Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 16: , visit the lord

People who have awakened their professional talent will choose to change their careers.

Among them, the four worst occupations are warrior, rogue, ranger and bard. These four occupations can be directly transferred by human beings by inspiring talents. The same is true for spell casters. As long as the talents are sufficient, they can transfer directly.

Some professions require the power of gods to assist in changing professions, such as paladins, paladins can only be transferred in four churches, namely, the Church of Justice, the Church of Life, the Church of Luna, and the Church of Love and Goodness. Only these four churches have It belongs to its own Templar system, of which the most powerful is the Church of Justice. In the southwestern border of the empire, there is a holy city that belongs to the Church of Justice - the City of Justice. Several paladin legions are on standby there, ready to meet any incoming attacks. The Green Evil Wave of the Badlands.

There are several such professions, such as Druid, Monk, and Priest, all of which require the help of the corresponding deity to change their profession.

In addition, there are many strange and rare occupations, which is more complicated.

When the strength reaches a bottleneck period, the original profession can be advanced, and Boris's advancement order is the warrior advanced berserker.

Lane's adoptive father Norman's progression order is warrior, knight, and white wolf knight. Among them, the special advanced occupation of white wolf knight requires the blessing of the white wolf **** of war to be successful.

What Ryan's profession is has always been a mystery. There is no doubt that his basic profession is warrior, but Teresa found that Ryan actually knows how to use magic.

A part-time job will be punished enormously. The dual cultivation of magic and martial arts is just living in a dream. Humans are a race that is not suitable for using magic. In battle, sword swinging and singing can only be performed at the same time.

Teresa had seen from the collections of the Garland Council that there was a legendary profession called Magic Swordsman, which could enchant weapons. It was a bit similar to Ryan. Today's events made her categorically deny this possibility. Magic Sword The magician is only a superficial use of magic, there is absolutely no way to easily control magic like Ryan, and after the magic swordsman chooses to practice magic, he will lose his professional talent in wrist strength, so most magic swordsmen choose straight. Swords and rapiers are dexterous weapons that fight in battle.

The warhammer in Ryan's hand weighed at least several tens of kilograms, and he could use such a heavy warhammer as a burning stick. No matter how he looked at it, he could not be a magic swordsman.

"I'm a knight." Ryan looked surprised. The man pointed to the knight badge on his chest and exaggeratedly said: "Didn't you see my knight badge? I'm the white man of the White Wolf Knights of the Nord Kingdom. Wolf Knight 'Sledgehammer' Ryan."

"I'm not asking you this, I'm asking about your advanced career." Teresa said impatiently, if it wasn't for her physical weakness, she really wanted to hit this guy on the forehead with a stick.

"Then are you willing to tell me the spells you master and the daily spellcasting limit? Dear Ms. Trovik?" Ryan was still laughing: "Everyone has their own secrets, why should I tell them for free? And you?"

Only then did Teresa give up her questioning. Everyone has their own secrets, especially among spellcasters.

The responsible pastor of the Calzenhaven Justice Church, Sirte, finally arrived. The pastor is over 1.8 meters tall, tall and strong. The muscles on his arms hold up the pastor's robe. The loose white robe looks like a tight fit. same clothes.

"The knight novel has really poisoned a lot of people. I would say that most priests are not the weak women they imagined. Most priests are male, with strong and powerful bodies, and their favorite weapons are heavy hammers and flails. ."

——Roland Otto Feichenbach, Elector of Reich Altdorf "Victory Horn"

Ryan looked at Soult's sturdy body, remembered this famous saying, and couldn't help smiling.

The task was handed over quickly. After confirming their identities, Ryan and Teresa changed the short-term task of chasing Belt to a long-term task. Neither of them wanted to give up. After re-signing the contract, they sent to Sirte. farewell.

Walking out of the Justice Church, Ryan nodded and said, "I'm going to visit Lord Willard the Lumberjack, the lord of Kalzenhaven. If you have anything to do, Teresa, please do it yourself, and I won't give it away."

After speaking, the man wanted to leave on his own.

The weather was slightly clearer today, and Ryan's back turned towards the morning light. Teresa looked at the man's back, gritted her teeth, and called out to him, "Ryan!"

"Huh? Is there anything else?" Ryan was a little surprised.

"Can I go with you?" The sorceress leaned on her staff, with a light smile on her mature and beautiful face.

"Uh... This seems to work too." Ryan thought that Teresa was his teammate and a female member of the Garland Council. Of course, the lords would like to get to know more powerful spellcasters.

"Then let me go." Teresa immediately followed, Ryan shrugged, and the two walked side by side on the street.

Teresa didn't meet anyone she knew, so she deliberately took a step closer and whispered, "I'll only say this once. What I said last night was wrong."

"Oh? Which sentence is wrong?" Who knew that Ryan didn't appreciate it. The man pretended not to understand what she meant.

"Tsk, you already understand." Teresa looked at the arc of the man's mouth and knew that he understood, so she didn't say more.

"It's not because the chicks can spread their wings and fly because the wings have grown, and the fruit falls to the ground not because the weight exceeds the burden." Ryan suddenly said a word without thinking, and then motioned for Teresa to follow.

The sorceress was stunned for a moment, but soon, a feeling called joy rippled in her heart.

this man.

Do you say that I am mature?

Ryan is a knight of the kingdom and has a great reputation. His request to see him was quickly passed. Lord Willard of Kalzenhaven agreed to see him, but now he has some things in hand, so let the butler receive them first, and the butler brings Ryan and Theresa and the two took their seats in the side hall, and filled the two with warm cider in person: "I'm sorry, the Lord has something to do, and the comers are a little confused."

"It's okay." Ryan touched his chest with his left hand politely and gave a knightly salute, while Teresa nodded slightly as a sign. At the same time, the sorceress began to look at the furnishings in the house.

The decoration in the side hall is quite luxurious. The fireplace is heating the room. A kite shield with a white bear head is hung above the fireplace. The wooden walls are carefully painted with white paint, and the floor is covered with animals. The fur is used as a carpet, the bench for two people has thick cushions, and on the wall in front of the bench are various animal head specimens, wolf heads, deer heads, wild boar heads and even a bear head, which is obviously in the Show off your might.

"Mr. Butler, can you take the liberty to ask? Who is entangled?" Ryan saw the butler's eyes looking at the main hall from time to time, thinking who could be entangled with the lord?

"It's those Druids." The old butler said helplessly: "I heard the master say that it is a Druid called 'Tree Planter' Eldrade. So I specially came to pester the master, saying that the master has destroyed the balance of nature, these nasty druids are really the most unwelcome people here."

Ryan and Teresa looked at each other, the sorceress's mature and charming eyes turned slightly, and stopped talking, while Ryan smiled and said, "If possible, I want to get these people out, but I can't. "

"Yes, yes!" The old butler responded repeatedly, talking about the cause and effect.

Lord Carlzenhaven is called Willard, and he is also a military nobleman. He is quite famous on the battlefield. He has always used tomahawks and shields.

Villard has a nickname of "Lumberjack". This guy is very good at cutting trees. In order to build a town over the years, he has organized logging teams to cut trees many times. On the one hand, it is very useful to build a town, on the other hand, these The wood from the northern coniferous forests is of good quality and can also be exported for financial benefit.

Logically speaking, there is nothing to blame for what Willard did. From Ryan's point of view of the Chinese people, they rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and water. These monsters are raging in it, it is better to cut down the logs and sell them for money.

But some people can't accept this kind of behavior.

That's the druids of the Church of Nature.

There are different theories about the origin of the Druids, and there is no consensus. Because the **** of nature Taal is an extremely ancient god, human beings have a very clear chronological division and written records after the establishment of the empire by Charlemagne. The previous history was due to The "catastrophe" caused by the destruction of the former wizarding empire led to the destruction of historical materials. The history of the cataclysm and before can only be found in the records of dwarves or elves.

Druids appeared in an earlier period. They are not all human beings. These people advocate the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and that the two are in harmony and balance.

Sounds very similar to the Church of Life, doesn't it?

Actually it's totally different.

The perspective of the Church of Life is "people-oriented", and the perspective of the Church of Nature is "to protect nature from human beings".

So the Druids are always walking on the continent and calling for it. Whenever human beings do something that "destroys the balance of nature", such as logging, mining, fishing, they will always come out to protest. It seems that even grazing and planting are destroying the balance of nature, but too many people do this, and the Druids acquiesce only as a last resort.

In fact, no one but the wood elves accepted their theory, the dwarves even stipulated that no druids were allowed to enter their towns, and the humans were not much better, as for why not drive them out... …

The main reason is that the Druids are too strong. These natural people will come out to travel at least at the elite level. They can release natural spells under normal conditions. When needed, some Druids can transform into Beasts, such as bears, eagles, wolves, ravens, etc., use their claws and teeth to fight.

These transformed beasts are much stronger than human warriors of the same rank. An elite druid who has transformed into a bear can fight two or three humans of the same rank without any pressure.

Ordinary lords don't want to go up against these people. If there is no accident, this protest must have ended in the lord's every possible way and in the mud, Ryan thought.

Just as he expected, after a while, a tall Druid with a wolf's fur on his body, a wreath on his head, leaning on a branch and a long staff came downstairs, his face full of anger but a helpless sigh , seeing someone sitting downstairs, the Druid asked, "Who are you?"

"Hello, one-to-one tutor." Seeing that Teresa didn't want to say hello, Ryan took the initiative to speak.

After hearing the balance of the whole, the Druid's face looked better at first, but then he noticed Ryan's knight badge: "It's just another human being who kills life, I'm 'Tree Planter' Eldrad, I want to warn you that you will destroy the forest like You will be cursed, and your soul will be in..."

"Enough, you bastard, get out, you are not welcome here!" The old butler cursed angrily. The Druid gave the old butler a disdainful look, then turned and left.

"Mr. Ryan, and this lady, please come this way." After seeing the Druid leaving, the old butler immediately put on a smile and asked the two to go upstairs to meet the lord.

"You don't seem to hate them?" Teresa asked curiously during the process of going upstairs.

"I have never hated people who are willing to give everything for their ideals." Ryan gave the answer.

The two of them went upstairs together. The second floor was where the lord worked and rested.

The room where the lord usually works. The furnishings of the room are very simple. The wooden floor is covered with furs of various animals. The walls are hung with various collections of the lord, swords, paintings and shields. The long wooden table is set in the back. In the position of Lord Willard of Kalzenhaven was sitting in a chair behind the long table, with a musket and a battle-axe hanging on the wall behind him, apparently his favorite weapons.

This kind of room layout in Lane's previous life could only be used as an urban-rural junction, which is already considered rich in this world.

The Nord Kingdom is often ridiculed by the imperial people as a country bumpkin. In Nord, only the Grand Duke of Nord (that is, the Nord King, who claims to be the king but is actually a duke title by the Empire) and the legacy of the old Empire. The several counts below are responsible for guarding the main cities. In addition, all the nobles in Nord have no hierarchy and are unified as lords, that is, unlike the empire or Britania, there are subdivisions of princes and princes. I A small town is also a lord, and I also call an entire seaport city a lord, so Nord is often ridiculed by the imperial people for not even distinguishing the level of the nobles.

"Please come in, the master is inside."

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