
-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The room was very small and messy, except for a row of bunks and a few bedding, there was no decent furniture at all, and there was a weird smell in the air.

This group of children, big and small, lived in such an environment.

They are forced to 'work' by those bad guys every day.

Their clothes were all shabby, their bodies were very thin, and their faces showed a kind of malnourished dish.

There was a stark contrast with Tang Xiaoxuan, who had fair skin, a round pretty face, and beautiful clothes.

She was completely out of place with these kids.

After being locked up here for a day, she was like a quail, not daring to talk to anyone, and crouched in a corner crying helplessly with her knees hugged.

Not long after, Tang Xiaoxuan suddenly found that the light in front of her was blocked by a shadow.

Slowly raising his head, he found that it was another little girl in the room.

She looks seven or eight years old, wearing a boy's clothes, wearing a broken sneaker on her feet, with short hair, and a dirty face, but it can still be seen that this little girl is pretty.

There are sixteen or seventeen children in this room, most of them are boys, and there are five girls, and this little girl seems to be the eldest sister among these girls.

"Don't cry, it's useless for you to do this."

The little girl slowly squatted beside Tang Xiaoxuan, picked up the steamed bun on the ground and handed it to Tang Xiaoxuan, "You must have been arrested here, right?"

Tang Xiaoxuan nodded lightly, her face full of confusion.

She didn't understand what was going on at all, she just remembered that after school, after talking with Su, before getting into the car, she felt like she was flying, and was caught on the motorcycle by a bad guy.

Then blindfolded and brought to this place.

After seeing the children around her, she felt like she had met a trafficker.

I used to hear my grandma say that if you are disobedient and run around, you will be caught by traffickers and you will never see your parents again.

She didn't know that it was grandma who threatened her, but she was very puzzled. She didn't run around at all, nor was she disobedient, but she still met a trafficker.

Grandma lied to me!

Thinking that she would never see her parents again, Tang Xiaoxuan was very scared~

"If you want to leave here, you should eat something. If you don't eat, you will have no strength, and you will not be able to walk."

The little girl's slightly dirty steamed buns were placed in Tang Xiaoxuan's hands.


"If you don't eat it, they will snatch it away." The little girl glanced at the other children around and said with a smile.

The other children looked at it quietly, but nothing happened to snatch the food.

In fact, these children are all orphans without father and mother. They have lived together in the society for a long time, and they have a very good relationship with each other, even closer than brothers.

The little girl said this purely to scare Tang Xiaoxuan.

"Hmm~" Tang Xiaoxuan lowered her head and nodded softly.

"Thank you, sister!"

Perhaps it was the little girl's kindness that finally made Tang Xiaoxuan no longer so lonely and afraid. The feeling of fear eased a little, and her stomach rumbled unsatisfactorily.

Taking the steamed buns and eating them slowly, she found that the steamed buns were even more delicious than the cakes she had eaten before.

"Sister, my name is Xiaoxuan, were you also caught here by those bad guys?"

The little girl also sat down, sitting side by side with Tang Xiaoxuan, nodded lightly, and then shook her head lightly: "That's right, but it's not!"

Tang Xiaoxuan was puzzled, what is yes and no?

The little girl smiled softly: "We are all orphans without father and mother, we all grew up in orphanages~"

The little girl talked about their past, and the fate of this group of children was very pitiful.

Basically all abandoned!

Like a six-year-old boy sitting in the doorway with his upper lip split in two, and a kid with a heart problem.

Some children are abandoned by their parents because of congenital diseases, and others are purely because their parents don't want them.

It is possible that the family is poor, wants a boy, and does not want to raise an extra girl.

Or it is the result of puppy love. Their parents are still a child. After this situation is born, they can only be placed in an orphanage.

Otherwise, with a child, there will be no honest person to take over.

Or, just like Lord Wei, his mother doesn't even know who his biological father is, too many!

The development of Hong Kong Island has brought about a large number of immigrants, the living environment, and social pressure, which have also produced many orphans.

These children in the room are outcasts of society.

"We were all deceived or caught here at the beginning. At that time, we were very unwilling, and many people wanted to escape."

"But slowly, I realized that even if we leave this place, where can we go?"

"Orphanage, I don't want to go back~"

The little girl was also like Tang Xiaoxuan, sitting on the ground with her arms around her knees.

Although it seems that she has a bright personality and is the eldest sister of all girls, is there a sense of insecurity in her heart?

Here, although they don't live well, don't eat well, and may be beaten and scolded by those bad guys, at least they still have a group of brothers and sisters together.

They are very happy!

Therefore, these factors have led to these children being somewhat inseparable from here.

"Then what do you usually do? During the day, I found that you are not here." Tang Xiaoxuan asked suspiciously.

"We're going to make money during the day! We also make money on our own." The little girl said immediately.

After some explanations from him, Tang Xiaoxuan slowly opened her mouth, and stared at her blankly.

Because she discovered that what the sister in front of her was talking about making money was actually stealing things from the street.

Although these children are young and small, it is precisely because of this that they are not easy to be guarded against, and they are flexible and agile, and they can steal a lot of wallets every day!


"By the way, sister, I still don't know your name~"

Tang Xiaoxuan no longer bothered about their stealing, although the teacher told her that stealing is not good.

But she felt that the elder sister in front of her was a good boy.

The little girl didn't realize this either, so she just said naturally:

"My name is Tian Yangen!".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Tian Yangen? What a strange name~"

Tang Xiaoxuan said in surprise, she had never seen someone surnamed Tian!

"Actually, this is the name we gave ourselves. I have forgotten what my original name was." Tian Yangen said softly.

Then others were introduced.

Pointing to a boy sitting in the middle opposite, about eight or nine years old, with a curly hairstyle and a cold face, he looks cool.

"He's called Tian Yangsheng~"

Tian Yang Sheng, a lonely and domineering name like Long Ao Tian, ​​was not born by heaven and earth, but was raised by heaven and earth.

At first glance, this name sounds a bit secondary, but in fact, no one can understand the loneliness they bear.

They have no parents, and perhaps they hate their parents for abandoning themselves even more.

The helplessness and hardship in the orphanage taught them the sadness and suffering of the world, and he prefers to beat himself out with his fists—the justice of the world.

"Where is the axiom? Why didn't I see it? Where was the axiom when I had no food to eat? Where was the axiom when I watched my sick brother die in pain and there was nothing I could do?"

"Axiom must be achieved with fists. You must have strength!"

This may be a bad person, but he is not a pure bad person, and cannot be judged simply by good or evil, because such a worldview contains a group of children's suffering memories.

Their faces were pale, they were beaten and scolded, and they wandered alone in this cruel world.

Human nature is but a microcosm of the world.

The world has created all these tragedies, but now, Tian Yangsheng and his younger brothers and sisters are just a group of children.


Just when Tang Xiaoxuan started to make new friends, Lone Wolf had already started to act.

A group of fully armed lone wolf soldiers rushed to the outside of this remote courtyard in an assault vehicle.

And Su Shaoze also arrived at the fastest speed by helicopter.

Three armed helicopters were flying in the sky, beside him was his son, Su Tianyou.

It was not the first time to take a helicopter, flying in the sky, Su Tianyou didn't have any fear at all.

But this time, Su Tianyou felt something different.

There are real guys on the plane, not only the bodyguards are wearing bulletproof combat uniforms and holding assault guns, even the cabin is equipped with heavy machine guns.

It's really going to war! !

"Dad, where are we going?" Su Tianyou looked excited, not at all afraid of war, but very exciting.


Born with a dream of a gold and iron horse.

Maybe when he sees the real battlefield in the future, he won't have this feeling, with blood flying and gunpowder filled.

There will never be the romance of gold and iron horses, but the cruel reality like hell.

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