Chapter 76 : Training! Training!

“Little Nioh, why do I feel like my heart is hairy!”

Frightened by the distorted expression and gritted teeth of the coach of Mifune, Maori began to think about the safety of his life in the future.

“Senior, why are you so timid~ Look at Tokugawa, how calm!”

Although Nioh said so, in fact, his heart is a little hairy-the three boats coach will not train them to death!

“Oh, yes, Tokugawa is really calm!”

Maori praised from the bottom of his heart.

“Yes, yes, you deserve to be Tokugawa-kun!”

Nioh echoed.

And Tokugawa–

Tokugawa continued to hold his cold face and remained silent–no, I am not calm!

–I also want to know the coach’s next arrangement!

–Don’t involve me in your speech!

Suffocating in my heart, Mifune was really cruel to the training of these three teenagers.

Running all over the mountain with a load of tens of kilograms is no longer a trivial matter.It’s like swinging tens of thousands of times under a waterfall, practicing multiple shots in the river, hanging on a tree to practice leg muscles, and even holding a dozen kilograms of weight. racquet plays the game, half of his body is buried in the ground with many balls

The variety of training has opened up the eyes of Nioh who has come back to life!

And the three ships this time completely calculated their limit training volume to arrange the training separately.

Even, in order to train these three people wholeheartedly, San Mifūne Nyudō San Mifūne Nyudō San took all the other high school students back home!

Such “special care”, Rao Nioh, can’t wait to climb back to the cave to sleep every day.

The three people have different training arrangements. Except for going back to the cave to sleep at night and being able to meet during the game, the rest of the time is not met on the top of this small mountain.

The three boats made full use of the terrain in the mountains, separated their training locations, and each did not meet each other, and could only meet and chat at night.

However, the three of them are often squeezed out of their physical strength at night-how can they have a leisurely chat?

Even Nioh doesn’t take the initiative to tease Maori and Tokugawa!

However, for Nioh, San Mifūne Nyudō San is also secretly surprised.

–What’s the matter with this white-haired boy!

Such a high mental power! Professional players can’t match him!

And technology!

Are you a “senior year student” with such good skills?! This is already comparable to a professional player!

No, it’s better than the average professional player!

Mifune really felt very heartbroken.

For Maori and Tokugawa, he can arrange training programs with ease.

But for Nioh, it seems that in addition to training physical fitness-let him increase his strength, speed, physical fitness, other things are completely unnecessary!

Seriously, to the point of Nioh–

There is no need to think about mental strength–you can practice in the early stage, and it will rise to a certain level in the later stage, which is completely dependent on talent!

Technology-With such a high technology, if you want to improve it, you can only comprehend it by yourself!

Therefore, facing Nioh’s physical fitness, the aggrieved Mifune simply used his full-body skills to train!

This also caused Nioh’s miserable situation every day.

However, feeling the changes in the body, it is so wonderful that you can feel that your body’s potential is fully tapped every day!

Nioh is really painful and happy.

Before returning home, Tokugawa received guidance and training from foreign clubs. The five dimensions are very average and there are basically no shortcomings.

However, sometimes, no shortcoming is the biggest weakness!

Boss but not precise is a thing worth tabooing!

San Mifūne Nyudō San pointed out this problem to Tokugawa unceremoniously.

Immediately afterwards, there was a wave of targeted training-Tokugawa has defensive talents, and there is also a great potential for mental power to be tapped! (refer to the “black hole” later, and resonance with Yukimura-Yukimura is absolutely talented for mental power , Na Tokugawa assumes he has it!)

Relying on the crude conditions, Mifune, who trained Tokugawa, unceremoniously criticized the rigid training methods of those clubs.

– It’s not that overall development is not good, but that everyone’s potential and talent are different! Not everyone is suitable for a comprehensive and consistent five-dimensional!

Tokugawa silently listened to Mifune’s criticism of the so-called elite tennis training method, gritted his teeth and finished the heavy training.

–I was wrong before, now I am going to change it! I will definitely be able to go to the world!

As for Maori-physical talent is very good, keep digging!

Mifune unceremoniously formulated a long list of training for Maori.

Then, in view of the problems that Maori is too involved in playing the ball, so that his mind is not calm, his physical strength is quickly consumed, and there are some loopholes in the front and rear court changes, Mifune declared that-I still practice too little! Give me practice!

Sometimes physical strength is not enough? Train more!

There are loopholes in the front and back exchanges? Keep practicing!

After training, he also discovered the incredible spiritual resistance of Maori–this kid doesn’t look like a person with spiritual talent!

Even if there is a little talent for mental resistance (this is definitely there, after all, it is the partner of the more intelligent senior, it is not easy to be accidentally injured), it can not be so high!

Mifune, who was wondering, immediately glanced at another venue, and Nioh, who was so hard to practice basic physical training, suddenly realized–

E, it’s the ghost of this kid!

I discovered a usage of Nioh’s super-high mental power (!!!). Mifune no longer trains the three people separately, but takes a few hours a day to work together for actual combat training.

Aggrieved and trained to the death, Nioh has found a way to vent.

“. The N usages of “Nioh Phantom” were brought to the extreme by him in this situation!

After the Kanto Contest, Nioh broke the inner barriers and realized his self-improvement!

Naturally, he has also carried out a deeper development of his natal skill “Nioh Phantom”!

Forcibly linking the opponent’s mental power is a trivial one.

With the help of the principle of homology, linking the opponent’s mental power, and then directly using the mental power to weaken the opponent’s strength, speed, (money, Zhao) physical strength, has become a common method in Nioh practice matches.

The two people who have played many practice matches with Nioh, their own data and information have long been exposed – Nioh’s mental power to link them does not even need to test a ball!

Often at the beginning of the game, the white light flashes, linking from Nioh to the opposite side–

Immediately afterwards, Tokugawa (or Mori), who had suffered from a weakened mental power, felt that his strength was quickly lost!

This is only a small part of the luck

Unparalleled in the world, Tokugawa and Maori are always in a trance and do not know where they are.

Under this simple and rude mental training method, let alone anything else, at least the mental resistance of Tokugawa and Maori have each improved a lot!

PS, let yourself go, this is a fan!

When Mifune really smashed Tokugawa, Maori, and Nioh (in fact, I want to improve their strength more reasonably!).

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