"Pa-" She slapped his hand away coldly, and Catherine closed her eyes with an expression of 'I'm going to sleep, you can do it yourself'.

Kristine was startled, looking at her hand that was slapped away, then at her closed eyes and trembling eyelashes, shaking her head and laughing.

Forget it, if you have the guts, be brave, he can just let her run wild.

It's better for her to be alive than to be a monster.

After closing her eyes for a while, she didn't hear the sound of his leaving footsteps. Catherine frowned slightly. Why was he standing there still? !

For a moment, there was the sound of clothing being rubbed, and the next second, someone moved her body to the side, and a body full of masculine aura lay down beside her.

Catherine was startled and opened her eyes suddenly, and she saw Christine taking off her suit jacket and lying next to her shamelessly, and she was almost pushed to the edge of the bed!

Slapping her hand, Catherine said angrily: "I am a patient! Are there people like you?"

Kristine stared at her lips, looking at the opening and closing of her lips. It was a little difficult to understand her meaning. He easily grabbed her hand, and clasped her waist with one hand, pulling her body towards him. Li Lanlan, his voice was hoarse and low, revealing a hint of exhaustion: "Yes, you are a patient. If you continue to be sick, I will be tortured by you until I am no longer a human being. Don't make any noise, don't make trouble, let me sleep for a while."

He found a comfortable position to rest his chin on her shoulder, tightened the arm holding her waist, and his breathing gradually became calm and even.

Catherine was startled, and turned her head to look at him, only to find that green stubble had appeared on his smooth chin, and there was a dark shadow under his eyelids. Something suddenly hit his heart, and his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

Did he become like this because of her?

A smile slowly appeared on the corner of her lips, and as soon as her eyes fell, her body suddenly began to stiffen.

Are those her hands?

On the quilt, the hand caught by him had purple-black skin and extremely terrifying eyes. When set off by his fair skin, it looked even more horrifying!

Her breath suffocated, and she broke away from him. She opened the quilt and looked down at herself, her neck, arms, legs...

Purple and black...

All are purple and black...

Sensing her struggle, Kristen didn't even open her eyes. She reached out with her long arms full of strength, took her into her arms again, buckled her in place, rubbed her chin against her neck, and said vaguely: " Stop making trouble and go to sleep..."

When he rescued her from the American Empire, he never slept for eight hours a day. Every time she was so manic that she would hurt others, he would be the first one to stop her and prevent her from really acting like that. Like a monster, he hurts people randomly, has no thoughts, and is controlled by vaccines.

I was worried every day, deeply afraid that she would become manic in the next second, and even more afraid of seeing her vomiting blood and convulsing and looking like she would die at any time.

In this extremely torturous situation, he persevered and stayed with her without stripping his clothes until she regained consciousness this time.

After confirming that she was really conscious and knew who he was, she finally felt relieved.

Once the tense nerves relax, sleepiness will overwhelm you. Come.

Holding her in his arms, he slept very soundly.

There were many broken fragments colliding and looping in Catherine's mind, like rewinding a movie, playing over and over again in her mind, incompletely pieced together.

Looking at his sleeping face, she suddenly felt a little unshocked and deeply disbelieving.

Is this Christine?

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