Qin Official

Chapter 407 Since ancient times

In mid-July, in front of an ancestral temple that was being built in the north of the capital city of Daijun, the local governor and lieutenants gathered local officials and citizens and read Qin Shihuang's edict aloud.

The man who sweeps away the barbarians, sweeps away the wind and dust, respects the emperor and fights the Rong Di, holds the red flag and pacifies the Rong court, this is the strategy of a virtuous man. If you have the energy to go, you will never look back. If you go to a foreign land, you will feel like you are home. The three tribes will not regret it. He is the brave man of the country.

Since King Ping moved eastward, the southern barbarians and the northern Di were intersecting, and China was as continuous as a line. Those who respected the king to repel the barbarians, resisted the invasion of the Rong and the Di, and opened up the territory for the Xia, could not be greater than five people: Guan Yiwu, Yu Yu , called Sima Cuo, called Qin Kai, called Li Mu.

If Guan Zhong is too weak, the people of Zhongxia will be punished; if Guan Zhong is too weak, then there will be no Mu Gong to dominate the Xirong, and the territory will be spread thousands of miles; if Sima Cuo is too weak, Bashu will still be the domain of Di and Qiang, and the Kaiming family will still practice the violence of Jie and Zhou; Even if the Qin Dynasty weakens, the Eastern Hu still dominates the Yanshan Mountains, and Liaodong still suffers from the stench of Hutan; if the Li Mu weakens, the Xiongnu still bullies the north and kills the people!

Although the five sons are ministers, they have contributed to China's Jingbian and left a legacy to future generations. I have strengthened my ambition and ordered the border counties to set up a 'Jingbian Temple' to worship them. There are four temples in Taiyuan, Yanmen, Daijun, and Yunzhong. The main priest of the temple worships Li Mu, and the other four sons accompany him. The four seasons of sacrifice allow him to feed on blood, and also enable him to see that the border is now peaceful, and there will no longer be chaos in the past...

After reciting the Guanzhong dialect, the native-born official repeated it loudly in the Daibei dialect.

After hearing this, the people of Daijun were stunned, thinking that they had heard wrongly!

Isn't it wrong? A few days ago, the Qin officials in Daibei County destroyed many Li Mu temples and fined Li Zheng and Wu Lao at the place where the crime occurred! Why did Qin Shihuang suddenly change his gender now and set up a public temple to worship Li Mu?

For most generations, people only know about Li Mu, and Qin Kai has heard a little about it, but the other three are unknown. But from their deeds, do they all contribute to the development of Jingbian?

However, Guan Zhong was from Qi, so among the Qin officials, Sima Cuo was a Qin general, Qin Kai was a Yan general, and Li Mu was a Zhao general. The five people who were originally out of reach of the eight poles were killed because of their Jingbian efforts. It's quite novel to put them together for worship.

In addition to joy, the words Zhongxia, Zhuxia and Huaxia repeatedly mentioned in the edict also left some impression on the Guizhou leaders.

In the hearts of the Zhao people in Daibei, Qin and Zhao are by no means the same people. But if there is a Donghu person or a Huns on the opposite side, in comparison, although the Qin people are greedy and vicious, they still wear buns and dark clothes. Eat grains and talk and discuss. The Hu people, on the other hand, have different uniforms, different customs, different diets, and different languages ​​than the Chinese. They also have a feud with the Northern Zhao people of the same generation for killing and looting for generations!

Therefore, Qin, Zhao, Qi, and Yan were all considered as one type of people in the edict, and they unanimously targeted Rong and Di, and they had no objection.

No matter how you calculate it! As long as the people of Daibei can worship General Li Mu who saved them or their father from fire and water in a dignified manner, that's fine!

After the temple is built, can we really come here to worship General Li Mu? Some people still didn't believe it and asked boldly.

The official said with a straight face: There will be ceremonies inside the temple, and you can worship and offer sacrifices outside the temple, but you cannot build strange temples among the people! Violators will still be severely punished!

Dairen were very satisfied with this arrangement and were looking forward to the Autumn Festival.

Among the crowd, a young woodcutter holding an ax and wearing brown clothes had mixed feelings in his heart.

Father, Dad, you have been loyal to the State of Zhao all your life, but in the end, you were tricked by Wang Jian, and were forced to death by Zhao Qian and Guo Kai, a pair of foolish kings and traitors. I don't miss you for twenty years of running, and I don't miss you for the civil war. Strengthening the Qin Dynasty is the result of defending the Xiongnu from outside. I never thought that in the end, it would be Emperor Qin, your lifelong enemy, who would set up a temple for you...

This person's name is Li Zuoche, and he is the young grandson of Li Mu. The three tribes who cheated without regrets mentioned in the edict are their family.

After Li Mu was killed ten years ago, all three of his clans were implicated by Guo Kai, except Li Zuoche who hid in Dai County and survived.

The following year, Handan was captured, Zhao died, and Gongzi Jia fled to Dai County. In order to win over the Zhao army in Daibei, he specifically rehabilitated Li Mu. The Li Mu temples everywhere in Daibei were built at that time. But it was too late to make amends, and within a few years, the generation was gone.

Li Zuoche was still underage at that time, so with the help of Li Mu's old subordinates, he hid his name in Mangmangdai. Now he calls himself Li Zuo and makes a living by chopping firewood.

But no one knew that this seemingly ordinary woodcutter, who wielded an ax in one hand with a killing intent, actually had martial arts skills. In his spare time, he would also take out the military strategies left behind by his elder father and study them secretly. After several years, he had gained some experience. Unfortunately, he was born at the wrong time and due to his status, he had no chance to practice...

After Li Zuoche finished sighing, he did not accept Qin Shihuang's love. The experience of his eldest father made him not have a good impression of Qin, but he was also not interested in restoring the country for Zhao, so he left silently.

It was not until a few months later that Li Zuoche learned the whole story through Li Mu's old staff who worked in the Qin government. It turned out that the person who proposed the construction of Jingbian Temple and allowed Li Mu to enter the temple was Beidi County Lieutenant, Hei Fu...

Black husband...

Li Zuoche nodded and remembered this name firmly.

It seems that among the corrupt and cruel Qin officials, there is actually a good official who remembers my father's achievements!

In late July of the 28th year, after leaving Yanmen and Daijun to establish the Jingbian Temple, Qin Shihuang continued his northern tour and arrived at Yunzhong County...

As soon as they entered the boundary of Yunzhong, neatly dressed Yunzhong cavalry roared in, guarding the wings on both sides of Qin Shihuang's motorcade. Most of them were from Guanzhong, and they were veterans who had followed Meng Tian to conquer the Qi Dynasty. They all straightened their backs. Accept the emperor's review.

After passing the Wuzhou Fortress, the scenery in front of Qin Shihuang was very different.

If Yanmen and Daijun are still areas where agriculture and animal husbandry are mixed, and huts can often be seen in farmland, then Yunzhong County is completely a grassland scene...

This land was the Hohhot area in later generations. The sky was like a dome, covering the surrounding fields.

The vast and empty plain stretched out below the convoy, flat and vast as far as the eye could see, like a vast ocean. The hills and mountains are gone, and even the woods, lanes and roads are gone. There is only the endless grassland. The wind is surging, the yellow and green grass blades are swaying like waves, and the whole world has turned into a bronze color.

A falcon is high above, hovering in the deep blue sky, and below it are groups of cattle and sheep, chewing the pasture before winter, trying to make themselves fatter...

After driving for two hundred miles on the grassland, a white city finally appeared in front of the group of people. It was like a white gem dotted on the green grassland, surrounded by a blue jade belt and river, and was incredibly beautiful.

This city also has a beautiful name: Yunzhong...

Seeing Qin Shihuang looking into the clouds, Meng Tian reported to him the origin of this city.

It is said that during the time of Master Zhao, after conquering Loufan and Linhu, he marched westward to the grassland and crossed the Hudi, intending to build a city on the west bank of the river. As soon as he built part of the city wall, it collapsed. Fearing that this place was unlucky, he chose a new site on the east side of the river. .”

Local legend says that Master Zhao rode his horse here and saw a group of geese (swans) flying in the clouds during the day, circling back and forth. There seemed to be light under the birds. When Master Zhao saw this, he thought it was a good omen and built a city here. . It was built in the clouds with swans and geese, so it was named Yunzhong!

Qin Shihuang advocated mysticism and was convinced of this. Looking at the geographical location of Yunzhong, he found that the terrain was flat, the water and grass were abundant, and it was suitable for farming and animal husbandry. It was a good place for training cavalry and grazing war horses.

This grassland depends on Yunzhong City, so the people of Zhongxia can firmly occupy it? From the border to Hetao, Yunzhong City was born. Master Zhao is indeed a person who does not stick to the ordinary, so he can achieve this feat. It's ridiculous. Starved to death in the sand dunes.”

Qin Shihuang didn't know that he had an inseparable connection with Sand Dune in history. He just thought that King Zhao Wuling was smart and confused for a while. As an emperor, authority is like a scourge. It can turn flesh and blood into enemies. How can it be delegated to others? What about others?

If given the chance, he would sit in the position of emperor for ten thousand years, and he would never abdicate to give way to his son!

This is one of the reasons why Qin Shihuang has not established a prince yet.

After entering the palace of Yunzhong City, Qin Shihuang did not take a rest, but asked Meng Tian to find a map of Yunzhong and asked him: The cities built by Master Zhao in Hudi are not limited to Yunzhong. I heard that the Great Wall of Zhao started from Dai in the east. , passing through Yunzhong and Jiuyuan, turning northwest into Yinshan Mountain, and reaching Gaoque as a barrier. What is the situation over there at Jiuyuan and Gaoque?

Jiuyuan was located in Baotou in later generations, and Gaoque was as far north as the Hetao, at the Yinshan Pass. This land was called Northern False at this time, opposite Henan.

Meng Tian answered truthfully: Your Majesty, the Zhao territory was very prosperous during the time of Master Zhao, but after Changping, Gaoque, Jiuyuan, and Yunzhong were lost to the Huns one after another. More than 20 years ago, after Li Mu defeated the Huns, he recovered Yun Central and Jiuyuan. When our army occupied Taiyuan and Yunzhong, taking advantage of the war between Qin and Zhao, Jiuyuan was once again lost to the Xiongnu. The Xiongnu Shanyu Touman destroyed Jiuyuan City and used its bricks and tiles to build a new one at the foot of Yinshan Mountain in the north. He built a city and called it Touman City, which was the court of the Xiongnu’s Shanyu...

Humph, you stupid thief! Qin Shihuang snorted coldly:

So, Qin's northern frontier is not as good as it was when Master Zhao's father was there?


Qin Shihuang frowned. This was something he would never tolerate. He believed that Qin should inherit the territories of the Six Kingdoms, such as Yan's Liaodong and Chu's Yuzhang and Cangwu. He himself sent people to conquer them. This is also the reason why he did not agree to Yan's request to become a vassal prince.

As a collector, Qin Shihuang felt that his empire was not complete and there were still several pieces of the puzzle missing.

Jiuyuan and Hetao, this area known as the Northern Holiday, is a crucial part of it!

He suddenly felt unhappy, and asked Meng Tian to accompany him, climbed up to Yunzhong City, looked towards the direction of Touman City, looked at the looming Yinshan Mountains, let the wind on the grassland blow his beard and hair, and said after a long time:

I heard that Beijia and Henan were called Shuofang and Tingwei in ancient times. What does that poem say?

Li Si immediately responded to the order: The title of the poem is Getting out of the chariot. The king ordered Nan Zhong to go to the city in Fang. When he got out of the chariot, Peng Peng, flag Haoyang Yangyang. The emperor ordered me to go to Shuofang on the other side of the city. Hehe Nanzhong, 玁狁 (xiǎnyun) Yu Xiang!

This poem is an ode to the victory of King Xuan of the Zhou Dynasty when he ordered his minister Nan Zhong to conquer the Xiongnu. The world only knows that Shuofang in it is in the north of Zhou Dynasty. However, since the Warring States Period, people have believed that 玁狁 is the ancestor of the Xiongnu. Shuocong is located in Beijia and Henan.

After Li Si finished reciting, Qin Shihuang said energetically:

Shuofang is the land of the Zhou Dynasty. It has been opened up by the Zhongxia since ancient times. Master Zhao can restore half of it and build Jiuyuan City and Gaoque Fortress to the north. How can I be inferior to him? I will restore the whole territory!

Meng Tian!

I'm here! Meng Tian was excited and immediately bowed down.

Qin Shihuang waved his hand, pointed in the direction of Yinshan Mountain in the distance and said:

After the straight road is built next year, I will send out a large force to defeat the Xiongnu, seize the territory of Northern False and Henan, and then level the city of Touman. I will use the bricks and tiles of Touman City to find the best location and build a new city. It will be called Shuofang!

If you can accomplish this special feat, Meng Tian, ​​you will be the Nan Zhong of Great Qin! Maybe a hundred years later, you can also join the Jingbian Temple to worship!

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