55-1. Powerless powerlessness grows.


The place we arrived at after getting off the train was a quiet and wide valley.

The clear and transparent stream with a subtle emerald color was enough to see the bottom.

A hidden spot that looks like a nest made by the forest with low trees and thick rocks.

Shoot aaa—.

In a valley where white foam rises up every time you walk, leaving your feet cold.

“Welcome to Calcium Valley. Gentlemen.”

Leading Dennis at the head, the academy’s faculty gathered together to lead the students.

“You can play in the valley next to it, and it can be dangerous, so don’t go too far away.”

Since there will be no threat from the demon lord anymore, it’s okay to leave the academy for a while.

“hahahaha!! Everyone, get a tent! Because I have to go to sleep for the night. Watch out for bugs!!”

Drake looked happy as he handed the tent to the others.

Isn’t he suggesting to me that it’s a good place to train again?

“You can get the cooking utensils from me. Everyone..!”

Professor Maria brought a wooden ladle and an iron pot from unknown sources.

Perhaps, due to the nature of the Dryad race, they were obtained from nature.

“Because we are going to have a campfire in the evening. Don’t go to bed too early. Little lambs.”

Beatrice smiled, leaving only her eyes unsmiling. That unique smile is scary even if you know it.

As expected, shouldn’t people be evaluated only by their appearance? Because she was the professor who evacuated the students first during the raid of the dragon cult.

Oh, come to think of it, I can’t see Blanc.

Where did you go? Hey, he pointed his sword at the princess of the Grancia Empire.

Can you join the valley trip that the emperor sends directly to you? If Locke knew this, he would surely try to cut his throat.

It was an understandable reason even if he suddenly couldn’t be seen.

Personally, I hate it immensely.

“hehehe, Kai! Take it!”

Soon after, the students were divided into groups to play.

Students from the academy scattered in a long valley. He is playing with water poles.

“Aww, Ariel. It’s cold, stop it!”

Despite the fact that it is early fall, we see a couple of warriors in light clothes like swimsuits.

“You guys come in quickly too! Mr. Tugu! Mardol!”

Home of the dwarves. The valley where the heat rushes in, probably because it was set to be located in the country of fire in the past.

“Mardol, can I go and play?”

I opened my mouth to the glass knight who was sitting on the gravel field and barely dipped his feet in the valley water.

“..Yeah, it’s okay.”

Pineda hangs her head and looks depressed. He is looking at Kainel and Ariel with sad eyes from a distance.

I was beside her, guarding her. She even had to prepare dinner ahead of time.

‘..Is this part not going to change?’

It was the same in games 10 years ago. Even in her original work , Fine couldn’t play.

Was it a setting where you couldn’t swim? The other NPCs remembered her being alone when she was playing well.

What kind of hemp is it? She’s a saint who can’t cook or use divine power well.

If she came out these days, she would get paid for swearing at someone who likes a character like that.

“Then I have to take you there.”

Wouldn’t it be nice to change at least one thing?

I threw off the cramped outerwear of the academy and folded the hem of my trousers.

“Li, Licht?!”

It’s not deep enough for people to fall into anyway. And this is not the original at that time. You won’t need a life jacket.

The point of 10 years before “Night Heart”, The world before Fine became a nameless saintess.

“You look light.”

I lifted Fine into her princess embrace. To someone who doesn’t know, it might look like two grown-up boys acting cheesy.

“I am not heavy. How many more times do I have to say—”

Now, the eyes of others did not matter.

I went into the valley with a plop and finesse and threw it away. There was a huge spray of water and ripples around.

“Mardol. Is it cool?”

I smiled at the glass article dripping water all over my body.


Aww. Pine splashes while doing it. It was a hand gesture loaded with emotion. Blade-like spray created by her strong physical strength.

“Mardol. Stop, because I was wrong.”

“Whoops, can you finally figure out what’s wrong?”

My face is slightly stinging. Also, the father and the daughter.

I remembered the time when I made a deal with the scary woodcutter I saw at the sports day. Can’t you just be a little more gentle?

Cold drops of water splash. Laughter mingles and now between the two of us playing around to get each other wet.

“Eight! Mardol, why didn’t you come in!”

A wizard and a blonde-haired warrior splashing around in the water.

“Hey, let’s attack Licht together!”

Kinel and Ariel also came over to play with us.

“Why only me..! Ha ha ha! Mardol, take off your armor!”

“I don’t like it, you pervert dog..”

Now, Fine is adjusting her strength and getting along with people.

Yes, this is correct.

[Yes..? Why didn’t you come all the way to the valley and play in the water?]

[Well. I’m not good at swimming….]

I get wet and my shirt sticks to me. The weight of the clothes getting heavier.

[If the knight and party members enjoy it as much as I do, that’s enough.]

I’m dumbfounded. If people come to the valley, they should play.

[Even if you just dip your feet in the stream like this, you can feel good.]

The nameless saintess was not happy. No matter how much she said that a person can only have good things.

From noble mtl dot com

“It’s cold, ah..”

Because the future can be changed. Seeing Fine play like this now gives me a new feeling.

I wish I could have taken off my armor and played. Until now, she is the one who sticks to the master piece within the academy.

“..Mardol? What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?”

He stopped, her movements as she was splashing around stopped. She covered her face unnaturally.

“Lee, Licht.. Your clothes….”

Why the clothes? What happened? I wouldn’t have torn it.

Golden eyes shine through her fingers. It covers the front part of the helmet, but it looks like something strange is visible.

At that time, a buzzing sound came from the surroundings.

“Hey, hey.. Over there..!”

I see a group of people pointing her fingers at me and squeezing her mouth.

What is it? What the hell is going on.


Looks that are as moist as the water’s edge. Right now, a group of longing and lust were sticking together around Richt.

Now that Licht has revealed her face even at her academy.

In a way, you could say it’s a fantasy that only girls can have.

“Hey, hey.. Over there..!”

In the distance, a girl was banging her elbow on the side of another girl next to her like a woodpecker.

“Oh why! It hurts… !”

Screaming for a while. A female student wearing an old-fashioned dress was silently looking at a man, perhaps forgetting the pain.

Gulp. Every time Richt waved his arm, the eyes of the girls moved along, and the neckline went over once.

“I said Licht.. Maybe?”

“Oh, that’s right….”

Seongbi collapsed as more and more people flocked to it. It is inevitable that we focus on the fruits of our efforts,

Fine didn’t like the gooey look of the women more than anyone else.

Now she was feeling embarrassed. Fine, who saw her naked when she went to the hot springs in the North.

‘..I wasn’t like that before. It was fine.’

The sight in front of her was enough to make Fine’s face bleed.

Why are you doing this? The hot cheeks and widening eyes are pitiable.

I’m sure you haven’t seen something much bigger before.

The slightly see-through pure white shirt was wet and clinging to it.

An arm with strong muscles from swinging a sword for a long time.

“Mardol, what happened?”

I was angry at that innocent look, which was in contrast to the chocolate cracked abs and broad shoulders.

I’d rather not say that.

It is very stimulating. Fine tried to look at Licht’s face, but her eyes kept looking down.

“Yeah, I got weird looking at Mr. Helm!”

A red-haired sorceress who looks at Fine strangely while keeping her eyes wide open.

Ariel had no reaction. Even if you look at that body, are you not swayed by temptation?

If left as it is, the morals of Grand Hearts Academia become disorderly.

“Licht, what did you do?”


Fine’s two wolf ears kept prying toward the man wearing the black knight’s helmet.

The whispers, which consisted of only high-pitched voices, started to bother me in particular.

The evaluation changed after defeating the Demon King of Battery. Because at the athletic meet, Licht opened his pitch and exposed his face.

In the academy, his story was spreading without a hand.

I recognized Richt first.

I was proud that his efforts had been recognized, but the cramped feeling in my chest… Something was unpleasant.

“Mardol..? Why is the magic circle suddenly….”

Fine immediately used her magic at Licht. A sparkling glass magic circle that comes out of your open palm.


In an instant, a large splash of water rose and Licht disappeared.

Quick Sandwich. The magic that plunges the opponent into a pit like an ant hell with earth attribute magic strikes directly.

Rumble. With the rising air bubbles, he was left with only his head sticking out from the bottom of the valley.

“Mi, sorry..!”

Oops! Fine, who regained her sanity, screamed in surprise.

A mistake made in an instant. The desire to never show it to others.

And it was a catastrophe caused by Fine’s embarrassment.

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