Compared to Julia, she is more daring, and seems to have her own vigilance.

After consciously inquiring about Su Shaoze's identity, the reason why they did this job was not only to make money, but also to make connections.

As for a young and wealthy client like Su Shaoze, Jedi is a very high-quality target.

If the relationship can be further developed, maybe there will be a chance to be entrusted with a big money.

Even if it doesn't work, maybe they can help them in their careers. This is a shortcut for many girls to dream of becoming famous overnight.

If this is the case, Cindy is willing to serve Su Shaoze for free.

Facing the curious eyes of the two wild horses, Su Shaoze smiled disdainfully: "Can the islanders be as handsome as me? They are all a bunch of ugly dwarfs."

"Of course I came to the United States for business. I came to buy Hollywood."

Buying Hollywood?


Cindy and Julia laughed at the same time, obviously thinking that Su Shaoze was joking.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"If you buy Hollywood, I will serve you for free every day, and you can do whatever you want." Cindy giggled.

Obviously took Su Shaoze's words as a joke.

Hollywood is the center of the US film industry. It is not easy to acquire Hollywood.

That place is radiant, countless people yearn for overnight fame, and it is a holy place in the eyes of these young men and women.

Why don't these two women, Cindy and Julia, want to become famous in Hollywood and become big stars?

They are all members of Hollywood, the only difference is that Cindy is a small model, specially taking photos for magazines.

And Julia is a young actor who has played a few supporting roles, but she is still far away from becoming a Hollywood superstar.

"There are many companies in Hollywood, and the most famous ones are the seven major film companies. Each of them has billions of dollars in assets. It is not easy to acquire."

"There are still many small film companies, some of which can be bought for only hundreds of thousands of dollars, and of course many more are companies that are about to go bankrupt and have no ability to make movies, so they cannot be called movies. The company is specially sold to cheat investors."

"If you really want to buy a studio in Hollywood, you'd better do your research. 9"

Julia carefully explained to Su Shaoze that she seemed to be a kind-hearted woman, and of course she had her own little thoughts.

If the young man in front of him really intends to buy a company in Hollywood, even if it's just a small movie company.

As long as she can make movies, Julia will work harder, and she will get some care in the future, and her star journey will become smoother.

The two women didn't doubt Su Shaoze's ability to buy a small film company, but they didn't expect that Su Shaoze's real goal was the Seventh National Congress.

Warner, Universal, Disney, Fox, Paramount, MGM, Columbia!

In Su Shaoze's view, the strength of a person's power depends on the resources and power he possesses.

Money, contacts, influence, and the right to speak are all part of personal power.

When Su Shaoze started his business, the first company he established was Su Films, which specialized in making movies.

The first group formed was Su's Media Group, which controlled the sounding tube.

When it comes to assets and profitability, Su's Media is not outstanding in the Galaxy Group, and it can even be regarded as mediocre, which is holding the Galaxy Group back.

But this still cannot conceal the fact that it plays a vital role in the Galaxy Group.

It is precisely because of Su's media group that Su Shaoze can firmly grasp the trend of public opinion on Hong Kong Island and firmly control the right to speak.

Therefore, even the governor of Hong Kong needs to ask Su Shaoze's opinion and seek the support of public opinion in some matters.

It's the same in the mainland, they pay more attention to the role of propaganda and public opinion, never underestimate Su Shaoze's role, and try their best to win him over.

And this set is also applicable in the United States, even because they advocate spiritual freedom, they are more susceptible to the influence of media and public opinion.

During elections, what both sides need most is the support of major media groups, which directly determines the number of their votes.

Some congressmen even dared not offend some media tycoons because they had some dirty information.

And so on, too many to count.

Su Shaoze wanted to gain a foothold in the country of America as soon as possible, and to have a certain status. The easiest way was to grasp the right to speak.

Media group!

Su Shaoze wants to re-establish a media group in the United States.

Merged with Su's Media on Hong Kong Island. At that time, this brand new media group was a world media giant.

In the whole world, will have a pivotal position.

And a media conglomerate has many parts.

Taking Su's Media as an example, the core is TV networks, radio stations, newspapers and film companies, followed by record companies, comic companies, printing companies and so on!

So Su Shaoze established a media group in the United States, planning to start with the acquisition of a film company.

Not the small independent studios, but the Big Seven.

Because only these seven film companies are members of the MPAA, they have formulated the Hollywood film rating system, hold a pair of big scissors, and have the right to speak to the entire Hollywood.

Only these seven film companies have the ability to independently distribute films and have complete overseas distribution channels.

Other small film companies have to look at their faces, and if they want their own films to be released, they have to go through the squeeze and exploitation of the seven majors.

The famous director Jaws Berg, the DreamWorks he established, was exploited by the Seven Greats in vain precisely because of the lack of overseas distribution channels, and finally failed to escape the fate of being acquired.

Therefore, if the Galaxy Group wants to quickly gain a foothold in Hollywood and not be squeezed out, the best choice is to acquire one of the Big Seven.

As for which one to buy, Su Shaoze already had a preference in mind.

After acquiring the film company, it is like acquiring ATV in Hong Kong Island, acquiring a TV network in the United States.

Then it is to acquire some influential newspapers and newspapers, and use these three parts as the core to form a media group.

There are five main TV networks in the United States: NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX

These five TV networks cover the entire North America and have a huge audience base. Only one of them needs to be acquired, and Su Shaoze's influence in the United States will rise in a straight line.

When those congressmen and judges face Su Shaoze, they will no longer because of the face of the Rockefeller family, but because of their sincere friendship from the heart.

Of course, the acquisition of film companies and TV networks requires a huge amount of money, at least [-] billion US dollars to start.

Therefore, all actions need to wait for the outbreak of the financial crisis two months later.

At that time, the entire United States was crying, and there were countless bankrupt companies.

The Big Seven and the Big Five networks won't be having an easier time either.

At that time, Su Shaoze will use the money he earned from shorting the U.S. market to directly buy bottoms from these companies.

Now, all he needs to do is wait for the stock market crash to break out, and now Su Shaoze only needs to enjoy the caring services of the two Dayang horses with their own identities.

"Baby, thank you for your concern and reminder, I will pay attention."

"In a few months, you will see news about me in the newspaper, and you will definitely be shocked." Su Shaoze said with a chuckle.

"Tomorrow I will leave the United States, and I will miss you."

"Now we still have some time, we should do something more meaningful."

After Su Shaoze finished speaking, the two big ocean horses let out an exclamation, and violent water soon rolled up in the bath

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"David, thank you for your hospitality these days, allowing me to appreciate the 'prosperity' of Mi Li's city and the enthusiasm of the girls."

"It's a memory to cherish."

Niu made an appointment at the international airport, Su Shaoze bid farewell to David and Xiaobu Yiyi, the three of them looked like brothers.

"Haha~Su, we are good brothers!" David laughed and said, "Whenever you come to America again, I will definitely let you experience something more different~."

"Really? I'm looking forward to it!" Su Shaoze nodded.

But I know in my heart that it is impossible to come to the United States in the short term.

Two months later, the financial crisis was about to break out. At that time, there was a lot of mourning in the United States. Banks went bankrupt, businesses went bankrupt, and ordinary people lived on the streets without paying rent and became homeless.

And Su Shaoze was the black hand behind the disaster who took advantage of the fire to loot.

He didn't want to go to the United States at that time and become the target of some people to vent their anger.

"Xiaobu, don't mind my directness. Although you have some talent in business, continuing to run your oil company is undoubtedly a waste of your talent."

Su Shaoze turned his head to look at Xiaobu: "You are a born political and intellectual, your battlefield should be in Washington, and your future should be in the tallest house."

"Thank you, Su, I will seriously consider it." Xiaobu shook hands with Su Shaoze lightly, and said seriously.

After these days of playing, they have become the closest comrade-in-arms relationship, Su Shaoze's words cannot allow him to ignore them.

In fact, before this, his father had advised him to give up the company and hand it over to his partners.

But he was going to run for the state legislature and enter Washington, and now Su Shaoze also gave him the same suggestion, and the balance in Xiaobu's heart has gradually tilted.

"By the way, my father has already received that gift. He likes it. Let me thank you for him. If possible in the future, he will personally return the gift to you."

What Xiaobu was talking about was naturally the matter of the donation, which cannot be put on the table, but Mr. Lao Bu is a grateful person.

Both sides tacitly agreed that once they landed in the future, they would definitely reward Su Shaoze.

"I will definitely like Mr. Lao Bu's gift."

"Okay, two, I should go, goodbye."


A plane carrying Su Shaoze and his party took off from Niuyue International Airport. So far, Su Shaoze's mission to the United States has been completed, and he has also gained an excess.

Now we only need to wait for the occurrence of the black storm that swept the world two months later.

After more than ten hours of flight, the private jet landed at Hong Kong Island International Airport in the afterglow of the orange sunset.

The cabin door opened, and a group of bodyguards with serious faces came down first, followed by Su Shaoze, who was wearing a suit, tall and straight, with a stern face.

Followed behind him were Qin Ya, who was wearing business attire with wrapping hips, black stockings and high heels, and Wan Yiwen, who couldn't walk well.

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