killer?Still holding all AK47?

"What's going on? Why would a killer come to the hospital?" Neo asked.Roman said in horror, his face was pale, and his body was shaking constantly.

The dense gunshots told him all the time how fierce the firepower was outside and how vicious the killer was.

And these are all to kill Neo.Roman?

What is going on here?

The son was kidnapped, and there is no news yet, whether he is alive or dead.

The bank was robbed by gangsters, the vault was burned, and nearly a billion dollars were lost.

Countless bank depositors have come to run, wishing to tear down Roman Bank. The news is right, Roman Bank is about to go bankrupt.

And now, several killers armed with AK47 came to the hospital to kill Neo.Roman!


What is going on here?

Why did all the unlucky things happen to me.

Have you offended God in this matter?

"What's going on now?" Neo asked.Roman asked in horror.

"The brothers in the corridor are all dead, we can't stop them at all!" The bodyguard stood behind the door. Although he had experienced many big scenes, at this moment, he was very nervous.

At that moment just now, he saw the corpses of his subordinates in the corridor, all of which had been beaten into plugs.

But those killers were still shooting continuously, intensively, as if they were not afraid of wasting bullets at all.

The bodyguards were completely suppressed, unable to fight back at all.

The killers are still rushing forward, and will soon approach the ward, and it's not just Neo at that time.Roman is going to die, he, the captain, must die before Neo. "what!"

Neo.Roman stood up abruptly, shock and fear written all over his face. "Quickly, we must block them, and we must not let those killers rush in." "Call the police quickly and let them come to support~"

"Tell all the bodyguards that there is no way out now. If we are rushed by these killers, we will all die. As long as we can stop these killers, I will reward each of them with [-] U.S. dollars." His family is a million!"

Neo.Roman is very sober, knowing that it will take some time for the police to arrive, and at this time, the only thing he can rely on are these bodyguards!

Don't hesitate to spend a lot of money to motivate them 0...

Don't be afraid of death, and don't be afraid of getting hurt!

As long as it can protect Neo.Roman is safe and sound, and he will not treat them badly.

Sure enough, Neo.Roman's trick worked very well, and the bodyguards who heard the bonus amount from the walkie-talkie were no longer so scared. "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The gunshots sounded, and the bodyguards began to shoot at Su Shaoze and the others, blocking their approaching footsteps.Hearing the gunshots of resistance began to increase, Su Shaoze shouted directly: "Grenade!" These bodyguards were hiding in the wards on both sides, and Neo.Roman's room is the innermost one.

To kill Neo.Roman, you have to go through the wards on both sides first.

Bullets won't bend, but grenades can be controlled.

The four kicked open a nearby ward and walked in. Hou Weidong took out a grenade and pulled the ring, then threw it out.

The black grenade rolled forward on the ground and stopped right in front of the door of a bodyguard ward.

And because of blocking Su Shaoze's needs, the door of the ward was open, and several bodyguards were squatting there with guns ready to shoot.

Seeing a black ball rolling towards the ground, everyone's expressions changed dramatically. "Not good~"

They flew back, but it was too late.

Unless someone falls forward and covers the grenade with their body, it can also reduce the damage of others 2.1. But obviously, the bodyguards do not have this awareness, so everyone will be unlucky together. "Boom~"

There was an explosion, and the walls shook violently.

The few bodyguards standing at the door of the ward were unlucky, their bodies were covered with shrapnel, and one of them was blown away by the powerful explosive force.

It smashed the glass and fell directly from the tenth floor.


Taking advantage of this time, the four of Su Shaoze reappeared in the corridor and moved forward quickly. Su Shaoze shot with a gun, suppressing the guards in other rooms from showing their faces, while Hou Weidong appeared on both sides of the door of the ward, and walked sideways. The muzzle of the gun was pointed inside, regardless of whether there were people alive or not.

Just shoot. "Da da da da da~"

All of a sudden, everyone is completely dead! .

Chapter 203

The four of Su Shaoze cooperated closely, killed all the bodyguards outside in just a few minutes, and came to Neo.In front of Roman's room.

This is an iron gate, which is tightly closed and locked from the inside, and bullets cannot penetrate it at all.

"Then blow it up with a bomb!" Su Shaoze said in a harsh voice.

Lao Pao quickly brought a high explosive from the cart behind it, which was about the size of a handbag, only about one kilogram, but extremely powerful.

Using the suction cup to place it in the middle of the door, the four of them quickly evacuated to other rooms.


There was only a loud roar, and the entire hospital building seemed to tremble, and all the decorations on the walls fell off.

Even the four of Su Shaoze who were hiding in other rooms had their heads buzzing from the shock.

But they didn't dare to be three, and quickly rushed out with a gun in hand. When they came to the door of the ward, they found that the solid iron door had been blown away.

And behind the door, a 08 strong man in a black suit fell to the ground, lifeless, his whole body was blown to pieces.

Blood was flowing, and some pieces of meat were scattered on the ground. It was very bloody and terrifying. The captain of the bodyguard died before he could even scream.

Going further inside, I saw a guy covered in blood crawling out of the ruins. It seemed that his legs were broken, and only his hands were struggling to crawl out.

And on his body, there was a heavy bed board, and it was precisely because this bed board resisted most of the impact for him.

So there is no big injury!

Su Shaoze rushed up and grabbed his hair and lifted it up to have a look, Neo.Roman!

This guy was lucky, he was not dead yet, and he was dragged out by his hair immediately.


Hair hurts from being pulled, Neo.Roman's somewhat mushy head gradually regained consciousness after being blown up.

There was a scream of pain!

Looking up, what appeared in front of him were four men in white coats, even though they were covered with a lot of dust.

"Who are you? Who sent you here? How much did he pay you?

"As long as you spare my life, I can double or triple your commission!"

Neo.Roman screamed, as if Su Shaoze and the others had been hired as professional killers.

It's just that until now, he still hasn't thought about who he has offended.

"Hehe, three times the commission? That's a lot!"

"It's just that Roman Bank is about to go bankrupt, can you still get that much money?" Su Shaoze laughed.

Throw him to the ground.

"I have money, I have a lot of money, and I have a million dollars in my account in Switzerland, all of which can be given to you." Neo said.Roman shouted as if seeing hope.

He still understands the truth of the cunning rabbit's three caves.

Roman Bank is the property of the Roman family, and the money in the Swiss bank is his personal property.

It's just that the money inside must not be just a million dollars!

Clinker, Su Shaoze dismissed the million dollars at all, and said with a sneer, "One million dollars? Is it a lot?" "How much money did we rob from Roman Bank a few days ago?" Su Shaoze turned his head and looked at Hou Weidong .And Hou Weidong smiled ferociously: "Two hundred million dollars!" What?

Hearing what Su Shaoze and the others said, Neo.Roman was stunned, looked at Su Shaoze in horror, and said in disbelief: "Are you the robbers who robbed Roman's bank?" "That's right, it's us!"

"And it's not just about robbing the bank, we even kidnapped your son in order to find an opportunity to rob the bank and kill the grass!" Su Shaoze said softly.

Let this guy be a fool!

And Neo.Luo Liang was stunned and yelled frantically, "Who the hell are you?"

During this period of time, all his misfortunes have come from this group of people in front of him.

The son was kidnapped, the bank was robbed, and now he's being attacked too.

Life is so unfortunate that he suspects that he has offended God, but now it seems that he has offended these people. "Hehe, who am I?"

"I'm Su Shaoze, you should remember this name!"

"Unexpectedly, you hired mercenaries to go to Hong Kong Island to kill me, but now I am standing in front of you, pointing a gun at your head." Su Shaoze pulled off his hood, and looked at Neo with a grin.Roman.

And heard his name, Neo.Roman was obviously stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, the name was very familiar.

But after hearing Hong Kong Island and mercenaries, he immediately thought of something.

Isn’t the boss behind the Wing Lung Bank’s Galaxy Fund on Hong Kong Island, which is about to go bankrupt, called Su Shaoze?

And I also sent mercenaries to kidnap him, but there is no news about the mercenaries now.

Too much shit going on these days, Neo.Roman almost forgot about it.

But unexpectedly, Su Shaoze brought someone from Hong Kong Island. "You, you... it's you!"

Neo.Roman looked horrified, he really didn't expect Su Shaoze to be so reckless, so reckless that he came to Tu'ao to fuck himself.

There were so many troubles, not only kidnapped his own son, but also caused 890 Roman Bank to go bankrupt immediately.

What a lunatic!

If he knew this earlier, he would rather give up Wing Lung Bank than provoke this guy!

But now I can play anything!

"Let me go, let me go, I was wrong, don't kill me!"

"I still have money, I can give it all to you!" Neo said.Roman hurriedly begged for mercy.

But Su Shaoze has lost interest in money.

"Compared with money, I prefer to blow your head off with a single shot!" As he said, Su Shaoze stuffed the gun directly into Neo.Roman's mouth.

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