If it's not enough, add another shot.

If it doesn't work, pay Wang Wulian to serve directly.

"You wait here, I will go to the old woman to draft the documents, no accidents, Rhodes Island can be transferred to your hands tomorrow..."

The doctor stood up unsteadily and walked out of the office.

"Doctor... did you encounter any problems? I feel a little strange on my face."

The little donkey on the opposite side looked up at the woman who looked like his parents, caring.

"It's nothing, just a little sigh."

The doctor stroked Amiya's head.

This young girl still doesn't know exactly what kind of blood and power is contained in her body.

What flashed through my mind was the moment when the world was directly distorted into a starry sky.


"Strength is the reason for being king."

she sighed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The modern country ruled by Draco and Aslan occupies the most fertile Central Valley in Terra.

It has a vast territory and rich resources, and is adjacent to many core circle countries. In addition, there are several pioneering areas and enclaves.

The Victorian Empire emphasizes power and expansion, and aims to establish an international order dominated by itself on the land of Terra, maintain the interests of the aristocracy through hegemony and plunder, and maintain the world system of Victoria supremacy.

no doubt.

This is an empire not inferior to Ursus.


Such an empire.

But there is a major crisis.

That is--

There is no emperor.


The emperor slot for an empire is empty.

Victoria's original royal family was Drake.

However, Aslan, who was originally a military nobleman of Sargon, invaded the Victoria area that was still ruled by the royal families of Drake hundreds of years ago.

In this state, conflicts broke out between the kings of Drake and Aslan, and the final result was that the two parties signed an agreement declaring that the Aslan and Drake clans jointly had the right to inherit the throne.This is the basis of Victoria's politics today, and it is also the root of many subsequent events.

From the follow-up results, the conclusion of this agreement did not end the political struggle between Aslan and Drake. Drake's political power was hit by Aslan after that, and he gradually withdrew from the throne competition. As for extinct.

Aslan became the ruler of Victoria, but it was difficult to secure the throne. The fundamental problem of being a foreigner led his regime to adopt a high-pressure posture against the local tribes, which became the fuse of the Shenchi rebellion in the future.

After that, the anti-king faction among the nobles set off a political riot and beheaded King Aslan.

no doubt.

At this time, no noble Aslan would be willing to stand up.

Because, the local nobles in Victoria probably planned to chop off the lion's head as an ornament.

Now go call yourself royalty.

It can't be said that he joined the national army in 49, it can only be said that he claimed to be Jewish in front of shampooers.

and so--

capable of ascending to the throne.

It can only be Drake - the red dragon family.


Drake is fucking extinct! ! !

For a time, the whole of Victoria fell into embarrassment.

It is not that there is no duke, and he has the idea of ​​becoming a king on his own.


It's a pity that more than one duke has such thoughts.

They competed secretly.

Then, in the end, I still didn't care about the result.

In the end, it was Teresis who was Sarkaz who occupied Londinium instead.

On the one hand, he used Londinium to expand his power.

On the one hand, he made false claims with the dukes.

There could be war at any moment.


But because of mutual checks and balances, they failed to fight.


The current situation is...

"Your Highness, Drake has appeared."

In the palace of Londinium, one of the pardoners spoke to the regent.

The most terrible news broke out.

Red Dragon.

The most orthodox royal family in this country.


"The daughter of the Victorian aristocrat Edward Yatelias who was hunted down to Longmen——Talulah Yatelias, she inherited the title and territory of her adoptive father—the Duke of Black Snake, Kosche."

this word.

The man who gave way to the throne in the center of the hall frowned slightly.


This person, he knows.

In fact, he was one of the driving forces behind the integration movement.

Although decided to use the sword to win everything back for Sarkaz.


He's not an idiot.

Declare war on one or two powerful countries, and take care of some small countries along the way.

It's already my limit.

Ursus and Yan.

The war potential of those two empires is no less than that of Kazdel.

If you really start revenge regardless of everything, there is a high probability that these two countries will pick peaches in the future.

and so--

He's investing in the integration movement.

Looking forward to this crazy girl with a special identity, so that Ursas and Yan Kingdom will fall into the quagmire of war.


The current state of affairs...

A little out of the ordinary.

"Why, can she take back the territory of Mr. Snake?"

The regent's expression was very serious.

Kosche, Duke of Black Snake.

In Ursus, he is considered a first-class big shot.


He has been dead for many years! !

Although his title is still retained, the territory and people have long been divided up...

This is also the reason why he let a red dragon exist.

A red dragon who has no roots and is mixed with refugees is unlikely to be accepted by Victoria even if he has royal blood.

Moreover, this guy's identity - the heir of the Duke of Kosiche and the princess of the Yan Kingdom determines that once she does something big, she can blow up Ursas and the Yan Kingdom in an instant.

and so--

The Prince Regent has been letting the innocent red dragon out.


Now the situation has changed.

She became Grand Duke of Koscie.

"I don't know about that kind of thing."

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