Qin Official

Chapter 761 Getting stronger with age

When Heifu led the main force toward Jiangling along the Huarong Trail, Ji Ying and Gongwei were also ordered to lead 5,000 people northward from Zhouling County.

The composition of this force is complex, basically composed of Nanjun people, but they come from different counties: Jingling, Yundu, Xinshi, Dangyang, Bianxian, Xianxian, Yanxian...

Underfoot are the straw sandals that Nanjun people are used to wearing when walking among the lakes. On their heads are bamboo hats to protect them from the scorching sun in late spring. Everyone is carrying several days of food on their backs. The smiles on their faces look more like going home than fighting.

m Hei Fu’s order to everyone is really to go home...

In addition to attracting the people who fled into the mountains, forests and swamps to avoid the Qin government, these five thousand people will return to their respective hometowns to serve as propaganda teams and seeders, spreading the news that the First Emperor has collapsed and that Marquis Wu Zhong has gone north to seek peace. At the same time, we took advantage of the friendship between the township party to pull together a team and launch an attack on the local counties and townships...

To put it bluntly, the mission of Ji Ying and Gongwei is to go to places where the enemy's ruling power is weak, establish base areas behind enemy lines, and contain Feng Wuze's main force, so that Heifu can make an attack in the east and attack in the west and succeed in his strategy of occupying Jiangling.

Even if Feng Wuze doesn't go to save Zhu City, once the southern county is filled with flames of war, he will be fighting fires on all sides and will be exhausted!

Even the soldiers of Nanjun County in Jiangling will be fished out by the emergency of each county, so that Heifu can easily capture them.

Heifu also did not forget to teach the two men the sixteen-character mantra: When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue!

After Ji Ying and Gong Wei set out, they agreed that Ji Ying would launch the campaign in the counties east of the Han River, while Gong Wei would infiltrate the counties in the western Han Dynasty.

But when Lieutenant Gong and Ji Ying separated and took two thousand people to Jingling County (Qianjiang County, Hubei Province), preparing to fight here, they discovered that they were facing more than just local county soldiers... …

At the end of March, among the reeds beside the Hanshui Ferry in Jingling County, Lieutenant Gong followed the scouts who were exploring the situation ahead and touched the edge. He pushed aside the reed leaves, only to find that the place was no longer peaceful as it used to be. The empty wilderness had been surrounded by boundless trees. occupied by the army.

Looking into the distance, we can see that both sides of the Han River are covered with chariots and flags, and there are forests of spears and halberds. The marching team is several miles long, with knights in the front and infantry in the back. Looking from a distance, the smoke and dust are filled, and the military appearance is very grand.

Under the neighing of men and horses, gulls and herons were frightened so that they flew all over the sky. Lieutenant Gong also stared at the Wuxin flag that had just crossed the Han River and realized that something was wrong!

It's the army of Wu Xinhou Feng Wuze!

More than ten miles after leaving Jingling County, Feng Wuze was informed that there was a rebel army of more than 2,000 people. Watching the army retreat, they suddenly rushed out from Yunmengze, attacked the Dukou Pavilion and burned down the dock. , so that the subsequent baggage escorted by thousands of people could not be transported to the Han Dynasty.

At this time, the two counties of Yundu and Xinshi that they passed through two days ago also sent people to catch up with the large troops and reported the emergency:

General, there are thousands of rebels divided into several teams, fighting out of the lake, attacking the towns and instigating the county people to rebel.

The rear army helped the county captain attack him, but he fled into Daze again without a trace.

When the rear army is on the road again, those rebels will appear again and continue to harass the two counties. If there is no rescue, I fear that Yundu and Xinshi will be lost...

There were really fires everywhere, and his men all looked worried and wanted to go back to the army to rescue them, but Feng Wuze was not worried but happy. He immediately raised his head and laughed.

The captains looked at each other and asked, Why is the general laughing?

Feng Wuze said: I don't laugh at others, but I laugh at the black man. He is certainly good at using soldiers, and he is extremely skillful in avoiding the real and attacking the weak. But this time, a corner of the hidden fox's tail is still exposed, and his military power is directed towards , as expected, he is heading towards Jiangling!

The captains had some doubts about Feng Wuze's insistence on not saving Zhu City, which was in danger, but leading the entire army to march to Jiangling. Now they were even more surprised:

How can I see it?

Feng Wuze said: If what I have predicted is correct, Heifu must have given instructions to attack the rebels in Jingling, Yundu, and Xinshi counties, imitating Wu Sun Tzu's strategy of tiring Chu and mistaking it. When I go out, I will return, and when I return, I will return. Come out, we want our troops to fight fires everywhere, exhausted!

Three hundred years ago, Sun Wu helped King Helu of Wu attack Chu. He believed that Chu was strong and Wu was weak, so they could not fight directly. So he divided the Wu army into three branches and attacked in turn to harass the Chu army.

In this way, every time the King of Chu receives an emergency document, he must send troops to rescue him. The divisions of Shen and Xi have just returned from repelling a Wu army and have not had time to rest. There is another emergency at the border, so they can only be ordered to send troops to quell another disturbance. .

In one year, the Chu army traveled back and forth as many as seven times, and was exhausted.

The wolves came too many, and they became paralyzed, so Sun Wucai led the Wu army up the Huaihe River and directly arrived at the hinterland of Chu State to launch a general attack. The momentum was like breaking bamboo, and they entered Ying in five battles!

Jin Heifu must have used this trick to force our troops to fight everywhere and miss the opportunity to rush to Jiangling. He must have taken a small path along the river and prepared to attack Jiangling.

Feng Wuze looked towards the west and breathed a sigh of relief.

The bet was right!

When he stationed troops in Xiakou and learned that Zhu City was asking for help, Feng Wuze knew that he had to make a decision.

This is a strategy of attacking the east and attacking the west. If you look to the east, you will lose the west. If you look to the west, you will lose the east. One thing must be lost...

The key is, where is Heifu, where is his main force!

Feng Wuze's eyes finally fixed on the west.

Fujiangling is the old capital of Chu. It is protected by Yanhan in the north, Yiling in the west, and Yunmeng in the east. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. But once it is captured, Heifu will be able to obtain a large number of people and food, and return Able to take advantage of the situation and give orders to Western Chu and Southern Chu.

Therefore, there is nothing more beautiful than Jiangling in Jianghan.

Going further, advancing west can threaten Bashu, crossing Ming'e in the east to force Chen and Cai, and marching north to capture Yan, threatening Nanyang, and even breaking Wuguan and entering the pass.

Zhu City is certainly important, but Jiangling is even more important!

Therefore, Feng Wuze was sure that if he were a black man, he would personally command the main force and seize Jiangling first.

Now that we know where Heifu's main force is, things will be easier to handle.

As long as we can wipe out the main force of the rebels and capture Heifu, the rebellion sweeping the south will collapse!

So Feng Wuze ordered: Tell the rear army to enter Jingling with their baggage, close the city gate tightly, and ignore the disturbance of the rebels. The same goes for Yundu and Xinshi. The army only brings a few days of food and follow me. Go to Jiangling! The rice grain there is enough to feed our army for five years!

The voice was loud and clear, as if telling everyone...

Is the general old?

The general is not old!

After saying this, Feng Wuze gave the horsewhip a hard blow, asking the army to speed up, and gritted his teeth and said secretly:

Black husband, black husband.

You are a **** minister who has betrayed His Majesty's trust.

The thief who caused disaster to the country, Yinghuo Demon Star.

I finally caught you!

Feng Wuze took the Kangzhuang Avenue, and he could travel fifty miles a day, while Heifu took the Huarong Trail, and it was normal to travel twenty miles a day.

Huarong Road is extremely remote, the air is sticky, hot and humid, and the road is narrow and dangerous, making it difficult to navigate. Even setting up camp at night is difficult.

During the march, the thick trees that had been soaked in the rotting swamp for many years were advancing towards the soldiers from both sides of the road. There were tigers and wolves in the dense forest, and there were half-floating and half-sinking crocodiles in the water, which looked like they had eyes and teeth. black wood.

Often people and horses would get stuck in the mud and could not get out. Heifu could only get through by asking his soldiers to cut reeds and wormwood to fill the road.

The difficulty was no less than that of the Red Army crossing the grassland. After almost being drowned in a quagmire, Deng Zong, a native of Ruyin, could not help complaining:

Why don't you take the water route? Although the enemy also has boats in Xiakou, when it comes to traveling against the current, the paddle steamers of Lingqu Boat Master are faster, right?

Anlu Ren Yuanyong glared at Deng Zong:

Do you think there is no boat master in Jiangling? Don't question the prince's decision!

It was a matter of confidentiality. Neither of them knew the whole story, but Wu Chen behind him understood.

Lingqu Boat Master has returned to Yunmeng several times. They are already badly damaged and can only carry a few thousand people. They may not be able to attack Jiangling. However, the monarch keeps them, but he wants to let another group of people take the boat away. waterway……

In short, after walking for nineteen days, they set foot on dry land and entered Huarong County. The three armies had become a group of clay figures.

Heifu looked back at Yunmengze who was falling behind him, and suddenly asked Wu Chen: Wu Chen, in total, how many times have we been to Yunmeng and back from the time we started the army to now?

Wu Chen clapped his fingers and said, In mid-February, Junhou led three thousand short soldiers out of Yunmeng to raid Wuchang.

In late February, Junhou led 5,000 people to the north to Yunmeng, fought back to Anlu, and rescued the villagers twice.

At the beginning of March, we took the people south to Shaxian three times.

Right now, there are four secret attacks on Jiangling on the Huarong Trail between Jingyun and Meng...

“What a coincidence, it’s four times?”

Heifu felt happy in his heart and immediately forgot his military order of no laughing and laughed loudly: If we win this battle and cross Yunmeng four times, this may become a miracle in the history of war that will be talked about by future generations!

Although it was exhausted, Huarong was a small county, so it was easy to get it. After a while, Huarong County Magistrate and Wei fled to the west, and the county magistrate surrendered. The three armies entered the city, opened the warehouses, had a big meal, rested for a day, and waited for their morale and energy to recover. , then marched westward.

By now, Heifu and his party had six to seven hundred chariots, more than a thousand cavalry, and more than 20,000 soldiers. They were so powerful that it would be easy to seize the virtual city of Jiangling against thousands of enemy soldiers.

But only thirty miles east of Ying County, Heifu's scout reported that a large army had just arrived in Ying County and was now encamped east of Ying County and waiting in formation.

The number is equal to our army, the banner is Wu Xinhou, Feng Wuze!

Hei Fu couldn't stop laughing. At this moment, he felt quite tempted to go to the house to have an affair with the young lady. He even took off his pants, but found her husband standing at the door with a sullen face.

But Heifu was thick-skinned after all. Seeing that the surprise attack failed, he shook his head and sighed:

Marquis Wu Xin is so old and strong!

Not only does the old man have a bright mind, but he also has good legs and feet. He came here in advance to wait for me... As a junior, it is really rude.

He became serious and looked back at his flag: Wu Zhong.

It seems that Marquis Wu Zhong and Marquis Wu Xin of Great Qin are destined to have a decisive battle!

Form up and march towards Ying County!

Hei Fu boarded the chariot, looked back at the army accompanying him all the way, and said with high morale: Since General Feng would rather change the heart of Bai Shu, then Hei Fu should not fall into the aspiration of Qing Yun!

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