Qin Official

Chapter 710 The First Emperor died and was divided

Winter is approaching, and black men are wearing short jackets in the south, but there are people in the northeast who are shivering in leather jackets.

The Yunxing at the end of thirty-six years was so large that even in Seoul on the east coast of the sea, some could be seen.

It was clearly midnight, but Liu Ji stood outside the simple thatched cottage with his sleeves rolled up. After growing it for a few years, the beard under his chin grew again, which made Old Liu wear a few beards around his neck in late autumn. The mink tail can withstand the biting cold wind of Huangfu.

The falling stars in the sky made Liu Ji open his eyes wide. At this time, a woman's sharp screams were also heard in the house, continuous and extremely long...


It's the woman giving birth.

The cry resounded through the military camp, frightening away the elk outside the camp and attracting hungry wolves, which appeared in the forest with fluorescent green eyes.

Liu Ji poured a sip of wine into his mouth, which could keep him warm. The woman in the room was screaming in pain again, but Liu Ji didn't care much about her life or death, he only cared about whether the child in her belly was a boy or a girl.

The baby born this time should be my seed, right?

For more than two years, Liu Ji had not been comfortable. He was first kicked by the Marquis of Changnan and sent to Seoul. This place is located on the east coast of Haidong. It is the easternmost territory of the Qin Dynasty. There are only a hundred people stationed there. Later, dozens of people were stationed there. Male and female convicts were assigned here as concubines and were under Liu Ji's jurisdiction.

The thirteen merchant ships from Jiaodong only came twice a year to collect a small amount of mink skins and ginseng. Liu Ji could only take these abandoned people of the Qin Dynasty to survive under the siege of Sanhan and Haoqi.

Thirty-five years ago, the first ship brought Liu Ji's first wife, Lv Zhi, whose virginity he had lost on their wedding night.

Liu Ji had long forgotten Lu Fei's appearance. He only remembered that among the women he had slept with, she was not the most beautiful, but she was the youngest and had the highest status. At any rate, she was the eldest daughter of a wealthy family. She was only 21 years old this year. Great years.

For Liu Ji, who is already in his forties, having such a wife to wash, cook and warm the bed is much better than harassing and exiled crooked melons and jujubes.

But what Liu Ji didn't expect was that when they got off the boat, Lu Pheasant actually held a three-year-old child, a little girl, and pushed her in front of Liu Ji, saying that she was his daughter.

I didn't, it wasn't me...

Liu Ji denied it habitually.

He and Peixian County Widow Cao had an adulterous son, Liu Fei, but it was the result of months of hard work. However, he only slept with Lu Pheasant once, and he hurried to Jiaodong the day after their wedding. How could it be such a coincidence that he fell into love at once?

On the contrary, I heard from a village party member who came from home that Lu Pheasant was a widower in the Liu family, took care of his parents-in-law, and lived in the fields. Neighbors often criticized him for chopping wood and carrying water for him. That pretty boy used to admire Lu Pheasant. Could it be that? …

Doubt is like a thorn taking root in my heart, growing bigger and bigger, causing pain in my heart. No matter how he looked at it, Liu Ji felt that this little girl was the result of an affair between Lu Pheasant and Shen Shi. In a rage, he wanted to throw her outside the camp to feed the wolves!

But Lu Zhi, who originally seemed obedient and talkative, suddenly burst out with amazing courage. She walked out of the camp, hugged her daughter tightly, held up a wooden stick in her hand, and retreated step by step while surrounded by wolves.

Liu Ji watched this scene in the stronghold, sighed, raised his bow and shot away the wolves, and then accepted Lu Pheasant and her son.

But Lao Liu, who felt he had been cuckolded, still had a bad look towards Lu Pheasant. Although he claimed to be a man who did not hit women, he often put down the bowl and scolded his mother. Lu Pheasant looked at Liu Ji coldly, which made him feel uncomfortable.

You woman, what do you think I'm going to do? Are you looking for a beating?

As time passed, Liu Ji no longer wanted to scold him. Instead, Lu Pheasant became pregnant again. On the last day of the thirty-sixth year, she gave birth, and several concubines with experience in childbirth helped.

Lao Liu just silently gave up the warm house and went outside to enjoy the cold wind.

Thinking carefully about his life, Old Liu felt sad. He was once full of great ambitions, he was once full of lofty ideals, and he was romantic and happy. However, when he was almost fifty years old, he accomplished nothing and was thrown into this desolate place to wait for death.

Others at his age have grandchildren, but Liu Ji only has an illegitimate son and a daughter.

The baby born this time must be my seed!

He said this repeatedly. Lu Pheasant was being watched very carefully and there should be no chance of finding a wild man.

I don’t know how long I waited, but after the magnificent meteor shower gradually became sparse, loud cries finally came from the house.

Liu Ji rushed in immediately. Concubine Li Chen raised the child with wrinkled skin in front of him. Liu Ji saw that his crotch was like a handful of broad beans.

It's my son, my son!

Holding this little life in his arms, Liu Ji was relieved of his anger at Lu Pheasant for cuckolding him. He was about to comfort his wife, but Lu Pheasant turned away and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Just ignore him. Liu Ji thought that a real man should be as merciful as a dragonfly touching water, instead of hanging on a tree.

But this new baby gave him new ambition.

I, Liu Ji, have been like this for most of my life, but how can my son grow up in this barbaric land and hang out with seabirds and horse dung all day long?

I must find an opportunity to leave the barrier that the Marquis of Changnan has set for me!

He made up his mind and hugged the wiped boy again, his bearded man trembling with laughter.

Liu Ji had not been so happy for a long time. After being beautiful for a while, someone next to him reminded him to name the baby.

Old Liu was a rough man. After thinking about it, he patted his head and said:

This son was born on a starry night, let's call him Liu Xing!

The night was about to end, the sky was about to dawn, and at dawn, when the Yunxing was completely over, Han Xin, who had fallen asleep in the middle of the night, yawned and walked to the Panyu City Tower, only to find that the Marquis of Changnan was still sitting cross-legged on the city wall, looking at the rising sky in the east. The sun is covered with dewdrops...

Your Majesty, have you not slept all night?

Han Xin was very surprised. The strange scene last night made many soldiers stay up all night in fear, but why did the Marquis of Changnan stay up all night too?

Hei Fu was in good spirits and said with a smile: In my opinion, the stars fell like rain last night. This is not a disaster, it is just a rare sight. If you see it once, you will have no regrets.

I've even heard of a saying that if you make a wish on a shooting star, it will come true.


Han Xin was a little curious: What wish did the Lord make?

In his opinion, Heifu has reached the pinnacle of his life. With Baiyue completely conquered, the emperor's vision of extending all northern households from the south to the north has been realized. What Heifu needs to do is to consolidate Lingnan and wait for Nanhai and Guilin. , after Xiangjun is established, you can return to the dynasty to receive meritorious services and be granted the title of Tonghou...

You may even enter the Jingbian Temple with General Li Xin.

So Han Xin thought, what other unattainable wishes could Hei Fu have? Could it be...

Han Xin raised his eyes and peeked at Changnan Hou. His face, illuminated by the rising sun, was black with red, red with black, and he was smiling.

Heifu said: I don't have any wishes myself. I just wish His Majesty the Emperor a long life and that Mr. Fusu's face will be glowing...

This is natural. Your Majesty will live forever.

Han Xin followed suit, but in fact he didn't mean what he said. Most of the soldiers in the Southern Expedition Army had little identification with the Qin Dynasty and the emperor.

But Hei Fu secretly said in his heart: No, this is not my wish.

When the meteor shower pierced the sky, Heifu no longer joked, but made a sincere wish:

I hope Your Majesty can put down his pride and stubbornness!

No one can take this country away. I hope you can let go as soon as possible so that all this can end with dignity!

But Heifu knew that this vision would be difficult to realize and depended on Qin Shihuang, not him.

And he is a person who does not want to bet all his money on others...

After returning to his residence, Hei Fu was not in a hurry to catch up on his sleep. Instead, he asked someone to prepare pen and ink, and then asked Lu Jia to go out.

I want to fix the book myself.

Lu Jia was slightly surprised and resigned. Ever since Lu Jia had the pen, Changnan Marquis rarely wrote by himself. Who was he writing to? So solemn!

After thinking deeply all night, Heifu wrote very quickly, and the first sentence at the beginning was:

My eldest son, I sincerely welcome you, Mr. Hei, if you dare to pay me your respects again...

In the thirty-seventh year of the First Emperor of Qin, on the first day of the first lunar month and the first day of the tenth month in the Zhuanxu calendar, the letter sent by Heifu had just been sent out of Panyu. Several officials from Dongjun prefectures had already arrived dozens of miles outside Dongjun with their soldiers.

Most of the thousands of stars that fell on the night of the meteor shower disappeared without a trace, except for one. It looked like a big running star, like a blazing fire rising into the sky. It plunged into the field on the outskirts of Dongjun. The whole town was shocked!

The government was very vigilant and thought it was a serious disaster, so they ordered several commanders to lead troops to investigate.

Sir, it's right in front!

The country man who showed the way pointed to the dry field ahead, surrounded by a circle of villagers.

Get out of the way, get out of the way!

The county soldiers came forward with swords and drove away the villagers who liked to watch the excitement and let the officials in. The chief officials covered their noses and disliked the strange smell here and assigned two junior officials to go in.

However, they saw that all the vegetation dozens of steps around were scorched, and a small pit appeared on the ground. In it lay a Yun star that could be hugged with both hands...

Its texture is like stone and iron, with a black molten crust on the surface, deeply embedded in the ground.

The two clerks circled around and turned to the back of the meteorite. They stopped at the same time and looked at each other. They both saw the deep fear in the other!

Why don't you speak?

The chief official became impatient and stepped forward in person, but was stunned.

This this……

The meteorite is not scary. What is scary is the characters deeply carved on its surface.

Seven Qin seals were neatly carved on the meteorite:

The First Emperor dies and the earth is divided!

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