Princess, Spare My Life

Chapter 119: Stop, rob

There are still twenty or thirty miles away from Yuezhou. Yuan Zhen and Gu Yuemin rely on martial arts high strength and do not follow official paths, but travel around mountains and rivers.

In the woods by the trail, a gray hare was having lunch on the ground. Suddenly, his ears moved and he looked around.

嗖 ——

Three arrows screamed at the same time, inserted around it to form a triangular shape, and circled it. The little grey rabbit trembled, his feet rolled over and passed out.

"Actually fainted ..." Gu Yuemin laughed so loudly that he fell into Yuan Yuan's arms. The royal hunts around every year. She also walked the rivers and lakes, but for the first time since childhood, she saw such an interesting rabbit.

Su Xin jumped from Yuan Zhen's arms and ran over to hold the fainted rabbit in her arms. It wasn't too dirty. She ran back happily, "My dear, I support it!"

Gu Yuemin glanced at this particular rabbit with an interest and smiled, "Okay!"

Yuan Zhen took a bow on his back and sat Su Xin on Rong Rong's back. She took the reins, Gu Yuemin helped Su Xin, and the bay horse was carrying the salute behind him alone, staring at his master's cry. A grievance!

When he was about to step out of the woods, Yuan Zhen suddenly stopped vigilantly. Gu Yuemin noticed this, listened sideways, and faintly heard the sound of a sword in the distance.

"Thirteen, let's go and see. I protect my heart."

Gu Yuemin turned over his horse and held Su Xin in his arms. Yuan Zhen rode on a bay horse and drove the horse in front. Both horses were fetish. There was almost no sound under the hoof, and they approached to the distance quietly.

Su Xin was sitting in Gu Yuemin's arms, and she stretched her neck and looked curiously into the distance. I saw a green coupe parked on the path, and there were about a dozen guards around her, who were confronting more than 20 fierce gods, gangsters. The appearance of a winning ticket was in the hands of the guards, and the guards' eyes moved, and panic appeared on several faces.

A fierce man is shouting to the green sedan chair: "Mrs. Lu, you can't go today, why not be obsessed and let these guards die? Obediently stay, I will never be rough! Let ’s just wait for the money from your family Property, let you go! "

A twelve or three-year-old girl came out of the sedan chair, wearing a long green dress and holding a broken sword, pointing at the big man without fear and cursing: "Thieves don't think about it! My Lu family can't be humiliated! Dare to touch our Lu family, When my grandpa knows, destroy your small village! "

When the big man heard it, he said angrily, "Mrs., did your daughter say what you meant? Grandpa tells you that even if you fight for a fish to die, Grandpa's net will not break!"

A sigh came from the sedan chair, saying, "Hey man, why do you lie to me? Presumably someone paid the price for my mother and woman to die!"

The big man changed his face as soon as he heard it.

Su Xin was curious when she saw the scene. With two big watery eyes, she pulled Gu Yuemin's sleeve and shouted, "Dad! Mother! It's a robber!"

Gu Yuemin squeezed her face and said, "Where did you learn this bastard?"

Su Xin said with a smile: "My brother taught ..."

The mother-daughter's conversation caught the attention of the previous people. A fierce man who seemed to be the leader who was watching beside him turned back and yelled, "Who?"

Yuan Zhen and Gu Yuemin naturally ignored them, still driving close to each other, Su Xin was not afraid of being held by Gu Yuemin, and stared at him curiously.

A small, lean man beside him smiled with disapproval: "Brother, this girl is so good at water, and she will bring it back to be a Mrs. Zhai, and a little one to raise it as a child raiser!"

The bandits met Gu Yuemin, and his eyes flashed. Although she is wearing a veil, where has she seen such a glorious nation? The leader saw Gu Yuemin's eyes straight.

"This is a fat sheep delivered to the door!"

"Since you're here, don't leave!"

Seeing their tone, Su Xin wrinkled her face and drew in Gu Yuemin's arms, saying, "You are bad people!"

Open the encirclement and surround the three, laughing at her childish words, full of ridicule and pride.

A gangster with a humorous head laughed: "She said we were bad people! Hahaha!"

The next person interfaced: "Little girl, we are not bad people, we are good people ... hahaha-laugh me to death-"

Someone laughed: "Little girl, my brother will take good care of your mother later!"

A full face fluttered and waved the big knife, saying: "The man's killed, the woman's tied up! All the property is handed over!"

The lean man next to the bandit laughed and said, "You have killed people. How can people hand over their belongings?"

One person giggled with his sleeves and said, "Yeah! Yeah! Then we have to go up and search by ourselves!"

Seeing this, Su Xin raised her fist and said to Yuan Yuan around him: "Daddy, they are bad guys! Poke them!" The word "Piao" has a little northern accent, and it was taught by the two tigers.

Gu Yuemin also approached Yuanzhang with a horse, and said to Yuanzhang with an aggrieved look: "Thirteen, they bullied me! You have to decide for me!"

Gu Yuemin's acting skills have moved to the point where the fire is pure. This pretense has made everyone see. I really see the pity and dump all sentient beings.

The nearest robber from Yuanzhang took a step forward and said, "It looks like you're a rabbit-headed grandfather, isn't he? You your mother asked you to decide for her, why don't you come and hit me?"

The bandits laughed more.

The bandit leader saw Yuan Zhen sitting on the horse without changing his face, but staring at his own eyes gave him a kind of horror that was caught by the beast. Depressed the uncomfortable feeling, waved his hand: "Resolve this little white face first, it is important to do business!"

The gangster who laughed at Yuanzhang turned back and replied: "Yes ..." The words didn't fall off, but the bandits heard a "grumbling". The gangster's head rolled down, leaving a headless body standing in front of Yuanzhang's jujube .

For a moment, the entire path was silent, and only the headless corpse "噗噗" sprayed blood to the ground and fell to the ground.

Yuan Zhen's thunder knife in his right hand was still dripping blood, as if the actual eyes swept the robbers.

The bandit regained his mind after a while, swallowed his mouth, and shouted, "Side by shoulder!"

The bandits reacted, one by one rushing towards the three Yuan Yuan in anger. Gu Yuemin clamped the horse's belly, and Rong Rong stepped back, only Yuanzhang was one person and one knife, and there was no way to avoid it!

The lean man next to the bandit shouted, "Put your hands on the idea, and dark blue greets!"

There are lip codes in all walks of life, which are secret words. This group of mouths are lip codes, which can be seen as professional gangsters. According to the dialogue just now, this group is doing the job of being hired and kidnapped. What Yuan Zhen despises most is this kind of person. In the dark world, this kind of thing is very technical and has been spurned. The most respected are professional killers and professional thieves.

These people dare to humiliate her wife and daughter. How could she be soft and kill the sword. Gu Yuemin covered Su Xin's eyes, Su Xin obediently did not struggle.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one bandit left.

Yuan Zhen smiled coldly, and said to the guard who was standing stupidly: "Why are you standing? You haven't tied me up yet!"

The escorts hurried forward and tied the bandits around in all directions. No one questioned Yuan Zhen's order to kill God. The 13- or 4-year-old girl had a shameless face, but still put up, and stepped forward and slaps the bandit hard, saying:

"Who sent you here?"

The bandit snorted, and dismissed the beginning.

The little girl was not angry, and ordered the guards: "Catch him, and go back to me and try again!"

Just then, the sedan chair suddenly sounded the woman's voice: "Ru Yue!"

Yuan Zhen looked up and saw a beautiful woman in her thirties standing beside Jiaozi, staring tightly at herself. The woman was still calm in the desperate situation just now, but now she had tears in her eyes and her face was full of excitement.

The little girl stepped forward and held her, "Mother, why did you come down? It's all blood outside, you go to the sedan!"

She pushed her daughter away and walked towards Yuan Zhen slowly.

Yuan Zhen looked at her and said, "Ma'am, you recognize the wrong person. I'm not Ruyu."

The woman turned a deaf ear, came over to stand in front of her, and looked at her shyly.

"This sister, must have known her aunt?" Gu Yuemin stood next to Yuan Zhen holding Su Xin and smiled, "'Yue' is the name used by her aunt."

Yuan Zhen understood, and said, "Are you aunt's friend? I'm her disciple."

The woman retracted her eyes and sighed, saying: "So it is ..." He looked up at Yuan Zhen again, and said, "You and her look alike except that they don't look like each other."

Yuan Zhen said: "This is the honor of my apprentice."

"My name is Yuan E. You can call me Aunt Yuan. This is my daughter Lu Xiao." The woman said, "Are you sister Yue Rong's daughter? They are so old. I heard Ru Yue said you. Okay? "

Gu Yuemin said: "My mother is sick, her aunt is taking care of her, and she will go to Yuezhou in a few days. Where does Aunt Yuan live? When we settle in Yuezhou, please come and visit us."

Yuan E said sadly: "Forget it, she won't see me. She didn't even tell me her real name, and she avoided me for many years."

Yuan Zhen said in heart, if the aunt concealed her identity sincerely, how could she tell you your name? Gu Jiyi, who is so good in the world, cannot find the second one.

Gu Yuemin was also reluctant to say, "I will tell my aunt, if I have time, my aunt will visit you."

Gu Yuemin and Yuan Zhen said goodbye. When the horse was about to leave, Yuan E suddenly stopped them and asked, "Your aunt and your mother ..."

Gu Yuemin naturally knew what she was asking, and replied, "My mother has left my father for many years, and now I am only with my aunt, and I will not be separated in the future."

Yuan E nodded and got into the sedan chair. Lu Xiao stood by the sedan chair and watched them leave, thinking.

After going far, Gu Yuemin explained to Yuan Zhen. It turned out that Gu Guiyi had traveled four years in the rivers and lakes, traveled north and south, and caused numerous peach blossom debts, both men and women, and there were several in the Jiangnan boundary. Gu Jiyi has been hiding in the northwest in despair over the years. No one has contacted me. I returned to Jiangnan at this moment. I don't know how many people will come to the door.

The eldest princess and the eldest princess stayed in Yuezhou for three months. During the change of Yuezhou Zhizhou, the new Zhizhou surnamed Cen was the former Prince.

According to historical records, Cen Huaide was a four-year jinshi of the Ming Dynasty in the Yan Dynasty. He was once a magistrate of the White Horse Temple and was introduced by Prince Minghui Gu Yuemin as the staff of Prince Ren. After the new emperor ascended the throne, he served as the minister of the ministry, and then released Yuezhou as the Zhizhou half a year later, two years later as the governor of Yunshu and twelve years later as the prime minister.

Under the siege of King Qi and Ma Suqi, Shu land was completely recovered within half a year.

In the twelfth autumn of the Ming Dynasty, the Dayan Dynasty regained Shu land;

In the early days of Dayan Chaoying, Gu Rui got married. Empress Cao, the daughter of Cao Yushi Ling, is also said to have recuperated abroad because of her frailty. She is the same teacher and sister as Yima Suqi, and is also the righteous sister of Ma Suqi. It is rumored that Cao was not Cao Yushi's pro-daughter, but a woman of rivers and lakes. The emperor ordered a thorough investigation, and the rumor beheaded for the crime of slandering the queen.

At the end of the spring of the second year of the Dayan Dynasty, Gu Rui personally solicited the Western Qin Dynasty and recovered it four months later.

In the three years of the Great Yan Dynasty, Gu Rui ordered Murong Qinghua to conquer Korea, and Xu Xun appeared on "Stop Thinking Ten Thousands", and King Qi and Xu Xun argued in March. However, the eldest princess played a secret from Shuzhou. Feng, Emperor strikes. After one month, the Marine Division was established. Based on the previous Lu Shui Division, the Marine Corps was formed, and the Trade Department was established, which is not under the unified control of the six departments.

Dayan Chaotianying five years, conquered Korea. Half a month later, Korea became the Dayanshu Kingdom.

Gu Rui, Yan Yingzong, forty-four years in the reign, the navy was invincible, creating an unprecedented empire. The sea trade of the Dayan Dynasty had a strong nature of plundering to the outside, and was considered to be a dark accumulation of primitive capital. According to records, Yan Yingzong's national policy was heavily influenced by aunts and sisters from rivers and lakes, with a strong river and lake atmosphere. A branch of the Confucian school believed that Yan Yingzong's "□□" was because he had mixed rivers and lakes in his early years and lacked a sense of benevolence.

In the early days of the day of the Great Yan Dynasty, Su Qi, the master of the Tianjimen and the leader of the martial arts alliance, accepted his apprenticeship in the Shu Zhou Chang Princess Mansion. His disciple Lu Xiao was only 13 years old.

In Tianying for four years, sixteen-year-old Lu Xiao stepped out of the first battle of the rivers and lakes, defeating Zhu Muqing, the first lady of Xuan Qingguan's wife. In the following four years, he defeated the heroes of all sizes.

For eight years in Tianying, Lu Xiao succeeded as the master of Tianji Men. Although he was only 20 years old, he was the oldest one in 100 years.

In the nine years of Tianying, the emperor ordered that Su Xin be princess Pinghai.

In the 13th year of Tianying, Lord Lu Men and Princess Pinghai Su Xin married in Shuzhou.

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