Investing in film and television media is all about influence.

Real estate and finance are the real moneymakers!

"Old Huang has done a good job in the media group!" Su Shaoze nodded.

"Speaking of which, you have followed me very early, and you are the right-hand man just like Lao Huang."

"Now that Lao Huang has become the general manager of a group, you have to shoulder additional burdens!" Su Shaoze said in a flat voice.

And Ye Tianci understood something in an instant, there was no change on his face, but there was already a little excitement in his heart.Continue to listen to Su Shaoze saying: "Lao Ye, prepare yourself, our Galaxy Group should also be established!" "In the name of Galaxy Group, we will purchase Hong Kong Island Electric."

"By 2.1, the Galaxy Group will become one of the largest comprehensive financial groups on Hong Kong Island!"

"With Galaxy Fund and Wing Lung Bank as the center, it includes the media industry, real estate industry, electric power industry, construction industry, manufacturing industry, hotel and tourism industry, etc.!" existence like that." Backed by the future mainland market, it is entirely possible for Su Shaoze's goal to be realized. "And No. 21 Central Avenue is the future headquarters of our Galaxy Group."

"I have already had people buy the two adjacent office buildings, and when the time comes, together with the Chinese Grand Theater, they will be overthrown and rebuilt." "Build our Galaxy Building!"

"It will become the tallest building on Hong Kong Island, and like the Convention and Exhibition Center, it will become a landmark building on Hong Kong Island."

Chapter 217 The World Owes Him a Peace Prize

The establishment of the Galaxy Group will become a major event in Hong Kong Island in the future.

The newly established Galaxy Group is a large comprehensive group, which includes Su Media Group, Galaxy Fund, Wing Lung Bank, Butterfly Bay Properties, etc.!

And Ye Tianci became the CEO of Galaxy Group!

Become a rising business giant on Hong Kong Island!

Immediately afterwards, another piece of news came out, which instantly detonated the Hong Kong Island business circle and the stock market.

Galaxy Group announced that it already holds [-]% of the shares of Hong Kong Island Electric Company, and officially issued an acquisition invitation to Hong Kong Island Electric Company!

Intended to wholly acquire Hong Kong Island Electric Lighting Company, making it a subsidiary of Galaxy Group!

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar on Hong Kong Island!

Now is the most tense time of the financial crisis, everyone in the market is in danger, and people are selling assets for countless days, but the banks have tightened their monetary policy at this time.

Everyone has no money!

Not only do they have no money, but they are still living in debt. The interest that must be returned to the bank every day is a huge number.

Everyone can't wait to cover their wallets tightly to live.

However, the Galaxy Group is so good that it actually launched an acquisition of Hong Kong Island Electric Lighting at this time!

Can't help wondering, is the Galaxy Group really capable of acquiring Hong Kong Island Lighting?

Where did they get the money?

Anyway, at this time, it is very difficult for the bank to make a mortgage loan to the Galaxy Group.

And Hong Kong Island Electric is a giant company on Hong Kong Island, with a market value of more than [-] million, and it exists like a behemoth.

If you want to acquire it, if you don't have billions of cash, you can only buy it!

Share-for-share exchange, the shares of Galaxy Group are exchanged for the shares of Hong Kong Island Electric.

It depends on how the Galaxy Group operates!

However, the appearance of this news is not without benefits for the entire Hong Kong Island market.

Instead, like a flame, it ignited the winter of the entire stock market.

Not only the shares of Hong Kong Island Electric have started to grow wildly against the trend, but also those companies associated with Hong Kong Island Electric, such as the coal industry, shipping industry, electrical manufacturing industry, etc.

The stock prices of these companies have also begun to rise!

With its own strength, Galaxy Group has brought a short-lived Zirong to the Hong Kong Island market!

At the same time, the construction of the Galaxy Building has already started!

A well-known design team has been hired from the world, and the designer has given a preliminary plan.

This building will be located at No. 21 Central Avenue, covering an area of ​​more than [-] square meters!

It is divided into three floors underground and 118 floors above ground!

The total height will reach about 450 meters, and the expected construction time is three years!

Once completed, the Galaxy Tower will become the tallest building on Hong Kong Island and the most famous landmark building on Hong Kong Island.

In this way, it will be a great invisible benefit to the status and popularity of the entire Galaxy Group.

But for now, all of this still exists in the imagination, and the movie theater has not yet begun to be demolished!

Therefore, the temporary headquarters of the Galaxy Group was placed in the original Wing Lung Building!

In the chairman's office, Ye Tianci, CEO of Galaxy Group, sat on the sofa and reported to Su Shaoze about the acquisition of Hong Kong Island Electric.

"Very unsatisfactory",! "

Ye Tianci shook his head with a serious face.

"Hong Kong Island Electric's board of directors rejected our acquisition offer and stated that they will not sell Hong Kong Island Electric for some time!"

"We also contacted some minority shareholders, some of whom were unwilling to even meet face to face, and some told me that they would advance and retreat with the Kaisermai family!"

"As for the minority shareholders who were going to sell their shares in Hong Kong Island Electric, their shares ended up in the hands of the Kaisermai family."

"Under the same price, they will not sell us, they will only sell it to the Kaisermai family!"

"Just because we are Chinese, they are the same race, from the same place!"

Ye Tianci shook his head and said, the acquisition was very unsuccessful.

Although the Galaxy Group has already controlled [-]% of the shares, it has the qualifications to join the board of directors.

But there is still a long way to go to control the lights of Hong Kong Island!

What's more, the major shareholder of Hong Kong Island Electric at this time, the Kaisermeier family who is also the head of the board of directors, has reached about 44% of the shares.

Coupled with some day-to-day shareholders who have advanced and retreated with them, the shares controlled by the Kaisermai family have exceeded 50%!

Without the control of Hong Kong Island Lighting, everything the Galaxy Group has done before will be in vain.

Ye Tianci was very angry, but also very powerless!

It's not that he didn't do well, and it's not that the Yinhe Group has no money, but those ghosts just don't sell it!

Damn it!

"I even told those that I am willing to raise the price a little bit more. This time, some people let go, but if they open their mouths, they will raise the price by another [-]%. They really take us for a fool!" Ye Tianci said angrily.

Under the previous economic crisis, the stock price of Hong Kong Island Electric plummeted, and Galaxy Group took the opportunity to acquire more than [-]% of the shares.

However, it also caused the stock price of Hong Kong Island Electric to increase against the trend. Now the stock price of Hong Kong Electric is much higher than before the financial crisis.

In order to acquire the shares from those shareholders, the Galaxy Group had already quoted a [-]% premium, but they were not satisfied and wanted to increase it by another [-]%.

In this case, even if the Galaxy Group really bought Hong Kong Island Lighting, it would have to spend more than two billion yuan for it.

Even if Su Shaoze had money, he wouldn't spend it like this!

Listening to Ye Tianci's report, Su Shaoze shook his head helplessly and sighed, and said to Ye, "] Hong Kong Island Lighting is related to the decisive development of Galaxy Group in the future, and it must be acquired!" "Okay! I'll take care of this matter Let's deal with it!"

Whenever Su Shaoze said these words, it meant that something bad happened.

It is also inevitable to use some unconventional commercial methods.

As for Ye Tianci, who is Su Shaoze's right-hand man, he is also clear!

He also knows what kind of existence Lone Wolf Security is!

No, even if he had some guesses about what Su Shaoze was going to do, he would never ask too much, and would only do his own thing well.

After Ye Tianci left, he walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the dense flow of people downstairs, with a gloomy expression, he was as calm as a handsome man under the sunlight. "Why bother? I just want to do business honestly, why is it so difficult?" "You insist on forcing me to break the rules, why are you so cheap?" "Actually, I'm a good person!"

The world's most thug said such words, the earth owes him a peace prize! ,

Chapter 218

The five years after 82 were the five years with the fastest economic growth on Hong Kong Island!

Hong Kong Island in this period can be said to be full of gold, the stock market has risen wildly, and land has been speculated at sky-high prices.

Movie box office is also higher than one!

You can make money by doing anything, even those who sell tea eggs are full of greasy food.

And during this period of time, the market value of Hong Kong Island Lighting has also been growing crazily at any time!

In the original time and space, the Kaisermai family was determined not to sell shares as it is now.

And this is a very wise decision!

Until 85 years!

Under the hot economic environment of Hong Kong Island and the stimulation of inflation, the market value of Hong Kong Island Lighting has soared to more than [-] billion Hong Kong dollars!

Li Chaoren spent 30 billion and only bought a [-]% stake in Hong Kong Island Electric.

The gap is not a little bit!

Su Shaoze doesn't want to wait until then and be taken advantage of!

Take advantage of this financial crisis to take advantage of the quick battle and take down the electric lights on Hong Kong Island in one fell swoop.

At Hong Kong Island Airport, a passenger plane bound for the sun is slowly taking off.

After the plane stabilized, Su Shaoze unfastened his seat belt, and asked a pretty stewardess for a glass of water.

Then there was an extra piece of paper in his hand, he glanced at it and stuffed it into his jacket pocket.

890 walked into the bathroom and once again experienced the feeling of rapid progress.

In the first-class cabin, seven or eight employees of the Galaxy Group all looked like they hadn't seen them, and they closed their eyes and took a rest!

These people are people from the Galaxy Group, including lawyers, accountants, financial analysts, assistants, etc.!

This time, Su Shaoze went to Japan to negotiate with the Kaisermai family on the acquisition of HK Electric.

So these people are indispensable!

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