean Wang couldn't help rejecting anything, and then sat down cautiously.

Dean Wang looked at Qiu Wanqing's face and found that Qiu Wanqing should be in a good mood today. It seems that there will be no bad things, so he was more relieved.

However, he still didn't dare to take it lightly and stay with the boss. Of course, he had to observe the boss's reaction at any time, and he couldn't care about everything. That would easily cause problems.

"Is Mr. Qiu coming in?" Dean Wang's eyes flashed a shrewd light through the thick glasses.

He knew that Qiu Wanqing didn't like roundabouts there, so he asked questions directly, and their conversations had always been the kind of blunt words, without any roundabouts.

Perhaps it is Qiu Wanqing who doesn't like people who are too hypocritical, so he likes this way of speaking! However, Dean Wang is also such a person, so he speaks very directly.

Qiu Wanqing glanced at Dean Wang. He finally made this decision after careful consideration and consideration over the past few days. He was about to say it today, but he hesitated.

If everything was not for her, then he would not have made so many sacrifices, so when he finally made this decision, it also meant that he had to sacrifice something.

But for her, everything is worth it. Qiu Wanqing didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. He felt that everything he did was so insignificant in the face of feelings. And only love is something he cannot give up.

In the end, Qiu Wanqing finally made up his mind and said slowly: "I plan to move the Wanqing Clinic to City C, and then I won't come back to City A again."

This decision is very difficult, because they have been operating in City A for several years, at least for more than five years, and have a good reputation here, and there are also regular patient customers. If they move rashly, those customers will Lost because no patient likes to cross several cities to go to their clinic anymore.

Doing so is tantamount to restricting one's own career. It is very likely, that is, the worst plan, that is, their efforts for so many years have been wasted, and they can only start over there. What is going on is to start all over again. I don’t know, can it develop so well in City C?

Qiu Wanqing’s words really surprised Dean Wang. He is from City A. If he goes to City C with Qiu Wanqing, it means that his family will also follow him, otherwise he can only be from Wanqing Clinic. resignation. For him, these two choices are no different than heavy choices.

However, since Qiu Wanqing has already said it and made up his mind, he definitely has no way to change it. He can only choose by himself.

Similarly, I believe that the more than one hundred employees in the clinic are all the same, and his considerations are the same. They will all consider them in their family and career. I don't know, why did Qiu Wanqing make such a decision?

In this way, the decision to lose customers and possibly lose staff at the same time, why did Qiu Wanqing make up his mind so hastily? Dean Wang didn't understand or why Qiu Wanqing did this. He just felt that he had lost too much by doing this.

"Mr. Qiu, if you go to City C, it means you will lose a lot of customers, and you may also lose a lot of employees. Have you thought about this possible?" Dean Wang asked cautiously, but he said It's all facts, and besides this is something he is very worried about.

If possible, most people will stay here and do it in another clinic instead of going to City C with them. At that time, Qiu Wanqing will lose not only customers but also more staff. If you re-train a group of new people, I am afraid it will take a lot of time and energy.

Qiu Wanqing looked up at Dean Wang and sighed secretly that he was indeed the person he had identified. It was indeed the same as he considered. If he hadn't considered these issues, he would have made a decision long ago. He has not made a decision. But for these two reasons.

But now, it was time he had to make a decision. Because he made this decision for Mu Zixi. He wants to stay in City C, stay with his love, and cannot come back here to take care of the business here.

He admitted that in the face of love, he could not be defeated, he could not lose love, and his career could come slowly.

When Cheng Haotian didn't show up before, everything was fine. He didn't worry that Mu Zixi would change or that Mu Zixi would be with other men. But now, his biggest love rival, the person Mu Zixi once loved the most, has appeared. Can he not feel a huge pressure?

Therefore, in order to keep his love, and to keep Mu Zixi, he abandoned his career here, moved his career to City C, and then stayed with Mu Zixi to prevent Mu Zixi from leaving him.

When the time is right, he will tell Mu Zixi about his career, and then let Mu Zixi share the fruits of his labor with him. At that time, he thinks Mu Zixi must be very happy and happy.

He thought, to give Mu Zixi a perfect and happy future.

"I know, so I just want you to go with me. Wanqing Clinic is still you take care of. I will give you a suite as compensation, and you can move in with the whole family. As for other employees, there will be corresponding compensation. , But it won’t be too high. Just take care of this yourself. By the way, I want the result at this time tomorrow, okay?"

Qiu Wanqing looked at Dean Wang and said calmly.

He gave Dean Wang a house, which was equivalent to giving Dean Wang a place to settle down. Then Dean Wang didn't have to worry about where to live. As for the other people, it's fine if they want to leave, he doesn't care much anyway. The big deal is to recruit people again and retrain.

When he was establishing the Wanqing Clinic, he came here in this way. If it was a big deal, he would do the previous things again. It was no big deal.

As for the time, he thought that one day was enough. Give Dean Wang one day and believe that he can handle this matter well. He has limited time to come this time, so he can't give Dean Wang much time.

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