Chapter 86 :Settlement after Autumn

When the coach of the three boats on the back mountain was angrily for the pot of good wine he wasted, Nioh and Maori had followed Tanegashima to his 101-person dormitory.

–Maybe, the name will be changed to Rikkai Junior Dormitory Group.

“Come on, Maori, Nioh, clean up slowly, don’t worry, let go slowly~”

Tanegashima Shuji leaned against the door, watching Nioh and the two pack their luggage and beds.

After hearing Tanegashima’s words, Mauri shivered immediately, and the speed of packing things in his hands increased instantly.

Nioh adheres to the “I’m innocent, I don’t know anything”, and he is slowly packing his bags without any sense of crisis.

“It’s finished, Senior will take you to lunch.”

“Then, let’s exercise after a meal, just to eliminate food!”

Tanegashima suggested enthusiastically.

If it weren’t for his “after-dinner exercise” proposal, Nioh would have thought he would have let go of Maori~

Puff~Sure enough, Tanegashima-senpai is still “hateful” Maori-senpai!

As the junior and partner of the seniors, I’d better save the Maori seniors.

“Senior Tanegashima, you don’t need to exercise after meals-I’m really tired this morning~”

With fox eyes fluttering, Nioh takes advantage of his age and appearance while he is still “young”.

“Uh-all right.”

Facts have proved that no matter how cunning the predecessors are, they can’t resist the profound meaning of “cute”.

“But, Maori, fight with me tonight!”

Maori heard this sad news before he was lucky enough to escape.

Minister Tanegashima, ah, no, it should be called senior now – you are so partial!

Maori really feels that no matter he is under that minister (Yukimura, Tanegashima), he and Nioh are treated at two different levels!

Nioh was silent-anyway, I have done my best (bhci) to save the senior, so let’s keep packing the bed.

Lunch dividing line–

“Tanegashima! Maori, Nioh! Here! Here!”

Upon entering the restaurant, the three of Nioh heard Irie’s greeting.

The boy with a bright smile on his face sat down with Oni and Tokugawa for lunch.

There is almost no man’s land around them.

–This shows the lethality of the three people in the newly formed 102 dormitory!

(The acting master, the gatekeeper of hell, and the newly promoted No. 1 court representative, these three are put together, it is not ordinary high school students who dare to approach!)

“Irie wait a minute, we will be here soon!”

Tanegashima greeted him, and took Nioh and the others to the self-selection area to choose a meal.

“Hello, Senior Ghost! Hello, Irie! Uh, Tokugawa, good noon~”

When Maori said hello, he got stuck unnaturally.

“Hello seniors! Tokugawa, good noon!”

Nioh fluently completed the daily greeting tasks of U17 under the comparison of gross profit.

“Hello, Tanegashima senior! Maori, Nioh, good noon!”

Tokugawa habitually said hello with a cold face.

It seemed that he hadn’t cared about how Nioh deliberately misled him when they communicated in the back mountain.

–It’s just “seems”

The witty Nioh repeated the old trick, fluttering with the still round fox eyes, and began to brush his favor–

“Puff, Tokugawa, I didn’t expect that the place we went before was the back mountain of U17-I always thought it was a youth academy!”

“I heard from the Minister before that the level of the youth academy was average. I thought the Minister was a lie! It turned out that I made a mistake myself~”

Nioh said annoyedly.

“It’s okay, these two places are really close.”

Tokugawa eased his facial expression a little.

“I don’t know if we will be accepted~”

Nioh continued to work hard, and began to lose his account.

“You are very strong-and the three-ship coach is not okay? Don’t worry, Nioh.”

Tokugawa, who was led astray, forgot that he wanted to question Nioh, and instead began to comfort Nioh.

“The coach will definitely keep you.

Ghost Shen said.

If the coach is willing to let people go, it would be a weird thing!

“Don’t worry, if the coach disagrees, the seniors will help you intercede~”

Irie smiled in support of the ghost’s point of view-the coach is willing to let the talent blame!

And-such an interesting junior, it’s really rare

As an acting master, Irie Kanata has realized Nioh’s essential fox attributes.

“Yes, Nioh don’t worry.

“If it’s boring, let’s play with seniors together at night!”

Interesting junior! Tanegashima also realized Nioh’s fox tail~

Too bad-it was too careless for a while, forgetting that Irie-senpai and Tanegashima-senpai are completely “black-hearted”, not as cheating as Mori-senpai and Tokugawa!

Nioh Masaharu, as a deceiver and a rebirth person, made a rare miss when he “spoken words” to the pure Tokugawa today, and was pronounced “senior” by the two same cunning people next to him (in fact, the same cunning fox person) People who see through the true colors

PS, Tanegashima and Irie, no less than a certain personality of the main Yukimura (please experience it yourself!),

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