Qin Official

Text Volume Chapter 436 The Land of Deeply Practicing Military Forces


Greetings, sir!

When Fusu, the supervisor of the army, entered Cangcheng, the people pushing the grain carts saw him and bowed their heads one after another. Unlike the fear of being whipped by the Qin officials, the people felt sincere towards this kind and loving son. Inner love.

After all, along the way, it was the officials of Qin who played the bad role and the young master who played the good role.

Get up quickly.

Fusu asked everyone to refrain from courtesy, but in Cangcheng, after hearing that the young master was coming in person, more and more people bowed down. In order not to cause congestion, Fusu had no choice but to climb the city wall and walk through the corridors of the city wall instead of walking through the streets.

The small town he was in was newly built by the Qin army who had been stationed here in the past six months. It stored weapons, arrows, armor, and tens of thousands of stones of food shipped from Beidi County.

, so it is called Cangcheng. Different from the simple Rongcheng of Huamachi half a mile away, although Cangcheng is not high, its walls are thick and heavily guarded.

Every morning, there is a steady stream of civilians escorting grain carts loaded with corn pot helmets. They enter through the south gate of Cangcheng and leave empty carts through the east gate. After changing a group of people and horses, they immediately turn back to the south the next day.

Fusu's daily job was to inspect Cangcheng, and at the same time keep an eye on the books showing the daily incoming and outgoing grain.

This is forced by the situation. As a supervisor, Fusu cannot always run to the front line of the battlefield. He is mainly responsible for supervising food. Even if the generals make any changes, once the food is cut off, even if there are thousands of troops, they will all become Death from hunger.

Hei Fu also knew that this young master was a newbie and was prone to be pitiful and pitiful, and was afraid that he would cause some trouble for him. Fortunately, there were Beidicang Chefu and Chang Shi sent by the county governor to assist, and there was also the school captain Zhao Bi as his assistant, who provided half suggestions and half guidance, so at least nothing went wrong.

After a month of contact, Fusu has gradually become familiar with this work. The other things he needs to do are very simple: if the food transported is equal to the food consumed, he can breathe a sigh of relief. Once the income is less than the income, He was about to start to be on tenterhooks, and immediately warned the Southern Grain Team to speed up the pace!

That's right, after Fusu came to the frontier fortress, the first thing he changed was to learn that while loving the people as a child, he should also control, order, and govern them appropriately!

It would not work otherwise. Although Beidi County sent out 30,000 troops this time, in fact, there were only 10,000 chariots and infantry soldiers brought by Hei Fu to join forces with Li Xin and attack Helan together. There are still 5,000 soldiers, divided into three parts: 1,000 are left to guard the Shenquan Barrier and build simple forts and warehouses there; 2,000 are stationed at Huamachi and Cangcheng; and another 2,000 are responsible for protecting the people transporting grain. Civilian husband.

The 15,000 civilians were also divided into two, 10,000 people transported food back and forth from the North to Huamachi, and 5,000 people transported food from Huamachi to Shenquan Mountain, and brought back injured and sick soldiers... …

Beidicang's stingy man calculated an account for Fusu: excluding the food for the livestock, there were 30,000 soldiers and soldiers outside the wall. Taking into account the losses along the way, they would have to eat 40,000 shi of grain in a month!

Therefore, 40,000 stones need to be transported from the north to Huamachi every month to prevent the army from starving.

This long-distance transportation did not begin at Xiaoguan. First, at least 6,000 northern watchmen were required to transport grain from the county warehouse to Xiaoguan. Those grains were transported from Neishi to the north for hoarding in the past six months. This is why the Qin Dynasty delayed mobilizing troops until now. Cang Shifu estimated that if the war lasted for more than three months, additional grain would have to be transported from Neishibei, and tens of thousands more people would have to transport grain from Xianyangcang, Qicang, and Yunyangcang.

The grain transported to the North is dry and easy to preserve. It needs to be made into rice and flour before it can be transported out of the country. What does this mean? In Beidi County, since Daheifu came to take office, although water-powered equipment such as mills and grinders have been promoted, and animal-powered grinders and vertebrae have also appeared, the main force of work is still humans. Four thousand ministers and concubines had to work day and night using treadmills to pound rice and stones to grind flour to meet the monthly rice and flour production.

If we trace the origin further, at least 20,000 people were responsible for producing these grains in the Guanzhong Plain.

As soon as Cang Shifu figured it out, Fusu couldn't help but be surprised. It turned out that 10,000 people were responsible for fighting thousands of miles away, so 70,000 people were needed to support them!

Anyone who raises an army of 100,000, marches out for thousands of miles, pays for the people, pays tribute to the public, spends thousands of gold a day, causes internal and external commotion, is lazy on the road, and cannot do anything, the family of 700,000 will be...

Fusu really understood this sentence. Sun Tzu is indeed a person who has understood the nature of war. War consumes the power of the country and the people. Therefore, no matter how big the country is, it will be in danger if it is warlike!

It’s okay if we don’t fight, but once we fight, we have to devote all our efforts. If there is an error in such complicated production and transportation, it will affect the life and death of tens of thousands of soldiers!

Fusu didn't dare to let the peasants postpone the date because of pity for them like when he came here.

It was so difficult for the Qin army to supply supplies, and the Huns knew it very well, so they fortified the walls and cleared the country, and moved all the herdsmen and sheep away. This was very easy for the Huns...

However, this idea of ​​the Huns may come to nothing. According to Fusu's knowledge, the Beidi Commandery has made a lot of preparations for this. Along with the 10,000 troops heading west, in addition to enough Guokui fried rice to last for half a month, there were also thousands of soldiers and 10,000 Huamachi sheep. They will gnaw grass leisurely in Shenquan Mountain. If the army is short of food, they can kill sheep at any time to supply supplies. This is also a method learned from the Huns.

The only hidden danger is that after the army moves westward, Shenquan, Huamachi and the grain teams along the way will be attacked by the Huns, but Fusu is not too worried.

He had received news from Shangjun: Shangjun had also sent troops, and his troops were divided into two groups. General Qiang Yu led the main force to the north, intending to surrender the Loufan tribe first, then cross the river to occupy the ancient city of Jiuyuan, and meet with Meng Tian at the court of Shanyu. Decisive battle with Shanyu's main force.

Feng Jie, the lieutenant of Shangjun, led 20,000 infantry and cavalry, led by the Linhu people, and went west deep into Henan to attack the Aries tribe that was attached to the Xiongnu. This road can cover the long food route of the Northern Army, and can also prevent the Huns in Helan Mountain from retreating north, allowing them to be attacked from three sides!

The Huns may not have noticed yet, but they have been trapped in a large siege!

Seeing that the decisive battle was getting closer, although Fusu opposed rash provocations, he also wanted to go to the front line and truly experience what war was like.

He must know what kind of war it is like to have his father diligently pursue it, Legalists to encourage it, Mohists to oppose it, Confucian scholars to be noncommittal, military generals to be extremely enthusiastic, the people of Qin to be happy when they hear it, the common people to change their expressions, and the benevolent men to sigh.

Just as he said, Fusu asked a messenger to bring a letter to General Heifu and Li Xin on the front line.

Those who supervise the army not only supervise food, but also supervise military matters. If Master Qin appears on the front line, deep in the land of soldiers and horses, the soldiers will be inspired. When the three generals jointly attack Helan and compete with the Xiongnu, Fusu hopes to be nearby Watch the battle!”

At the same time, thousands of miles away in the clouds, a narrow stone wall meanders among the peaks and hills at the southern foot of Yin Mountain, stretching for hundreds of miles...

This is the Zhao Great Wall built during the reign of King Wuling of Zhao. It starts from Dai, goes west along Yinshan Mountain, and ends at Gaoque. After the Battle of Changping, the Zhao State was abandoned after its national power declined greatly. The Huns came roaring from the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain. They demolished Jiuyuan City and began to take away the bricks and stones from the Zhao Great Wall to compact the sheepfold felt. He set up a tent and built Touman City near the Great Wall of Zhao, where he set up the royal court of Shanyu.

But now, after decades, the flag of the Central Plains is once again flying on a long-abandoned beacon tower, only it is not Zhao, but Qin!

General Meng Tian proudly looked at the rekindled beacon tower. He admired and admired Li Mu, and now, he wanted to do what Li Mu wanted to do but couldn't: sweep away the court of Shan Yu! Destroy the Huns for Your Majesty!

According to the report from the messenger, General Qiang Yu of Shangjun has successfully passed through the boundary of Loufan, crossed the river, and arrived at the ancient city of Jiuyuan.

Meng Tian's army left Wuquan Fortress in Yunzhong County and headed hundreds of miles to the west, restoring the Great Wall of Zhao along the way. However, they did not encounter the Huns to stop them, and they arrived here smoothly. A hundred miles to the south of them was the Shanyu Royal Court...

The next thing to do is for the two Qin armies from the north and the south to march through the royal court, bait the tiger's mouth, pick up the strong barbarians, behead them, and destroy the Xiongnu!

According to the Scout, a large number of Huns were still active in Touman City. The cautious Meng Tian ordered Captain Wang Li to lead thousands of chariots to investigate, but Meng Tian did not expect that it would be Wang Li himself who responded.

General Meng!

Wang Li was very high-spirited when he set out, determined to make some great achievements so that people would know that his willing to win a hundred thousand people and run rampant among the Xiongnu was not an empty statement, but when he came back, his expression was solemn.

The subordinates sent people to investigate nearby, and found that the so-called main force of the Huns were just ordinary herdsmen. Seeing my vanguard approaching, they all scattered like birds and beasts. When I asked how many people were captured, they all said that Shanyu had left for many days. I When I led people into Mancheng, I found that it was completely empty, and all the food and people had been evacuated. We also went to the Pavilion Forest to the south, and there was not a single person or animal in Shan Yu's royal tent!

General Meng, Shan Yu's court is empty, and the main force of the Huns is missing!

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