Although this helicopter is not as good as the Mi-8 armed helicopter that Su Shaoze bought from Lao Maozi, it has no heavy machine guns, and only two policemen sit on both sides, holding guns and shooting at Su Shaoze's vehicle.

But even so, it has already posed a serious threat to Su Shaoze's safety. Not to mention whether they can hit them, even flying overhead is quite disgusting.

How can Su Shaoze escape?

"Made, I'm going to try the feeling of masturbation today!"

Su Shaoze cursed angrily, slammed on the brakes, opened the car door, walked down, and involuntarily pulled out a big guy from the space warehouse.

Individual howitzers!

It directly resisted on the shoulder, and the muzzle was aimed at the helicopter! "Boom~"

Chapter 198 Nicole Kidman

On the helicopter, the doors on both sides were opened, and two police officers were sitting in front of the door with ropes tied to their bodies, holding guns in their hands and firing directly at the bottom.

But soon, they found that the white Cadillac below had stopped unexpectedly.

The next moment, the car door opened, and a strong masked man stepped down, and on his shoulders was a..."Rocket Jane~"

"Lift up, speed up~" "Ah-"

The eyes of the two police officers with guns were wide open, their faces were terrified, and they started yelling frantically.

Because they discovered that the damn robber below was aiming at them with a bazooka.

This thing is specially used for masturbation!

If they were hit by a single shot, their broken plane would definitely be finished, and everyone on the plane would definitely die.

The driver quickly pulled up, trying to escape from here, but it was too late, the speed of the helicopter was too slow. "Boom~"

Only a muffled sound was heard, and a bright white light appeared in the sky 08, shooting straight towards the helicopter. "Crash~"

The helicopter in the sky directly smashed into a fireball, and the fireball rolled and arced straight to the ground.

At this scene, the policemen in the distance were stunned!

Let me go, these tough and tough ones are too much!

Even Rocket Jane was equipped, and even the helicopter was shot down.

In contrast, the weapons in their hands are like fire frames.

After killing the helicopter with one shot, Su Shaoze didn't stop, opened the car door, and left quickly.

And because of the stop, the police behind had already caught up, and the distance between the cars was less than [-] meters.

Seeing that the time is almost up, Li Zhendong and the others should be safe.

Su Shaoze is not going to play anymore, it's time to find a way to get rid of these policemen. "Da da da da-"

The bullet from the first floor shot over and hit the center console, almost hitting Su Shaoze.

Even after experiencing the hail of bullets, Su Shaoze was still sweating profusely!

"Made, I can't play anymore!"

Just now he just bullied the police's equipment, but now the police are obviously aware of this situation.

Some heavy firepower equipment has been transferred over.

Su Shaoze didn't think that he alone could fight against the entire police force in Kaibera.

Therefore, it is the best policy to sneak away as soon as possible!

Then I saw that Su Shaoze had a few more grenades in his hands, and there were still a lot of ammunition in his space warehouse, so there was no shortage of these things.

He pulled the tab and threw it directly through the window.

The grenade rolled to the ground, and a few seconds later, the police car behind just passed by. "Boom~"

A huge fireball rose up, the grenade exploded, and the police car was thrown directly from the ground.

The crowd on both sides screamed loudly, and the bombed police car blocked the road at once.

Su Shaoze is safe for now!

But that doesn't mean he can escape safely.

Looking around, Su Shaoze instantly determined his goal.

Just on the side of the road ahead, a bar decorated with resplendent gold appeared in his eyes. "Roman holiday?"

That's the name of this bar!

Needless to say, Su Shaoze stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and the Cadillac inherited Lao Mei's tough and domineering character, made a huge roar, and rushed directly towards the bar. "Wow~"

The glass in front of the door was smashed, and the car rushed into the lobby.

Su Shaoze opened the car door, and saw several security guards walking towards him. "Da da da da da~"

The submachine gun was pointed at the sky, and under the intense gunfire, the security guards were frightened and fell to the ground with their heads in their arms.

Then, Su Shaoze aimed the gun at the fuel tank again. "boom!"

The car exploded, the billowing fireball burned, and the entire hall was directly reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

Su Shaoze followed his usual principles and did not leave any evidence.

All the handprints and footprints in the car will disappear with the fire.

Then, Su Shaoze found a place where no one was around, entered the spatial warehouse again, took off his headgear, took off his clothes, and changed into a custom-made suit.

I combed my hair, put on leather shoes, and brought a million Rolex gold watches.

The whole person seemed to have a suave feeling, and the young and handsome Boss Su was back again.


No one could tell that Su Shaoze at this time was the gun-wielding gangster who murdered and set fire just now!

After putting on his clothes and tidying himself up, he came out of the space warehouse. Although it took twenty minutes, the outside world only passed for a moment.

At this time, because of the explosion in the hall, the bar was in chaos.

Su Shaoze stopped a tall and beautiful waitress!

He took out a hundred dollars and said, "Beautiful lady, can you take me out through the back door?"

"There seems to be an accident at the front door, and my car can't get out in front!"

And this waiter is a white girl about eighteen or nineteen years old, tall, fair-skinned, and very beautiful.

Su Shaoze is already tall enough, but this white girl is only a little shorter than him.

Seeing the one hundred dollars in front of her eyes, her eyes lit up 877 instantly.

This is US dollars!

In this day and age, dollars are worth more than gold!

And a few decades back, during the gold rush era in the west, a dollar was a piece of gold!

When cowboys see a dollar bill, they all take off their hats!

And one hundred dollars is enough for the waiter's salary for two months!

"Of course, I'm happy to help you!" The waitress nodded quickly.

Looking up again, she found that standing in front of her was a tall and handsome young handsome guy.

Although Su Shaoze is Asian, his face belongs to the kind of tough and resolute, in line with the aesthetics of Westerners.

Moreover, she is tall, strong, and muscular, which makes this girl even more elated.

The most important thing is that Su Shaoze is rich, very rich!

Although this white girl is not very old, she has already developed her eyesight in a place like a bar.

The suit is from Khaki Leighton, which costs at least [-] US dollars, and the leather shoes are from Earl Kenny, which costs several thousand dollars.

The most important thing is that gold watch, at least a hundred thousand dollars!

"My God, is this the Prince Charming God gave me?" the Caucasian girl exclaimed in her heart, her eyes were full of little stars.

He hurriedly said, "My name is Nicole. Kidman, where are you going?"

Chapter 199 The Young Mermaid


Hearing this name, Su Shaoze froze for a moment, raised his head, and took a serious look at the beautiful white woman in front of him.

Mermaid?Tuao Aries?

The lights in the bar were a bit dim, but the shadow of the former goddess Oscar could be vaguely seen.

But now Nicole.Kidman is very young, very immature, and looks like he is only eighteen or nineteen years old.

Coupled with the fact that a white beauty matures early, her actual age may be even younger.

But at this time, she has already begun to show the demeanor of the goddess of later generations.

Su Shaoze didn't expect that he just called a beautiful woman casually, and it turned out to be a mermaid.

It was like a piece of delicious cake was placed in front of Su Shaoze, should I eat it or not?

"So beautiful Miss Kidman, would I have the honor to invite you to go shopping, have dinner together, and finally have a wonderful night?" Su Shaoze said in a personable manner, with a smile on his resolute face, full of enthusiasm Manly charm.

This moment, Nicole.Kidman's breathing suddenly became heavy.

Who could refuse the invitation of a handsome young man with a lot of money?

According to the net worth of the handsome guy in front of him, he will definitely not be stingy when shopping, and then there will be a wonderful night... Nicole.Kidman nodded happily: "Of course!" Her hearty look was not shy at all, but she was looking forward to it.

This is the difference between a white girl and a Chinese girl. For a Chinese girl, even if she is very willing in her heart, she will pretend to be embarrassed and shy on the surface.

at Nicole.Under Kidman's enthusiastic leadership, Su Shaoze left through the back door of the bar.

At this time, the streets were under martial law.

Hundreds of policemen surrounded the place, strictly checking every pedestrian who came and went.

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