47-1. Their desire for exclusivity is strong.


When I opened my eyes, I was standing in front of the temple of Tardun.

“..Is it a dream?”

The temple must have been destroyed because of the intinium. Besides, it was a place covered with bushes and dust like it was old.

But now it looks clean and tidy, as if it had just been built.

Not to mention the roof made of white marble and the pillars engraved with the movements of the swordsmen one after another.

The wolf statue wrapped around the sword proves that this is the temple where it used to be.

Ah, this is a dream.

When I touched my face, the helmet was off. I can feel the bumpy burn marks.

It is said that the fact that the perk that does not move even if you do everything is canceled is not the reality.

Come to think of it, I collapsed from exhaustion after completing the demon slaughter in the temple. After that, it might be sleeping in the storm.

[Have you come? Warrior.]

A buzzing voice in my head.

I looked around and saw a gray lycanthrope grinning at me.

“I’m sorry. I really wanted to say this at least once.”

The attitude of smiling and welcoming me. The huge greatsword on his back is as tall as an adult.

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I think I’ve seen it somewhere. No way.

“..Sylph, are you?”

A wolf swordsman who manages the temple in Tardun.

In the game, there was almost no point of contact as I only saw them briefly passing by.

“How do you know my name? hehehe, as expected, the heroes of this generation are different. Well chosen.”

I thought he was killed by Intinium.

“I couldn’t believe he was still alive….”

“It couldn’t have been. Warrior.”

Sylph shook her head. The expression on his face, with his eyes closed, seemed dejected.

“This body is already dead. I was able to talk to you thanks to Tardune-nim’s gratitude.”

A sylph crossing his arms and touching his chin. He had scars from sword cuts in both of his eyes.

“..I came to say thank you for protecting the Elixir of the Sun and the Elixir of the Moon.”

Sylph lowered his greatsword with a thump. He knelt at me and gave a knight’s salute.

“I didn’t do anything. Administrator.”

He waved his hand and expressed his intention to get up.

If I had discovered Magic Hat’s plan sooner, I could have saved the life of the lycanthrope in front of me.

“Don’t worry. Warrior My death was inevitable.”

“Yes? What does that mean…?”

It can’t be. Originally, it had to appear in the previous work or the sequel, not the prequel.

It must be that I couldn’t stop it.

“Because Magic Hat made a dangerous move. A warrior of faith.”

Could it be because of me? I know you failed to instill trauma in the warrior couple.

“…To be honest, it would have been very dangerous if the elixir had been stolen. You did well.”

Lycanthrope let out a sigh of relief. He looked at me and shook his head once.

‘Originally, did Magic Hat become filthy strong after drinking the elixir?’

It makes sense. What happened to the global first kill was me alone and no one else.

Is it the butterfly effect?

Small things come together to change the future. At this rate, Fine’s misfortune can really be prevented.

“The traditional way is to share the elixir with a kiss…. Personally, I feel sorry for you!”

A sylph winks at me. I don’t think you’re sorry?

“Well, it won’t matter anymore! The brave man, you are also an honorable race!”

My head is pounding. Instead of eating each half, they kissed each other and shared.


Reminds me of Fine’s slightly sparkling lips that I’ve seen before, and she pulls her mouth horizontally for no reason.

“By the way, why do you keep calling me a hero? I am not a champion of conviction or anything.”

Power was in her grasp. She started asking him questions from before.

I’m just possessed in the game. As Head said, you can’t be a warrior of conviction.

It’s nice to be recognized as a human like Fine, but in fact, I’m just a human.

If there are warriors in the world, it is a concept that should be attached to everyone who lives hard every day.

It’s strange that only a hero can defeat the demon lord in the first place.

There are plenty of people as strong as Emperor Locke.

“Didn’t you hear anything? Tardun is obviously….”

A sylph looking at me with strange eyes.

He frowned and gave a look that something was wrong.

It was then. Hu-wook, a shadow suddenly starts to fall on the pure white temple.

“Oh, my God..”

In a space where the light gradually disappears.

It was strange to see the sticky black liquid swaying and covering the sky.

My jaw dropped at the sight as if a living flying beast were eating this space.

“You hero, what the hell were you doing.. To break the barrier created by the gods..!!”

A sylph urgently called me to stop me. He drew his greatsword towards the wriggling darkness.

“..Has it already been written?”

Tentacles rose from the darkness like splashing water ghosts, and the greatsword was caught in the darkness and disappeared.

“Escape!! Warrior!”

Something black is gradually approaching me.

I tried to summon the spirit sword and fight back. But notions with no answers.

Damn it, why not? Even in a dream, the sword must come out.

Uksin, I felt pain in my chest, and the summoning failed. A shadow came closer to me as I gasped for breath.

‘Rose vine..?’

What I thought were tentacles was a rose. Black rose too.

A plant that smells similar to that of fine pine is a strange feeling to anyone.

A dream I had a few days ago, a bookmark I saw in the library came to mind.

“I found it.”

A familiar voice began to be heard along with it.


Fine arrived at the inn and laid Licht down.

“..You’re stupid.”

A soft bed for two people. Fine, who rented the most expensive room, was in the same room as Richt.

There was also the blonde-haired hero who avoided her seat with a shy smile, but she didn’t want to be separated from Licht’s side.

“..Stupid. Stupid b*tch.”

Licht is sleeping with a peaceful face, as if she doesn’t even know she’s crying.


Fine pricked her cheek with her fingers and watched the flinching reaction.

“Whoops, when you sleep…. You are so gentle.”

Seeing that she had burn marks, she gently applied ointment to her. She played with Licht’s face like a toy.

“When I wake up, it always worries me..”

Fine’s white wolf ears moved vigorously, worrying about Richt.

Did I just collapse while trying to do something? It sounds like the technique you used to hold the head.

As she watched with her good eyes, it was a skill that put a lot of strain on her body.

A desperate sense of burning one’s life to the brim, as if oneself would die if the opponent was not killed.

As Fine listened to Richt’s heartbeat, he sensed that this was a dangerous technique.

Should I risk my life to catch the Demon King?

Of course, she knows that is her mission as a hero.

The noble purpose of being chosen by God and killing the Demon King.

“I wish Richt wouldn’t do that, just live a normal life like now..”

A gnarled hand with calluses. Fine put her palm on Richt’s hand.

“..They say grow up.”

This is a man’s hand that reveals how much effort he has put in to become stronger.

Fine clasped her hands lightly. The fidgeting hand was feeling Richt’s cold body temperature.


The sensation crossed his arms and continued to his chest. A pounding sound was made.

‘What would happen if I hugged you?’

Fine’s curiosity went one step further. Even if she created an alter ego and hugged her, the question remained unanswered.


I lay right next to the man and hugged her as if hugging her pillow. A feeling of firmness and stability.

Padak, padak. Soon after, her tail and ears went out of control.

The abs are stronger than expected. I wish time would stop like this.

She wanted to feel Licht just a little longer, so Fine’s hand began digging into his coat.

Like a snake climbing up a wooden pole, the entwined arms narrowed the distance even more.

Within a moment, they completely stick to each other. Fine buried her nose in Licht’s body and savored her scent.


It was then. Licht turned her body over as if she had sensed something unusual.

Ah, I was too hasty. I should have put some sleep magic on it.

Startled, Fine immediately untied her arms and turned away. Like she did nothing.

Pretend to sleep. With her breathing strange to anyone’s eyes, Fine pretended to go to bed with her.

Licht thought that he had fallen asleep while worrying about him.

There was no way to restrain her constantly moving ears and tail, but she tried.


However, the man lying next to him did not wake up. He turns his head left and right in agony.

He was even breaking out in a cold sweat, as if he had been pressed with scissors.

Sensing her strange feelings, Fine took Licht’s hand and tried to enter her dream.

‘Curse…. Is it?’

At the touch of something like a thorn, the attempt was unsuccessful and bounced off.

Your face is blue. Licht had reached the point where it seemed difficult to breathe.

First of all, the condition that did not improve even after loosening the tie was serious.

“Uh, what should I do..? I’m not breathing….”

Fine has an emergency. She immediately tries to take off her outerwear.

What if I die like this? Is there anyone who can help?

Blood flow in the head that cannot return quickly.

There was no other way to save Richt.

“Sorry, Licht..!”

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Soon, Fine climbed on top of Licht and thumped. She does and starts unbuttoning her buttons.

A men’s shirt that won’t unravel in a hurry.

“…That’s it!”

From top to bottom. When Fine finally unwrapped Licht’s shirt.

“Pine.. What are you doing there..?”

Licht looked at Fine on his stomach with a drowsy face that hadn’t woken up.

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