Qin Official

Text Volume Chapter 469 Big Fish in the Sea

It was getting late at night, the banquet had dispersed, and the county magistrate, county lieutenant, and county magistrate accompanied Hei Fu to the guest house to rest. Cao Zhen and Xiao He also returned home.

Although Cao Shen has great abilities and is capable of literature and martial arts, his reputation and status in the county have always been lower than Xiao He's. He can only lament his bad luck, but today he encountered an opportunity that he never dreamed of. When he was happy, he drank a lot of wine and his face was glowing. When Xiao He helped him to the door of Cao's house, Cao Shen suddenly grabbed Xiao He and said with a breath of wine:

Brother Xiao, the Jiaodong County Governor's words during the dinner just now were meant to attract people. Why do you refuse like the last time the censor recommended you to Xianyang?

Xiao He drank only in small cups, unlike Cao Shen, who toasted Hei Fu with large cups when he got excited, so his eyes were still clear, and he said: Didn't I tell you, I have an old mother at home...

Seriously? Cao Shen turned his head and looked at Xiao He.

Absolutely true.

Xiao He said solemnly: Moreover, I am the head of the Xiao clan. There are more than ten small clans in the clan, and hundreds of people are counting on me. How can I rashly leave Pei County and go elsewhere? In that case, who will protect me? them?

This reason makes sense, but Cao Shen is still puzzled and thinks to himself: Although the Xiao family is big, they are just a county magnate. If he can be respected by the Jiaodong County Governor, like Chen Ping, and be promoted to a high position, in the long run, what will happen? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to the clan?”

This is also the reason why Cao Shen agreed to Hei Fu's recruitment. This is an era of pursuing utilitarianism. Everyone wants to jump to the top and change from a rat in the toilet to a rat in the hamster. Xiao He is a smarter person than him, how could he not understand this?

The drunkenness came over him again. Cao Shen shook his head and no longer thought about this complicated matter. Just when Xiao He handed him over to the servants of Cao's house and was about to go home, Cao Shen took advantage of the drunkenness and suddenly said loudly to Xiao He: Brother Xiao , when Cao Shen returns to Pei from Jiaodong, he will definitely not be inferior to you again!

Xiao He turned his head and said with a smile: Of course it is. I wish Brother Cao a prosperous career.

Cao Shen felt that what he just said was reckless, as if he had always been dissatisfied with Xiao He. He was a little embarrassed, so he could only pretend to be really drunk, and said loudly: Let me tell Liu Ji that Cao Shen can't go to his wedding banquet!


After returning to Xiao's house and closing the door, Xiao He looked at the winter moon in the sky and exhaled.

He refused to go to Xianyang to be an official a year ago, and this time he declined the invitation from the Jiaodong County Sheriff. He was indeed thinking about his mother and clan, but the more important reason was Xiao He's self-realization...

A hundred miles northeast of Pei County, on the only way to Xue County, Jibei, and Linzi, there is Xue County. The customs in Xuexian County are very different from those in Zou Lu, but similar to those in Peixian County. There are many violent Jie children in the common people, because it is the fiefdom of two generations of Mengchangjun's family. Mengchangjun and his son recruited a large number of rangers to Xuecheng.

Xiao He went to Xue County and heard a story that Tian Ying, the father of Lord Mengchang and Lord Jingguo, planned to strengthen the city wall of Xuexian County out of selfish motives so that its height could be comparable to that of Linzi. This was a gesture to break with the mainland of Qi State. The disciples tried to dissuade him one after another, but Lord Jingguo insisted on it. He strictly prohibited the disciples from speaking about this matter any more. Anyone who spoke too much would be killed!

Only a bold disciple came to see Tian Ying and said, Just say three words, one more word, and I will be cooked.

When Tian Ying saw him, the man walked in quickly and said, Big fish in the sea! Then he turned around and left.

It’s really obsessive-compulsive disorder! Tian Ying didn't understand what this meant, so he could only leave the retainer behind and promised to let him speak freely, so that he could explain these three words clearly.

The doorman then said, Have you heard about the big fish in the sea? You can't catch it with a net, you can't catch it with a hook, and there are no natural enemies in the sea. But once the big fish leaves the water, even small ants can do whatever they want on it. . The state of Qi is like the water of the lord. You can control the world and pay tribute to the princes not because Xuecheng is strong and has many soldiers, but because you are the prime minister of Qi. If you break with Qi and no longer receive protection, even if you are If the city wall of Xuexian County is built as high as the sky, can it still block the 100,000 troops of Chu and Wei?

Tian Ying suddenly realized it and stopped building Xue.

The truth makes sense. In Xiao He's view, he is also a fish in the sea, and Peixian County is the water area where he relies on for survival. There are township parties, clan members, colleagues, and friends here. The county magistrate obeys his words. Xiao He and the Xiao family, in Peixian County gets wind when it wants wind, and rain when it wants rain!

Leaving Peixian County was an adventure for him.

If a fish leaves the familiar waters, although it will not die immediately, from now on, your life and death will be in the hands of the person who catches you with a net...

When used, it will be honored and favored in a vat. If it is not used as desired, there will be disasters.

Xiao He was cautious by nature and did not want to leave the water early and entrust his future and life to a stranger he met for the first time!

In addition to this, Xiao He repeatedly refused to be promoted and did not go to Xianyang or Jiaodong because of deep concerns in his heart...

Ye Ye is shaking with electricity, and there is no peace. Hundreds of rivers are boiling, and mountains and hills are collapsing. The high banks are valleys, and the deep valleys are mausoleums!

This is Xiao He's judgment on the world based on his forty years of experience and knowledge.

Things are changing too fast. The six kingdoms are suddenly destroyed. But how long can the seemingly powerful Qin last?

As an official, Xiao He silently witnessed many things: the imperial court forcibly implemented Qin laws, which caused a lot of discomfort to the people in Guandong. The Qin officials who came by air were unpopular with the people, attacked the Xiongnu, and guarded the frontiers. Although the people's resentment did not boil, But the heavy corvee made the people breathless. In the past few years in Kanto, disasters have been erratic. Rangers and survivors are still operating in the dark, and it is difficult for the government to control them...

If there is an eclipse in that month, it will remain normal; if there is an eclipse in this day, why not be happy? Who can say clearly what will happen in the future?

Rather than being tempted by the immediate benefits and rushing to get promoted and make a fortune like Cao Shen, Xiao He would rather stay in Peixian County and wait and see how the current situation changes.

Once the building is about to collapse and the mountains and rivers boil, the first thing Xiao He will do is to protect himself and the family...

It is obviously not enough to rely on himself as a swordsman and pen official, so Xiao He also has close contacts with three gangsters in Peixian County while working as a white man.

One is Wang Ling, a big family in Peixian County. One is Yong Chi, a powerful man from Fengyi.

There is another one, Liu Ji, the pavilion chief of Sishui who has joined the system...

In the eyes of outsiders, the three are incomparable: Wang Ling is the boss of the county's rangers. Although he dare not openly act as a knight now, he is also a big landowner. The Yongchi family was rich in hundreds of gold and dominated Fengyi. Even the Xiao family wanted to lose three points.

Liu Ji was just the head of a small pavilion. He was almost forty years old before he got lucky and got a beautiful woman.

But among the three, Xiao He felt that Liu Ji was the only one who was most likely to help him if something happened in the future.

When he was young, Liu Ji was a wandering knight who was not liked by the villagers. After he became the head of the Sishui Pavilion, he had no tendency to follow the rules at all. He was still a drunkard, lustful, unruly and arrogant.

Xiao He originally disliked this person, but during the occasional conversations with his classmates, Xiao He found that although Liu Ji was arrogant and rude on the surface, he was wise and thoughtful. Even when he was drunk, he could immediately wake up to reasonable words. , Chen Xie asked for help, and decidedly became another person.

With Xiao He's ability to recognize people, he gradually discovered some of Liu Ji's strengths. Liu Ji dared to do things and was able to take on any responsibility. He is able to make people work with his strength, and he is a knight in depth, and he gathers a group of die-hard buddies around him. He can break his joints and lower his head. He is far away from Zhang Er, and his brother works in the royal tomb. Since becoming an official, he has been considered a figure that cannot be ignored among the officials in Peixian County, and he can get along with both white and underworld.

This is the reason why Xiao He protected Liu Ji a lot, gave two hundred more money than others, and rushed to Fengyi tonight to preside over Liu Ji's marriage...

He was not the only one who saw Liu Ji's potential, but also the famous scholar Lu Gong. Even if Liu Ji was not considered, Xiao He would still have to give up face to Lu Ze, the powerful eldest son of the Lu family.

Speaking of which, at the banquet last night, the officials told the Jiaodong County Sheriff this incident as a joke. It was heard that Liu Ji went to Lu Gong's house as a guest. It was obvious that the congratulation money was not more than a thousand yuan, so he should sit in the hall, but Liu Ji had no trace of his body. Holding only one coin, he shouted out: I, Liu Ji, would like to give you ten thousand coins. As a result, Lu Gong not only didn't get angry, but even recruited Liu Ji as his son-in-law...

While the county magistrate was going to change clothes, the county magistrate whispered to Hei Fu: Lü Gong's daughter is very beautiful, but even the magistrate Pei wanted to marry her. Lü Gong rejected Pei Ling, but he preferred the girl who talked a lot and rarely accomplished anything. Liu Ji is really weird.

After Heifu heard about this, he was very interested and asked them to explain the cause and effect, and laughed immediately.

This Surabaya Pavilion Chief is quite interesting! I was passing by Peixian County and it happened to be his wedding banquet. Even though I can't go, I still want to congratulate him!

So, Hei Fu waved his hand and arranged for two retainers to go to Fengyi with Xiao He tomorrow. He also wanted to congratulate Wanqian!

What this Jiaodong County Sheriff has done is really hard to figure out...

The more incomprehensible a person is, the less Xiao He dares to marry easily.

With this in mind, Xiao He drank some hot soup to sober up, and after a drowsy sleep, he hurried out the door. Just after the rooster crow, he galloped away from the west gate. Heifu's two retainers also drove a car, carrying the heavy exchange of 10,000 yuan, and followed closely behind...

At the same time, Heifu and his party had already left the east gate and headed towards Xue County...

Qin officials are not private ministers, and there are certain procedures for transferring officials. Cao Shen has to wait for the transfer order from Sishui County, and there are still a few days before he can catch up with Hei Fu. Heifu then left a retainer waiting for him. While saying goodbye at the east gate, he told Cao Shen seemingly unintentionally:

If there are any brave and powerful talents in Pei County, you can bring them to Jiaodong.

A brave and powerful person?

Cao Shen rubbed his head and thought for a while, and for the time being he could only think of the archer Zhou Bo. Unfortunately, he had stayed in Shuofang City as a garrison soldier and would never come back in this life.

When Peixian County was far behind, Chen Pingcai, who was in the same car, laughed and said: The county governor is pressed for time. He must go to Jiaodong to take up his post at the end of the month, but he still seeks and visits talented officials all the way. He is really thirsty for talents.

But Hei Fu just said lightly: We can go to Xuecheng tomorrow?

Chen Ping solemnly said: Yes, we will stay in Qi County tonight, and we will arrive in Xue tomorrow.

Hei Fu talked about something that seemed unrelated. Before leaving Xianyang, Zhang Cang found me and told me a story about Xuecheng, called 'Hai Da Yu'!

He told the story of the big fish in the sea and said with a smile: Zhang Cang's meaning is obvious. I am like a fish in the sea. The system of Da Qin is water. In Nanjun and Guanxi, I rely on the laws of Qin and your majesty. With trust and cooperation from colleagues, I can perform as well as I can.”

But now when I go to Jiaodong, it is the farthest place from Xianyang. The capital of Guizhou has not yet gathered, the people's hearts are not yet settled, and there are many wealthy people in the fields. I look like a offshore fish, but in fact I am just a fish on the beach. When a tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by a dog, a dragon If you don't want to die in the shallows and be swallowed by ants when you swim in shallow water and get tricked by shrimps, you must recruit some talents and become your helpers...

This is why he recruited Cao Shen and others.

With Chen Ping for planning, Gong Ao for courage, Xiao He who is good at internal affairs, and Cao Shen who can be both literary and military, the whole team is complete.

Unfortunately, unlike Cao Shen, Xiao He had Xiao He's plans. Smart people always have many thoughts.

So Hei Fu came and tried hard to get Cao Shen, who had always been inferior to Xiao He, to leave. If Xiao He really cares about fame and fortune, let's see how Cao Shen becomes prosperous in a few years and returns home in brilliant clothes. Will he still have no idea at all?

As for the other people in Peixian County, Heifu is not in a hurry. He is just a county guard, and the more people under his command, the better. Visit the thatched cottage three times? That would be too cheap. A senior provincial official should have the consciousness of a senior provincial official, instead of just meeting an ancient celebrity, regardless of his current status, and greeting him, kneeling, licking him, and suddenly promoting him. This made Chen Ping, Gong Ao and other old ministers What do you think?

Besides, this is the Qin Dynasty, not the Three Kingdoms. Unless they are private retainers, officials cannot even take away their old officials when they are transferred. What do you want to do with such a courtesy and virtuous corporal, and keep them among the people?

If he really wanted to imitate Wei Wuji, he would help the old gatekeeper drive the car, and look for dogs to be slaughtered in the market. If he painted tigers instead of dogs, it would spread to Xianyang, and Qin Shihuang would really think that he had evil intentions and big plans...

Hei Fu was just along the way, time was tight, he caught a big fish and took it away, leaving the small fish free first.

The characteristic of retainer politics is that when one person succeeds, he can invoke the township party to join him. With Cao Shen as an example, within a year and a half, if he has the ability and is supported by the black husband, he will naturally stand out. By then, why will the people in Pei County who are interested in fame not be able to join his gang? If you look at it slowly, it won't be easy to attract attention.

Heifu also knew very well that no matter how famous the people of Pei County were in history, they were just adding to their reputation. Those who could really be trusted were those from the Nanjun Township Party like Gong Ao, or people like Chen Ping who invested early and knew the basics.

As for the ten thousand dollars?

Chen Ping was also surprised, but didn't dare to ask.

But Hei Fu knocked on the car rail. He wanted to know the expression on the bearded Chief Liu Tingzhang's face when he received this gift.

This is a test, a bait to make Liu Ji, the core figure of the Peixian Group, anxious.

Heifu sighed and thought to himself: It must be a compensation for him not being able to be Emperor Gao of the Han Dynasty in this life. After all, his country's name has become the eternal name of a nation! Unfortunately... history has changed.

A lifelong enemy? Heifu had no such idea at all.

Unlike Mao Dun, who was out of reach, the moment Heifu found him, Liu Bang, the son of the plane in history, was already declared out no matter what choices he made or how hard he struggled!

The whole map was hung up against the blind field of view, and the three-piece suit developed for 20 minutes against the first-level straw sandals, and it was a fart!

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