-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A major event happened today in Sujia Village, which has been silent for a long time.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen cars came and stopped at the entrance of the village, not only many police cars, but also several black cars!

Most people in Sujia Village have never seen so many cars in their entire lives!

So at the entrance of the village, in the fields beside the road, they stopped working and gathered together, surrounded by dozens of nearly a hundred people on the inner and outer three floors.

From a distance, he watched Su Dongzhen talk to the 'leader' from above.

The clothes of these people are very simple, and most of the clothes are cut by themselves. Although they fit well, they are naturally much less aesthetically pleasing. Naturally, there is no way to compare with Su Shaoze and the others.After all, many of them are in suits and leather shoes.

Among these people, some had their trousers rolled up, their feet were bare, and there was still a lot of mud on their feet, while others were shirtless, revealing slightly dark but healthy skin.

This kind of attire with the ultimate 'local flavor' formed a stark contrast with Su Shaoze and the others.

But following Su Dongzhen's loud roar, these people froze instantly.

"The old Liu's Yuejin is back?"

The leap forward of the old six family?

The name is so familiar, children may not have much impression of it, after all, Su Shaoze has been in Hong Kong Island for six or seven years.

And before going to Hong Kong Island, he still stayed in the army for several years!

Therefore, this name is unfamiliar to many people in Sujia Village, but some elders of Su Shaoze.

Some of his father's brothers of the same generation reacted instantly. After hearing this name, their whole bodies trembled.

When a group of rough men ran in front of Su Shaoze, they all became excited and shouted.

"The kid from the old six family?"

"It's really the leap forward of the sixth brother's family"~"

"It's great that Yuejin is back. After all these years, I thought you died outside~"


Looking at these familiar faces, they were just a little older than in memory.

But the concern and joy in their eyes could not be concealed.

At this moment, Su Shaoze's heart was also touched, this is the breath of hometown, this is the feeling of being connected by blood.

Surrounded by a group of uncles and brothers of the same generation, they walked along the small dirt road to the small village under the sunset. Su Shaoze's trousers were soon dirty with one foot deep and the other shallow.

But Su Shaoze didn't care at all. Didn't he grow up walking on this dirt road every day with his shoes off and barefoot?

There are very few glass products in this era, so you don't have to worry about getting your feet scratched on the road.

Fortunately, Ye Yingwen and the other women had been reminded by Su Shaoze before they came, so they didn't come out wearing high heels, otherwise, it would be really difficult for them to walk.

Soon, the whole Su family village spread the news that the boy from Su Laoliu's family who had been away for five or six years came back.

And in the past few years, he has been messing around outside, not only wearing the suits in the movie, but also sitting in many cars, and even escorted by the police!

The news spread like crazy throughout the small village, and all the villagers were alarmed immediately.

They stopped working in the fields, and stopped cooking at home. They ran out of the house one after another to see what the boys from Su's old six family were like now.

Su Shaoze laughed and greeted those people, either uncle or uncle, aunt and everything.While surprising those people, they realized that it was here.

And now Su Shaoze has completely changed his appearance~

Not only has he become white and clean, but he is tall and heroic, and he is wearing a suit that only exists in movies. He is more fashionable and handsome than a star!

Behind him were a dozen strong bodyguards in black suits, and a dozen police officers were waiting outside the village.

It was hard for the villagers who stayed in the village all day long to imagine that the boy from the old six family of Su had really become a big shot.

Following behind Su Shaoze, Ye Yingwen was wearing a lady's suit and a pair of flat shoes. She was neat and tidy, and had a mature and intellectual charm.

Looking at the surrounding environment, there are low adobe walls and houses made of yellow mud.

Looking at the curious and enthusiastic villagers, they are dirty and basically wearing a pair of puddings.

All this touched Ye Yingwen very much.

"This is Brother Ze's hometown?"

"How poor!"

This is not to belittle Su Shaoze, but in fact, at this moment, Ye Yingwen admires her husband even more in her heart!

This place is so poor that there is no way out, not even enough to eat.

However, Su Shaoze still came to Hong Kong Island. Starting from nothing, he started from scratch and established the huge Galaxy Group. In just a few years, he became the richest man in Hong Kong Island.

Such achievements are simply not possible for ordinary people.

Thinking of all the hardships involved, and thinking of Su Shaoze growing up in such an environment, Ye Yingwen felt even more distressed.

The man who looked at him with red eyes concealed such a difficult past under his boundless beauty.

Soon, Su Shaoze followed the crowd to the second uncle Su Dongzhen's house.

The old house of Su Shaoze's family might be about to collapse after all these years, and even if it didn't collapse, it would definitely be unlivable if it hadn't been cleaned for so many years.

At this time, Su Shaoze held Ye Yingwen's hand and said in front of these uncles.

"` ‖Dear uncles and elders, this is my daughter-in-law, Ye Yingwen (Wang De's), who I married on Hong Kong Island, bring me back to meet the elders."

"And Yingwen just gave birth to a son for me this year, named Su Tianyou."

"It's too young, I'm afraid he won't be able to stand the bumps on the road, so he stayed at home on Hong Kong Island to take care of his father-in-law..."

Su Shaoze took Ye Yingwen's hand and introduced them, and Ye Yingwen obediently followed Su Shaoze, the second uncle, the third uncle, and the seventh uncle shouted.

Seeing Su Dongzhen and the other old people at a loss, they could only keep smiling and nodding their heads, "Good job."

It's true that Ye Yingwen is so beautiful, she is in a completely different realm from today's rural women.

Just looking at the clothes, she is very temperamental, much more beautiful than the pictures of female stars in those books!

They didn't expect that Su Shaoze not only became prosperous on Hong Kong Island, but also married such a beautiful daughter-in-law! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Even if Su Shaoze has achieved great success and become a big shot now, he is still his own family.

But in the face of Ye Yingwen, a beautiful and outrageous niece and daughter-in-law, these uncles of Su Shaoze were very cautious.

He could only keep smiling and nodding, expressing his satisfaction.

These rough guys who have dealt with the land all their lives don't know how to communicate with Ye Yingwen, a beautiful young girl.

Perhaps seeing their restraint, Su Shaoze asked Ye Yingwen to talk to those aunts and sisters-in-law.

After Ye Yingwen left, the old men in the room breathed a sigh of relief and slowly became active.

Asked about Su Shaoze's experiences over the years and how he is doing in Hong Kong Island now.

Su Shaoze just told them that he was doing well in Hong Kong Island, and didn't dare to tell them too much, so as not to scare them.

But even so, these uncles are very happy.

The descendants of the Su family are finally promising, and they can drive around in that bustling place on Hong Kong Island. When they go home, they will be accompanied by police cars.

It can be said that it has greatly improved the face of the Su family!

"Second uncle, third uncle, you guys are talking here, I'll go to my old house first!"

Second Uncle Su Shaoze and the others said.

At this time, the second uncle Su Dongzhen waved his hand and said: "Okay, you go and have a look first, I'll call your uncles over, let's have a drink tonight."

Afterwards, Su Shaoze took Ye Yingwen and the bodyguards to his old house.

The old house of Su Shaoze's family is located at the foot of the mountain not far from the woods over there. It is a very ordinary-looking mud tile house, which does not look dilapidated on the surface.

However, this is the case with mud tile houses. If no one lives in them for a long time, it is not surprising that there will be water leakage and insects, and they will rot quickly.

But if there are people living there all the time, it is not a very strange thing to live there for dozens or hundreds of years.

But after opening the door, I found that the inside was relatively intact.

The furnishings inside were still the same as when Su Shaoze left, but there was a musty smell in the air, and there was a lot of dust and cobwebs in the room.

The bodyguards all stood quietly outside the room, while Su Shaoze held Ye Yingwen's hand and stood quietly in the middle of the room.

At this moment, scenes from the past seemed to appear in his eyes.


On this day, the Sujia Village, which was quite peaceful in the past, immediately became lively.

Su Shaoze already had people buy a lot of things in the provincial capital yesterday, and he specially hired someone to pull them over from the provincial capital, almost following Su Shaoze's motorcade.

Several large carts were filled with daily necessities such as flour, pork, grain and oil

For Su Shaoze, these gifts are not valuable at all, but he knows that these gifts are what the villagers need most at this time.

The villagers who received the gifts were naturally delighted from ear to ear.

During this period in the mainland, almost everything was in short supply. Although the common people could barely eat enough, they couldn't eat well.

I eat coarse grains every day, and I can eat stewed meat all year round.

As for the white flour, the big fan of pork, these fine foods that Su Shaoze sent people to, the villagers really liked it.

What surprised them the most was that Su Shaoze also gave each family a TV, and they were all in color.

In the mainland, even a cheap black and white TV set costs several hundred, and a color one may cost thousands.

This is still a luxury that is hard to buy with money!

Even among the residents in the provincial capital, it would be nice if half of them had a TV set.

And Su Shaoze gave one to every family in Sujia Village, which made the villagers laugh even more.

In this era, entertainment activities are quite scarce, so the novelty that TV can bring joy, in this period, is sought after to a degree that people in later generations cannot imagine.

Since then, every household in Sujia Village has lived a small life with a TV set.

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