Pushing martial arts horizontally: starting from predicting opportunities

Chapter 111 The spring thunderstorm is urgent, Yujing Qingxuanzi (Happy New Year, please subscribe)

In this situation, Xu Guang was a little helpless.

He really doesn't like weapons like swords.

But now that the outside world has changed suddenly, it is not up to his liking.

In the morning light, Xu Guang slowly drew his sword. The fine steel sword in his hand was made by a famous master, but it was a pity that it was not mixed with mysterious materials.

The sword moves like a dance, beautiful and graceful.

Even a rough guy like Xu Guang, who wields a big gun all the time, has a sense of beauty in dancing his long sword in the golden morning light.

The Spring Thunder Burst is the first move of the Purple Thunder Seven Flash Sword. Starting with the Spring Thunder, the Thunder strikes all things. This is a fast sword move.

Faster than ordinary people can imagine.

According to records in Xuanwu Techniques, after this move is used, the heaven and earth will be extinguished, and all things will return to ruins. Changes will occur among them, and the spring thunder represents new life.

It is also building momentum for the second form.

This time Xu Guang was fully focused on the sword dance and could not notice the change of time at all.

Outside the hospital, Chun Niang, who was responsible for taking care of Xu Guang's food, was followed by two disciples, carrying a cauldron and preparing to deliver food to Xu Guang.

But he was stopped by Cheng Lian'er who arrived at an unknown time, Don't disturb him.

But if you want to practice, master, you need to eat more.

Chun Niang was a little stubborn. She only remembered that Ji Xiaolu had told him that if Xu Guang wanted to practice at his current level, he would need to eat one tripod for every meal.

Cheng Lian'er looked at Chun Niang, her gaze was so sharp that Chun Niang unconsciously avoided her.

Perhaps thinking of something, the sharpness in Cheng Lian'er's eyes gradually disappeared, and he rarely explained to Chun Niang.

He's breaking through, don't let anyone bother him.

Chun Niang seemed to understand, but she immediately retreated with her two disciples.

It wasn't that she gave in, but that she remembered that Xu Guang had encountered such a situation before, but it was Ji Xiaolu who stopped her that time.

The girl stood under the arched door and looked at Xu Guang, who was standing in the courtyard with his eyes closed and sword in hand, looking a little lost in thought.

Finally, as if he realized that his state was a bit infatuated, he finally murmured in a low voice.

I didn't expect you to be able to use a sword, but you are much more handsome than a gun.

The murmur finally faded away, and Cheng Lian'er's eyes fell on the flowers and plants in the courtyard.

Xu Guang didn't like anyone to go in this courtyard, because the flowers and plants inside were all raised by Ji Xiaolu.

Even Xu Zhan was beaten by him.

Cheng Lian'er was very measured, but looked at the flowers and plants with a bit of envy.

For the first time, she actually hated her origin. If she had been born as a commoner, then...

She just stood there under the arched door, as if guarding.

The morning light faded, the morning sun hung high, and the scorching sun was in the sky.

until sunset.

A silver lightning flashed across the sky.


Like the wrath of the sky, it seems endless.


The autumn rain falls with the trend.

Xu Guang suddenly opened his eyes and finally found an opportunity in the long sword dance.

The long sword that had been sheathed suddenly came out of its sheath, with an unprecedented determination.

The energy is like an endless ocean, constantly pouring into it.

The mysterious lotus phenomenon caused by the three disasters reappeared.

An imaginary enemy seemed to appear in front of him.

The power on the sword turned into a jumping arc of electricity, and black lightning roared at the tip of the sword.

Until Xu Guang stabbed out...

If a landslide occurs, a force like a tsunami will tear the air apart, shaking the void and making a roar like a snake's roar. In an instant, it will be channeled by the power of the sword tip, and the air waves will turn into the shape of an electric arc.

A few tens of meters away, starting from the courtyard wall, the ground was cracked, and the ground was lifted. Long sword marks spanned a distance of nearly thirty meters, leaving a long and deep mark on the ground.

Xu Guang withdrew from the state of enlightenment, with joy in his eyes, but also some regrets.

It's a pity that it's September now, and it was Qiu Lei who realized the truth.

With this sword, he only realized the madness of thunder, destroying all things, but there was no new life.

To put it in terms of martial arts, it means that he has used up all his old tricks, and all his jade and stone have been destroyed, but there is no way to retreat, and there is no change in his sword skills.

This is his decisive sword, and it is also his irreversible sword.

'It seems that we can only reach this point...'

Under the arched door, Cheng Lian'er was already stunned.

This level of destructive power was unimaginable to her. It was already beyond the scope of Zang training.

She had never seen such a figure.

He looked at the young man with his sword closed and his eyes unconscious, and he was shocked at the young man's talent.

Bah bang bang!

Cheng Lian'er stood under the arched door and clapped her hands at Xu Guang.

Xu Guang looked up and showed a smile.

You're here, you have some insights and you are laughing.

Cheng Lian'er rolled her eyes at him and looked at the ditch-like sword marks in the distance, Your perception is really exaggerated.

Xu Guang smiled and said nothing. He is not a person who likes to brag.

If possible, he would prefer to see the truth between life and death.

This sword reminds me of a poem. Do you want to know?

Cheng Lian'er looked at Xu Guang and said softly.

Xu Guang shook his head and looked at the woman in front of him curiously.

Except for her poor martial arts training, Cheng Lian'er was almost a perfect woman. Xu Guang was ashamed of her talent and talent.

Thunder shook the world and the dragon and snake stung.

What about the second half of the sentence?

Cheng Lian'er moved lightly, bouncing on tiptoes like a little girl, and responded slyly, That depends on your second move.

When I saw him again, Cheng Lian'er had gone far away.

Although she is a love-minded woman, she is also a very measured woman.

Xu Guang couldn't help but wonder, would he have liked Ji Xiaolu before meeting her?

Probably yes?

Half a month flies by in a blink of an eye.

Although Xu Guang has not defeated the demon, his cultivation has improved a bit.

The search results in Xuan Cave are about to come out, and soon, he can try to escape the calamity of life and death.

Xu Guang was like Zhao Min in the past, leaning on the recliner and watching the disciples practicing around him.

Cheng Lian'er came from a distance and said in front of all the disciples.

Yi Xuan, let's go.

Xu Guang is used to calling her.

He was satisfied that she was in front of his disciples and did not want to reveal her true identity.

Although Xu Guang's wanted order is only within Qingzhou, he is not sufficiently cultivated now and does not want to cause trouble.

Where to go? he asked lazily.

Cheng Lian'er was speechless when he heard this.

Liu Li Martial Arts School, today is the day for the martial arts gathering.

Xu Guang thought of the strategy the two of them had decided before, stood up, and walked towards the stables in the distance under the respectful eyes of all the disciples.

Xiao Hei stood up like a licking dog, and followed the two of them.

The green-scaled horse grew larger and larger, and its energy became more and more astonishing.

When he saw Xiao Hei, he immediately neighed, raised his front hooves, and was about to kick him.

After all, after Ji Xiaolu left, Xiao Hei acted cutely and wanted to be a mount. This was his job!

Every time Xu Guang rides it, he will be given a lot of blood.

Cheng Lian'er looked at this scene with some amusement, The strange beast you raised is so smart.

Xu Guang felt a little embarrassed, kicked Xiao Hei away, and led the green-scaled horse out.

It's stupid enough to let Xiao Hei be the guardian beast of the Demon Suppressing Mansion. Now this piece of shit isn't even a toy for his son. I really don't know what use it has.

Xiao Hei looked like a dog, leaving quite lonely.

Cheng Lian'er couldn't bear it, so she called him back and stretched out his hands to rub his big head.

Xu Guang was speechless when he saw this scene. Don't women like furry little things?

This thing is dark and doesn't look cute. Why do all the women in the family like it?

The carriage drove slowly through the simple gate of the outer city of Yuancheng.

The hawking sounds outside kept reaching his ears. Xu Guang sat cross-legged in the car, his eyes slightly closed.

Cheng Lian'er sat opposite him, opening the sedan curtain from time to time and looking out the window.

Shen Ji Restaurant was robbed a few days ago. The owner Shen Fang took refuge with a martial artist from the Liuli Martial Arts School and became a concubine.

It's like he's looking for something to talk about, or he's chatting.

You probably don't know that Shen Fang used to be Mr. Xiao's mistress, right?

Xu Guang opened his eyes and just let out a faint hum.

Nothing more to say.

Shen Ji is just a chess piece.

Xu Guang's carriage is quite famous in Source City. After all, the green-scaled horse looks too majestic and is always easy to remember.

At the entrance of Liuli Martial Arts School, I was warmly welcomed by the martial arts disciples.

On that day, the martial arts gathering was as usual, crowded with people.

The city is experiencing turmoil, but it has also intensified the economic flow at the bottom, and many chambers of commerce have become rich overnight. These people are eager to find a backer to cope with future turmoil.

Today's small gathering seemed very grand.

According to Cheng Lian'er's arrangement, Xu Guang kept eating the snacks on the table with his head down since he entered the door. From time to time, he would ask the disciples of Liuli Martial Arts School to bring another one.

Zhao Fang, the owner of the Liuli Martial Arts Hall, has been quite proud of himself recently. He has been a master of seeing the gods for many years. After joining the City Guards, he acquired Xuan Gong. After several months of seclusion, he finally became Gan Xuan.

He stood up happily and glanced at Xu Guang's location from time to time.

Among the martial arts masters, the one he feared the most was of course Xu Guang, who also showed his profound cultivation.

Everyone gathered together today and saw many new faces. Zhao was very happy. This shows that our Yuan City is full of talents. Under the leadership of the City Shoufu, it is flourishing. It also shows that our martial arts association is becoming more and more prosperous. Ah, this is Zhao’s vision for many years. Now, I would like to ask all the shopkeepers to choose...

Cheng Lianer slapped Xu Guang with his hand.

The next moment, Xu Guang reached out and patted the table lightly.

The movement was not big, but it was very obvious in the lobby where Zhao Fang was the only one speaking.

There was a hint of unruliness on his cold face, No need to go to such trouble, these shopkeepers are protected by Xu!

Zhao Fang's face instantly became ugly, as if he had eaten shit.

What does Master Xu mean?

Xu Guang had an indifferent look on his face. Starting from Zhao Fang, who was sitting at the head, he scanned the faces of everyone in the lobby, and then pulled out a smile that Cheng Lian'er called an 'evil and crazy' smile.

Master Zhao, you must have been sitting in the position of president of the martial arts association for a long time, right? As you get older, you must give young people some opportunities to avoid losing your position in the future.

Zhao Fang's expression became increasingly ugly, and the martial arts masters around him began to reprimand him.

Xu Yixuan! This is not the Demon Suppressing Mansion, nor is it your Yixuan Martial Arts Hall! Don't be so presumptuous!

Xu Yixuan, you are a foreigner, why don't we, the Yuancheng Martial Arts Association, have your turn to comment!

Suddenly, the sound of mountain roaring and tsunami was heard.


Master Wang's words are wrong. Master Xu is young and energetic, while Master Zhao is a bit older. It is indeed time for him to step down and give way to someone more worthy.

That's right, Master Xu is an upright and upright man. Not only is he the master of the Demon Suppression Mansion, he is also willing to work tirelessly to find a way out for our martial arts association. I, Cao, feel that the position of president should belong to Master Xu.

This scene made Xu Guang a little stunned. He glanced at Cheng Lian'er in the distance with extremely obscure eyes.

Cheng Lian'er smiled slyly.

Then he understood that these were the shills brought by Cheng Lian'er.

Zhao Fang slowly turned his head and looked at Xu Guang.

Master Xu, you are still young. The water in Yuancheng is very deep. Sometimes...


Xu Guang tapped his fingers on the table, looked at Zhao Fang with playful eyes, gently raised a hand, pointed at himself, and said softly, Xu came here today just for the martial arts meeting.

Zhao Fang was furious and stood up suddenly. He was vomiting energy all over his body, like a poisonous snake that chooses people to eat. He squinted his eyes and restrained the dangerous light in them.

Has Master Xu thought about it?

Xu Guang also stood up, his aura slowly revealed.

The people around him suddenly looked horrified, feeling that the person sitting on the seat was no longer a human being, but a tiger!

Tigers and venomous snakes may seem like venomous snakes are dangerous, but when you actually face them, you will find that the fear brought by tigers far exceeds that of venomous snakes.

The crowd was in an uproar.

Xu Guang looked at Zhao Fang with playful eyes, As people get older, they have to learn to delegate power. Do we have to give young people some opportunities?

Zhao Fang took a few deep breaths and tried to suppress the anger in his heart.

Finally, after regaining consciousness, he closed his eyes and opened them again. For a moment, he seemed to have aged ten years, and said in a deep voice.

What Master Xu said makes sense. Zhao is indeed old, and it's time to abdicate in favor of someone more worthy!

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was in an uproar, and all the guests seemed like they couldn't believe their ears.

Hall Master Zhao actually... gave in?

Xu Guang was also a little surprised when he saw this.

Before, he was still thinking about how hard he should beat Zhao Fang if there was a fight.

I didn't expect that the number one martial artist in Source City would be so cowardly.

Warriors have the same name, but Zhao Fang can look down on his reputation. No wonder he has been able to stand firm in Yuan City for so many years.

It was quite boring, but what happened next was naturally that a group of small bosses surrendered and offered gold and silver, and the reputation of the Yi Xuan Martial Arts Hall became famous again.

Xu Guang was not interested in this and asked the shopkeepers to go to the Yi Xuan Martial Arts Hall to discuss it tomorrow, while he stood up and walked outside.

When he walked to the door, the golden sunlight shone on his tall and powerful body, transforming into a large area of ​​shadow and darkness.

Master Zhao, I hope you can make Mr. Ling restrain himself in the future.

Zhao Fang's expression was subtle. He knew that this was Xu Guang's explanation to him.

His son provoked Xu Guang?

Zhao Fang didn't speak anymore, but just watched Xu Guang slowly walk into the sunshine. The road ahead of him was bright.

And what about himself?

He leaned back slumped on the chair and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The water palace seems to be always dark, accompanied by eternal silence.

Ji Xiaolu leaned on the throne as though she was sleeping, and the river god's unique power transformed into various creatures that swayed in her expression.

Among them were two figures, one large and one small. The older one was holding a big gun and wielding it like a tiger, while the younger one looked like a naughty child.

This is Xu Guang and Xu Zhan transformed by her divine power.

Just looking at the father and son, a smile appeared on Ji Xiaolu's lips.

Let her not go crazy in this eternal silence.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the water palace, as if someone was shaking outside.

Then I heard an ancient and vicissitudes of words.

Congratulations on the return of the Weishui River God.

Ji Xiaolu looked slightly startled, someone came outside the Shui Mansion?

After a while, the man spoke again.

The poor Taoist Yujingshan Qingxuanzi, whose common name is Jingyan, wants to see the river god.

Ji Xiaolu finally came to his senses, feeling a little uneasy but also filled with joy.

She is worried about the purpose of coming, but is happy that an outsider can come to Shui Mansion, which means that her husband can also come.

What she had felt before was right.


Following her command, the water in the water palace automatically receded to both sides, turning into a passage that could only be passed by one person. The surrounding divine power slowly transformed into armored men holding axes and swords.

The quiet water palace suddenly became majestic and seemed to be full of people.

The man who calls himself Qing Xuanzi is an old man who looks like an immortal. Compared to Yu Jingshan's name, his appearance is not surprising.

Instead, he looks a bit like an old man in his twilight years.

The poor Taoist Qingxuanzi has seen the River God.

Ji Xiaolu just looked at Qingxuanzi, she wanted to know his purpose.

She doesn't have much divine power, but it's enough for her to cope with a lot in the Water Mansion.

An expert from Pindao Mountain Gate made a hexagram today and learned that the Weishui River God has returned to his throne. The position of the River God is related to the common people. I, Yujing Mountain, am the leader of the three noses in the world. I should be grateful to the River God on behalf of the common people. After all, Pindao has the most leisure time, so Pindao comes to visit the river god.

His words were so confusing that Ji Xiaolu couldn't understand them.

Qing Xuanzi smiled and explained softly, Since the River God sits on the throne, he has fulfilled the meaning of the River God's position.

The so-called Xuanshi is actually a place where all the worlds return to ruins. If the world does not want to be returned to ruins, it needs to use some means. There is a peerless strong man who smelt the 365-square divine seal. The one who sits in the land of mountains and rivers in the world is called the River God and enjoys The fruit of immortality, but it needs to be protected by water forever.

Therefore, every god of mountains and rivers is great. I, the Yujingshan people, have always admired the gods of mountains and rivers. As you sit on the throne of God today, I, Yujingshan, would like to help you get rid of worldly distractions.

Ji Xiaolu understood, and a flash of anger flashed in her eyes.

This god of mountains and rivers is like a prison. Once you sit on it, you cannot leave.

What's wrong is that I just don't want her to go.

She has family...

Please rest assured, God of Weishui River. I, Yujingshan, have always admired the God of Mountains and Rivers. Your Excellency, please don't think too wildly.

Qing Xuanzi said with a smile, his plain tone full of pride for Yujing Mountain.

Ji Xiaolu suppressed her dissatisfaction. Although she did not practice martial arts, Xu Guang never hid anything from her. She had heard a lot about Yu Jingshan's reputation.

The reputation of the first sect of Daqian has shocked the past and the present. It was the same more than ten thousand years ago, and it is still the same today more than ten thousand years later!

I want to see my husband and children, is that okay?

Hearing this, Qing Xuanzi glanced at Ji Xiaolu in surprise, as if he didn't expect that she was already married and even had a child, but he shook his head slightly.

If you want to enter the Water Mansion, you must at least be able to change the sky and hold the Yujing Xuanbao to enter. If the relatives of the River God have limited cultivation, they will not be able to do it.

He looked at Ji Xiaolu's eyes dimming a little.

There was a movement in my heart, as if I remembered something.

I dare to ask the River God, does your heir have a master? Pindao is willing to accept him as a disciple. If he enters the Water Mansion in the future, he can take him with him.

Ji Xiaolu fell into silence after hearing this.

She shares the same opinion as Xu Guang, and does not have too many expectations for Xu Zhan's future. After all, Xu Guang has already achieved some achievements, and it is meaningless to him to hope that his son will become a dragon.

He is confident that he can protect his children.

It’s just Yujingshan…

I can't make the decision for him.

Qing Xuanzi was a little stunned. No one could refuse the inheritance of Yujing Mountain.

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