Gai Zi has completely become a part-time worker for Su Shaoze.

But he himself still doesn't know it.

In addition, Apple, Qualcomm, Oracle, Qualcomm and other companies have also carried out the same means of operation.

Through this method, Su Holdings indirectly controls the equity of these companies ranging from 20% to 60%.

There is also Cisco, which is the technology company with the strongest control of Su Holdings.

Originally, Fengyun Capital controlled 60% of the shares, but now after repurchase, Su Holdings has mastered more than 85% of Cisco's shares.

And the funds spent on these operations are less than half of what they were before the stock market crash.

It can be said that after this stock market crash, Su Shaoze sold at a high price and bought at a low price, making a lot of money and expanding his power.

This stock market crash made Su Shaoze a real winner!

After listening to these reports, Su Shaoze nodded slightly, very satisfied.

"¨` Next, it's time to acquire other companies on the list. The stock market crash has made so much money, we can't keep it in the bank to earn interest, we have to spend it as soon as possible."

Su Shaoze ordered.

In the list of acquisitions he made, apart from the Internet industry, there are other important industries.

Military industry, heavy industry, finance, shipping, etc.! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Lin Mengmeng was reporting to Su Shaoze about the situation in the United States, the bodyguard came and spoke softly beside Su Shaoze.

"Bao Ship King has arrived."

Su Shaoze nodded lightly, stood up and went to meet him.

Soon, Bao Chuanwang and others walked in.

"Aze, it's really nice that you have built such a place, but it's the first live ammunition gun club on Hong Kong Island."

Bao Chuanwang walked in with the support of his son-in-law Wu Qiming.

Looking at the surrounding environment, looking at the numerous firearms on the table and the shooting range in the distance, he nodded with a chuckle on his face.

Su Shaoze took a few steps forward, and said with a smile: "Why don't you try to shoot a few shots, most of the popular firearms in the world are available here."

Bao Chuanwang shook his head, waved his hand lightly and said: "I'm old, I can't move anymore, you young people should play!"

On the other hand, other people, He Duwang, Zheng Yuyin and the others looked very interested in those firearms.

How can a man not love guns?

As rich people, the bodyguards around them were equipped with real guns, but because of their status, they didn't try too much.

Moreover, although there are two firearms clubs on Hong Kong Island, they all use guns for competitions, while Su Shaoze's private club has live ammunition and real guns.

Today, 140 can handle the addiction!

Su Shaoze said to the bodyguard next to him, "Prepare the guns and bullets for Mr. He and the others."

He Gambler and the others laughed: "Then we're going to have a good time today."

Su Shaoze nodded and said, "You can play for as long as you want, and you can come over and play a few games whenever you have time in the future, so that you can enjoy your hands."

The meaning of the words is that this gun club will also become one of their meeting places in the future.

It's safe, and there's no problem with confidentiality.

"That's good. Let my elder son come over when he has time. The man is too bookish. He should be bloody." Li Chaoren nodded.

With a weak personality and like an old cunt, he didn't go to join in the fun with Zheng Yuyin and the others, but sat in the back.

But he wants his son to become a dragon, so that his son can make some changes and become more brave.

You know, Li Chaoren is almost sixty, but Su Shaoze is still young.

When their generation got old, Su Shaoze was in the prime of his life, in the prime of life.

If Li Chaoren's son had no means and courage, not to mention a few tricks with Su Shaoze, he would not even have the chance to become his collaborator.

At that time, at most, Su Shaoze looked at his friendship with Li Chaoren and took more care of his son.

Li Chaoren's ideas have also been recognized by others.

"Old Li, you have a good idea, and I will ask my son to practice more."

"Wouldn't it be a pity not to take advantage of an arms tycoon guarding him."


He Gambler and the others laughed and chatted. After the staff prepared the guns and bullets, they left far away.

Only big shots like Su Shaoze were in the shooting range, talking together in twos and threes.

As for the title of arms tycoon, Su Shaoze just smiled lightly.

In the past, the Lone Wolf Security Group was indeed in the arms business.

They bought goods from the Maoziguo Far East Military Region at a low price, and then sold them to some armed forces in Southeast Asia and the peninsula.

Monopolized [-]% of the market share of this generation.

Even the Du Xiaojun of the Black Triangle needs to get goods from Lone Wolf.

So indirectly speaking, although Su Shaoze has never been involved in the white powder business, he has controlled the lifeblood of the white powder market in the Far East.

Those who knew this situation would only secretly call him an arms tycoon.

But now, Su Shaoze no longer needs to be sneaky when doing the arms business, but can get the goods through legal and formal channels.

"Which company did you buy? Why is there no news?" Bao Chuanwang and Su Shaoze sat opposite each other under the parasol at the back, asking suspiciously.

Su Shaoze had disclosed some information to him before, and planned to get involved in the military industry.

Now that the stock market crash has happened for so long, and the bottom-hunting operation has also started for a long time, he does not believe that Su Shaoze has not acted.

"It's Italy's Beretta Company." Su Shaoze shook his head lightly and smiled without hiding anything.

"For the Italian government, this is not a glorious thing, and I don't want everyone to know about it, so no one publicized it tacitly."

"But it's a pity that I didn't get too many shares, only 32%. If there is more, it is impossible for those noodle people to sell it to me."

What the two were talking about was an acquisition of an arms company.

Beretta is an old-fashioned arms company in Italy. It has a history of nearly [-] years and has been established since the arquebus era.

After repeated inheritance and changing hands, Beretta is still one of the top ten largest arms companies in the world today.

It mainly produces conventional militarized weapons such as pistols, rifles, submachine guns, light and heavy machine guns, grenades, landmines, and howitzers.

It is a well-known existence all over the world, and its products are dumped all over the world.

In this financial crisis, the business of Beretta itself has not been greatly affected.

But one of its major shareholders failed in business and had to sell its shares in Beretta to save other businesses.

So it happened to give Su Shaoze a chance.

Moreover, the acquisition of Beretta was also Su Shaoze's bargain hunting, a rare move that did not take advantage of it.

The purchase price is even higher than the normal market value of Beretta.

But even so, Su Shaoze still made money.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to get involved in the arms business.

With the acquisition of Beretta, the Galaxy Group has planted a banner in the arms market, and it will be easier to acquire other military companies in the future.

The only pity is that because Galaxy Group is a foreign company, it took a lot of effort to carry out public relations to win Beretta's shares.

Only 32%!

Without obtaining a controlling stake, it is impossible for the Italian government to allow a foreign company, the Galaxy Group, to control a domestic arms company.

Although it is a bit regrettable, Su Shaoze's goal has been achieved.

Galaxy Group has become the major shareholder of Beretta, which has great convenience in many things.

The most important thing is influence and invisible deterrence.

[A big guy said that there was a problem with the purchase price before, but it was actually a typesetting problem. It was written as [-] billion, but it seemed to be [-] billion, and there was an extra zero in the middle, which was automatically generated. 】.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Zheng Yuyin and the others played a few rounds of live ammunition shooting, they soon lost interest and went back to sit under the parasol.

At this time, the bodyguards were standing far away, and Lin Mengmeng also left the place.

Only these dozen or so men were sitting on white chairs under parasols, smoking cigars, wearing sunglasses, smoking cigarettes, and drinking iced drinks.

Some people even wore short-sleeved pants and slippers, just like ordinary middle-aged and elderly citizens on Hong Kong Island.

Very casual!

"Beretta Arms Company was acquired by Aze?"

He Duwang, who had just finished shooting and sat down, said in surprise when he heard Bao Chuanwang's words, and everyone else also looked at Su Shaoze.

"There is no full acquisition, only 32% of the shares. The noodle man does not allow me, a foreigner, to control his domestic arms company." Su Shaoze shook his head and explained again, with a look of pity.

"That's not a lot. The equity of Beretta Arms Company is relatively scattered, and 32% is already a major shareholder." Hu Donglai smacked his lips and said, a little envious~.

Arms companies are not something ordinary people can buy, they must have huge funds and extensive influence.

The shareholders behind the major arms giants in the world today are either countries, or some powerful forces or families with deep foundations.

Although a newly-rising rich man like Hu Donglai is rich, it is not so easy to acquire more than 10% of the shares of an arms company.

"It's a pity that Hong Kong Island can't develop heavy industry, let alone military industry. I also want to try the water here?" He Gambler said regretfully.

From here, we can see the unfavorable conditions of Hong Kong Island. The terrain is narrow and the development potential is limited.

Although the monster giant of the Hong Kong Island Consortium was born, it also restricted the development of the consortium.

Therefore, Su Shaoze and the others must break through outward, carry out financial colonization and plunder, and seek survival and development.

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