Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 56: One more (She didn't mean it.)

"Why declined my appointment?"

As soon as we met in the morning, Bai Zhou directly slapped the question on Ji Fanyin's face.

"What appointment?" Ji Fanyin asked innocently. "Did you miss breakfast again? I brought you a sandwich."

"--And also locked all the next schedule!" Shirui scolded and snatched the warm sandwich and glanced at it, "Is it the same as when I went to Greece, who did you secretly make an appointment with? Where do I want to go?-I don't eat sandwiches from a convenience store!"

Ji Fanyin stretched out his hand: "I did more in the morning, don't pay me back."

Bai Zhou immediately turned around subconsciously, avoiding Ji Fanyin's hands: "If you don't eat it, you won't pay it back."

"Then don't eat."

"Partially eaten." Shiriji tore open the package and took a big bite, froze, and looked down at the toppings in the sandwich.

Since he is bringing rice for the day, Ji Fanyin, of course, comes from the bread slices to the inner ingredients and even the sauce according to the taste of the day.

She put her hands behind her back and smiled and asked him, "I'm fat by breaking my promise, is it delicious?"

Bai Zhou glared at her, stuffed the sandwich into her mouth half and half, then patted her hands on the crumbs of the bread, and said, "I won't go out today."

"Is the final exam over?" Ji Fanyin had just put on her slippers, and she didn't care how bad Dayu's attitude was today.

――After yesterday's incident, it is strange to have a temper by daylight.

"No." Shirui yawned, "I've reviewed everything, and you don't need to worry about it."

As he said, he turned on both computers directly.

――I don't know why, the apartment of this male college student living alone is not only terribly big, but also has two desktop computers and a laptop.

Probably because in the daytime, when you go out, you are irritable, and when you don’t go out, you are... irritable.

The thing he does most at home is playing games.

Seeing the daytime movements fluently directly open the day's abandoned house time, Ji Fanyin had only one thought in his mind.

Contemporary male college students are too depraved.

She sat down next to the day, feeling that she was particularly like the kind of person who traveled with a salary and was called a business trip.

When the daytime was adjusting the chair, the phone rang several times, and finally turned into a phone.

The phone was placed in front of Ji Fanyin, she glanced at it subconsciously, and then glanced at the name on it.

I don’t know him, but Kan Cun’s nickname is like a friend of my peers.

"Pass it." Bai Zhou turned around and said.

Ji Fanyin looked at the distance that was almost reachable by turning around and extending his arm in the day, smiled and put the phone in his hand.

When the day picked up, the expression was quite relaxed, but after hearing a few words, the expression suddenly became cold: "Send it to me."

He said these three words, then hung up the phone, stood up and walked out the door.

"――You can watch something at first, I'll be back soon."

Ji Fanyin randomly clicked on the computer, and finally played a game of Spider Solitaire.

It took a long time to leave during the day, and it took nearly half an hour before he appeared in front of Ji Fanyin. By then, Ji Fanyin had already taken out the fruit from the refrigerator and put it in the middle of the two computers.

The refrigerator in the daytime seems to have just made a big purchase, and it is full of stuff.

But Ji Fanyin could also figure out what was going on.

It's probably because Shiori feels that the next ten days are all his appointments, so let's prepare the ingredients in advance.

Bai Zhou's face was ugly. He held his mobile phone and looked at Ji Fanyin for a while, and said, "What happened in the store yesterday was posted on the Internet."

Ji Fanyin said innocently: "What happened yesterday?"

One person, one customized virtual Ji Xinxin, how can I get on file?

How could Bai Zhou's version of "Ji Xinxin" remember what Song Shiyu experienced in that version of "Ji Xinxin"?

Besides being posted on the Internet... Ji Fanyin is too familiar.

In the past, whenever her name appeared in an anonymous forum, three pages of tall buildings could be immediately torn out, which can be described as a symbol of a **** generation of masters.

Just the few conversations yesterday were nothing at all and would not affect her whereabouts.

Yesterday's words... Isn't it the little girl who seems to be doing eating and broadcasting? The direction of the lens cannot capture three persons, which is very safe.

Bai Zhou: "..." He took a deep breath, seeming to suppress his anger, "See it for yourself."

He took a picture of his mobile phone in front of Ji Fanyin, and on it was a new video uploaded by the owner of Gourmet Beauty UP.

Ji Fanyin picked up the phone and looked at it calmly.

The video has been simply edited, and there is no face, the background sound is a bit noisy, but the voice of the UP master himself is recorded very clearly.

Even if you turn up the volume, you can only vaguely hear the intermittent lines of the three.

Of course, there is no shortage of capable people in the comment area, and they have already presented the possible text version of the dialogue.

Ji Fanyin slid down and looked at the commentators with different styles. Not only was there no wave in his heart, but he also found it a bit interesting.

This video is obviously fermented within a certain range. Since Bai Zhou’s friends can recognize his voice and come to inform him of this matter, maybe others can also recognize Bai Zhou, even Song Shiyu, and Ji Fanyin. Myself.

...But don't forget that Ji Fanyin doesn't speak in her own voice during working hours, but imitates Ji Xinxin perfectly.

So even if someone who is acquainted with the sisters heard it, they would only think that the woman was Ji Xinxin.

This is very, very interesting.

For example, if Ji Xinxin saw other fish in the fish pond, what would they think?

Or if Ji Xinxin saw it herself, what could she guess?

If it wasn't for the wrong time of the scene, Ji Fanyin even wanted to rub his hands to express his expectations.

"I want to contact the person who uploaded the video to delete the submission." Bai Zhou frowned, "This is an invasion of privacy."

"The video has been shared so many times, it has been circulated a long time ago." Ji Fanyin patted the seat next to him, "Don't be so troublesome, as long as you ignore things on the Internet, you will soon disappear."

How long can a video that only hears the sound but does not see the person remain hot?

Shirui furrowed his eyebrows tightly: "But it might be recognized."

"Are you worried?" Ji Fanyin asked him.

Bai Zhou opened the chair and sat down: "I don't worry about that silly cha, whose surname is Song, or myself. What's worrying about is you, can you do it?"

"If I were the girl in the video, I wouldn't worry at all." Ji Fanyin moved the mouse to start the game. "Doesn't she sound comfortable knowing what she is doing?"

Shirui fell silent, and made a "嘁" that looked like sarcasm and contempt, and then took hold of the mouse.

As everyone knows... Ji Xinxin's game level is not very good.

Ji Fanyin's unfavorable role played once overturned the car here, really because I didn't expect Ji Xinxin to play games so well.

During the time playing games with Shiraku, Ji Fanyin felt that he had almost used up all the acting skills of his gaming career.

There are two desktop computers in Baizhou's home, and the two accounts of Baizhou are registered.

As soon as Ji Fanyin opened the game and went live, he was drawn into the team by Bai Tian's tuba.

She inadvertently caught a glimpse of Dayan's screen and there seemed to be an application to join the team, but he ignored it and entered the double-row match.

Ji Fanyin has one-handed keyboard and one-handed mouse, ready to switch from Gaowan Jifanyin mode to Caiji Jixinxin mode at any time.

The day drags two hard to move forward, Ji Fanyin feels that his game goes to vinegar literature clewx点卡姆# The technology has improved greatly than before, and it is true that hardships make people grow.

While Ji Fanyin's character was lying in the grass, Bai Zhou's character went into a building to search for supplies.

Within two minutes, Ji Fanyin heard a voice from the computer on the side of the day.

She shouted with a little surprise and doubt: "Porridge?"

It is a full-channel voice mode, no matter whether you are in a team or not, friends or foes, you can talk through voice as long as you are nearby.

And there is really only one person who can call the day like this.

What a coincidence, and Ji Xinxin are in the same game?

Ji Fanyin, who was quietly hiding in the grass as Voldemort, found it a bit interesting. She looked around on the screen and found three characters in the window of the building not far away.

One is Ji Xinxin, the other is Daytime, and the other is...?

Ji Fanyin tilted his head to look at Bai Zhou's expression and realized.

Is this the game event that Shiraku has always had about?

The third person should be the man who Ji Xinxin boldly took to play games directly with Dayu.

Ji Fanyin switched the gun in his hand to a 98K that he had just picked up. He glanced at the screen, and he shot a headshot at the person who didn't know if it was Ji Xinxin or the third person.

Ji Xinxin's exclamation immediately came out: "Someone snipes us, I will help my teammates."

It seems that the one who just shot into residual blood was not Ji Xinxin.

Ji Fanyin manipulates the scope to find Ji Xinxin's role.

I have to say that Ji Xinxin is a real dish, and when he helps his injured teammates, he doesn't even hide his body shape.

After calculating the distance and aiming, Ji Fanyin snapped Ji Xinxin down with another shot.

――This shot was made for "Ji Fanyin".

Of course Ji Fanyin couldn't really kill Ji Xinxin, but a shot in the game would be harmless.

Everything happened so quickly, so a few seconds passed between the two shots, and it was extremely accurate.

When the second shot was fired, Dayan’s blocking sound just came from his throat: "Wait..."

The kill message immediately jumped out, showing that Shiraku's trumpet killed two people.

Ji Fanyin, who took two heads, took off his headphones and looked at Bai Tian with an innocent look: "These two shots seem to be shot very accurately."


Facing Ji Fanyin's reaction of pretending not to understand, Bai Zhou just stared at Ji Fanyin for a long while without saying a word, then turned his face away.

At least she got rid of the kitty, and daylight is a delight to see.

And Ji Xinxin...

Ji Xinxin now may not be as important as Ji Fanyin in his heart.

Shirui was a little surprised at how logically this thought appeared to him.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Xinxin's message jumped out from his mobile phone: [Who is playing games with you in your trumpet? Why does he even hit me? 】

Bai Tian turned on the phone and looked at it, frowning and typing: [She didn't mean to. 】

As soon as he sent it out, he noticed a subtle information gap in the words the two used.

Ji Xinxin used [he], and he returned [her].

Throw away the mouse by day.

... Ji Xinxin is about to guess.

Sure enough, the next message from Ji Xinxin was: [Porridge, didn't you promise me not to meet with my sister anymore? 】

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